Just think of that a bit, just who can get upset with a bunch of people who tend to come to a common understanding of the world because they started paying attention, just how dangerous is that?
One large reason we have a representative democracy is the difficulty we use to have in gaining access to information. Not so long ago it was difficult for organizations public or private, to gain access to detailed information in making decisions. As a matter of practicality we chose to elect individuals we initially believe we can trust, to do the analysis on our behalf, make sound judgments and actions. Obamacare, broke that trust. With no Republican votes, and against 87% of the citizenry, this legislation signed because we had to "pass the bill so that we can see what is in the bill"; this is not what we signed up for. The hubris of the Democratic party inflicted its own fatal wound.
The Tea Party isn't an adoration as many would like to believe, it is the product of a much improved access to information by a population quite prepared to understand it and come to reasonable conclusions.
Today we have citizens paying attention, who unlike before, also have access to original source information (not just newspapers) from which to participate directly in the decision making process. The only defense the Democrats have is to try to create an emergency (they wrongly label as a crisis) so they don't have to answer questions. After all, during a true emergency, who has time for Q&A? The artificial crisis created by the Obama administration over the budget ceiling is a great example of the Democratic strategy at work. Create an emergency then we don't have to answer questions, avoiding the one thing Democrats can not tolerate. In this case, the false-crisis didn't work.
Crises are not emergencies where by all discussion is halted, they are simply urgent events that require attention, and the Tea Party is well prepared to provide all the attention any crisis requires.
Your fellow Citizen Paying Attention,
Thomas A. Coss
Orange County, California