William M. Finley's Posts (2815)

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EUROPEANS BEWARE of Sudden Jihad Syndrome where you least expect it

( Muslim do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Muslim invaders beating up natives in the streets of Europe could happen to anyone, often for no reason. It doesn’t take much to bring out their savage side.

If the videos here won’t play here for you, click the TIME/DATE at the bottom of each to see them on Twitter:

TO WATCH VIDEO http://www.barenakedislam.com/2017/04/19/europeans-beware-of-sudden-jihad-syndrome-where-yo

Savage migrants attack a German man in middle of a busy street!

The new face of Europe: Muslim migrants randomly attack Europeans for 'sport'. These are the people we're expected to welcome with open arms

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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California: “Progressive” Women’s Group Now Building a ‘Pipeline’ for Muslim Candidates

( Muslim do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Democratic pipeline

Source: Training Hopes to Build ‘Pipeline’ for Muslim Candidates After Trump Election – NBC News

Karen Hinks had spent approximately a year training women of color to run for office in Orange County, California, when President Donald Trump was elected.

During her training sessions, she saw that Muslims were especially underrepresented in area politics. Now her organization is preparing to launch training sessions to provide the county’s Muslims the tools to run for local political office.

“There are no Muslim women who have ever been elected to office [in Orange County],” Hinks told NBC News. “That then led us to approach the leadership of the mosques in Orange County to say, ‘We want to do a training with Muslim Americans — what do you think the interest is going to be?’ And they were all for the idea.”

Starting April 15, Hinks’ organization, “WELead OC” and Rima Nashashibi, former vice chair of the Democratic Party of Orange County, are scheduled to hold a five-week Muslim candidate training program to teach aspiring politicians — both women and men — about fundraising, field operations, social media, messaging, communications, and volunteer recruitment.

The goal, said Hinks, is to create a “pipeline” for Muslims to enter politics ahead of the 2018 and 2020 elections at a time when political engagement in the Orange County Muslim community is on the rise.

“The more Muslims we see in elected office, the more it boosts our community’s confidence, and it’s a great way to undermine those who are spreading hate and a racist agenda,” Rashad al-Dabbagh, founder and executive director of the Orange County-based Arab American Civic Council, told NBC News.”We love our allies and our partners in other communities, but if Muslims want to prosper and be seen as equals, they have to step up and make a difference themselves.”

Jabbar, the school district board member and sole Muslim elected official in Orange County, said that Muslims have increasingly become interested in running for office in recent years, but that Trump’s victory was “an extra kick.”

“With Trump getting elected, I see that even more,” he said. “Because as a community—Latinos and Muslims—we’ve been put down by this president and we want to show that we are here, working in our communities.”

But al-Dabbagh said that Islamophobia remains a big hurdle.

“We witnessed sometimes Muslim campaigns get targeted just because of their religion or ethnicity, and that they get accused of the nastiest things,” he said. “Some people don’t feel comfortable running because of how viciously they can be attacked by their opponents. Not a lot of people are willing to go through it.”

Jabbar said that religion never came up during his 2014 campaign, but Farrah Khan, a community organizer and interfaith leader who ran for Irvine City Council last year, told NBC News that she was attacked by anti-Muslim rhetoric, which may have contributed to her loss.

“There were lawn signs, street signs, out saying that I was anti-Israel,” she said. “Coming from the interfaith community, that was really appalling.”

Khan, who went through one of WELead OC’s training programs for women last year, said that she was also the subject of a negative mailer that portrayed her as an extremist.

“In a city where we have 110,000 voters, and this mailer went out to everybody and you can’t counter it, a lot of people who don’t know me might believe it,” she said.

Hinks said the upcoming Muslim candidate training program will address the issue of Islamophobia by focusing heavily on field operations and how to engage with voters one-on-one, which she said is the best way to break down the fears and stereotypes.

But Muslim political advancement will also require the help of others, said Khan.

“What I don’t see happening is those who are already elected bringing Muslims into roles such as commissioner, or onto committees, so they can gain the experience so that they’re able to run when the time comes,” she said. “We start from scratch often times, and that needs to change.”

Al-Dabbagh noted that some of these changes are happening. Muslims in Orange County have also become more involved inside party leadership recently, he said, winning several delegate seats in the California Democratic Party in January.

While Khan said she expects to see several new Muslim candidates in the coming years, she knows that change requires patience.

“We have to tell people that you can’t expect to win the first time—you have to keep trying,” she said, noting that she plans to run again in 2018. “That’s what I intend to do.”

According to her Linkedin bio, Hinks is a social justice warrior and progressive Democrat who worked for Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. Sanchez once stated, Up to 20% of Muslims want caliphate. Hinks seems ready to help that process along.

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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so he can feel the human connection

so he can feel the human connection 

Regardless of how you feel about President Trump, this IS powerful indeed!
Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
Understand the weight of this image. This soldier lost both of his arms. The feeling of a handshake is lost to him. 
President Trump realized this, and thus, touched his face so he can feel the human connection 
This is what I see when I think of President Trump's motives.  He exchanged a billionaire lifestyle so he could be insulted, dragged through the mud, and lied about on a daily basis. 
All in an attempt as he saw it, to supposedly save the country and the people he loves.
Let's each pass this along.
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“Not Terrorism,” But Murder Spree Suspect’s Name is Muhammad, Shouted “Allahu Akbar”, and Had Pro-Muslim Rant on Social Media

( Muslim do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Three people are dead in a shooting spree in downtown Fresno on Tuesday, and the suspect was wanted in connection to the Motel 6 killing last week, the Fresno Police Department said.

Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, shouted “Allahu Akbar” as police tackled him to the ground after the shootings which were spread over four locations, Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.

The victims appeared to be random, Dyer said.

“These individuals that were chosen today did not anything to deserve what they got,” Dyer said. “These were unprovoked attacks.”

Shot Spotter detected the first gunshots around 10:45 a.m. Muhammad shot into a Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) vehicle killing the passenger. The driver sped away and drove to Fresno Police headquarters. (Read more from “Murder Suspect’s Name is Muhammad” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/not-terrorism-murder-spree-suspects-name-muhammad-shouted-allah


Police: Killings had “Nothing to Do With Terrorism”

A man wanted in the slaying of a security guard set out to kill as many white people as he could on Tuesday, gunning down three men on the streets of downtown Fresno before he was captured and admitted to the shootings, authorities said.

Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, was arrested shortly after the morning rampage that left three white men dead, police said. Muhammad, who is black, fired 16 rounds in less than two minutes at four places within a block, shooting men who appeared to be going about their day, authorities say.

During his arrest, Muhammad shouted “Allahu Akbar,” but Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said the shootings had “nothing to do with terrorism in spite of the statement he made.” (Read more about the murder suspect whose name is Muhammad HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/not-terrorism-murder-spree-suspects-name-muhammad-shouted-allahu-akbar-pro-muslim-rant-social-media/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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If Freedom Hurts Your Feelings, College Crybabies, Watch out for This Truth Grenade

It’s getting rather difficult to write headlines and lede paragraphs for these sorts of things, since the same tripe keeps bubbling up over and over from the septic tanks of the American academy.

A college president must profess that freedom of speech is oppressive and objective truth is all a “myth,” according to the demands of an open letter from a group of students at one California college.

It has been over a week since conservative scholar Heather Mac Donald was chased off the campus of Pomona College by the illiberal ilk of the same whiny thugs who mobbed Charles Murray at Middlebury College earlier this year.

“This is not just my loss of free speech,” Mac Donald told Fox and Friends afterwards. “These students are exercising brute force against their fellow students to prevent them from hearing me live.”

A few days prior to the incident, the university’s outgoing president, David Oxtoby, sent an email that reiterated the college’s commitment to “the exercise of free speech and academic freedom.”

Now, with all the trappings of a modern-day witch-burning, a trio of underclassmen graduating in 2019 and 2020, along with some 20-plus signatories, have demanded that Oxtoby formally recant in the form of a revised email “apologizing for the previous patronizing statement, enforcing that Pomona College does not tolerate hate speech and speech that projects violence onto the bodies of its marginalized students and oppressed peoples …”

The letter was first reported by the Claremont Independent, an independent student paper at the Claremont Colleges. According to the outlet’s story on Monday, the signatories have demanded a response by Tuesday, April 18.

But the recant is not enough for Pomona’s heretic hunters; These kids want some scalps. They are demanding that Pomona College and the Claremont system “take action against the Claremont Independent editorial staff for its continual perpetuation of hate speech, anti-Blackness, and intimidation toward students of marginalized backgrounds.”

Such tittles, of course, are all typical battle streamers one should aspire to accrue when writing anything that drifts slightly right of center on a college campus these days.

Most of the eight-paragraph letter remainder reads as a semi-coherent mini-screed articulating what appear to be this month’s most recent intersectionalist shibboleths. For those of you who may not be familiar with the latest liberty-hating campus fad-philosophy, Andrew Sullivan has a worthwhile synopsis at New York Magazine.

“On the surface, it’s a recent neo-Marxist theory that argues that social oppression does not simply apply to single categories of identity — such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, etc. — but to all of them in an interlocking system of hierarchy and power,” he explains. “It is operating, in Orwell’s words, as a ‘smelly little orthodoxy,’ and it manifests itself, it seems to me, almost as a religion,” the enforcement of which is reminiscent of New England Puritanism.

But it gets better. As if the entire exercise were not rich enough, the authors of intersectional bull then turn their attention to the concept of truth.

“Your statement contains unnuanced views surrounding the academy and a belief in searching for some venerated truth,” the letter continues.

“Historically, white supremacy has venerated the idea of objectivity, and wielded a dichotomy of ‘subjectivity vs. objectivity’ as a means of silencing oppressed peoples. The idea that there is a single truth–’the Truth’–is a construct of the Euro-West that is deeply rooted in the Enlightenment, which was a movement that also described Black and Brown people as both subhuman and impervious to pain. This construction is a myth and white supremacy, imperialism, colonization, capitalism, and the United States of America are all of its progeny.”

One wonders how often the professors who indoctrinated these kids have asked them to cite their sources. I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same Enlightenment, because it sounds like they have a philosophical movement focused on human liberty and empirical truth confused with a weird racist version of Marvel Comics’ Luke Cage.

There are two great ironies here. The first one is that those doing this disparaging of the concept of a universal truth as being “deeply rooted in the Enlightenment” don’t realize how being free to pursue that truth without coercion is itself an Enlightenment principle, or that the rejection of this liberty is typically what leads to real oppression. [See: Fascism, Stalinism, Maoism, Sharia supremacism, etc.] If freedom hurts your feelings, I don’t really know where else to send you, since you clearly also can’t handle true oppression.

The concept of an objective truth isn’t rooted in one philosophical movement; Rather, philosophy itself is rooted in the search for truth, which is rooted in human nature. The difference between those who believe in ‘oppressive’ Enlightenment concepts like free speech and those who don’t is that the former are far more likely to engage in debate than brute-force tactics and toddler-esque demands.

The second irony here is that the letter goes on to espouse a metanarrative of history right after disparaging the concept of objective truth altogether. That’s a flag on the play. You don’t get to call a narrative absurd — or have the audacity to make someone recant their beliefs — when just a moment before you removed the framework that lets you claim one set of beliefs is greater than another. A freshman logic class should remedy this.

Claims like these are best met with philosopher Roger Scruton’s famous quip: “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative,’ is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.” (For more from the author of “If Freedom Hurts Your Feelings, College Crybabies, Watch out for This Truth Grenade” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/freedom-hurts-feelings-college-crybabies-watch-truth-grenade

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Todd's American Dispatch

University students vote to make American flag optional

FILE -- A 20-by-30-foot blows in the wind on Jan. 19 2017 in Linwood, Mich.

FILE -- A 20-by-30-foot blows in the wind on Jan. 19 2017 in Linwood, Mich.  (Jacob Hamilton/The Bay City Times via AP. )

Students at the University of California, Davis proved you don't need a Bic lighter to desecrate Old Glory -- you just need a majority vote.

The UC Davis Student Senate passed legislation revoking a long-standing rule that required the American flag "stand visibly" at every senate meeting. 


"It shall not be compulsory for the flag of the United State (sic) of America to be displayed at the ASUCD Senate meetings," the new legislation declares. 

Ironically, the author of the anti-American bill is a student who recently became a naturalized citizen. 

"The concept of the United States of America and patriotism is different for every individual," Itmar Waksman told the CBS  affiliate in Sacramento. 

Under the new rules, any senator who wants to display Old Glory must file a petition. 

"It will then be at the discretion of the Senate Pro Tempore whether to approve, reject or set the decision to a vote of the Senate," the bill states.

Click here to read the full story on ToddStarnes.com.

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Lawyer: FGM on girls was part of Muslim doctor’s Islamic ‘religious practice’

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Source: Lawyer: Genital procedure on girls was part of ‘religious practice’

In a stunning revelation in federal court today, an attorney for a Detroit area doctor charged with mutilating the genitals of young girls admitted that her client performed a procedure on the juveniles’ private parts, but maintained that it wasn’t cutting.

Instead, the lawyer said Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, 44, of Northville, removed the membrane from the girls’ genitals as part of a religious practice that is tied to an international Indian-Muslim group that the doctor belongs to.

Attorney Shannon Smith said that her client removed the membrane from the girls vaginal parts and gave it  the girls’ parents, who would then bury it following a custom practiced by a small sect of Indian Muslims known as the Dawoodi  Bohra.

All of this was disclosed at a detention hearing for Nagarwala, who was ordered locked up pending the outcome of her case.

The judge concluded she was a danger to the community and a flight risk after hearing arguments from both sides.

 The government argued that Nagarwala engaged in secretive practice that has potentially harmed numerous young girls across Michigan. And she did it after hours, in a private unnamed clinic in Livonia, without keeping any records or billing anyone, the government said.

“She knew that this was illegal but did it anyway,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara Woodward said in court, claiming there’s also a risk of Nagarwala and others pressuring others in their religious community not to talk to authorities about this “incredibly secretive” procedure.

“I think there’s a preponderance of the evidence that your client poses a danger to the community,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Monica Mazjoub said during the hearing, in which she pressed the defense to explain why Nagarwala performed these procedures at a clinic late at night, but never kept any records or billed for them.

Nagarwala, an emergency room doctor with Henry  Ford Health System, was charged Thursday with genital mutilation in what prosecutors are calling the first of its kind criminal case in the country. The case involves two 7-year-old Minnesota girls who came to metro Detroit in February with their mothers, not knowing that the reason for the trip was to have their genitals cut, prosecutors allege.

According to court documents, the girls thought they were in Michigan for a “special” girls trip, but instead ended up in the Livonia clinic, where Nagarwala allegedly mutilated their genitals as part of a cultural and religious practice. The girls were told to keep what happened a secret, but the FBI found out, records show.

Female genital mutilation, which experts say is practiced in 30 countries worldwide and has been performed on 200 million women living today,  is illegal in the US. The practice, which seeks to curb the sexuality of girls and women by making sex painful, qualifies as a criminal sexual act, as the intent of the procedure is considered to abuse, humiliate, harass or degrade.

According to court records, she, volunteered to be interviewed by a Homeland Security agent and Michigan child protective services personnel. During her interview, she said that she is aware that female genitalia mutilation is illegal in the U.S., but denied ever performing the procedure on any children.  She also said that she had no knowledge of  the procedure being performed on anyone in her cultural community.

At her initial appearance in court Thursday, two male relatives were in the courtroom, but they declined to comment. So did her lawyer, Bloomfield Hills attorney Shannon Smith.

As noted earlier today, Protection petitions were filed for two Minnesota girls after genital mutilation by Muslim doc.

Creeping ShariaTo read more https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/THE WATCHMAN ON THE WALL SOUNDING THE ALARM

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To appease Muslim pressure groups like CAIR, Barack Obama and NYC Mayor Bill deBlasio have compromised the NYPD’s ability to fight Islamic terrorism

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

The NYPD has had a stellar

track record of protecting the city from another 9/11, foiling

more than 20 planned terrorist attacks since 2001. But some

worry the department is losing its terror-fighting edge as it has

been forced pull back important counter-terrorism tactics to

please Muslim grievance groups.

NY Post  Last year, for instance, it censored an anti-terror handbook to appease offended Muslims, even though it has accurately predicted radicalization patterns in recent “homegrown” terror cases. Rank-and-file NYPD officers, detectives and even intelligence and counterterrorism units are officially barred now from referring to the handbook or the scientific study on which it was based.

Former law-enforcement officials fear its removal as a training tool may be hurting efforts to prevent terrorist activity, such as the vehicle-ramming attacks plaguing European cities.

“The report was extremely accurate on how the radicalization process works and what indicators to look for,” said Patrick Dunleavy, former deputy inspector general of the New York state prisons’ criminal-intelligence division, who also worked with the NYPD’s intelligence division for several years.

Mayor de Blasio agreed in January 2016 to purge the remarkably prescient police training guide “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat” to help settle a federal lawsuit filed by the ACLU and Muslim groups who claimed the NYPD’s anti-terror training discriminated against Muslims.

Written 10 years ago, the seminal NYPD report detailing the religious steps homegrown terrorists take toward radicalization is now more relevant than ever, with recent terror suspects closely following those steps. But in 2007, the same year the study was released, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) organized a protest against it, complaining it “casts suspicion on all US Muslims.” E

Even though federal law enforcement has long-shunned CAIR as a suspected terrorist front organization, “groups like CAIR were insistent on having it removed, and de Blasio caved into them,” Dunleavy said.

Under the city’s unusual settlement agreement, the NYPD as well as New York state agencies were forced to remove its 90-page anti-terror study — described by plaintiffs as “deeply flawed” and “inflammatory” — from databases and no longer rely on it “to open or extend investigations” into terrorist activities. Also, police must now commit to “mitigating the potential impact” of any counterterrorism investigation on the Muslim community.

The deal has had a chilling effect on other city police forces’ ability to use fact-based, trend analysis to develop terrorism cases, experts say. They warn that purging such studies deprives local law enforcement of the ability to understand how ISIS and other jihadists recruit, organize and operate — which is critical to disrupting terrorism plots.

The FBI has its hands full with over 1,000 open cases on ISIS terrorist suspects already in the US,” former FBI Agent John Guandolo said, “and it needs the help of well-trained eyes and ears on the ground at the local and state level.” 

“The bad guys know if police don’t know this stuff at the ground level, they win,” added Guandolo, who trains sheriffs departments across the country to ID local jihadi networks through his consulting firm, Understanding the Threat LLC.

The authors of the report, led by Mitch Silber, former NYPD director of intelligence analysis, examined hundreds of “homegrown” terrorism cases and found that suspects followed the same “radicalization” path. Key indicators include: alienating themselves from their former lives and friends; giving up cigarettes, drinking and partying; wearing traditional Islamic clothing; growing a beard; becoming obsessed with Mideast politics and jihad; and regularly attending a hardline mosque. In other words, the more they immersed themselves in their faith, the more radical they grew.

“You can take all the terrorist cases since that report and compare the information on the subject and the case and see stark similarities to what Mitch laid out,” Dunleavy noted.

The terrorists who carried out recent attacks in Boston; Fort Hood, Texas; Little Rock, Ark.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; San Bernardino, Fla.; Orlando; Philadelphia and at Ohio State University, among others, followed a similar pattern of radicalization.

In each case, the Muslim attacker was influenced through “incubators of extremism” within the Muslim community, including Islamic student associations, schools, bookstores and mosques. Jihadi websites also played a role, but what unifies them all is Islamic doctrine. As the NYPD study found, “The ultimate objective for any attack is always the same — to punish the West, overthrow the democratic order, re-establish the caliphate, and institute Sharia,” or Islamic law.

“The radicalizer is Sharia, not the Internet,” said Philip Haney, a former Homeland Security counterterrorism analyst. Haney says the feds are plagued by their own PC censorship. Bowing to pressure from CAIR and other Muslim groups, Homeland Security and the Justice Department have purged anti-terrorism training materials and fired instructors deemed offensive to Muslims. CAIR-launched protests also helped convince the FBI to recently suspend an Internet program aimed at preventing the radicalization of Muslim youth.

“If we fail to correct this situation, it is inevitable that more attacks will occur,” warned Haney, author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

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Marine Le Pen: “Give us France back, for God’s

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )


Marine Le Pen said:

The choice on Sunday is simple: It is a choice between a France that is rising again and a France that is sinking.

She is right. Far too many Westerners are still licking old (now gangrenous) wounds from eons ago. Europeans and white people are deemed inherently or inveterately evil because of colonialism and racism, and so deserve to be punished, no matter how the global situation has changed since colonial days. This punishment, moreover, is without limitations.

Buzzwords such as “globalization,” “diversity,” and “tolerance,” which may once have had relatively benign meanings, have been warped and manipulated as part of the larger endeavor to destroy Western civilization from within. Unscrupulous Islamic supremacist warriors play the victimhood ploy with proficiency. They would have us all turn a blind eye to the history of Islamic jihad conquest prior to the era of colonialism, as well as to present-day slavery in some Muslim countries, the general Islamic intolerance and abuse of religious minorities and infidels, and the sickening treatment of women that is sanctioned by Sharia law.

Le Pen also said:

Mass immigration is not an opportunity for France, it’s a tragedy for France…Give us France back, for God’s sake.

“Front National’s Marine Le Pen attacks the ’savage globalisation’ of rivals”, by Jon Rogers , Express, April 17, 2017:

FRONT National presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has told a rally in Paris that French voters have a choice between the “savage globalisation” promoted by her rivals and her patriotism.

She said: “The choice on Sunday is simple: It is a choice between a France that is rising again and a France that is sinking.“

In an attack on her rivals such as Francois Fillon and Jean-Luc Melenchon she said they advocated “savage globalisation” compared to her “camp of patriots”.

She added: “Give us France back, for God’s sake,” which sparked the 5,000 supporters who had filled the Zenith concert hall in the French capital to chant: “This is our home.”

Ms Le Pen also played on her familiar topics of the party being anti-European Union and anti-immigration.

She said: “I will protect you. My first measure as president will be to reinstate France’s borders.

“Mass immigration is not an opportunity for France, it’s a tragedy for France,” she said, adding that she would immediately impose a moratorium on immigration.”

She continued: ”We can’t decide who is allowed to come here any more. The French sometimes have fewer rights than foreigners – even illegal ones.”

Scuffles with police erupted outside the Zenith concert hall in north-east Paris earlier this evening with around 60-80 anti-Front National protestors taking to the streets of the French capital for the second night running.

Police fired teargas at the protesters, some of whom threw chunks of wood. The protesters then left, followed by a small group of police.

The French presidential contest is seen as being very close and none of the candidates can be assured of making it through to the second round with the polls being volatile and too close to call with certainty.

All the main candidates are making a concerted effort as the campaign enters the final week for the first round of voting which takes place on Sunday.

According to the latest poll, the centrist Emmanuel Macron is marginally in the lead and is expected to gain 23 percent in the first round of France’s presidential election.

Ms Le Pen is only just behind on 22.5 percent with Francois Fillon and Jean-Luc Melenchon on an equal footing, both on 19.5 percent.

Mr Macron would bet Ms Le Pen in the second round by 60 percent to 40 percent, according to the Fop-Fiducial poll.

A separate daily Opinionway poll showed on Monday that Macron was tied with Le Pen in the first round of voting at 22 percent, with Fillon at their heals on 21 percent followed by Melenchon on 18 percent.

Mr Macron was seen beating Ms Le Pen in the runoff by 64 percent to 36.

There are a total of 11 contenders for the presidency but only four are seen as serious contenders.

There was chaos on the streets of Paris yesterday as activists took the streets with flares as they protested about the rise of Ms Le Pen.

Protestors shouted: “This is Paris! Paris is antifascist.”

Eye witnesses said that around 400 people had taken part in a march. Most protestors were peaceful but a small group were said to have formed an angry mob, throwing flares…..


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Islam's 'manufactured refugee crisis' revealed
'It's different from what the mainstream media will tell you'

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

The entire Western world is being swamped by an Islamic invasion. But Muslims aren't coming in uniforms and carrying guns. They're arriving en masse with the assistance of Western governments.

Some call it refugee resettlement. Others simply believe it is just immigration. Few are willing to call it what it is – an "act of conquest," according to traditional Islam.

One of those few is Paul Nehlen, producer and director of the new documentary "Hijrah: Radical Islam's Global Invasion." Nehlen is best known as the populist Republican who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan in a primary campaign in 2016. In "Hijrah," Nehlen provides a compelling examination of the issues surrounding immigration and terrorism he discussed during his bid for office.

Nehlen claims establishment media are complicit in covering up the truth about what Islam truly represents.

"When the media talks about religion, they pick out the pieces they want to talk about, the narrative they want to share or spin," he says in the film. "But what we're going to talk about is political Islam. We're going to talk about how Islam developed over the years, and what basic tenets of Islam have been the same from the time it was created until now. … It's different from what the mainstream media will tell you. It's the truth."

The purpose of the documentary is to introduce Westerners to the double meaning in the term "hijrah." Nehlen argues the media is eager to project an innocent meaning onto the term, which is often used to refer to the journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It can also be used in a more abstract, spiritual context as a kind of "flight from sin."

But Nehlen says there is a more sinister meaning, as the term can also refer to conquest via immigration.

"Learning the dual meanings of the word 'hijrah' is critical to your understanding of the manufactured refugee crisis and the migration in the name of Allah," Nehlen proclaims in the film.

It's an Islamic invasion which could end our civilization forever. And it's being enabled by the very people who are supposed to protect us. Discover the terrifying truth behind our culture's oldest enemy and unveil the darkest treason in the history of Western Civilization. Brought to you by Paul Nehlen, the man who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan, "Hijrah" is the most explosive documentary of the year, and it's available now in the WND Superstore.

Nehlen is not alone in regarding Islamic immigration this way. As WND's Leo Hohmann reported in 2014, Muslim leaders with direct connections to the Muslim Brotherhood have explained immigration is part of the movement’s strategy to take over the West.

Counter-terrorism expert and former Department of Homeland Security Agent Philip Haney, co-author of "See Something, Say Nothing," also argued immigration is a tool Islamic radicals use to pursue their goal of conquest.

"We always have to come back again to this gravitational force of Shariah," said Haney. "The power that drives the global Islamic movement isn't actually jihad. It is the goal to implement global Shariah law. Jihad is the tactic that is employed via various kaleidoscopic forms by the different groups that are all seeking the same thing." The end goal of imposing Shariah law is the driving force behind the global Islamic movement. And Nehlen assembles reams of evidence in "Hijrah" to show how mass immigration and "refugee resettlement" are furthering the core objective of the jihadists.

"If we know [Islam] has a sizable population that believes in Shariah law over secular laws, specifically, the U.S. Constitution, why are we risking American lives by permitting the hijrah in the name of Allah to continue to our shores?" the former congressional candidate asks.

Nehlen also examines Islam itself, showing extremism, violence and a call to conquest are inherent in the faith. "Hijrah" provides an in-depth examination of Islamic history, teachings and doctrine. It's a wake-up call for all Americans who believe Islam is just another religion, no different than any other. It includes quotations from the Quran the establishment media would like to keep hidden, including:
  • Chapter 2, verse 216: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
  • Chapter 9, verse 29: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Viewers will hear the sermons and teachings of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American Islamic lecturer who became the first United States citizen to be killed by a drone strike. Those who watch "Hijrah" will hear from a jihadist's own mouth how the tenets of Islam not only allow terrorism, but urge jihad and violence against the infidels with the goal of subjugating them. What's more, even the act of migration is simply a part of this overall strategy of conquest.

"Die in the performance of jihad and you are guaranteed a place in paradise," Nehlen says in the film. "And jihad and hijrah are inseparably linked."

Finally, Nehlen shows how refugee resettlement, far from being a charity, is a lucrative business, with federal contractors receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from Western governments to facilitate the Islamic invasion. Among the contractors who are being heavily subsidized are many Christian and Jewish religious organizations – the very same organizations the establishment media loves to quote to claim refugee resettlement is a moral necessity. As Nehlen shows, such organizations are really just protecting their bottom line.

Western Civilization is in crisis and Americans and Europeans are looking for answers about what our civilization really faces. "Hijrah" shows why the Islamic invasion is taking place, who benefits and what is at stake. For political organizations, church groups or individuals who want to understand the clash of civilizations, this is a film you can’t miss from one of the most important political figures on the American right today.

It's an Islamic invasion which could end our civilization forever. And it's being enabled by the very people who are supposed to protect us. Discover the terrifying truth behind our culture's oldest enemy and unveil the darkest treason in the history of Western Civilization. Brought to you by Paul Nehlen, the man who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan, "Hijrah" is the most explosive documentary of the year, and it’s available now in the WND Superstore.

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WATCH: South Dakota Muslim Brandishes Guns & Assault Weapons in Threatening Video From Christian Conference,  “Be afraid” “Be terrified.”

 ( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )


In America, there is now a separate set of laws for Muslims and non-Muslims. Sharia in America. If a non-Muslim was armed to the teeth obscenely threatening Muslims with massive firepower at a mosque in their parking lot, he would be arrested, his face smeared across every newspaper and nightly news program across the country. This Muslim was not arrested or questioned.

Holding a Quran, Ehab Jabar is brandishing serious firepower while threatening the women and children at Christian conference. “Be afraid” or “be terrified.”




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One of our off duty police officers approached this man that was holding a Koran, filming our event and wearing a T-shirt that said he was a Muslim. The officer asked the man to stop filming as we had announced at the beginning of the conference that no audio or video recording would be permitted. Upon being approached, the man announced immediately that he was leaving. The officer asked him if he had a concealed weapon on his person to which he said he did. The man also told the officer he was live streaming on Facebook. When the officer asked his name he told the officer “John Smith, the Muslim John Smith.”
The Muslim man then proceeded out to his car in the parking lot where he filmed two more Facebook live videos. He was clearly angry and discussed that Shahram and I were promoting books. He seemed very upset with the resources he saw on our resource tables. He then began showing the camera 3 pistols, two assault weapons, and what appeared to be an extended magazine. With the brandishing of each weapon to the camera he said “be afraid” or “be terrified.” In fact, he said “be terrified” twice. Now how is that not a terroristic threat? Please remember, he is in the parking lot of our Christian conference that is being attended by some 500 men, women and children. The attendees included a state representative and a state senator.

Muslim Not Arrested For Showing 3 Pistols & 2 Assault Weapons in Threatening Video From Parking Lot of A Worldview Weekend

Read the whole thing here.


On Sunday night, April 9, 2017, we held our Worldview Weekend rally in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This was the first of five cities in five nights. I founded Worldview Weekend in 1993 and have hosted over 300 such conferences in hundreds of cities throughout America. This evening, however, and the next five conferences would be like nothing I have ever experienced.

Apparently an Islamic group in Sioux Falls held an event about 10 days before we arrived. The local paper reported that:

Taneeza Islam, a local immigration lawyer and organizer for the local Muslim community, mentioned the upcoming talk during a panel on hate crimes Thursday at the downtown library in Sioux Falls. She cited speakers like Howse and Hadian as part of a prejudicial undercurrent that inspires fear among ethnic minorities nationwide.

We were informed by the Sioux Falls Police Department that the Islamic Center of Sioux Falls South Dakota had filed for a permit to protest outside our Worldview Weekend rally. Joining me would be my friend, Shahram Hadian. Shahram is a former Muslim from Iran. Shahram’s father was a high ranking military official in the Iranian military. He had the foresight, as a moderate Muslim, to see that Iran was about to go from being a secular government to being an Islamic government with the fall of the Shah and the revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Six weeks before the fall of the Shah, the Hadian family fled Iran.

Today Shahram is a Christian pastor. The ministry I founded now produces and distributes the television program of Shahram Hadian, along with the television program of former Egyptian, Usama Dakdok.

We are one of the few broadcast outlets that has had the courage and commitment to produce the television programs of these two men that are trying to warn America about the threat of Islam and Sharia that will fundamentally transform America and bring persecution to Christians, Jews, moderate Muslims, atheists, homosexuals, and anyone that does not submit to their ideology. If you doubt me, then look at what is happening in Europe. What is occurring in Europe now will be common place in America in less than ten years.

Shahram’s talk in Sioux Falls was titled, “Sabotaging America: Islam’s March Toward Supremacy.” My talk was titled,“The Growing Global Persecution of Christians,” and highlighted how Islamic Centers, Neo-Marxists, Neo-Evangelicals, The Vatican and globalists are working together to subvert our immigration laws and transform America. The goal includes change through conflict and a diffused and dispersed disintegration of the American Republic. Would could be opposed to such presentations? Well we were about to find out in Sioux Falls.

I believe the useful idiots in the fake news media fanned the flames that led to what was about to occur. We knew protestors would be on hand, and so to protect the 500 plus in attendance at our conference, we hired four off duty police officers. We had people standing and sitting on the floors as the hotel conference center ran out of chairs.

Shahram spoke first and then a few minutes into my talk a self-described Muslim man stood at the back of the auditorium and filmed his Koran for about 45 seconds before panning the crowd. We later found out he was live streaming on Facebook.

One of our off duty police officers approached this man that was holding a Koran, filming our event and wearing a T-shirt that said he was a Muslim. The officer asked the man to stop filming as we had announced at the beginning of the conference that no audio or video recording would be permitted. Upon being approached, the man announced immediately that he was leaving. The officer asked him if he had a concealed weapon on his person to which he said he did. The man also told the officer he was live streaming on Facebook. When the officer asked his name he told the officer “John Smith, the Muslim John Smith.” The Muslim man then proceeded out to his car in the parking lot where he filmed two more Facebook live videos. He was clearly angry and discussed that Shahram and I were promoting books. He seemed very upset with the resources he saw on our resource tables. He then began showing the camera 3 pistols, two assault weapons, and what appeared to be an extended magazine. With the brandishing of each weapon to the camera he said “be afraid” or “be terrified.” In fact, he said “be terrified” twice. Now how is that not a terroristic threat? Please remember, he is in the parking lot of our Christian conference that is being attended by some 500 men, women and children. The attendees included a state representative and a state senator.

Click here to watch our one-hour TV program that includes the clips posted by this Muslim man

Click here to watch the shorter 20 minute TV program

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As I spoke I could tell something was up because of the body language and clearly increased vigilance of the off duty police officers that my organization had hired. Upon the completion of my keynote presentation, I approached one of the officers and asked if everything was O.K. He said that something had occurred and he would brief me at the end of the evening. As I walked down the hall, I ran into another officer and I asked him for details of what had occurred. The off duty officer informed me that a Muslim man had come into our conference and then went out into the parking lot and filmed some very disturbing videos that were on his Facebook page and that I should watch them. Please remember that our conference still had at least another 90 minutes to go before we would conclude and depart from the facility.

I was shocked the Muslim man was not arrested for making what appears to me, and the many lawyers and law enforcement officials from across the country that have watched the videos, to be a threat for the purpose of fear. Remember in his videos made in the parking lot he tells us to “be afraid” and “be terrified” as he flashes his weapons and ammunition to the camera that was live streaming on Facebook.

On Monday morning I called an FBI agent that is a friend of mine. He told me he would send a link to the videos on to the appropriate FBI division. Based on a video made by the Muslim man that he posted on Facebook, we learned he received a visit from two FBI agents within hours.

After the police officials in the next city saw the Muslim man’s videos, they not only allowed us to hire two officers to be in the building of our conference, but they also placed several officers in squad cars around the conference center we were renting. We did not ask for that. They apparently thought the Muslim man’s videos warranted such action. This same thing occurred in Madison, Wisconsin.

After arriving in Green Bay for our third conference in five nights, I was approached by a Green Bay police officer in the conference center we had rented. The officer showed me a bulletin that he said the FBI had sent to the various Homeland Security Fusion Centers in or near the cities we were speaking in over the next remaining evenings. This is why the police departments were showing up without us even contacting them.

Why is it that the off duty Sioux Falls officers we hired, the FBI, the Onalaska Police Department, the Green Bay Police Department, and the Madison Police Department were all taking these videos and the security of our conferences so seriously? How then is it that this man has yet to be arrested or charged? How can his videos be seen as anything but a threat for the purpose of invoking fear or terror? South Dakota law seems to make it very clear this is a criminal act as the law reads:

22-8-13. Terrorist threat--Felony. Any person who threatens to commit a crime of violence, as defined by subdivision 22-1-2(9), (includes use of a gun) or an act dangerous to human life involving any use of chemical, biological, or radioactive material, or any explosive or destructive device, with the intent to: (1) Intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (2) Influence the policy or conduct of any government or nation; (3) Affect the conduct of any government or nation; or (4) Substantially impair or interrupt public communications, public transportation, common carriers, public utilities, or other public services; is guilty of making a terrorist threat. A violation of this section is a Class 5 felony. Source: SL 2005, ch 120, § 189.

When I called the Sioux Falls Police Department to file a formal complaint and obtain a case number, I was discouraged from doing so. The officer informed me that the local prosecutor or state prosector was not going to charge this Muslim man with anything and he was not going to go over their head and file my complaint. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I believe my civil right was being denied so as not to upset the political chain of command? It took over 24 hours before I was allowed to file a formal complaint that was taken by a higher ranking officer.

At the end of the conference in Sioux Falls, a state representative by the name of Steven Haugaard gave me his business card. He informed me he was also an attorney. I am thankful he was there that evening. I called Steve on Monday and informed him of more details. Steve began to make phone calls to the local prosecutor and state attorney on behalf of our ministry. Steve is still working with us and will be with me as a guest on my national radio program this week.

Steve is one of the few brave elected officials in America, and apparently in Sioux Falls, that is not intimidated by the Muslims and their useful idiots in the media. The enemies of our Constitutional Republic are using political correctness to slander the good name and reputation of Americans that raise legal and moral concerns over the immigration crisis and radical Islamic centers that pose a national security threat to America and her citizens.

Apparently in America there is a legal standard for the elite (like Bill and Hillary Clinton) and the Neo-Marxists, Muslims, and revolutionaries. These groups can apparently get away with actions that would get the average American arrested and perhaps even incarcerated. The standard for the forgotten Americans that pay the taxes and thus the salaries of our government officials is not the same for the elite and revolutionaries. Such unequal treatment under the law, I believe, only serves to embolden the revolutionaries and enemies of our Constitutional Republic.

Sadly, the events in Sioux Falls are only affirming the warning that Shahram and I were giving that is evident by the titles of the keynote presentations. Perhaps that is the good that has come from the disgusting events in Sioux Falls. Please spread this article with the links so the hateful and intolerant videos go far and wide, and that this might be a teaching moment for the American people.

I warned on my national radio program the day after Donald Trump won the Presidency, that the Marxists and Muslims were going to become more aggressive and more dangerous as they are now desperate to not see any reversal of their agenda from the past few years. The fake news media is filled with Neo-Marxists that seem more than willing to give cover to their Marxist and Islamic revolutionary comrades and to assist in intimidating good men into doing nothing about the ongoing revolution in America.

Action Point: We have been told the Attorney General of South Dakota has seen the videos made by this Muslim man. Please call the Attorney General of South Dakota and ask him to charge this Muslim man with making a terroristic threat. Steve Haugaard, an attorney and State Representative has shown us the South Dakota law (See below) that he believes justifies such charges being brought.  Please call the off of the Attorney General and voice your concerns about this incident and the lack of legal action if you feel so led. Please be polite. The AG's office number is number is (605) 773-3215.

22-8-13. Terrorist threat--Felony. Any person who threatens to commit a crime of violence, as defined by subdivision 22-1-2(9), (includes use of a gun) or an act dangerous to human life involving any use of chemical, biological, or radioactive material, or any explosive or destructive device, with the intent to: (1) Intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (2) Influence the policy or conduct of any government or nation; (3) Affect the conduct of any government or nation; or (4) Substantially impair or interrupt public communications, public transportation, common carriers, public utilities, or other public services; is guilty of making a terrorist threat. A violation of this section is a Class 5 felony. Source: SL 2005, ch 120, § 189





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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Stupid is as stupid believes

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
There is a lot written about fools in the Bible. Proverbs 13:20 says, " He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." And Proverbs 1:22 asks, "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? and the scoffers delight in their scoffing, and fools hate knowledge?" Proverbs 16:22 says, "Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that has it: but the instruction of fools is folly." Ecclesiastes 7:5 tells us, "It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools." The Bible is down on fools. With that as a backdrop, it is amazing how society tolerates foolishness brought on by fools. Of course, many of them are well educated, but that doesn't make them wise.
There are so many headlines in the news these days about crazy stuff. Take for example that the Russians influenced the elections. First the narrative was that the Russians had hacked the election and changed the result. It has now moved to the idea that President Trump and the Russians collaborated to beat Hillary Clinton. In reality, Hillary Clinton beat Hillary Clinton. She was a horrible candidate, unlikable, and a crook. The voters recognized this and they voted. The rest is history. The terrible thing is that over half the voters believe in the same foolish things that Clinton believes. And that is a problem when it comes to the future of our nation. We are raising up foolish children to be foolish adults.
Global warming, for example, now called climate change. The scientists fudged the study data to support the narrative. It was exposed, yet people like Al Gore and other environmentalists still go around saying that we are melting. It is a proven scientific and historic fact that weather is cyclical. I remember when I was in high school that Time and Newsweek were writing alarming cover stories that we were all going to be destroyed by the coming ice age. Same fools, different gig. Other fools say that illegal aliens don't commit any more crimes than citizens. This is factually untrue. By virtue of being illegal, they start out with committing more crimes than the average person. Add in rape, murder, armed robbery and you have real statistics that only a fool can deny.
Islam is a religion of peace-another foolish folly. What other organization enslaves, abuses, and trades in women, children and drugs? What other organization blows up themselves and others in the name of some non-existent god? Where in the world is there this type of violence that is not connected to Islam? Yet the fools think none of this is true. How many times have you discussed these things with someone only to have them say 'I don't think that is true'? Encourage people to seek the truth for themselves. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." People need to have mature understanding of life, the Holy scriptures, and of God. They need to learn how to put away foolish things because stupid is as stupid believes.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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Trump Warns North Korea: ‘Gotta Behave’

A day after a failed North Korean missile test, U.S. President Donald Trump had a message Monday for the North’s ruler: ‘Gotta behave.” At the same time, Vice President Mike Pence warned at the Korean Demilitarized Zone that America’s “era of strategic patience is over.”

Keeping up the verbal volleying, North Korea’s deputy U.N. ambassador accused the United States of turning the Korean peninsula into “the world’s biggest hotspot” and creating “a dangerous situation in which a thermonuclear war may break out at any moment.”

Pence’s visit to the tense DMZ dividing North and South Korea came at the start of a 10-day trip to Asia and underscored U.S. commitment. It allowed the vice president to gaze at North Korean soldiers afar and stare directly across a border marked by razor wire. (Read more from “Trump Warns North Korea: ‘Gotta Behave'” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/trump-warns-north-korea-gotta-behave/

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No More PC Blindness and Appeasement: Trump Is the Wartime President We Needed

Under Barack Obama, not only did the world become a more dangerous place, but his lack of will to defeat ISIS, the baloney fed to us by his failed secretaries of state, and his willingness to accept an apparently yet unreached number of American deaths due to the activity of those barbarians actually caused the demise of his party’s effectiveness nationwide. Obama was on the wrong side of history.

In May 2015, ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting of an unarmed security guard at a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas. In July of that same year, a lone jihadi killed four marines in attacks in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In December of 2015 a husband and wife team of ISIS jihadis shot up a social service center in San Bernardino, California, killing 14. A little over six months later, another ISIS jihadi murdered 50 in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. All of these attacks happened in America after Barack Obama said that ISIS was merely a “JV” team.

Many Americans, like my husband and I, finally decided to vote for Donald Trump when the shooting in Orlando happened. Our preferred candidate, Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had pulled out of the race. Seeing a very nasty side of Trump, we were unconvinced he would have a level head and be able to lead the nation. So for about a month, I was sure I could not vote for Trump, nor could I vote for Clinton.

But Orlando did happen, and we agreed with Ted Cruz who believed our nation was already at war with the sickness of ISIS. My husband and I could only see more terror happening in our own country with Clinton. For all of his flaws in the understanding of basic constitutionalism, separation of powers, the proper role of government in the economy, and his tendency to relish in big government, we could see the difference between Trump and Clinton in that respect. He was gonna “bomb the shit” out of ISIS.

And so he has started. Thank you, President Trump.

Did Obama know that cave formation in Afghanistan Trump recently bombed was being used by ISIS as a hideout? I don’t know the answer, but I think rational people could see that it is more than likely that he did. How long was ISIS using that area? What kind of attacks were carried out while that area was used by ISIS? Did the people in the tunnels cheer when Americans were killed in the numerous attacks by their “soldiers” of ISIS here in America? Why didn’t Obama take them out?

When President Trump bombed the Syrian airfield, so many were skeptical. From where I sit, the Russian propaganda machine here in America has been gaining steam for years, as Putin used imbecilic mouthpieces here to fill the void of American leadership. Many pro-Putin Americans continuously praised him as a “Western” reformer, a real “Christian,” and just the type of “strongman” our nation needed. Many of them saw the strength of Trump and figured Putin and Trump would be able to team up to kill ISIS together. But the bombing in Syria and the ridiculous propaganda from Assad and Putin since should crystallize whose side Putin is really on. For those who refuse to admit they have been duped by a superior propaganda campaign from the former KGB agent, well, I guess you’re on your own.

Now that the bombings have started, and we are answering a war that was declared on us, regular folks are concerned that President Trump has started WWIII. But it is not possible for President Trump to start a war we are already in. The jihadis received appeasement and America’s other cheek, arm, leg, and throat year after year under Obama. Those attacks on America mentioned in the beginning of this article could have been prevented, had we had a leader who took ISIS seriously, who followed through on ridding Syria of chemical weapons, who didn’t blame the Syrian war on the silliness of global warming, and who didn’t take every chance he could get to downplay the dangers of radical Islam. Who, instead of acknowledging the violence brought on by fundamentalist radical Islamists, took time rather, to repeat that America can’t be at war with a “religion,” insinuating that it was Americans who didn’t understand the threats, when it was him all along.

At the same time, it seems pretty clear Americans don’t want to be seriously involved in nation-building. We don’t have a reason nor ability to try to make countries that don’t understand how civil societies operate into countries that do.

Let the history books show that it was the continued blindness of and appeasement toward radical Islam that caused so many innocent deaths around the world of late. Let history record that America didn’t fall asleep after 9/11, but that she was hobbled for eight long years while her enemies grew stronger.

We needed a wartime president, and we got one. Now we need resolve. (For more from the author of “No More PC Blindness and Appeasement: Trump Is the Wartime President We Needed” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/no-pc-blindness-appeasement-trump-wartime-president-needed/

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WATCH VIDEO: Australia Islamic group calls wife-beating “a beautiful blessing”


Before you ask, I am not searching for these stories — they are flying into my email fast and furious. A New York woman beheaded by her moderate Muslim husband, a woman beaten so bad that she swallowed her tongue and died, a woman set on fire by the Muslim who ‘loved her” ……This is Islamic misogyny. This is Islam.

“Hizb ut-Tahrir video condoning family violence slammed as ‘abhorrent’ by MPs and advocacy groups,” 9News, April 13, 2017:

Politicians and advocacy groups have slammed a Facebook video by an Islamic group which condones domestic violence and describes hitting wives as “a beautiful blessing”.

The video, which was shot during an all-women’s event in Sydney’s west and posted to Facebook by the women’s branch of Hizb Ut-Tahrir, was revealed by The Australian newspaper this morning.

WATCH VIDEO: Australia Islamic group calls wife-beating “a beautiful blessing”

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Before you ask, I am not searching for these stories — they are flying into my email fast and furious. A New York woman beheaded by her moderate Muslim husband, a woman beaten so bad that she swallowed her tongue and died, a woman set on fire by the Muslim who ‘loved her” ……This is Islamic misogyny. This is Islam.

“Hizb ut-Tahrir video condoning family violence slammed as ‘abhorrent’ by MPs and advocacy groups,” 9News, April 13, 2017:

Politicians and advocacy groups have slammed a Facebook video by an Islamic group which condones domestic violence and describes hitting wives as “a beautiful blessing”.

The video, which was shot during an all-women’s event in Sydney’s west and posted to Facebook by the women’s branch of Hizb Ut-Tahrir, was revealed by The Australian newspaper this morning.

It features two Muslim women explaining that according to their understanding of Islam, men can discipline their wives by “hitting” them with a small stick or twisted scarf so as not to cause pain.

“It’s very evident that this is symbolic in nature,” one of the women said.

Federal Minister for Women Michaelia Cash said the attitudes expressed in the video were “completely out of touch with community standards”.

“The Facebook video posted by Women of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia condoning and encouraging violence against women is abhorrent,” Ms Cash said in a statement.

“These attitudes have no place in modern Australia.

“Domestic violence is abuse – plain and simple. It is not ‘a beautiful blessing’ as the video describes it.”…

TODAY Show host Ben Fordham said the video echoed recent comments by Australian Federation of Islamic Councils President Keysar Trad, who sparked controversy when he suggested an angry husband could beat his wife as a “last resort”.

Mr Trad later backtracked on the comment and described it as a “slip up”….

Silma Ihram from the Australian Muslim Women’s Association has criticised the video’s message, arguing Islam in no way condones violence.

“Unfortunately, patriarchal cultures and organisations continue to try and relegate Muslim women to domestic duties and control by their husbands,” she told 9news.com.au.

“This was not the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) nor the intent of the jurists in their interpretations of Islamic law, and definitely should not be condoned in any form today.”…

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It features two Muslim women explaining that according to their understanding of Islam, men can discipline their wives by “hitting” them with a small stick or twisted scarf so as not to cause pain.

“It’s very evident that this is symbolic in nature,” one of the women said.

Federal Minister for Women Michaelia Cash said the attitudes expressed in the video were “completely out of touch with community standards”.

“The Facebook video posted by Women of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia condoning and encouraging violence against women is abhorrent,” Ms Cash said in a statement.

“These attitudes have no place in modern Australia.

“Domestic violence is abuse – plain and simple. It is not ‘a beautiful blessing’ as the video describes it.”…

TODAY Show host Ben Fordham said the video echoed recent comments by Australian Federation of Islamic Councils President Keysar Trad, who sparked controversy when he suggested an angry husband could beat his wife as a “last resort”.

Mr Trad later backtracked on the comment and described it as a “slip up”….

Silma Ihram from the Australian Muslim Women’s Association has criticised the video’s message, arguing Islam in no way condones violence.

“Unfortunately, patriarchal cultures and organisations continue to try and relegate Muslim women to domestic duties and control by their husbands,” she told 9news.com.au.

“This was not the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) nor the intent of the jurists in their interpretations of Islamic law, and definitely should not be condoned in any form today.”…

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Whistleblower Reveals That A UN-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway

April 16, 2017

Josh Tolley Show Globalism

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qXL6IB9YKE

  US: A Missouri woman is interviewed by radio-show host, Josh Tolley, and tells how she became involved in her state’s refugee-immigration program and how the program is far more extensive and advanced than most people realize. She describes how the UN, under the heading of Agenda 2030, is planning immigration into the US similar to what is happening in Europe. The goal is to create chaos and lay the foundation for breaking the US into smaller political units with equal UN representation – and the end of America as a sovereign nation. -GEG Radio show host Josh Tolley interviewed an unidentified American woman from Missouri who learned about her state’s refugee immigration program by attending UN-sponsored meetings and participating in the programs. She said that refugees are brought into the US in alliance with the UN Refugee Resettlement Organization Offices of Refugee Monitoring out of Washington, DC. In her state, Missouri Social Services administers the refugee programs that provide welfare for housing, food stamps, and medicare, in addition to cash and jobs. The refugees receive US passports and Social Security numbers so they can receive Social Security benefits. They are screened and, where possible, encouraged to apply for lifetime disability benefits under Social Security. Many refugees are allowed into the US who have communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and smallpox. The woman reported that there is ZERO vetting of refugees and that most are “FUNUs” which is an acronym for ‘full name unknown’. Most of them are males aged 15 to 45 instead of women and children. She said that Trump reduced the number of refugees from Obama’s proposed 110,000 down to 50,000. From October 2016 through February 2017, the US had taken in 34,000. Democrats are not the only supporters of increased refugee immigration. Paul Ryan advocated bringing in 300,000 refugees. The refugees usually are transported for settlement in the dead of night, not because of the lower air fares, but because that avoids being seen by large crowds at airports. The federal government is secretive about how many refugees are being resettled in the US, and many governors are totally unaware of how many are in their states. The governors of Texas and Tennessee have refused to accept any more refugees and now are being sued by the US government. The Wilson-Fish program allows the US government to circumvent state sovereignty in refugee resettlement by funding third-party organizations. She mentioned several third-party organizations that benefit from taxpayer money in this way. They include the Jewish Vocational Services (which also uses the name Jewish Technical Services), Catholic Charities, and Lutheran organizations. They receive $2500 to process each refugee plus block grants to staff offices. She said she believed they are making huge amounts of money above their costs.. Her closing comment was that she believes the refugees are a tool of invasion used by the United Nations under Agenda 2030 to remove national borders. If the UN officially recognizes a group of refugees, then UN ‘Peacekeeper’ soldiers may be placed wherever the refugees are located. She said that there have been sightings of UN trucks in her state. She also said that there is a scheme to remove county sheriffs in order to implement total UN authority in local areas. She ended the interview by exhorting people to get involved locally to learn what is going on in their communities, to read about their states’ refugee programs on their Social Services websites, and then to meet with local and state lawmakers to stop this covert UN scheme for destruction.

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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

This is the first time the president’s overall approval rating has been back in the 50s in nearly a month. Just after his inauguration, Trump’s job approval peaked at 59% and remained in the 50s every day until early March. It’s gone as low as 42% since then.

Here are former President Obama’s approval ratings by comparison.

The latest figures for Trump include 30% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9. (see trends).

Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).

Tensions with North Korea continue to rise, with Vice President Mike Pence now on the scene. Thirty-seven percent (37%) of voters said earlier this month that the United States should use military force to prevent North Korea’s further development of nuclear weapons.

Once again, the overwhelming majority of Americans have filed their income taxes just in the nick of time. 

An increasing number are worried that the Internal Revenue Service will audit their taxes, though.

Only 45% have even a somewhat favorable opinion of the IRS, and voters are evenly divided when asked if they trust the federal agency to fairly enforce tax laws.

(More below)

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr17#highcharts-1)" visibility="visible" transform="translate(75,60)">20-Jan-1731-Jan-1709-Feb-1720-Feb-1701-Mar-1710-Mar-1721-Mar-1730-Mar-1717-Apr-1730%40%50%60%70%www.RasmussenReports.comhttp://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr17#highcharts-1)">Total Approve

Judge Neil Gorsuch joins the U.S. Supreme Court this week. A month ago, only 43% of voters felt Gorsuch deserved the job, but that’s more positive than voters felt about both of Obama’s choices for the high court – Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Fifty percent (50%) of Americans planned to attend a church service to celebrate Easter.

See “What They Told Us” in surveys last week.

(More below)

-9http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr17#highcharts-3)" visibility="visible" transform="translate(75,60)">http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr17#highcharts-3)" visibility="visible" transform="translate(75,60)">20-Jan-1731-Jan-1709-Feb-1720-Feb-1701-Mar-1710-Mar-1721-Mar-1730-Mar-1717-Apr-1720%30%40%50%60%www.RasmussenReports.comhttp://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr17#highcharts-3)">http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr17#highcharts-3)">Strongly DisapproveStrongly Approve

Some readers wonder how we come up with our job approval ratings for the president since they often don’t show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask.

To get a sense of longer-term job approval trends for the president, Rasmussen Reports compiles our tracking data on a full month-by-month basis.

Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology (see methodology).

Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Results are also compiled on a full-week basis and crosstabs for full-week results are available for Platinum Members.

Rasmussen Reports is a media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion information.

We conduct public opinion polls on a variety of topics to inform our audience on events in the news and other topics of interest. To ensure editorial control and independence, we pay for the polls ourselves and generate revenue through the sale of subscriptions, sponsorships, and advertising. Nightly polling on politics, business and lifestyle topics provides the content to update the Rasmussen Reports web site many times each day. If it's in the news, it's in our polls. Additionally, the data drives a daily update newsletter and various media outlets across the country.

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To learn more about our methodology, click here.

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Muslims are never happy unless they are trying to force you to break the rules for their religious demands

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

In late 2016, 16-year-old Amaiya Zafar was banned from competing in the Sugar Bert Boxing National Championships in Florida — but she wasn’t banned for misconduct or breaking the rules. Instead, she was banned for a uniform code violation: wearing her Islamic headbag aka hijab and full bodybag attire.

Amaiya Zafar, 16-year-old would be boxer and her headbagged mother, a Muslim convert, Sarah O’Keefe

Allure  The 16-year-old is a young Muslim woman who regularly trains while wearing in leggings and a hijab. But according to the officials in the USA Boxing and the International Boxing Association, that was enough to disqualify her from the competition for a uniform violation.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQvzVTF-IFQ

She was completely surprised that her hijab caused a uniform violation. “I was ready, like, in the zone…we didn’t get anybody saying that I wouldn’t be able to fight, we thought it would just happen…then they disqualified me, that was it,” she said.

Meanwhile, Zafar is still fighting for her right to wear her hijab in competitions. “We’ll get it changed eventually,” Zafar said, “even if I’m too old to fight.”

And whenver Muslims are demanding you break the rules for them you can be sure designated terrorist group CAIR is behind them providing support, free legal advice that often includes lawsuits against the institution or association involved. It’s also the reason these non-stories get so much undeserved attention from the left wing media.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQvzVTF-IFQ

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM


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DELAWARE: Islam commands the takeover of non-Islamic governments and the Delaware State Legislature allowed an Islamic cleric to pray for it in front of them

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )...

At the April 5th State Legislative session in Delaware, Islamic prayers rang through the hall, but apparently the subtle and non-s0-subtle cues for ‘Civilization Jihad’ were lost in the translation. Here’s what the imam was really saying:

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq2IL2oJsQE

Understanding the Threat (h/t Amil I)

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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