



Lake Hopatcong, NJ

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Walter Pearson posted a blog post
From Colorado to Wisconsin -It seems that, even when a school system can proclaim itself 'proud American' (Fort Collins HS in Colorado gave up the ghost of its denial of 'American Day' for the student body) the actions of another speak even…
Feb 4, 2014

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  • Hello Walter - just found this feature. Like the comments Good to know all americans are not idiot democrats. Like to be able to get the word out. Democrats & RINO's are morons & traitors bent on destroying the middle class & thus the country. As a true conservative I wish you prosperity & good health.

  • Love the Flag/Eagle! Thx so much!


  • Thank you Walter! Kudos!


  • Welcome Walter Pearson!

  • You know, I have never had any success debating liberals; even the ones in my own family. They just refuse to even consider the worth of what I am trying to say. I'm not at all good with confrontation, so I don't even try much anymore.
    You must have a gift for being able to debate with people without it getting ugly, Walter. That is a true gift. Not that many can do so.
  • No, they won't ever listen to an opposing point of view. For people who claim to be liberal minded, they are the most opinionated, least willing to listen bunch you'll ever encounter. There is only one way for them - their way. When a conservative expresses their opinion, a lib will call them all manner of derogatory names, but let the tables turn and they throw huge tantrums ala Chris Matthews. I am so weary of this. There is no rhyme nor reason with liberals.
  • "Circle the wagons" - -emphatically agree!

  • Walter-Thank you, for your friendship; each of US knows we need all the friends we can cultivate, now and into the future.

  • Excellent post, Walter. I heartily agree.
    I like the #OOO designation you have for Obama on Twitter. Clever!
    I am amazed that so many people seem surprised by how the liberal policies they thought would be so great are really pretty bad. Guess they are discovering that their liberal saviors weren't quite what they'd hoped for.
  • Thanks Walter. 

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