The Tradesman's Posts (122)

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What's on the video is just another prime reason we need to get an amendment passed, specifically worded to prevent the Government from making or enforcing gun/weapons laws without a 3/4 vote of approval from legal American Citizens. Otherwise this will be constantly batted back and forth, and American Freedoms will be lost;

Moms Demand Action search history of gun laws 


A simply worded Amendment like this; "The Government is specifically forbidden from enacting or enforcing any law, rule or regulation, including enforcing those already on the books, without a 3/4 vote of approval for each individual Law, Rule or Regulation, by American Citizens who can legally vote in Federal Elections."


The quickest and safest way to do that is to order the State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention as allowed in the U.S. Constitution. Every safeguard is in place for a States convention that is in place for a Congress called convention. It would not be like some of the detractors say a "Constitutional Convention" like the one which gave us our Constitution. It could nor open the main body of the Constitution and change anything in it's wording or content. There are other persons who want to have a "Convention of States", some believe if 38 states presented an amendment to Congress it would automatically become law. That is not true. If 38 States delivered an amendment to Congress then Congress would be legally required to pass it on to all 50 States for Ratification. Congress could also change the wording of the delivered amendment proposal because when the 34 States petition Congress for a Convention under Article-V, Congress must call it and step back to allow the States to propose amendments without any input from Congress on the final proposals.

Nowhere in the Constitution is there a reference to a convention of states. Only the format for the Article-V exists.


The Tradesman 

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“How does it play in Peoria?”

Wirepoints, an Illinois nonprofit that researches tough subjects like criminal justice and public education.

At one high school in Peoria, not a single student could do math at grade level. Not one. There were 11 other schools where fewer than 5% could read at grade level. If you looked at just the high school seniors, only 14% were proficient in reading, yet 80% graduated, but the schools themselves got good ratings. As for Peoria’s teachers, 100% of them were rated either “excellent” or “proficient.”

“We need to look at the whole child,” scolded a left-wing state education official, accusing Wirepoint of “reducing them to a number.”

The left-wing Peoria school superintendent provided a statement: "[Wirepoint should] broaden the narrative to discuss the wider disparities and the historical racism/classism that has contributed to the marginalization of most of our student population.”

And then there was the obese left-wing billionaire Governor j.b. pritzker. He said Wirepoint was “just wrong,” and called them “a right-wing carnival-barker organization.” HOWEVER, the numbers lying liberal/democrat Governor pritzker called “wrong”—are in fact the state’s own data. The Illinois State Bureau of Education has a big public database where anyone can look up information about the roughly 4,000 public schools in the state—everything from per-student spending to how many teachers are teaching subjects they’re not licensed for. The numbers can be sliced and diced by factors like race, grade and income(1). The U.S. Department of Education requires certain statistics, like standardized test results and graduation rates. Illinois bases its reading and math proficiency rates on standardized testing. But liberal officials talk about other metrics. One is the Student Growth Percentile, which tracks how much student learning has grown during the year. Another metric is the Equity Journey Continuum.

left-winger pritzker didn’t specify what was wrong with the findings, but he didn’t really have to. In today’s polarized political climate, all the left-wing has to do is smear the other and meaningful discussion comes to a halt.

Peoria came to project such a stable, bland, middle-of-the-road prosperity that its name became shorthand for middle American tastes and the NBs Nightly News used Peoria’s skyline as a backdrop in 1992, when gauging the public mood ahead of that year’s presidential election. The Chicago Sun-Times wrote: “Peoria has typically been a liberal/democratic-leaning, pale blue urban dot in a sea of red, solidly Republican rural counties in central Illinois.”

Caterpillar, the Fortune 100 maker of construction and mining equipment, had its corporate headquarters in Peoria since 1930, but moved it out in 2017.  A Cat spokeswoman told The Dallas Morning News that “talent attraction” was a key reason. As CEO Doug Oberhelman, who also served as chairman of the National Association of Manufacturers, often said that 60% of the locals who applied to work at Caterpillar were rejected for lack of basic math or writing skills.

Meanwhile, pritzker has been positioning himself as a kind of antidote to Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, who is seeking the Republican nomination for president. When DeSantis discussed the OBVIOUS “invasion” of illegal immigrants and the deadly drugs, crime, and expense they ARE bringing and promised to complete Trump’s unfinished border wall, pritzker signed an executive order creating the Welcoming Illinois Office, to make the state attractive to illegal immigrants. After DeSantis said that 175 books had been banned by 23 school districts in Florida, pritzker signed a bill making inappropriate books for children OK and any attempt to stop it illegal. After DeSantis signed a bill barring instruction on gender identity, that's the underlying cause of rising teen mental problems and suicide until the 4th grade, pritzker called him “dangerous” and “homophobic.”  pritzker’s State Superintendent of Education issued an Open Invitation to Florida and Texas Teachers, saying that if they felt their states were hostile to their rights, they should come to Illinois, which was empowering teachers in any number of ways, and had just earmarked $45 million that taxpayers must provide for hiring bonuses and other relocation incentives, saying "Illinois’ commitment to the fundamental principles of public education—inclusion, equity and instructional rigor—pays off in student outcomes." Guess which numbers it didn’t mention?

Jump up, look around, find yourself some fun
No sense in sitting there hating everyone
No man's an island and his castle isn't home
The nest is full of nothing when the bird has flown"

So I took a journey
Threw my world into the sea
With me went the teacher
Who found fun instead of me

Hey man, what's the plan, what was that you said?
Sun-tanned, drink in hand, lying there in bed
I try to socialize but I can't seem to find
What I was looking for, got something on my mind

Then the teacher told me
It had been a lot of fun
Thanked me for his ticket
And all that I had done
 from the song Teacher, by Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull

 1.  In 2020, left-wing/democrat lori lightfoot, then the vastly incompetent mayor of Chicago, announced that the city’s graduation rate was at a record high of 82.5%. How 2020 could set a record for anything, since the schools had closed for the pandemic in mid-March? Because there was no correlation between graduation rates and student proficiency. Teachers’ competency ratings didn’t connect with student proficiency either. Nor did the amount of money spent per student. The town where the kids scored highest, with 85% reading at grade level, was Aviston, population 2,340—and it ranked 2nd-to-last on spending per child, just $7,488. The Peoria school district was spending a little more than twice as much. The chicago teachets union may care even less about the “black and brown” children of the city than the kkk. They fought to keep schools closed when the data showed the lock downs were hurting their constituents more than anyone else. They continue to fight for more pay while ignoring the structural deficits the General Assembly runs, they also pay lip service to the violence in the neighborhoods where the people they teach for live. A fair amount of the teachers either live in the suburbs, and/or send their kids to private schools. You see, the schools are good enough for the people they “care” about, but not for their kids. The incestuous relationship between organized labor and the lib/dem politicians reward the unions with absurd pay and benefits the public cannot possibly afford, for a job the public wouldn't possibly approve of or want.  But the elites who own the left-wing/democrats also own the media. Remember this.

Editor's note:
“Past data from real life constitutes a sequence of events rather than a set of independent observations, which is what the laws of probability demand...Without regression to the mean, nature would become freakier & freakier, with every generation, going completely haywire or running out to extremes we cannot even conceive of.”--P.L. Bernstein

“The real trouble with this world of ours…is its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden…”--G.K. Chesterton

“Clarity & distinctness are not criteria of truth, but such things as obscurity or confusion may indicate error. Similarly coherence cannot establish truth, but incoherence & inconsistency do establish falsehood.”--C. Bernard

"It is difficult enough to be critical of our own mistakes, but it is nearly impossible for us to persist in a critical attitude towards those actions when they involve the lives of many people."--Karl Popper

“Nature has established patterns originating in the return of events, but only for the most part.”  was what G. von Leibniz found century's ago. What he meant was that the behavior patterns of human beings to some degree resemble the probability patterns observed in the rest of nature, they repeat themselves, there does exist an underlying order to the whole.  However, they repeat themselves only to a degree. Without that, everything would be predictable and there would be no change, no learning, and most likely, no life.

The modern day existentialists and historicists that dominate the education agenda of our public school system however reject the limits established by both human nature and the complexities inherent in collective life. They are inspired by confidence in the power of the human will. They ignore natural limits and the words of Montesquieu "that particular social and political traditions have a form of their own and are not easily subordinated to the requirements of a universal and homogenous state". They deny any permanence to human nature, ending up incoherently oscillating between a lawless voluntarism and doctrinarism-based myths.

What matters to these neo-liberal relativist, as D. Glasner reports, is not objective truth, but "...coherence between the manmade paradigm and their interpretation of the facts that are relevant to an evaluation of that paradigm... We cannot choose our subjective interpretations willy-nilly and expect that nature will dutifully comply...An objective external world necessarily imposes constraints on interpretations...Unless a theory is objectively true, we cannot expect that all factual observations made in light of that theory will turn out to be interpretable in a mutually consistent way".

Instrumentalism, which is another name for the "all is relevant" neo-liberal philosophy I'm describing here, denies that there can be any universal or permanent moral values or standards. Neither evidence nor logic is allowed to penetrate this fog. If there are no facts or connected mental processes, then all is relevant and ultimately there is no reason for dissent.  “Reason can tell us which means are conducive to which ends...If rational conduct consists in choosing the right means for the right end, then relativism teaches in effect that rational conduct is impossible.”--L. Strauss

R. Aron argued that the only way out of this dead end is through a clear affirmation of "authentic faith" by which he means foundational "principles" that provide guidance for thought and-action. Without first principles that guide and limit our action within and orient our reflection about the world, neither thought nor reasonable action is possible. It becomes incoherent and loses its intelligibility. A "faith" in the permanence of human nature is then the indispensable "reasonable" precondition of thought and action.

Or, in other words, a form of pragmatic rationalism recognizes that the world is not rational, but that we continue to submit or subject it to reason, striving to clarify everywhere but recognizing that we will never fully understand. This easily incorporates the dynamism of science.  Scientific results are relative only in so far as they are the results of a certain stage of scientific progress. But this does not mean that truth is relative. If an assertion is true, it is true forever.  

Subjective theories of truth try to define truth in terms of the sources or origins of beliefs. An objective theory leads to very different attitude. It leads more directly to the search for knowledge; through a critical approach it provides theories, which are nearer to the truth, which correspond better to the facts.

Kahneman & Tversky’s Prospect Theory states that emotion often destroys the self-control essential to rational decision-making and that people are often unable to understand fully what they are dealing with, having difficulty drawing valid generalizations from what they observe. Instead they employ shortcuts that lead to erroneous perceptions, or use small samples incorrectly as representative of what a larger population would show. The consequences are: a trend towards subjective rather than objective measurements, destroying the rules existing prior to the endeavor; the ignoring of the common components of the problem and concentrating on each part in isolation; paying excessive attention to low-probability events accompanied by high drama and overlooking events that happen in routine fashion.

So, how do we control our emotions, to keep them from destroying the very reason that qualifies our species as human? How do we obtain knowledge of ourselves? Not by self-observation but by a consciousness of our self through the medium of other persons. Most of our assertions are not based upon our observations, but upon all kinds of other sources. If we are doubtful of an assertion, the best procedure is to test it (the epistemologically sound method that is), rather than to ask for the source. Focusing on the source often fails to distinguish between the question of origin vs. the question of validity. Without validating the assertion, how can we hope to detect and eliminate error? As A. Tarski eloquently elaborated, the idea of objective truth is its correspondence to the facts. If we find independent corroboration, the original source issue changes to one of assumptive worth, it takes on a qualitatively sense, for the given assertion, establishing the substance of tradition. And without tradition, knowledge would be impossible, since knowledge cannot be established from nothing. Knowledge advances from earlier forms, but it is dependent upon a prior start. Or as T. Short said: "We may know much without understanding ourselves, and without knowing all the ways in which our nature is conditioned by social arrangements...The very dependence of self on society argues caution in changing society-especially if our understanding of that dependence is imperfect."

Truth transcends the signs by which it is known. The road to truth is through the elimination of error. Those who deny that there is no truth simply are requesting a short-cut to tyranny at best, chaos and violence at worst, since all they recognize is no need to justify their choices.  Better truth contains more precise assertions, explains more, suggests new additional tests of truth and has a unification or connectedness to other premises.

Today's current philosophy dominating the public school monopoly can trace its lineage from Rousseau, thru Hegel, thru Marx thru Dewey. Its message is that human nature is permeable. Despite the fact that the social engineers who believed in that killed approximately 140 million people died last century trying to prove the human nature is permeable. That it can be molded into anything. And only those of the educational monopoly elite are capable of knowing what form that molding is to take, and who is to be in charge of the molding.

This and numerous other dogmas undermine American education and hidden agendas. The dogmas are basically about education itself and about the larger society. "Self-esteem" "Role models" "Diversity" "Multiculturalism" and other buzzwords dominate educational policy—without evi­dence either asked for or given to substantiate the beliefs they represent. Sweeping beliefs about the general society, or about how life ought to be lived, likewise are prevalent among educators without any empirical verification of its effects being required. More important, world-saving crusades based on such beliefs have increasingly intruded into the classroom, from kindergarten to college, crowding out the basic skills that American students lack. This represents the neo-liberal's existential nihilist relativism philosophy, as defined above, being implanted into and enforced upon our children's schools by the public educational monopoly. And this agenda is enhanced by the efforts of select organized outside interests and movements given special access to the monopoly and determined to get their agenda and their special interests into the classroom.

For example, glance over past issues of the PTA's magazine.You'll find articles on: diet and cancer; food allergies; radon gas dangers; medicines; vac­cination; speech disorders; aging and dying; AIDS; teenage drivers; corporal punishment and being a hospital patient. Hardly an article dealing with the educational problems or basics.

Likewise with the National Education Association. It promotes all sorts of ideological crusades. At the N.E.A.'s annual meeting delegates pass resolutions on things ranging from nuclear weapons to immi­gration, housing, highways, environmentalism, and develop­ment of renewable energy resources. These political agendas often find their way right into the classroom. It speaks volumes about today's education monopoly that a captive audience of school children would be used in this way.

Psychological experimenters and crusaders for "causes" invade our classrooms and absorb time sorely needed to teach our children to read, write, do math and learn to think critically, rather than repeat propaganda. Whether blatant or subtle, brainwashing has become a major, time-consuming activity in American education at all levels. Some zealots have not hesitated to use the traditional brainwashing technique of emotional trauma in the classroom to soften up children for their message. These are not isolated incidents, ask your children.  And this occurs from the funding provided to the public educational monopoly, funding from tax money taken without any choice from the taxpayer.

A whole neo-liberal system of education has spread across the country, seeking to re-shape the moral values, personal habits, and social mindsets of our chil­dren. It is not to be confused with effective learning. The emotionalizing of education not only takes time away from intellectual development; it also places teachers in the role of psychologist and social engineer, for which they are unqualified to gauge the consequences of their manipulations of children's emotions. Beyond that, it is the very antithesis of education.

Much of the politicizing of education during the current era happens to have been done by the political left but it would be a very serious mistake to think that this issue is basically political. Increasing numbers of honest people of all sides have been appalled at the prostitution of education for ideological ends, including the very liberal Washington Post and the New Re­public. Even the Marxist E. Genovese has urged "honest people across the spectrum" to stand up for academic principles and

In short, the politicization of education is not fundamentally a political issue, but an educational issue. Yet the educational consequences of ideological indoctrination efforts are likely to be far more serious than the political consequences. It is not the particular goals of ideological zealots, which are at issue here, but the damage they are doing to American education while pursuing those goals, goals that will not solve our educational problems.

The purpose of education is to give the student the intel­lectual tools to analyze, whether verbally or numerically, and to reach conclusions based on logic and evidence.

As long as school choice is denied, and remains in the hands of a monopoly feed on taxpayer money, it will only get worse.

"We are still responsible when our ideas produce error as when our erroneous ideas have the same result."--J.V. Schall

“The future is open…We all contribute to determining it by what we do. We are all equally responsible for its success.”--K. Popper


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Every day in every way it is exceedingly obvious that the people behind the Left Liberal Democrats and RINO gun grabbers in Congress, have decided to play all their cards so they can simply disarm the law abiding American people regardless of what the Constitution and the Supreme Court says. They have already passed legislation that then Supreme Court listed as unconstitutional. They are intent on circumventing everything the Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional. If this isn't a government out of control acting as a defacto dictatorship, I don't know what is. One Democrat, the governor of California, has started proceedings for an Article-V amendment convention where he is trying to remove the 2nd Amendment.
The writing is on the wall. If the American people do not actively move to counteract this gun grabbing mess, we will be disarmed. This is not conspiracy theory, nor is it alarmism. It's a fact of modern life. The WEF and NWO can't thrive if the public is armed, because the public would take drastic action against them when they pushed as far as they want to push right now.
The American people by and large still believe it can't happen here, and will continue to bury their heads in the sand until t's too late. It has become necessary to put together groups who will convince the state legislatures to petition Congress to initiate an Article-V States called Convention. Why an Article-V States Convention? Because when the State Legislatures are controlling the convention, Congress has no say in what is proposed, and has no say in the wording of proposed amendments. All Congress can do is send the proposals out to all 50 States for ratification. Many people believe that a so called Convention of States can do the same thing if 38 States propose an amendment. Unfortunately the Constitution is clear on the procedure. Read Article-V.
If we can get the State Legislatures of 34 States to petition Congress we can choose our delegates and propose Amendments that Congress would never propose. 
1. Term Limits.
2. end all the perks Congress has granted themselves like separate pension funds, lifetime salaries, regular raises, separate and better medical insurances, ect.
3. To stop gun grabbers cold propose that government is forbidden from making any new Laws, rules, regulations and from enforcing any current Laws, Rules or Regulations until the legal American voters give their approval of each individual Law, Rule or Regulation with a 3/4 vote of approval. 
Many in Congress state the American people want more restrictions and control. Let Congress put their money where their mouths are, and actually find out what Americans want, and what they don't want.
4. Do away with income tax and end the IRS and Federal Reserve, going back to apportioned taxation.
5. End the Department of Education which is promoting the perverse curriculum pushing sexualization of our children.
6. Put the Senators back under the control of their State Legislatures like was originally intended so they again represent their States and not their political parties.
The Hard Left Liberal/NWO controlled ATF, has once again proposed a new rule that will have a massive effect on how commerce is managed. This rule will basically ban "private sales" and create an expanded registry through paperwork. It ignores Constitutional rights, and the Democrats and RINO's don't care 
ATF Just Dropped "New Rule" And Its Bad. The gun grabbers are trying to initiate a law that will make law abiding citizens criminals for legally buying or selling guns without jumping through convoluted hoops. By the way, that proposed new rule has the force of legislated law without and citizen oversight and no actual legislation for accountability. Maybe we should push for an amendment that disbands the ATF?
White House Makes 3 Moves To Strangle US Civilian Ammo Supply! 
These cited instances are only a minute portion of the Constitution and Supreme Court ruling excesses the Liberals in Congress and their shadow controllers have heaped on us.
The Tradesman
Unless you want to give up your Freedoms and Destroy the Constitution, Unite and fight back with every legal method including a States petitioned for Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. When it's States called, Congress has no say in what is proposed, and must send it to all 50 States for Ratification.
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14 American cities plan to ban

Source; Ethan Huff // Aug 22, 2023

These 14 American cities plan to ban meat, dairy and private vehicles by 2030 – is yours on the list?


By the year 2030, the following 14 cities in the United States are planning to completely outlaw all meat and dairy consumption, as well as all private vehicle ownership and use, in order to conform to the "green" climate standards of the so-called C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group:


• Austin, Texas

• Boston, Massachusetts

• Chicago, Illinois

• Houston, Texas

• Los Angeles, California

• Miami, Florida

• New Orleans, Louisiana

• New York City, New York

• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

• Phoenix, Arizona

• Portland, Oregon

• San Francisco, California

• Washington, D.C.

• Seattle, Washington


All 14 of these cities are part of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which has an "ambitious target" of achieving "0 kg [of] meat consumption," "0 kg [of] dairy consumption," only "3 new clothing items per person per year," "0 private vehicles" owned, and only "1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person."


This is all outlined in "The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World" report, which was originally published in 2019 and "reemphasized" in 2023, the year of what appears to be a major financial collapse and possible transition into a new world order.


(Related: A lot of meat is becoming unsafe to consume anyway due to cattle being injected with mRNA "vaccines.")


While you starve to death in poverty, billionaires like Michael Bloomberg will be living high on the hog as usual

Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who ran for president with almost zero support, is the primary funder of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. In addition to the aforementioned 14 U.S. cities that are involved, at least 86 other cities around the world are also on the list for no more meat and dairy, very few clothing purchases allowed, no more private vehicle ownership, and almost no more flying on airplanes come 2030.


Bloomberg, of course, will continue to gorge on expensive meals filled with fancy meat, as well as unlimited private plane ownership and use. The peons underneath him, though, will be reduced to mere cattle in his envisioned new world order.


If the C40 Cities goals are new to you, it is probably because very few media outlets are reporting on it.  In fact, there is an aggressive "fact checking" war being waged on all news about C40 Cities and what the plan entails that aims to "debunk" it is a "conspiracy theory."


The AFP Fact Check service went after conservative commentator Glenn Beck for this very thing recently, claiming that his mention of the C40 Cities plan to ban meat, dairy, cars, and clothing consumption are "not policy recommendations."


"This report does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets in C40 cities; rather, they are included to provide a set of reference points that cities, and other actors, can reflect on when considering different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions," the AFP Fact Check claims.


The C40 Cities report's use of the term "target," though, implies that this is a "desired goal" of the initiative, which means that eventually it will be codified into policy and law and forced on the masses as the final solution to climate change.


"IF these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them 'ambitious targets,'" writes Evita Duffy-Alfonso for The Federalist.


"Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government."


If you live in one of the above cities and plan to be around in 2030, then perhaps you may wish to consider moving somewhere freer?


The "green" life is one marked by tyranny, poverty, forced veganism, and utter misery. Learn more at


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Covid, Mask mandates, 2024 election?


Covid, Mask mandates, 2024 election?
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

Covid, Mask mandates;
Per using the mask mandate for the 2024 election, here is your number 1 fact that blows them out of the water per bringing back the mask mandate:

When I saw the promotion of Covid back in 2018 / 2019, I said to myself: "let's see what the facts are per deaths in the country."

I went to the CDC site to look up the data going back 15-years prior to Covid. The category they had which covered the same was deaths caused by "Flu and pneumonia like symptoms."

Going back 15-years prior to covid, the deaths per year in that category on the low side were 285,000 deaths and on the high side 335,000 deaths per year.

The year before, the mention of Covid, in  2018, was the 335,000 deaths in that category.

These numbers established the base-line for deaths from "Flu and pneumonia like symptoms." of which Covid falls under.

From the CDC site for 2021, the total deaths from all categories is as follows:

Data are for the U.S.

    Number of deaths: 3,464,231
    Death rate: 1,043.8 deaths per 100,000 population.


You will see also on that page they list Covid deaths for 2021 at COVID-19: 416,893

You will no longer see the category of "Flu and pneumonia like symptoms." being they consolidated that data into the Covid data as "Covid related".

Data which already had a base-line going back 15-years before Covid of over 300,000 deaths per year...

As you and I know, they promoted Covid and had the intent of inflating the numbers by listing deaths as "Covid related."

Also noted is 2021, it is at the height of the Covid promotion.

Going back to total deaths of : 3,464,231 for 2021, when going back 15-years before Covid and forward, the base-line of total deaths in the country stayed very consistent with a gradual rise each year accounting for population increase, or nothing really outside the "normal".

As for 2021, Death rate: 1,043.8 deaths per 100,000 population

Look at that Death rate number per year on prior years, and the Covid promotion is blown out of the water.

No spike increase in deaths. Again the CDC's data shows, Normal, normal.....

You can see or download all data needed from that CDC page.

Is Covid a severe danger? Not so much more than the common cold, flu, and pneumonia that we all have lived with throughout our lifetimes.

Again, the CDC's own data, blows the Covid promotion out of the water,,

On a last note, I wonder how many people realize 3,464,231 die each year from all causes (for 2021)

That is, a little over 1 percent of the population dies each year, and for 10-years that is a little over 10 percent of the population.


No massive mail-in ballots for 2024!

No mask mandates!

These are the facts straight from the CDC, now inform the public!

OK to post and publish.

Sent FYI and for you to share with others from,

Walter Burien
P. O. Box *****
Saint Johns, AZ

Tel. (928) ***-****

Websites:  and https://TRFA,us

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The Washington Post's 'Good' Terrorists


Source; by Bassam Tawil
August 24, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • The attacks by the Fatah-affiliated terrorists came days after The Washington Post published a story from Balata refugee camp, near Nablus, in which its correspondents romanticized members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, even documenting them as they visit their barber for a haircut.

  • The "fighters" The Washington Post is referring to are the terrorists responsible for a series of shooting, stabbing and car-ramming attacks against Jewish civilians and soldiers in the Nablus area and Israel over the past few months. Notably, these terrorists do not hide their involvement in the wave of attacks. In fact, they often boast of the attacks and post videos and posters documenting their role.

  • What the newspaper fails to mention is that this terrorist [who "bought his M16 [rifle] for $20,000 with the money he earned working in construction in Tel Aviv"] is one of tens of thousands of Palestinians who were granted permits (by Israel) to come and work in Israel as part of an effort to boost the Palestinian economy and improve the living conditions of the Palestinians in the West Bank.

  • The terrorist did not seek work in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories because he knew he would have earned much less.... The terrorist was able to save $20,000 from his work in Israel, but instead of using the money to build a new house or improve his living condition, we are told that he chose to establish "the Balata cell of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades."

  • The correspondents are apparently impressed by the fact that another terrorist, Ammar, paid 20 shekels ($6) to buy them coffee. Ammar had been shot multiple times by Israeli soldiers while attempting to murder Jews near Nablus in April. He managed to escape, but two of his fellow gunmen were killed.

  • The correspondents go on to claim, falsely, that "there are no sports teams" in Balata refugee camp.

  • The truth is that the camp has a soccer club that was established in 1954. It is called the Balata Youth Center and states that it "aspires to be the main supporter of all sports, cultural, social, and scouting activities... It also aspires to have a special playground for all sports, such as football [soccer], basketball, handball, volleyball, table tennis, and other individual and group games." The local soccer team has even won several championships.

  • The terrorists could have joined the soccer team, but preferred to form a terror group to attack Jews.

  • Instead of highlighting that many of the terrorists are involved in intimidation and extortion of the local community, The Washington Post attempts to depict them as honest law-enforcers.

  • "The [Balata] Camp has been hijacked by an armed group that is terrorizing and threatening to kill residents who dare to speak out," the Fatah Office of Information and Culture itself said back in 2015. It accused the gunmen of extorting money from wealthy businessmen from Nablus and running a big market for weapons and drugs.

  • "[A] recent report by the Post provided what was essentially free advertising for a U.S.-designated terrorist group. Worse still, the Post's foray is part of an ongoing trend in Western news outlets being used by terrorist organizations to promote their propaganda." — Sean Durns, senior research analyst for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America.

  • After the recent murder of the Jewish woman near Hebron, one might wonder whether The Washington Post is planning to send its correspondents back to spend time with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists to hear, first-hand, how proud they are that they murdered an innocent kindergarten teacher in cold blood.

  • How would the newspaper's readers have reacted had it sent its correspondents to spend time with Al-Qaeda or Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists to hear their pride in having committed atrocities against American citizens?

  • The Post piece leaves one with the distinct impression that there is such a thing as a good terrorist: one who targets Jews.

12208106886?profile=RESIZE_710x Days before Palestinian terrorists from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades murdered a 42-year-old Jewish mother of three who taught pre-school, The Washington Post published a story in which its correspondents romanticized members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Pictured: Gunmen from a number of terrorist groups, including the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Izaddin al-Qassam Brigades, Al-Quds Brigades, and Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, hold what they called a "joint press conference" in Jenin refugee camp on February 25, 2023. (Photo by Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP via Getty Images)

On August 21, the Palestinian terror group Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the murder of Batsheva Nigri, a 42-year-old Jewish mother of three who taught pre-school. The woman was gunned down by two terrorists near the West Bank city of Hebron.

Shortly after the attack, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Fatah faction, headed by Palestinian Authority President -- and Fatah chairman -- Mahmoud Abbas, issued a statement in which it took credit for the attack. The group said it will continue to "adhere to the option of the rifle as a strategic choice." The "option of the rifle," as is evident, refers to terrorist attacks against Jewish civilians and soldiers.

Members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades were later filmed handing out sweets to passersby in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the murder of the Jewish woman.

The involvement of Abbas's group in terrorism against Jews is not new. In the past two years, his loyalists in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades have claimed responsibility for several terrors attacks, especially in the northern West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin. On August 17, the group boasted that one of its members, Mustafa al-Kastouni, 32, was killed during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli troops in Jenin. Kastouni was wanted by Israel for his involvement in shooting attacks against Jewish civilians and soldiers.

Two days later, the same group mourned the death of another one of its members, Mohammed Abu Asab, who was also killed during an armed clash with Israeli soldiers.

The attacks by the Fatah-affiliated terrorists came days after The Washington Post published a story from Balata refugee camp, near Nablus, in which its correspondents romanticized members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, even documenting them as they visit their barber for a haircut.

Referring to the local commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the newspaper's correspondents wrote:

"The Washington Post spent time with him and some of his 15 fighters, as well as with militants in two other Palestinian refugee camps – Jenin and Askar – over three days in July. The visits, agreed to on condition that full names and specific locations be withheld, afforded a rare window into the lives and actions of fighters on one side of the worst violence to grip the West Bank in decades."

The "fighters" The Washington Post is referring to are the terrorists responsible for a series of shooting, stabbing and car-ramming attacks against Jewish civilians and soldiers in the Nablus area and Israel over the past few months. Notably, these terrorists do not hide their involvement in the wave of attacks. In fact, they often boast of the attacks and post videos and posters documenting their role.

The newspaper goes to lengths to focus on the human aspect of the terrorists' lives. After being led to a room deep inside Balata camp, the correspondents, in an effort to humanize the terrorists, said they were "welcomed" by several men there who were "eating mana'eesh, a flatbread with za'atar. Weapons rested in their laps or against the walls."

The correspondents go on to make a stunning revelation: one of the terrorists, identified only as Zoufi, "bought his M16 [rifle] for $20,000 with the money he earned working in construction in Tel Aviv."

What the newspaper fails to mention is that this terrorist is one of tens of thousands of Palestinians who were granted permits (by Israel) to come and work in Israel as part of an effort to boost the Palestinian economy and improve the living conditions of the Palestinians in the West Bank.

The terrorist did not seek work in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories because he knew he would have earned much less. The newspaper does not mention that many Palestinians prefer to work in Israel than in the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas. The terrorist was able to save $20,000 from his work in Israel, but instead of using the money to build a new house or improve his living condition, we are told that he chose to establish "the Balata cell of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades."

The correspondents are apparently impressed by the fact that another terrorist, Ammar, paid 20 shekels ($6) to buy them coffee. Ammar had been shot multiple times by Israeli soldiers while attempting to murder Jews near Nablus in April. He managed to escape, but two of his fellow gunmen were killed.

The correspondents go on to claim, falsely, that "there are no sports teams" in Balata refugee camp.

The truth is that the camp has a soccer club that was established in 1954. It is called the Balata Youth Center and states that it "aspires to be the main supporter of all sports, cultural, social, and scouting activities... It also aspires to have a special playground for all sports, such as football [soccer], basketball, handball, volleyball, table tennis, and other individual and group games." The local soccer team has even won several championships.

The terrorists could have joined the soccer team, but preferred to form a terror group to attack Jews.

Instead of highlighting that many of the terrorists are involved in intimidation and extortion of the local community, The Washington Post attempts to depict them as honest law-enforcers. We are told that one of the terrorists its correspondents hung out with, Goblin, beat a suspected thief:

"Goblin slapped the boy. 'You will not steal again', he yelled, striking him in the forehead with the stock of his rifle."

Again, the newspaper ignores that many Palestinians are intimidated and terrorized by the gunmen, whom they hold responsible for the anarchy and lawlessness and living off protection money.

"The [Balata] Camp has been hijacked by an armed group that is terrorizing and threatening to kill residents who dare to speak out," the Fatah Office of Information and Culture itself said back in 2015. It accused the gunmen of extorting money from wealthy businessmen from Nablus and running a big market for weapons and drugs.

Sean Durns, a senior research analyst for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, noted:

"[A] recent report by the Post provided what was essentially free advertising for a U.S.-designated terrorist group. Worse still, the Post's foray is part of an ongoing trend in Western news outlets being used by terrorist organizations to promote their propaganda."

After the recent murder of the Jewish woman near Hebron, one might wonder whether The Washington Post is planning to send its correspondents back to spend time with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists to hear, first-hand, how proud they are that they murdered an innocent kindergarten teacher in cold blood.

How would the newspaper's readers have reacted had it sent its correspondents to spend time with Al-Qaeda or Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists to hear their pride in having committed atrocities against American citizens?

The Post piece leaves one with the distinct impression that there is such a thing as a good terrorist: one who targets Jews.

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.

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Grand Wazoo economics

Source; Another one sent from a friend..... known only as SNGLR

The dust of the Grand Wazoo (to borrow a phrase from Frank Zappa), better known as bidenomics, means Americans are now paying $8500/yr more for what they paid before biden took office, yet inflation-adjusted wages are stuck at 2019 levels.

The senile, nasty(watch he when he's unscripted) & corrupt biden says his approach is a better alternative to Reaganomics, which he constantly lies about when he refers to as trickle-down economics, or tax cuts for the rich, that the Reagan approach has never worked, and that his tax and spend policies will produce stronger economic growth.

That would be fine except--it's another biden/left-wing/democrat Lie !

The facts of history show that free market policies of low tax rates and limited spending have consistently led to stronger economic growth.

In the early 1980s, with the economy facing liberal/democrat's serious double-digit inflation and a recession, Reagan’s economic recovery program was enacted by Congress with bipartisan support. His tax cuts reduced tax rates across the board in every tax bracket and at the corporate level (just like the one's Trump had passed by the way). Every taxpayer received tax relief, and everyone benefited from the subsequent higher economic growth.

According to the Joint Tax Committee, 66% of the tax cuts went to middle-income taxpayers. Only 6% went to the top income level. More importantly, the Reagan tax cuts worked, producing the longest peacetime economic expansion since WW II. The tax cuts ignited an economic boom, with real GDP increasing 7.9% in 1983 and more than 8% in the first half of 1984. All told, economic growth averaged nearly 5% a year through 1988.

By comparison, real GDP has averaged only 2% a year since 2007, and an anemic 1.3% over the last year and a half. CBO is projecting the economy to grow at only 1.7% a year for the next decade.

Under Reagan, inflation dropped from double-digit levels to 4%. The unemployment rate was cut in half, and 20 million new jobs were created. Business investment soared, and real income grew at every level,  manufacturing productivity grew at an average annual rate of more than 4%, nearly 50% faster than during the period 1948-1973, leading to higher wages, better jobs, and greater growth. By the  end of Reagan’s 2nd term, the U.S. economy was 33% larger than when he took office.

Senator biden voted for the Reagan tax cuts, saying in a Senate speech that he has: “long advocated a reduction in the tax burden for individuals and businesses...the tax cuts would give a boost to the sluggish economy and encourage businesses to invest to achieve greater productivity.” Was joe lying then or now (or is he always lying, hmmm?).

We need to move away from the marxist-ideology flavored, hence economically flawed, bidenomics and put in place the Reagan pro-growth policies of low tax rates and spending restraint to unleash stronger economic growth.

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Truckers view

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Now it's open & notorious

Source; Sent from an unknown Internet friend known as SNGLR.......

She wanted truth
But all she got was lies
Came the time to realize
And it was too late
                            --The Guess Who

joe biden’s corrupt activities go back to his first year as VP in 2009 and continued throughout his 8 years serving in the BObama regime, punctuated with son hunter being paid $1 million a year as a board member of the Ukrainian energy company burisma in 2014. That role continued for more than 4 years, with a large $10 million dollar payoff from burisma coming to hunter and joe after the latter blackmailed Ukraine by threatening the withholding of $1 billion in U.S. aid unless  prosecutor general Victor Shokin was fired from the corruption investigation of burisma in March of 2016 -- an investigation that would have exposed fraud, including questionable payments to hunter. fbi documents refer to the two $5 million payments to hunter and joe as a 'bribe' paid by burisma owner mykola zlochevsky.

The case for impeaching joe biden goes beyond bribery and emolument high crimes related to Ukraine. In 2014, hunter biden introduced his father, then VP, to Kazakhstan oligarch kenes rakishev. Records and testimony obtained by James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee show that at that time of introducing  rakishev to VP biden, hunter and his business partner Devon Archer were working on a deal involving burisma, on whose board they both served, and a Chinese company that would have been based in Kazakhstan. To facilitate the deal and his relationship with Archer and the bidens, rakishev wired $142,300 to rosemont seneca -- a shell company created by Devon and hunter -- the exact amount needed to fund hunter's sportscar purchase the next day.

Another mysterious payment to the bidens came during that same year. Shortly after joe was introduced to Russian oligarch yelena baturina at a dinner meeting in February 2014,  $3.5 million was wired to rosemont seneca by baturina.   These kinds of payments to the bidens coming from oligarchs from Ukraine and other countries are way beyond a level where impeachment and removal from office is justified. Also, the means of transferring and distributing funds follows the pattern of international criminal enterprises. The bidens were involved with the creation of some 20 shell companies, that had no function, services, products or purpose other than for concealing money transfers from foreign nationals and then distributing those transferred funds to as many as 9 different biden family members--who also provided no services or functions. What kind of idiot doesn't smell corruption. What kind of ideological hate makes one blind and accepting of this corruption.

As egregious as all these payments and shell game money transfers were, the scope and scale of biden deal activities in China crosses a new threshold requiring urgent correction. China engages in unrestricted warfare against the US. Blackmail is one of the chief tools in China’s massive elite capture program in the US, giving them control over many in government in the US -- with the top liberal/democrat elite family in the U.S. being biden’s family. Preliminary records assembled in 2021 and 2022 by investigative journalists without subpoena power or access to bank records show that the Chinese  have paid some $31 million to the biden family. For what!!! For the Chinese, these payments were and are about control and blackmail, which explains why biden more than any other U.S. president has pursued policies that have weakened the US and helped China. But one example is the Defense Department review of biological threats saying the U.S. military is at a “pivotal moment” in biodefense and must act urgently to address the potential of bioweapons and other catastrophic events, including pandemics. In particular, the review highlighted a growing threat posed by China. The posture review singles out China as the key long-term threat, casting doubt on Beijing’s compliance with existing international rules on biowarfare and raising concerns over its accelerated plans to integrate civilian biological research programs into the military.

In Article II, Section 4 and in the emoluments clause in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits any person holding a government office from accepting any present, emolument, office, or title from any foreign state without congressional consent.

The standard for impeachment as expressed in the Constitution is conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

"There is a better than even chance that biden will not survive the influence-peddling situation that is about to get much worse in September when the House hearings resume. Now, I don't know if old Joe received money or other compensation from his son and brother, but if he did - that would dwarf anything Trump is charged with."
--Bill O'Reilly

The thief, he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But, uh, but you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us stop talkin' falsely now
The hour's getting late, hey

                                            --Bob Dylan

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Details of the corruption

Another lib/dem politician
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Vatican II

Source; Unknown Author

“Since the Second Vatican Council the Roman Catholic Church has experienced an unprecedented crisis in her very identity, extending even to hitherto impregnable sacred doctrine and spirituality, her apostolic and missionary activity.”---Peter Kwasniewski

The influence of religion in western civilization, which seemed to be substantial for two decades after World War II, declined very sharply in the decades after Vatican II, making the region that had guided the council the most secular in the world.

Most of the previous 20 councils like and before Vatican II were convened to address error and proclaim new dogma. At the time of Vatican II in 1962, the church seemed quite healthy. Clerical scandals were rare, the level of priestly education and zeal was high And the laity was relatively well instructed in their faith.

Vatican II was established to inject more of the secular world into Catholicism, to engage the world while simultaneously throwing into question many of the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church.  Vatican II ended up giving much of its attention to the internal life of the church, a scrutiny that resulted in a crisis of Catholic identity without historical parallel. In fact most of the bishops from Britain, southern Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States saw little urgency in many of the questions that came before them, and some expressed bewilderment as to why change was necessary at all. Those who understood almost nothing of the theological issues involved believe that the council’s real purpose was simply that of repealing rules that had become burdensome.

A system of rules and laws that provided people with concrete direction; and, once those rules were deemphasized, most people become morally confused. What resulted was the individual conscience turned into an absolute, and the traditional teaching of the church, that the conscience must be formed in accord with objective morality, was largely ignored. Consequentialism—essentially the historically catastrophic principle that the end justifies the means, easily became the basis for justifying their acts. Formal doctrine easily became an obstacle to the so-called living faith. Religious discipline, which had been at a high-level on the eve of the council, declined sharply, homosexuality in the priesthood came to be a serious problem.

Vatican II, in the Gaudium et Spes document, changed the emphasis of the Catholic Church from an individual orientation of virtue, sin and the effects, to a collective one of salvation through permeation of the world to Christian values. Liberation Theology, an ideological consequence of Vatican II, took that belief further by holding out the promise of Heaven on Earth if Original Sin was mitigated by a drive for an always vaguely defined social justice.

The result of course has been a fuzzy, watery, lowest common-denominator kind of thoughtless optimism were no demands are made, no tenets are required, merely a self-proclaimed membership in “spirituality”, where a “new type of humanity” could transform the world. “[Vatican II influenced] Catholics, like Communists, now believed in progress in this world and seemed to lose interest in what might await us in the next.” ---Piers Paul Reid. Never mind that the same promise of progress through  a “new type of humanity” fueled other 20th century movements that resulted in the deaths of over 150 million people and enslaved whole nations into godless gulags. This time it would be different, again!

As D.Q.  McInerny noted: “The anti-Thomistic movement that followed hard upon the Second Vatican Council had generally calamitous consequences.”  So, was Vatican II a mistake? Well, what has Catholicism experienced, on the ground so to speak, after Vatican II, which it hadn’t before?

Let’s see:

-A proliferation of practicing homosexuals in the priesthood

-Pro-abortion Catholics

-Rebellious bishops

-Liturgical mumbo-jumbo

-90% less Seminarians

-94% less teaching nuns

-66% less Seminaries

-50% less Catholic schools

-Americans in general are leaving Catholicism or abandoning religion.

-Sex-abuse scandals…to name just a few

And most importantly to this evangelizing religion: “The number of outsiders that Vatican II succeeded in attracting to the Church is small compared with the numbers of the faithful whom the V-II revolution and dissent have been sweeping away from Catholic belief” states Philip Trower. Only 2.6% of current Catholics are converts. A strong papacy, under John Paul II, (perhaps the most intellectually formidable man ever to ascend to the papacy) proved to be the only means of maintaining the unity of the church in the face of the centrifugal forces unleashed by Vatican II.

Summing up the pro-Vatican II view, in the words of George S. Johnson, is the claim that  Vatican II was necessary because: “…the Church in some respects had become rigid…Most Catholics did not understand that the Church is not just an institution but an evangelical movement…it needed to be called out of her Tridentine shell to an active engagement with the modem world…the Church was a juridical machine operated by the bishop of Rome…Over the centuries, the Church’s government had become top-heavy and centralized…Vatican II revived… collegial responsibility…”

The pro-Vatican II faction seems to be oblivious that in the wake of V-II the Church has experienced a severe identity crisis. There is almost no point of Catholic teaching that has not been called into question or repudiated since V-II. And without a clear and unified sense of herself and her mission how can the Church appeal to those who are searching for clear answers to life’s big questions? The fact is that their beliefs and actions shifted away from Catholic certainties and principles,  dissolving the very Catholic certainties and principles they rely and call on to achieve their goals. In fact the same Mr. Johnson even quotes Paul Claudel on that matter, saying that: “The problem with the fallen world is so enormous that only the Word can respond to it, bringing not an explanation but a presence…hope that a genuine implementation lies in our future.”  Yet the word they’ve distorted, the genuine they’ve diluted and the presence they’ve degraded.  And the effects are still being felt today.

Is the pro-Vatican II camp’s contortion of logic blind to its own philosophical flaws, or is it just an example of the wanting so much to believe its own deeply significant nonsense?  An intellectually honest person’s got to wonder if throwing more Vatican II type ideology at the Church will ever produce any significant positive results. True, there are a few things that Vatican II did that were good and necessary but, and this is very important, only a very few, the sum of which cannot outweigh or paper over the damage it has wrought. If the Church was in some respects rigid before Vatican II, perhaps what it needs these days is a cathartic dose of more rigidity. The Church needs a second coming, like the Council of Trent, as a form of Divine intervention. “There is a danger that the shift among Catholics from a preoccupation with eternity to an engagement with the world has now gone so far that it effaces the very idea of an afterlife and so distorts the teaching of the gospel and endangers the coherence of the Christian religion. It suggests that the lack of individual orientation loses focus on the Four Last Things [Death, Judgment, Heaven & Hell] and is one of the causes for the relative decline of the Catholic Church in the developed world.”—Piers Paul Reid.

Supposedly there's a rebellion within the Vatican by the conservative Cardinals who are very distressed at the direction the current pope is taking the church, that he's actually single-handedly changing, wearing the faith, the doctrinal faith, by pursuing even further the ideological direction of V-II. So far, no one has contributed more to the process of attempting correcting the problems created by Vatican II then Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI. The bishops of themselves made little effort to communicate the council’s  meanings, Or correct the errors.

Certainly the results of Vatican II seem to have gone from self-criticism to self-destruction. Expected was a new enthusiasm, and many wound up discouraged and bored. The net result therefore seems to be negative…the change in ecclesial climate was becoming ever more evident…I tried to sound a first warning signal, but few noticed it…We can therefore affirm that there will be no renewal in the Church until there is a change of course and an abandonment of the errors adopted after V-II” ---Pope Benedict XVI

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The China Virus by Party

Source; anonymous author

Left-wing media outlets broadcasted the findings, which ran in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association. “Republican deaths in Florida, Ohio linked to COVID vaccine politics,” axios wrote. chris hayes of MSNBs claimed the study showed that “a bunch of people with big platforms tried to get their audiences killed."

But the facts suggest that the apparent connection between party affiliation and death may result from hidden epidemiological factors. At the least, it undoes any effort to suggest that young or middle-aged Republicans suffered from being unvaccinated.

To conduct the study, the researchers matched death records with party registrations or voting records in Florida and Ohio. They looked at deaths during Covid before and after May 1, 2021, when vaccines were widely available to anyone who wanted them. Before then, Republicans and democrats in the 2 states died at roughly equal rates, they found. But afterwards, Republicans died significantly more frequently in Ohio (though the gap was much smaller in Florida, a puzzling finding though not the truly problematic issue).

Halfway through the Results section, are these stunning sentences: "The analyses stratified by age showed that Republican voters had significantly higher excess death rates compared with Democratic voters for 2 of the 4 age groups in the study, the differences for the age group 25 to 64 years were not significant. democratic voters had significantly higher excess death rates compared with Republican voters for the age group 65 to 74 years."

 Yes, you read that right. The extra Republican deaths only occurred in people over 75. For those under 75, the authors actually found Republicans were less likely to die of Covid than democrats. And the largest party gap of all - the gap that drove most of the overall study’s finding - came from the most elderly people, those 85 and over. If old old Republicans died, how come younger old Republicans didn’t? If the vaccine was protecting the democrats who got it but the Republicans who did not, why were younger Republicans not at high risk too? This question is especially pertinent since people over 85 are less likely to have significant choice in whether they are vaccinated or to refuse the vaccine for political reasons. The gap by party affiliation should have been larger, not smaller, in younger people.

Deep in the paper’s appendix is another puzzling finding. The graph below shows excess deaths by party affiliation in Ohio - the state which did have a gap. Look closely, and you will see that the difference really only becomes notable in August 2021, and then continues to widen through the winter. But the original two-shot regimen had its peak effectiveness for the elderly people who received it first from January through July - when there is no notable difference in deaths by party. The timing is striking, by demonizing younger Republicans who did NOT need the Covid jab at all, Biden may have discouraged more elderly Republicans who might, temporarily at best, have benefited from a 3rd shot.

In 2021, left-wing media lied saying the deaths of unvaccinated people were overwhelmingly occurring in non-elderly adults who had chosen not to be vaccinated for political reasons. But the picture they painted was never correct. The extremely elderly were at by far the greatest risk both before and after the vaccines came out, as even The ny times acknowledged. 
In other words, many, if not most unvaccinated people who died did not refuse the vaccine for political or any other reason. They were simply too old and sick to receive it. This study does nothing to refute that conclusion. In fact the work arguably supports it. But don’t expect anyone in the left-wing media to say so.

The left-wing had faith in the Covid vaccines, and the process that led to their emergency authorization.  They didn’t entirely understand it, but they believed in it. They believed they could trust drug companies to tell the truth about them. They believed the Food & Drug Administration and the CDC would provide a meaningful check on the companies, too.

And they did NOT want to hear anyone say otherwise, especially if those objections were grounded in data. They didn’t mind hearing bizarre, conspiratorial theories like the one that mRNAs make people magnetic, because they liked believing that anyone who had questions must be a fool. For a while they were content to rely on mockery and social ostracism to shut the nonbelievers up. But when those measures failed, and push came to shove in the summer of 2021, the left-wing media, academic, and political elites made clear that they didn’t give a damn about the 1st Amendment right to speak. They still don’t. They haven’t even acknowledged black-and-white evidence presented of the White House’s censorship efforts.

At this point the left-wing would rather forget about the mRNAs. Everyone knows the vaccines didn’t work. They didn’t stop Covid, and they probably didn’t even make a meaningful difference to its trajectory. It mutated to become more transmissible and less virulent, as viruses do, and everyone wound up getting it anyway.

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My Friend McFixit sent me this one;

I found this information in an article by Ron Ewert the President of N.A.R.L.O.National Association of Rural Landowners on the post at;
The Royal Connecticut legislature, gun control nuts all, just passed the National Popular Vote Compact.  The Compact, by Democrat controlled states, is blatantly designed to circumvent the Electoral College and return America to the popular vote.  They may just succeed.  

From an article in the Daily Signal they describe Connecticut's conspiratorial end run around the Constitution.   

"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm. 
It is a clever scheme to change how we elect the president without the bother of having to pass a constitutional amendment."
"States that approve this legislation enter a simple compact with one another.  Each participating state agrees to allocate its electors to the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how its own citizens voted.  The compact goes into effect when states holding 270 electoral votes (enough to win the presidency) have agreed to the plan."
"With Connecticut’s vote, 11 states and the District of Columbia have now approved the measure, giving the compact a total of 172 electors. It needs only 98 more to reach the 270 mark.".
and the election can be stolen from the people of America just that easy. Talk about dirty corrupt Politics.
Frankly I don't have a clue on how to stop and reverse this. I do know it will lead to another Revolution, and that is probably what the criminal originators are hoping for as their "End Game To Enslave or Kill off Americans who are not Elites or their Cronys."
"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm.The end result if we allow this to go on will not end well for loyal Americans who believe in Liberty and Freedom
This information needs to be distributed far and wide to educate the public what is going on behind their backs by the Criminally Oriented Democrats, who will not allow themselves to lose no matter what they have to do, or what laws and trust they have to break, to steal the elections.
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There are some declassified Documents on micro wave brain mapping and interactive devices.

Here are some US Patents granted for the devices that can be called remote mind controlling devices.

See list at;

US Patent#
US3014477Hypnotic Inducer (Mind Control Machine)
US3060795Apparatus For Producing Visual Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via Movie Film)
Corrigan et al
US3278676Apparatus For Producing Visual and Auditory Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via TV)
US3393279Nervous System Excitation Device
US3563246Method and Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy
US3629521Hearing Systems (RF/Microwave)
US3712292Method Of and Apparatus For Producing Swept Frequency Modulated Audio Signal Patterns For Inducing Sleep (Brain Frequencies Broadcast)
Zentmayer, Jr.
US3884218Method of Inducing and Maintaining Stages Of Sleep in the Human Being (FFR - Frequency Following Response Microwave)
US3951134Apparatus and Method For Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves (RF/Electromagnetic Waves)
US4395600Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method (Subliminal Brainwash via Music or Other Sound)
US4717343Method Of Changing A Person’s Behavior (Subconscious Brainwash via Video)
US4777529Auditory Subliminal Programming System (Silent Brainwash Via Music or Other Sound)
US4834701Apparatus For Inducing Frequency Reduction In Brain Wave (FFR - Brain Frequencies Transmission)
US4858612Hearing Device (Microwave Hearing)
US4877027Hearing System (Microwave Hearing via open air Broadcast)
US5159703Silent Subliminal Presentation System (aka Silent Sound - Microwave)
US5356368Method Of and Apparatus For Inducing Desired States Of Consciousness (FFR/EEG Waveforms By Broadcast)
US5774088Method and System For Warning Birds Of Hazards (Microwave Hearing)
US5889870Acoustic Heterodyne Device and Method (Ultrasound. Ventriloquist Effect.)
US6011991Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or Use of Brain Activity (Remote Viewing)
US6052336Apparatus and Method Of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound As A Carrier (Ultrasound)
US6470214Method and device For Implementing The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing)
US6587729Apparatus For Audibly Communicating Speech Using The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing)






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Reprinted with permission of author Ron Ewert;

Pay particular attention to the bold and underlined section to see what the Democrats have in store to actually steal the vote from the American people.


"Royalty, Dynasties, the Elite, the Deep State and Central Bankers”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 27, 2018 - All Rights Reserved

​"Indeed, the existence of class, of social hierarchy, is as old as man himself. It prevails in the jungle where strength determines hierarchy; among men, it has also been savagely the same; whereby rulers vested with power through personal combat; or through lineal heritage as in the case of royalty; ravage their subjects."
 F. Sionil Jose, Contemporary Philippine English Author

Never have so many been so enamored by an irrational fantasy, spoon fed to us by a news media hungry to appeal to the raw emotions of their "subjects" ..... for ratings.  It was TV saturation of Harry and Meghan, channel, after channel, after channel.  If the world were coming to an end, we'd still be seeing Harry and Meghan on our flat screens.

By the time you read this, the pomp, circumstance and pageantry "wedding of the century", under the British Crown, will finally be over and the "little" people can go back to their daily drab lives while they dream of prince and princesses.  

Hopefully, it is obvious to some that Prince Harry and American Princess Meghan Markle are flesh and blood people, as are all royals.  They eat and drink, they sleep, they eliminate, they get sick, they make love, they have kids and like every other human being on this planet, they bleed and they eventually die.  Their brain and their body parts are the same as yours.  They are not elevated to some superior status just because of a birthright.  It is a fantasy, a fiction and a contradiction of and conflict with human freedom.  At the risk of offending a whole lot of people, you are being conned ..... unfortunately willingly. 

What hogwash.  For God's sake people, we fought a revolution to be free of Kings, Queens, royalty, the elite and the bankers.  Now we glorify them?

We are WE THE PEOPLE, not subjects of the Crown, or the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the executive branch, or the legislative branch, or the judicial branch, or the deep state, or the central bankers.  We're not British subjects any more and haven't been for over two centuries.  We are free Americans and at great cost and sacrifice.  But oh how quickly we abdicate our individual sovereignty to those who wield political power over us without so much as a whimper or a nod.  We have sullied and trashed the memory of every man, woman, or child that gave their lives for freedom.  In 242 years we have plundered our freedom and gave it up for a false sense of security and a free handout from government, along with millions of strangling laws, rules and regulations. 

Look what has happened to the original thirteen colonies, those Confederation of states that gave birth to American freedom, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution during and after the American Revolution?  At least eleven of those colonial states have morphed into socialist strongholds where Democrat/socialists control the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government, as well as the bureaucracy.  

Massachusetts is a far cry from the days of yesteryear and the battles of Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill.  Massachusetts spawned the flawed and corrupt Kennedy Dynasty and the likes of Senator Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren.  Vermont gave birth to that socialist wonder, U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders.  What is even more alarming is that millions of millennials flocked to Bernie's coattails when he ran for President in 2016.
The Royal Connecticut legislature, gun control nuts all, just passed the National Popular Vote Compact.  The Compact, by Democrat controlled states, is blatantly designed to circumvent the Electoral College and return America to the popular vote.  They may just succeed.  

From an article in the Daily Signal they describe Connecticut's conspiratorial end run around the Constitution.   

"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm. 
It is a clever scheme to change how we elect the president without the bother of having to pass a constitutional amendment."
"States that approve this legislation enter a simple compact with one another.  Each participating state agrees to allocate its electors to the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how its own citizens voted.  The compact goes into effect when states holding 270 electoral votes (enough to win the presidency) have agreed to the plan."
"With Connecticut’s vote, 11 states and the District of Columbia have now approved the measure, giving the compact a total of 172 electors. It needs only 98 more to reach the 270 mark."

And look what has happened to the Democrat-controlled States of California, Oregon and Washington.  California might just as well be its own separate socialist Central American Spanish-speaking country and secede from the Union.  Oregon and Washington, that is the Western parts, have succumbed to the rallying cry of not only socialism but radical environmentalism, while taxing their citizens to death by the billions for the worldwide con game of climate change, salmon habitat restoration for Indians and paying for the homeless.  The more money they throw at the homeless and the Indians, the more the homeless and the Indians demand.  Duh!

Meanwhile, Americans get all goo-goo eyed over a wedding of two mortals, who just happened to be the offspring of do-nothing royals in a country that can't seem to divest itself of its royal King and Queen past.

But it's not just the British royals and family dynasties we abhor.  Government, the elite, the establishment, the deep state, central bankers and the Socialist Democrats are on our list as well.

Everywhere you turn, or own royal government is in our face.  Laws, regulations, permits, taxes and higher costs due to government negligence, corruption and fiscal insanity, dominate your life.  We might just as well live under a King or Queen.  

You can't turn sideways without breaking a law.  You live in a police state but you don't know it, or don't care.  You tell yourself, "well that's OK, at least they haven't come into my house."   And how long will it be before they start walking into your house without a warrant, or come on your property and poke around looking for violations for which they can fine you, or send you to jail?  Wake up!  American "royals" are already doing it, for a fair-the-well.  So you say, "well that's OK, at least they haven't come into my bedroom."  Think again!  They are already looking into your bedroom and checking out the sex behavior of the American culture for use in designing further controlling policies.  College and universities spit out these over-educated psychological "experts" like cordwood and guess where they go to work?  That's right, government, public education and academia.
Government royals collect the most intimate details about each of us and all that information is stored on massive computers.  Cameras are everywhere.  Electronic surveillance is ever present.  The FBI and DOJ have gone rogue.  Government, under Obama Care, requires that all of your medical records be electronically stored in a national database.  Doctor - patient privacy will be non-existent, if it isn't already.   

Got a sex problem?  The government will know.  Not paying your bills?  The government will know.  Got guns in your house?  The government will know.  Got speeding tickets?  The government will know.  Had an argument with your spouse? The government will know.  Spanked your kids?  The government will know.  Using too much electricity or water?  Government will know.  

Have you heard of the government Fusion Centers or the NSA?  Look them up.  It will make your blood boil.  They have taken spying on Americans down to a veritable science and the leading edge of technology.
They even have a machine now that can drive by your house or your car and see and hear everything that is going on inside there, in lurid detail.
Then there are the local public schools that your royal government has stuck their hand in through the U. S. Department of Education.  We wrote about this issue recently in our article entitled, "Well Johnny What Did You Learn At School Today?"  By setting the national curriculum, they are brainwashing, that's right, we said brainwashing, your kids.  You say, "well what's the brainwashing?"   The brainwashing is a curriculum that is the antithesis of the American foundation of individual rights, freedom, liberty, and sovereignty.  They teach psychologically washed multi-culturalism, collectivism, socialism, radical environmentalism and political correctness.  They teach that America is evil, a gross polluter of the environment and a flagrant consumer of the Earth's resources.  They teach that America is imperialistic and wants to dominate the world with its military power, without telling them that our military power and American blood have saved over a billion people from the brutality of dictators.

They tell impressionable kids that America must be reined in.  We must conserve.  We must apologize to the world.  They teach the kids to challenge their parents with this garbage.  They teach that the family must be broken down and separated.   They teach people how to rat on their neighbors.  They teach that government is all wise and all knowing and parents aren't too smart.  Through this brainwashing, they (the royals of America) are dividing us, while conquering us at the same time.

And what of this ideology of radical environmentalism, coming to you from the most corrupt body on the planet, the United Nations and codified into American law without a treaty being debated and ratified?  It's just another ruse for the "royals" to control you even more than you were before.  These planners and other educated idiots want to force you into ever-increasing densities in large cities.  Why?  No, it's not only for environmental reasons.  The fact is, government can control people better when they are densely packed into urban areas.  

Government controls your roads, buses and rapid transit (transportation).  They control your water, your sewer, your telephones, your electricity and your health care.  What good is a house in the city without roads, water, sewer and electricity, everything that government controls?   No good at all and government can withhold those services to force you to comply with their demands.  You will willingly capitulate when the "royals" shut off your water.
Sure, they tell us that all of their actions are for our own good and our own safety.  "That's the price you pay for being secure and educated", they say.  But do you call this freedom? 
Ladies and gentlemen, when are you going to quit bowing to a "royal" birthright or government, a government that has lost all allegiance to the principles of liberty and instead adheres to the policy that government knows best, whether the people like it or not?
There are a few courageous ones that are challenging government in isolated spots around the country, but they are paying a terrible price for their audacity and having little effect.  Many lose everything in the process.  Some pay huge fines.  Many go broke.  Some even land in jail.  Some even get killed.  Very few win.  If there is not an avalanche of this type of resistance, America, as a free and sovereign nation, will be no more.  If not enough Americans get off their dead butts and resist this onslaught of tyranny, history will record this 100-year event as the greatest conquest of mankind since the dawn of human civilization ..... without a shot being fired!
That's right!  You have been bowing down to "royal" government every day of your life and if you will look in the mirror and tell yourself the truth, you know it to be a fact. That's disgusting and demeaning and not worthy of free men and women.  Sadly, you are not a sovereign any more.  You are just a happy slave.  How can living under a King or Queen be any different?

While Americans get enraptured in the illusion of royal fairy tales from England, Rome is burning and deranged shooters, wanting to commit suicide or "get even", are shooting up innocent kids in our schools.  Peasants from poor countries are pouring across our borders by the millions and getting on welfare.  Healthcare costs are going through the roof.  Meanwhile, our "royal" governors, legislators, the elites, the establishment, the deep state and the central bankers are winning, or doing nothing ..... and freedom is losing.

Nevertheless, we're not buying this up-side-down "royal" manure.  We consider ourselves to be individually sovereign and we bow to no man, royalty ..... or government.  Which are you?  

But then, as a lonely, humble voice in the wilderness, what do we know?  

Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (   Ron can be reached for comment HERE

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Suggestion for fighting the Potential loss of our Second Amendment Rights.
I am not a lawyer, but I have done some common sense research into the Second Amendment, and the current restrictions on it, plus the ones pending, and I feel even the threat of a nationwide lawsuit of this scope would make the opposition pull back completely.
Gun rights have been an essential buttress to civil rights for black Americans  via @JarrettStepman @DailySignal
This makes a lot of sense,read it through. We could make a case that the Govt. is stripping us of our Civil Rights with Gun Control. Civil Rights must apply to all Americans Regardless of Race Creed or Color Equally.
Consider this. Civil Rights are based on the Unalienable Rights Protected by the Constitution. All Civil Rights cases are determined by what is written in the Constitution and it's Amendments. Denial of those rights is both a crime, and a Civil Rights Violation>
Therefore, under the Federal Statutes;42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights Title 42 › Chapter 21 › Subchapter I › § 1983
and especially under 42 U.S. Code § 1985 - Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights Title 42 › Chapter 21 › Subchapter I › § 1985
Using those two Federal Statutes we should be able to initiate a lawsuit against all the Progressive gun grabbers in Congress that have proposed and/or supported bills to restrict gun ownership and the bearing of arms as provided by the Second Amendment. As the gun laws are currently interpreted by Scotus and before any new interpretations come out to deny this legal theory, Neither Congress nor SCOTUS is above the Federal Laws concerning Denial of Civil rights.
What we American citizens must do is twofold, First we must unite to fight this in a nationwide Class action Lawsuit based on existing laws and legal determinations by SCOTUS when the Suit is filed.
Second, we must educate the people on what is their Civil Rights according to the Second Amendment despite the spin and faulty interpretations of the left that are currently in vogue, and point out their fallacies and incorrect line of reasoning to our fellow citizens of all ages.
A beginning list of denial of Rights can begin with;
The Congressional ban on modern Machine Gun ownership after the 1988 ban reducing that to the same background checks,permit system,and tax stamps required for ownership of Machine Guns mfg. before the 1988 ban. That would not infringe on our right to own one.
Another Denial of Rights imposed on us by Congress is the Gun Free Zone Act. It needs to be repealed and/or declared unconstitutional because it denies us the Unalienable and Constitutionally Protected Right to Self Defense.
The Background Check System Denies us our Constitutionally Protected right to Privacy and being secure in our homes per the 4th amendment. The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government.  It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrantsstop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law.
The expanded background checks system is too far reaching in scope, and directed in ways that defeat it's stated purpose of keeping guns out of the hands of Criminals,Convicted Felons, and Mental cases prohibited from owning firearms. It should simply be a daily updated list of people forbidden to purchase firearms, and it must have a way for those who have been denied to see why, and give them a legal recourse to challenge the determination.
Lack of a Reciprocal Acceptance of each States Carry Permit System by other States, or lack of a complete Constitutional Carry Provision Nationwide, infringes on two areas of our Constitutional Civil Rights. The Unalienable right to self protection, and strangely enough a good case could be made for denial of pursuit of happiness by not feeling secure in our persons. Pursuit of happiness is a stretch I admit, but most precedent setting cases start out that way, and it is being infringed by the Federal Govt. and State Govt's.
This gets down to the Registration of Long guns and hand guns. This didn't come about until the Infamous "Sullivan Law" of 1911 pushed through by the Democratic Party Corrupt Political Machine; Tammany Hall. (  The Supremacy Clause of Article 6 in the U.S. Constitution which states that "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby."  )
This was the first infringement of the 2nd Amendment and the Supremacy Clause, as applied to the States making laws that conflicted with Federal Laws ( There was no Federal Precedent when this law was enacted).  The powers of the Bill of Rights originally intended to apply to limit the powers of the Federal Government, were expanded to support the Fourteenth Amendment's wording that no state could withhold the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights. It also restricts the Federal Government from doing the same.
The knee jerk reaction of Congress on the latest tragedy they caused with the Gun Free Zone Act dictates, is a digression form their stated purpose to Represent their Constituents wishes instead of reacting to emotional issues while ignoring the Facts and the Constitution. The persistence in Wishful thinking about disarming the law abiding public making them safer from Criminal and mental elements which do not follow or obey the laws is Malfeasance on their part, and it contributes to the denial of our Constitutionally Protected Civil Rights.
Feel Free to pass this around
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This sheds a whole new light on the Parkland Shootings. Listen to the video with an open mind, and think about what the speaker is bringing up. 

We know that something was definitely off about the news timing and the over reported Narrative by Hogg. Any controversial information on this has been scrubbed and sanitized just like what was done with the Vegas shooting, ostensibly to advance the Anti-Gun Narratives and Agendas to disarm the American Public.

Just look at the Omnibus package and the "FIX" to background checks that was falsely promised to be paired with the Reciprocity act that is now moot. 



While not on the actual shooting has a peripheral set of reasons to the MSM and what they are doing to drive the Narratives.

How they manipulate and control us. Watch the video and think back to even the Las Vegas shooting and what went on then and now;

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On March 20, 2018, H.R. 5087, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018, was referred to the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations. Congressman David Cicilline (D-R.I.) introduced the House AWB bill along with 164 original cosponsors, on February 26, 2018. As of Tuesday, March 27, 2018, the bill boasts a total of 174 cosponsors plus Congressman Cicilline. Like Cicilline, the 174 cosponsors are all Democrats.

Concurrently, a Senate version of the AWB, S.2095, introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), is pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee. As of March 27, Senator Feinstein's AWB bill has 29 cosponsors, all of whom are also Democrats. 

Senator Feinstein's AWB bill would legally define a "semiautomatic assault weapon" as:

A semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:

(i) A pistol grip.
(ii) A forward grip.
(iii) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.
(iv) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher.
(v) A barrel shroud.
(vi) A threaded barrel.

The proposed AWB would also make it illegal to manufacture or sell many semiautomatic pistols, semiautomatic shotguns, all shotguns with revolving cylinders, all Kalashnikov or "AK" rifles, various AK pistols, all AR type rifles, and a host of other firearms named in the bill, for private use. 

Furthermore, the bill, like its 1994 predecessor, would also ban all magazines, belts, drums, feed strips, and similar devices that carry more than 10 rounds. It would grandfather existing semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, however with strict regulations as to their storage and transfer. 

It is debated whether the 1994 AWB succeeded in reducing mass shootings for the 10 years that it was in effect, and such a bill, if enacted into law, would constitute a severe infringement on Americans' constitutional right to "keep and bear arms" under the Second Amendment and would lead to more deaths of Americans, not less.

The National Academy of Sciences and the U.S. Centers of Disease Control - anti-gun groups - set out to find the most useful gun-control measures by scrutinizing the world's gun-control laws. Both came to the same conclusion: Not one gun-control measure in the world actually reduced violent crime and murders. The National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report entitled Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review on gun-control laws in December 2004, with its findings. And across the world, including in this country, when gun-control laws have been passed, violence of all types has gone up. This has been true even in countries where gun ownership has been largely eliminated, including in England and Australia, where crimes such as robberies, rape, and murder climbed precipitously after guns were taken. Too, passing such feel-good measures would almost assuredly mean that measures that would actually help reduce mass shooters, such as allowing school staff to be armed, would likely not be passed, leaving students and others in virtual shooting galleries.

Recognizing the dangers an AWB poses to the Constitution and the adverse affects the bill would have in likely facilitating more of the very types of mass shootings that the bill's proponents seek to prevent, please contact Congress as requested below.

Phone your representative / s (See; and your two senators (See; ask them to stand for the Second Amendment by opposing the passage of the Assault Weapons Ban, both H.R. 5087 and S.2095, as well as any other related bills banning any firearms deemed as "assault weapons." It's not too ;late to get them to reverse course on this.
Our rights are being shredded by back stabbing politicians for their benefit not ours. They are negating the Second Amendment and ignoring all the other ones if it suits their agendas. We must do everything in our power to unite against the democrats in November to insure we retain control of Congress, then in the next two years we will need to primary all the RINO's and vote against all the Democrats runninjg in the 2020 elections.
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Reprinted with permission of author Ron Ewert;


"And Liberals Wonder Why Americans Are Buying More Guns”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 8, 2018 - All Rights Reserved

"Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it.  Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.  Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes.  But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.  Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors." James Madison, Excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 46
A deranged NFL football player, possibly high on drugs, alcohol, steroids, narcissism, or too many bumps on the head from football skirmishes, pumps nine bullets into the mother of his 3-month old baby and then publicly commits suicide in front of his coach with a handgun.  An out-of-his-skull idiot, doing an imitation of Batman's nemesis, the Joker, dons body armor and arms himself with an AR-15 and some handguns, open fires in a theater in Aurora, Colorado and kills and wounds dozens of people.  An insane nut walks up to a Congresswoman and her aides with a handgun at a Mall in Tucson, AZ and kills six, including a little girl and a judge and wounds several more.  An Army Officer walks into a room at Fort Hood, Texas and opens fire with a handgun and kills a dozen and wounds more, all the while crying "Allahu Akbar", ("God is Great" in Arabic).  A deranged rich guy smuggles a bunch of AR-15's, bump stocks and hundreds of rounds of ammunition into a Las Vegas Hotel and kills 58 and injures hundreds more at a music festival.  A crazy 19-year old walks into a school in Parkland Florida, kills 17 students and wounds more.
In each case, left-wing pundits, sports casters and politicians, drool all over themselves, crying out in righteous indignation that we need more gun control.  They salivate at the chance to blame the Republicans and conservatives for the carnage.  One sports caster, during a recent game, decries the rising gun culture in America.   A Black man, ten cards short of a full deck, calls the NRA the new KKK.  Really!
All of the cries for more gun control totally ignore three very important, factual issues.
1.    No amount of gun control will stop insane people from doing insane things, or criminals doing criminal things, and
2.    The U. S. Supreme Court has been very succinct about the absolute right of the Second Amendment, and
3.    There are very solid reasons why the American people are buying guns in large numbers, the rise of tyranny..
No. 1:  All of the examples we cite in the opening paragraph have one over-riding thing in common.  Each perpetrator, it is safe to say, was out of his mind.  It wasn't the gun that did the killing, it was the insane person pulling the trigger that did the killing.  Yes, you can kill more people with a gun, but you can also kill people with poison, a knife, a baseball bat, a nuclear blast, or even a car and it happens every day.  You can kill a lot of people with a car (or a truck) and explosives, as another nut did in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.  But left-wing zealots aren't calling for more control on cars or trucks, or even baseball bats, are they?
No. 2:    In two recent U. S. Supreme Court rulings brought to the court by gun rights advocates in Washington DC and Chicago, won their cases and the Court upheld the 2nd Amendment and struck down very restrictive gun control laws in those cities.  Like Roe vs. Wade, the 2nd Amendment high-court decision is not about to be overturned, probably in this Century, unless liberals get in control and poison the Supreme Court with several liberal justices.  Why the left continues to flog this "horse" borders on its own insanity, or perhaps their real goal is to disarm the population and render them impotent to the dictates of an Absolute Democrat Monarchy.
No. 3:    The title of this column is "And Liberals Wonder Why Americans Are Buying More Guns."
Let's put it another way.  If you knew that a mob of people were coming to beat you to within an inch of your life, you would, if you could and had the time, arm yourself in the interest of self defense.  If, on the other hand, you lived in a dangerous community where people are being beaten or killed every day, (like South Chicago) a prudent person would not go out without being armed ..... in the interest of not only self defense, but self preservation.
Unfortunately, some threats are not so obvious and happen very slowly.  These slow threats are imperceptible to the average individual such as the slow rise of tyranny.  The slow rise of tyranny in America has happened over the last century with the birth of the Progressive movement in the early part of the 20th Century.  What usually transpires at the end of tyranny's slow rise, is a rapid increase in tyranny after the perpetrators have indoctrinated the population through propaganda, myth, distortions of the truth and bold faced lies.  The tragedy is, the willing and the unwilling slaves of the Progressive movement get to vote and when they are in the majority, they can control the entire country with their vote.
So why the rising American gun culture?  Because millions of free Americans are rightly concerned about the liberal's blatant and overt attempt to take over America by Executive Orders, bureaucratic directives, dictatorial fiat and bullying the opposition, not unlike what President Morsi has done in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood, wherein he declared himself dictator. 
If the U. S. Congress capitulates to the Progressives, as the Roman Senate did to the Emperor of Rome about the time of Christ, the American Constitutional Republic will morph into the American Empire under a liberal "Emperor" as the 500-year Roman Republic morphed into the 400-year Roman Empire.  History tells us Rome collapsed for much the same reasons that America will collapse under Progressivism.
That gun sales are increasing rapidly cannot be denied when reading excerpts from various news sources:
"Right after Obama's re-election, as the Dow Jones plummeted more than 300 points, Smith and Wesson Stock jumped 10.8% and the stock is now over double what it was at the beginning of the year."  (Note that the Dow Jones Average soared when Trump was elected)
"Gun-related violent crime in Virginia has dropped steadily over the past six years as the sale of firearms has soared to a new record, according to an analysis of state crime data with state records of gun sales."  (NOTE: in England and Australia, where the government took the people's guns away, the opposite is true.  You can go to jail if you even own a gun.)
"Gun buyers swamped retailers nationwide prompting a record 16.4 million instant criminal background checks of potential owners."
"In October 2012 the number of background checks on people applying to buy guns, an indicator of future sales, increased by 18.4 per cent.  There was a similar jump when President Obama was first elected in 2008. A total of 12.7 million background checks were carried out that year, up from 11.2 million the year before, and the number has been rising since then."
"Black Friday, Nov. 25, 2011, saw a record for the most background checks in a single day --129,166.  Black Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 background checks were 154,873 up 19.9% from 2011."
"In the first 3 1/2 years of the Bush administration, the FBI conducted about 28 million background checks.  During the same period of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted more than 50 million."
Gun sales are still rising today and AR-15's are going out the door like candy.
It was clear that James Madison knew how Republics turned into empires and he eloquently delineated what happens to a population that isn't armed in the Federalist Paper No. 46, an excerpt of which appears at the beginning of this column.   Madison also drew attention to the power of subordinate governments that exist in the U. S. System, wherein the 50 states have the power to hold the federal government in check by legally and firmly resisting its actions. 
"But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it."
Ladies and gentlemen, there should be no surprise that millions of Americans are arming themselves, because the blood of patriots still surges through their veins and they have no intentions of giving up their freedom to the dictates of socialist Progressives, or any other tyrant that happens on the scene.  We applaud the spine and courage of those millions for they are the willing and brave soldiers of this nation's ultimate liberty.
We predict that as liberals tighten the reins on their grip on power, if we let them, gun purchases will accelerate in preparation for the inevitable fight between the free people of America and the government, to secure not only the people's survival, but the very survival of freedom itself.  Not only will gun purchases accelerate, but so too will the resistance to government actions, where conflicts between the two sides will frequently erupt into violence. 
If the U. S. House of Representatives does not show some spine and hold the line against the Democrat attempts to gain absolute power, our predictions of a violent conflict between the people and the government have a much greater chance of becoming a reality.
We won our freedom against foreign tyranny ….. with guns.  Will we be forced to preserve our freedom against domestic tyranny with guns again?  We hope not!
Ladies and gentlemen, the long, tortured, crooked trail on the way to freedom was full of twists and turns and steep slopes going up and dangerous slopes going down.  For a while, the trail widened and straightened out a bit and we basked in the dawn and then the bright light of freedom.  After over a century of in-attention, we are now headed down a perilous slope fraught with narrow ledges, washouts and potential landslides, with the death of our great nation haunting us at every step.
We'd like to hear your TAKE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (   Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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​"America Is Doing Great.  Not To Worry"

Reprinted with permission of author Ron Ewert;


"America Is Doing Great.  Not To Worry"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 11 years
© Copyright Sunday, April 1, 2018 - All Rights Reserved


Life is good in America.  The economy is humming along at a brisk pace.  Millions of Americans have jobs, money in their pockets and in their bank accounts.  People live in nice homes, drive expensive cars and take enjoyable vacations.  Those other problems don't matter.  Food is plentiful, gas is relatively cheap and there are thousands of ways to be entertained.  Certainly, in light of the good times, there is no need to worry about those other problems.
Most of our civil rights are still intact. We have free speech, well sort of, unless you are on a college campus where liberal thought and speech reign, or you are a member of the alleged "free" press.  We mostly have freedom of religion.  We can assemble peaceably and seek redress from government without being arrested, even though government doesn't listen.  The print and electronic news media provides ample news for us to chew on and determine for ourselves if what they are providing is factual.  Media bias and those other issues don't matter.
The 2nd Amendment, giving the right of every person to own firearms, is still in force.  But the Democrats are doing everything in their power to erode that right.  The United Nations, to which America is a member, has issued policy statements stating that all firearms must be removed from the masses.    England and Australia, both Western Democracies, complied with the UN policies and confiscated the people's firearms by force.   When will America follow suit?  If it weren't for the NRA the Democrats would have gotten their way long ago.
No, America's military or national guard have not taken up residence in a person's home (the 3rd Amendment) ..... yet, but heavily armed SWAT teams have invaded the wrong person's home on way too many occasions.
We are relatively free from illegal search and seizures, (4th Amendment) unless of course a person violates one of the ten "gillion" laws and bureaucratic rules the government has passed.  Then there is the civil forfeiture rule that allows government to legally steal.  Further, government is now getting criminal warrants for land use and environmental violations, where before these were civil violations.  As we have seen, criminal warrants are very easy to obtain.  Just ask the DOJ, the CIA, the DNI, the FBI, Andy McCabe, James Comey and Carter Page. 
The 5th Amendment provides for just compensation if the government TAKES a person's property.  But pursuant to a U. S. Supreme Court decision, the government can TAKE up to 95% of a person's property before a TAKING has occurred for which just compensation must be paid.  The 5th Amendment also preserves the right of a person not to incriminate him or her self, but that doesn't apply to IRS income tax returns, where a person waives his or her right to 5th Amendment protection by signing the perjury statement on IRS Form 1040 when there is no way a taxpayer can be sure that his or her tax return is accurate, with over 70,000 pages of IRS rules.
Then of course each person has a right to a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment, except that a speedy trial now means two years or more before your case can come to trial while you rot in jail even if you are innocent.  We suppose that in some minds, especially attorneys that make $300 to $600 an hour, two years could be considered a speedy trial.
Under the 7th Amendment the right of a jury trial shall be preserved but unfortunately that doesn't apply to fines and penalties levied by the Internal Revenue Service.  In place of a jury trial Americans get the Kangaroo Tax Court, or just illegal seizures of money and property under "color of law."
Of course the government is limited in what fines they can impose under the 8th Amendment wherein it states that "excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."  The fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorized to fine a property owner up to $37,500 per day if the landowner does not comply with the Clean Water Act, probably isn't considered an "excessive fine" in the minds of high-paid government bureaucrats.
Now the 9th and 10th Amendments are still sitting there in the U. S. Constitution, but have little meaning any more as the federal government buys states off with their own money to get them to capitulate to federal demands. 
Now all those other pesky little problems don't really matter, do they?
A majority of the American people don't think it matters or cares that the nation is over $20 Trillion in debt and rising rapidly.  The Congress just passed a $1.3 Trillion spending bill with both Republicans and Democrats voting for it, without any offset in spending.  Add that to the national debt for your children and grandchildren to pay.
It doesn't matter to most Americans that millions of illegal aliens have invaded America, both peaceful and criminal, and they suck up billions of dollars from productive Americans for their subsistence, while they protest in the streets for rights they don't have.  It doesn't matter that some states and cities have declared themselves sanctuary cities and states and purposely ignore federal immigration law and enforcement.  It doesn't matter that these same illegal alien criminals come back into America multiple times after being deported and commit heinous crimes against lawful Americans ..... you know, like Kate Steinle of San Francisco.
It doesn't matter that the Federal Government nationalized the entire American Health Care system and sent it reeling into chaos, where a political fix is now impossible, as the Republicans just found out.  Your Democrat representatives gave you Obama Care.  Isn't representative government just grand?  Your representatives, both Democrat and Republican, are spending you into oblivion, while you do what ..........?
It doesn't matter that huge percentages of American children don't have biological fathers in their homes any more because of government subsidized welfare benefits that make a mother lose her benefits if she gets married.  Over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and grow up without fathers.  That is a cultural nightmare of a huge magnitude and results in rising dysfunctional families, drugs, crime, incarcerations and billions of dollars in public expenditures.  But then, so what?  We're a rich country.
It doesn't really matter that environmental protections laws have all but eliminated private property rights in America.  It doesn't matter that UN's Agenda 21 policies of smart growth and sustainable development includes crammed-in-together high-rise apartments with shopping and businesses in the same building on rapid transit routes.  This is so people can walk or take their bicycles to work and GET OUT OF THEIR CARS.  Government and environmentalists hate cars.   But cars were the next order of freedom of movement after the horse that Americans crave but government and environmentalists don't want us in our cars and are doing everything in their power to limit that freedom.
It doesn't matter that we have to pay for very expensive rapid transit that only transports a fraction of the population.  Meanwhile, roads and bridges are crumbling beneath the tires of our trucks and cars. 
It doesn't matter that we are being forced into high-dense communities containing houses with no yards and no place for the kids to play.  All this is a national and international drive to put more and more people in higher and higher densities where they can be more easily controlled by government and vote for liberals for more social programs.  All rural areas are off limits.   They are only for animals, plants and trees.
After all, why should it matter that our entire judicial system has been co-opted behind our backs in favor of admiralty/commercial law (Uniform Commercial Code - UCC) instead of constitutional common law.  How did that happen?
It doesn't matter that our public schools and colleges have become government institutions of socialist and environmental brainwashing and indoctrination.  Why do you suppose that government wants to set up government-run pre-schools?  It's not to help parents.  It is so they can start brainwashing American children at a very early age when they are most vulnerable, in order to make them compliant little government robots.
It doesn't matter that the IRS is totally out of control and has become a political weapon for certain Administrations that illegally use the IRS to squelch or penalize conservative speech.  Hey, that's just politics.
It doesn't matter that the nuclear family is breaking down.  Sadly, what that means for the entire American culture is dire indeed.
And it doesn't seem to matter that millions of Americans (mostly between the ages of 16 and 45) are compelled by some evil force to get them high on drugs or alcohol.  They are over-dosing at unprecedented and increasing rates.  Maybe that is nature's way of population thinning.
Yes, life is good in America.  So why should anyone worry about all those other pesky little problems?
It follows that if none of these problems matter and too few care, nothing will change.  If nothing will change the problems will only get worse and they are.  Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot on radio for 30 years, but he hasn't made a difference.  Sean Hannity (Fox News) does what he can but nothing changes.  The news media is a lost cause.
After over 12 years of failing to get people involved in making a difference and taking into account that the lion's share of the votes rest in the urban liberal camp, nothing of substance will change without a natural, or man-made drastic event
Without intervention, the fate of America is pre-ordained.  The unalienable rights of the Constitution will become meaningless.  Individual freedom will be replaced by the priority of the collective.  America will continue to spend money it doesn't have, for votes, until America becomes a third-world broke banana republic beset with hyperinflation.  The resistance against one-world-order will diminish to the point where America WILL BE merged into World Government because "them's with the gold" rule and the masses don't own the gold. 
Remember?  FDR took the gold away from the people in 1933, which meant that every single American dollar is not an asset with value but a debt with an obligation.  Americans are on the hook for that obligation that they had no choice in approving.  Nor are the masses sovereign any more as they were intended to be.
If you think what we have described here is doom and gloom without substance, you aren't reading the tealeaves and your head is planted firmly in the sand.  It is very likely the Democrats will take one or both Houses of Congress in November of 2018.  Not that it would make any difference since both parties are the same. 
Just look at the millions of "kids" that turned out all around America for more gun control last weekend.  What they really want is the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.  Where are the armed freedom fighters turning out by the millions for freedom?  No where!
The hard fact is, no one is going to do anything about all these other pesky little problems until such time the only solution will be a violent one and the "shot heard round the world" will ring in our ears once more in a repeat of 1775.  But this time the outcome will not be a re-birth of freedom.  It instead will be a forceful subjugation of the planet's masses dancing to a slave chant, written, produced and directed by "them's with the gold."
Let us know if you DISAGREE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" ( and "Getting Even With Government" (   Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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Reprinted with permission of author Ron Ewert;


"The Stories That Government Is Afraid To Tell”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 15, 2018 - All Rights Reserved


Dateline High Point, North Carolina: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
In June, Kay Council of High Point, NC came home one night to find a note from her husband, Alex: "My dearest Kay - I have taken my life in order to provide capital for you. The IRS and its liens, which have been taken against our property illegally by a runaway agency of our government, have dried up all sources of credit for us. So I have made the only decision I can. It's purely a business decision... You will find my body on the lot on the north side of the house." At the end of a nine-year battle over a disallowed tax shelter, the IRS claimed that the Councils owed $300,000 in taxes, interest, and penalties. When their financial resources were exhausted, Mr. Council committed suicide to provide Mrs. Council with $250,000 insurance money to continue the battle. Ironically, Mrs. Council eventually won a court ruling that she and her husband owed the IRS nothing.  Mrs. Council, 48, said, "I was cheated out of growing old with the man I love." 
Dateline Columbia River, Washington State: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
Raven bought her land in 1999, not knowing the horror she would endure at the hands of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) and two non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) known as the Columbia Land Trust (CLT) and another NGO, Ducks Unlimited (DU).  Armed with millions of dollars of federal grant money, USFW and the two NGO’s set about to restore the Grays River to its pre-human days, in the pursuit of salmon habitat recovery.  From Raven's own words:
 “CLT, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and USFW, began immediately.  A 36-inch tide gate was replaced with two 13-foot culverts.  Sloughs were filled in.  In 2005 CLT asked me to give them my land.  I refused.    More sloughs were filled in, a county road made lower in some areas and higher across my property.  Trees with Eagles nests were bulldozed.  The only thing left alive, were the mosquitoes.  The chum salmon get swooshed onto my fields where they flop around and die.  The rivers depth went from 21 feet to 9 feet due to the increased sediment and debris thrown into the river, thus destroying fish spawning areas.  Much of their so-called restoration work was done in the dead of night so that it would go unnoticed by the locals.” 
“On December 31st, 2005 my home, property and barns were flooded.  My home and the out buildings stayed immersed in water until March 17th 2006.  My utility room flooded, destroying my freezer, all the food, linen, and all supplies that were stored there.  With each high tide, the water got deeper and the property itself stayed flooded until late June.  Almost everything was a total loss.   No automobiles ran, classic cars destroyed, a professional automotive shop and all the tools gone.  My home had extensive damage.  CLT requested I give them the property.  Again, I refused.” 
“I repaired what I could.  It took me two months to get enough money to buy a used van.  In the meantime I had to hitchhike to work.  My minimal insurance would not cover anything because the insurance company determined my loss was from third-party error.  The ‘third-party’ refused my demand for damages.”
“When my property flooded, I had three-to-four foot waves crashing on to my house.  It sounded as though I was at the beach.   I live 25 miles inland.  The water filled my property, then headed east, flooding Altoona highway and the Scott’s Bed & Breakfast.  Since USFW and the NGO’s started this salmon recovery project, my property has flooded eleven times.  I am out of money and have nothing left to fight with.  The government agency and the NGO’s don’t care.  It appears to me, that neither does anyone else.”
Raven eventually gave up, abandoned her land and moved to Idaho to live with relatives having lost everything.
(Full Story)
Dateline Gig Harbor, Washington: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
John (not his real name) owned a few acres of land in Washington State, about a half hours drive from a big city.  John's neighbor had a minor grievance with John over some work along a common boundary and instead of working it out man-to-man, the neighbor called the county land use authorities (CLUA) and filed a complaint.  The CLUA comes out, looks at what John is doing and says they didn't see any problem. John didn't need a permit and CLUA went away.  That wasn't good enough for John's neighbor and he kept bugging CLUA until they came out to the property and told John that he needed to cease and desist.  But John had already ceased and desisted with the ditch cleaning.  That wasn't good enough for CLUA, thanks to continued bugging by John's neighbor and CLUA finally filed misdemeanor charges against John for continuing to do allegedly illegal work that John had already stopped.  Essentially John's activities consisted of cleaning out some areas around a ditch and burning the slash, for which John had gotten a burning permit.
John ignored the CLUA warnings for several months and thought the whole issue had gone away.  But behind the scenes John's neighbor kept pressuring CLUA and the county prosecutor, to "get" John.
CLUA and the county prosecutor dragged John into District Court on misdemeanor charges for filling in a wetland.  John elected to represent himself for what he thought was just a minor land use violation that he could make go away.  No such luck.  The prosecutor and the District Court Judge decided to make an environmental example out of John by thwarting every legal attempt John made to defend himself, to the point that the judge found John in contempt of court and sentenced him to 150 days in jail on a full cash bond of $20,000 each, for five separate contempt of court charges.  Not having $100,000 dollars to pay the court, John was forced to sit in jail with thieves and murders for over 60 days before a third party filed a writ of Habeas Corpus in Superior Court and had to fork over $20,000 in cash to get John out of jail on appeal. 
The wetland charge was made by creating the wetland AFTER John had done his clearing and burning.  There was no wetland designation in the area anytime before John did his work.  In other words, the prosecutor drummed up the charges by creating a wetland violation after the fact.  That's how they "got" John.
While out on appeal John used every legal trick he knew to get the case dismissed but the court clerk would fail to file and record his motions.   Some motions were lost, others ignored.   The District Court judge literally thumbed his nose at all of John's efforts.  When John filed a motion to get his case elevated to Superior Court because according to the state Constitution, the lower court has no jurisdiction in real estate cases, the District Court judge de-railed that too.
John filed motions in Superior Court to get the lower court decision rescinded.  The Superior Court refused to hear the case.  The transcript screamed of the District Court Judge's environmental bias against John and he was going to "get" John any way he could.
Finding no help in the two lower courts, John filed motions with the state appellate court.  No help there either.  John went to the State Supreme Court.  They refused to hear the case. 
Finally, just days before the District Court's order to send John back to jail for another 90 days and pay a fine of another $1,000, John filed for clemency with the Governor of the state.  The Democrat Governor ignored John's plea.  John tried to get the District Court to give him credit for time served and for good behavior while in jail for the first 63 days.  The District Court judge said emphatically NO! and John went back to jail to sit with thieves and murders again, essentially for doing maintenance on his property. 
John was forced back to jail for another 90 days for a charge of clearing out a wetland that didn't exist before the act of clearing.   John became a sacrificial lamb in the name of radical environmentalism.  (Full Story)
Dateline California: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A man and his wife in California bought some rural acreage that had a home and outbuildings on it.  After they bought the land, the local Land Use Agency said that one of their buildings was not in code and filed a code violation against them.  But it turns out that the Land Use Agency had filed a code violation on the property 12 years ago against the previous owner for the same reason, but the code violation did not show up on the Title Report for the new purchaser.  Nevertheless, the new owners were still responsible for the old code violation and had to fork over $28,000 in fees and fines to bring the property in compliance.  They also discovered that there is no statute of limitations on land use code violations.
Dateline Georgia: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A man and his son had all the permits necessary to fill in a portion of the waterfront property.  Along came the Army Corps of Engineers and hit them with a criminal violation of filling in a wetland and took them to Federal Court.  The judge would not allow the landowners to enter into evidence their permits and sentenced the man and his son to 21 months in a federal prison, with the further requirement to restore the property when they were released.
Dateline Los Angeles County California: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
In Antelope Valley, a very rural area of Los Angeles County, the rural landowners are being faced with fully armed SWAT teams that haul the landowner off to jail or court, if they haven't moved fast enough in clearing up a code violation.  Los Angeles County calls the SWAT team a "nuisance abatement team".  America has become a police state?
Dateline Ohio: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A rural Ohio family, with a going family business, faced the same dilemma with the Army Corps of Engineers. They were also criminally charged with filling in a wetland.  The Corps took them to Federal Court.  But the hitch was, they hadn't filled in a wetland.  However, that didn't stop the Army Corps from pursuing the case.  The family first tried to defend themselves in court and quickly used up their savings in the process.  They were then approached by the Ohio Farm Bureau who offered to help them with their case.  All they had to do was to put up their land as collateral for the Farm Bureau loan.  The Farm Bureau lost the case and then took the farm from the family to repay the loan, including most of their possessions on the farm.  This proud Ohio family, with a going business, was left penniless for a manufactured environmental violation.  (Full Story)
Dateline Idaho: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
An Idaho couple bought a lot in a completed subdivision with homes all around them and applied for a building permit to build their dream home.  The lot was over 500 feet from the nearest body of water.  That didn't stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who came on their property as the couple was clearing and leveling the lot for the foundation and slapped them with a non-compliance order for, you guessed it, filling in a wetland.  The EPA then told them that they would have to restore the property to its original condition, at great cost, they couldn't build on it and if they didn't comply, they would be faced with a $37,500 per day fine.
(Full Story)
_.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
Ladies and gentlemen, stories like these are going on all across the country every day but you never hear about them.  If all of these thousands of stories were taken in total, made public and told all at once, the outcry could spark an uprising or even a revolution.  Whether it is the IRS, FBI, BLM, DOJ, EPA, USFW, or thousands of state and local bureaucracies, this isn't just a matter of a little injustice, this is outright intimidation, domination and condemnation under law, one American at a time, by an out-of-control, narcissistic and cold-hearted government that has lost all allegiance to its solemn duty to protect our individual liberties and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God!
Besides the massive abuse that the IRS inflicts on Americans, rural landowners are also getting hit hard all across America by land use and environmental dictatorial edicts.  If you are a landowner, you would be wise to contact the "National Association of Rural Landowners" and check out their defenses and offenses against government abuse. 
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (   Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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