The rich should be taxed more ? There is a better way to help the country and adventure the entire world. Dynastic wealth is a very benefitually to the whole community if it managed correctly. The rich can help the entire population of the U.S.A. By sponsoring public work projects. The rich should be building damns, highways, planting forests rebuilding our decaying infer structure once the envy o...
f the world now a glaring example of the lack of political will and insight and a weakening economy
By maintaining a vast amounts of private wealth governed by a public minded board so much more can be done then any charity. Eventually charities burn through all the donated cash and need more. Dynastic wealth can injecting large some of money into the system which is spent effectively on projects that need to be desperately completely. Would simultaneously put Americans back to work in highly skilled good paying careers. This would allow Americans to save more and spend more. Thus putting other American back to work increasing the tax base. Allowing this nation greater responsibility to the general well being of the country with out borrowing from other nations.
And the Rich actually make a profit into long term. By allowing a toll on any new project to pay the projects back like a public bond. The phenomenon would be self sustaining but the political will must come from the people themselves to demand that the elected representatives stop pandering to who ever feed their election campaigns war chest. And do what's right for the Country. Or better yet elect entirely new blood to clean out the old corrupt, inefficient, under educated under achieving Congress
By maintaining dynastic wealth and properly administrating it. Privately owned national sovereignty funds could be created over night allowing the rich to make even more money simultaneously benefiting the entire country. People and inferstructure, natural resources would all benefit and benefit quickly. Huge amounts of money can be privately maintained can be used for the public good. Dynastic wealth could be used to expand the economy save the middle class and make a profit for the private funds.
By maintaining a vast amounts of private wealth governed by a public minded board so much more can be done then any charity. Eventually charities burn through all the donated cash and need more. Dynastic wealth can injecting large some of money into the system which is spent effectively on projects that need to be desperately completely. Would simultaneously put Americans back to work in highly skilled good paying careers. This would allow Americans to save more and spend more. Thus putting other American back to work increasing the tax base. Allowing this nation greater responsibility to the general well being of the country with out borrowing from other nations.
And the Rich actually make a profit into long term. By allowing a toll on any new project to pay the projects back like a public bond. The phenomenon would be self sustaining but the political will must come from the people themselves to demand that the elected representatives stop pandering to who ever feed their election campaigns war chest. And do what's right for the Country. Or better yet elect entirely new blood to clean out the old corrupt, inefficient, under educated under achieving Congress
By maintaining dynastic wealth and properly administrating it. Privately owned national sovereignty funds could be created over night allowing the rich to make even more money simultaneously benefiting the entire country. People and inferstructure, natural resources would all benefit and benefit quickly. Huge amounts of money can be privately maintained can be used for the public good. Dynastic wealth could be used to expand the economy save the middle class and make a profit for the private funds.