William Fogleman's Posts (1)

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Well, here is a novel idea. If we could get some of the conservative lawmakers to draft a bill 

called the "Unconstitutional Laws Act" which would repeal and nullify ANY law previously enacted that can be deemed by the supreme court unconstitutional. Like Obamacare. With Obamacare, since that bill did not originate in the House I would think it is null and void. Article 1 Section 7 says all bills of a fiscal or tax nature  must originate in the House. Actually, this bill should help to restore our beloved republic, by curbing overreaching bureaucratic laws that continually erode our civil rights and freedoms our founding fathers fought so hard to create, and our brave soldiers sacrificed so much to defend.

I am hoping we can get this idea of drafting this bill out to our senators.

This bill will also stop dead in their tracks any more anti-second amendment gun control bills like Dianne Feinsteins little jewel. It may even keep us out of the crown jewel, the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which would create an international gun registry that would end up CONFISCATING law-abiding citizens guns.  

And since all our senators and lawmakers are sworn to uphold and defend the constitution, I would hope that this not only be a litmus test to see who is just a career politician, and who actually cares about the american peoples needs. Hopefully our senators will draft a bill like this to restore our rights, freedoms and liberties.

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