The Tea Party has done a wonderful job in changing the discussion in Washington, yet not so much on defining itself in simple terms. After reading much from this and other sites it seems clear to me that the "Tea Party" is simply Citizens Paying Attention.
Here is a test you can do on your own. Take any piece you might find written by those who hold contempt for the Tea Party and substitute "Tea Party" with" Citizens"; you will soon discover an unsavory flavor. You will see in this exercise an egalitarian, condescending narrative that says, we know better than you so sit down, shut up and send me money. The narrative will challenge your right to ask, "just how do you plan on spending this money?" in favor of their inclination to tell you what to do so that they can feel better about themselves.
Citizens paying attention is a good thing, it's what American's do and we aught not make it so easy for others to disparage us from such a noble act.
Thomas A. Coss