DEI and the Death of a Nation

Source; Oren Long

DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Yet, Whites, Males, Christians, Heterosexuals, and Conservatives are not included.  So much for Inclusion.     
Let's be clear, DEI is just a fancy term for "Quotas" for every demographic subset; racial, sexual, political, ethnic, educational, incompetence, etc.  In reality, DEI advocates could not care less about Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion.  Rather, they are using DEI to destroy the country, as founded and built, in pursuit of some Socialist Utopian Mirage and, so far, they're succeeding.  By calling quotas "DEI", they're putting lipstick on the "pig" of reverse discrimination in an attempt to distract us from the glaring fact that it's still a pig.  
That pig is the total destruction of America and freedom.  When you corner them, these 'Utopian' dimbulbs cannot tell you what they would replace it with, well, except for some hazy vision of Heaven-on-Earth while simultaneously insisting there is no Heaven.    
Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have fallen in love with DEI as a concept without ever thinking through what it entails when implemented.  
We have become so Hell-bent on being seen as "Diverse", "Equitable", and "Inclusive" that we have forsaken any and all core values we once held dear.  We have forgotten Jefferson's admonition, "Stand fast to Principle".  
As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us".   
Joe Stalin said, "America has three things we can never defeat:  Religion, Culture, and Patriotism.  But, if we can undermine those, she will fall of her own weight."  So far, they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.   
As one Russian defector said of the Left, "You can show them evidence.  You can show them pictures.  You can even take them to Russia and show them the gulags.  They still won't believe it UNTIL it kicks them in their fat bottoms."         
Radio host Dan Bongino talked at length about DEI and the very real danger it poses in all facets of society, business, and even the military.  
One example he cited was the airline industry.  He talked about how airline pilots are now being hired, NOT for their flying ability, but whether they fit into the DEI spectrum.  As Mr. Bongino talked, he started getting hundreds of messages from current and former pilots citing the gross incompetence of DEI hires.  Others in the airline industry said that the pilot issue was just the tip of the iceberg.  Air Traffic Controllers are also being hired on the basis of DEI, putting planes in and around airports at risk.  Mechanics and maintenance DEI hires are also putting planes and travelers at high risk of crashes and tragedy.  So far, only the older, experienced pre-DEI people are averting tragedy.  But they are retiring, some saying the situation is so bad that they now refuse to fly -- too dangerous!  
Remember the recent case of a door plug coming off a Boeing jet in flight, causing a door to come off and suck the shirt off a ten-year-old boy seated next to the door?  Only his seatbelt saved him.  It turns out the plug was either defective or improperly applied at Boeing.  Could it have been a DEI employee?  Just wondering.  
Mr. Bongino reported that Boeing executives receive up to 40% of their pay and benefits based upon DEI compliance, not personal performance or the performance of subordinates/employees.  
Personally, I will never fly again.  I'll drive.  What will you do?  
Perhaps we need to change "DEI" to "DIE".  
DEI compliance has even wormed its way into the military with assignments and promotions awarded according to DEI compliance.  
This reminds me of Ancient Rome whose military was the most feared throughout the Empire.  But gradually, promotions and assignments started being awarded for political and social reasons, not competence.  Eventually, Rome started losing battles, then wars, then Rome herself.  All because leadership became increasingly corrupt.
See any similarities?    
This may well be our fate.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.  History has a way of repeating itself.  Or, as Harry Truman said, "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know".    
Education is another area where DEI has overtaken competence and reason.  Oriental students are being excluded from acceptance in universities for the simple reason they are "too smart" and that's just not "fair" to their incompetent (and mentally incontinent) contemporaries.  
What happens when some White, male, Christian, heterosexual student gets a perfect SAT score, yet is refused university admittance in favor of a DEI-compliant idiot?      
We have watched this creeping up on us for a long, long time with students graduating who can barely read and write, let alone perform in the job market or society.  
Even math has been declared "racist" with the demand that it be dumbed down so the math-illiterate can pass the course.  We have all experienced employees who cannot even make change in a transaction.  Yet, they demand a "living wage", based upon their personal definition of course.  
Then there are the perverts who cannot look into their own pants and tell what gender they are.  Now, another fancy term has been coined.  They are no longer "perverts" but are "gender-dysphoric".  Yeah, Riiight!  
Don't get me started on the border and the MILLIONS of illegals (criminals by definition) invading America while Sleepy Joe stumbles around wondering how to get off a stage and has to be guided by Jill.    
Citizenship and responsibility have become four-letter words.  
Ayn Rand, author of "Atlas Shrugged", said it best, "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of reality".    
"And in those days Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good". - The Bible    
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