Susan Fenderson's Posts (5)

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Please read if you are planning to contact me via tea   I am FEMALE, and not GAY.  So, all of you women from where ever the hell your from, stop sending me bio's and pictures!  Even if I was not straight, I would not bring another person in to this country, so back off!
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AZ Shooting

Don't take this the wrong way, I really am a compasionate person.  I'm sorry for the victims in the AZ shooting, just as I'm sure most people are.  However a couple things are really starting to get to me.  One, the gun did not get up and drive to the store, and shoot the people, a man did that, so stop with the gun control issue.  Second, I feel for Ms. Gifford, but come one, enough of the, "she turned her head", "she raised a finger", "she touched her husbands neck", etc.  How about we worship and honor some of our wounded soldiers instead for a while.  She may be a great lady, but she didn't part the Red Sea or anything, since when does getting shot automatically make you a hero?  And the Sheriff there, needs to but out and worry about the damn border, and stop putting the blame of a crazed man, on the shoulders of talk radio hosts, and republicans in general, again, the gun did not carry out the crime, the man did.  Just a thought. 
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I don't enjoy shopping as most females do. If I can't buy it online, then its probably not worth buying. I did encounter something Thursday, that I was forced to just shake my head at. I saw an advertisement for a company called displayed in their title, "Proud Americans". I wanted to order a new stand for my Ipad, and they happened to have one that appealed to me. I attempted to place the order on line, which is nothing out of the ordinary for me, I do this often, and with no problems. However during the checkout process, I got a messesge, not once, but 3 times that read "error during checkout, not successful". Considering I am not a patient person, I went to another site and place the order. Later that day, looking at my bank account on line, I saw the first company did in fact charge me for the transaction. No big deal, I attempted to contact them via email, (got another error msg) then by phone. I called the 800 number, guess who answered? I don't actually know because I could not understand them! I do what I always do in this case, and ask for someone that speaks English. I was finally routed to a man that spoke poor English, but at least I could understand it. I ultimately posed the question to him, "where is your company located", answer, "India". I mentioned the American owned information on the website, and Abu told me, he did think the company had a Canadian ower. Hardly American!  Needless to say, I stopped the charges.  Watch who you buy from.

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I really enjoyed seeing Pelosi turn that gavel over today.  I am not a violent person, but found myself saying out loud, just turn around and give her one good whack with that gavel, a little boost to get her butt out of there.  Good bye Nancy!
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Sick of deadbeat Americans

I have several issues with entitlement programs, but this one has me perplexed, and really annoyed!  I had an employee working for me in her late 30's.  She lived in subsidised housing, with a boyfriend, which of course they were not aware of since she paid very little rent.  She came in to work one day with fake nails, hair braid extensions, new expensive tennis shoes, and the list goes on.  I ask her if she won the lottery, and she laughed and said "sort of".  She went on to say that on a regular basis, she gets student loans for programs she never plans to actually attend.  I ask her to elaborate, and essentially it came down to, in a 10 year period she has received 72k in funds, and has to this day never attended one school or class.  Why can't these student loans be paid directly to the schools, I hear stories like this all the time.  My next pet peave of the day, I called a guy that used to work for me, and said I have a job opening in your area, are you interested?  His reply, no, I am drawing unemployment, and with the new extensions, I am going to lay around for a long time, then laughed.  I ended the conversation saying, where the hell is your sense of pride!  I just wish we could stop all the "lay on your ass, on tax payer dollars" programs! Gotta go now, I actually have a job, and have to get up early in the morning to go to work, and pay for the deadbeats.
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