Islam's 'manufactured refugee crisis' revealed
'It's different from what the mainstream media will tell you'

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

The entire Western world is being swamped by an Islamic invasion. But Muslims aren't coming in uniforms and carrying guns. They're arriving en masse with the assistance of Western governments.

Some call it refugee resettlement. Others simply believe it is just immigration. Few are willing to call it what it is – an "act of conquest," according to traditional Islam.

One of those few is Paul Nehlen, producer and director of the new documentary "Hijrah: Radical Islam's Global Invasion." Nehlen is best known as the populist Republican who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan in a primary campaign in 2016. In "Hijrah," Nehlen provides a compelling examination of the issues surrounding immigration and terrorism he discussed during his bid for office.

Nehlen claims establishment media are complicit in covering up the truth about what Islam truly represents.

"When the media talks about religion, they pick out the pieces they want to talk about, the narrative they want to share or spin," he says in the film. "But what we're going to talk about is political Islam. We're going to talk about how Islam developed over the years, and what basic tenets of Islam have been the same from the time it was created until now. … It's different from what the mainstream media will tell you. It's the truth."

The purpose of the documentary is to introduce Westerners to the double meaning in the term "hijrah." Nehlen argues the media is eager to project an innocent meaning onto the term, which is often used to refer to the journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It can also be used in a more abstract, spiritual context as a kind of "flight from sin."

But Nehlen says there is a more sinister meaning, as the term can also refer to conquest via immigration.

"Learning the dual meanings of the word 'hijrah' is critical to your understanding of the manufactured refugee crisis and the migration in the name of Allah," Nehlen proclaims in the film.

It's an Islamic invasion which could end our civilization forever. And it's being enabled by the very people who are supposed to protect us. Discover the terrifying truth behind our culture's oldest enemy and unveil the darkest treason in the history of Western Civilization. Brought to you by Paul Nehlen, the man who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan, "Hijrah" is the most explosive documentary of the year, and it's available now in the WND Superstore.

Nehlen is not alone in regarding Islamic immigration this way. As WND's Leo Hohmann reported in 2014, Muslim leaders with direct connections to the Muslim Brotherhood have explained immigration is part of the movement’s strategy to take over the West.

Counter-terrorism expert and former Department of Homeland Security Agent Philip Haney, co-author of "See Something, Say Nothing," also argued immigration is a tool Islamic radicals use to pursue their goal of conquest.

"We always have to come back again to this gravitational force of Shariah," said Haney. "The power that drives the global Islamic movement isn't actually jihad. It is the goal to implement global Shariah law. Jihad is the tactic that is employed via various kaleidoscopic forms by the different groups that are all seeking the same thing." The end goal of imposing Shariah law is the driving force behind the global Islamic movement. And Nehlen assembles reams of evidence in "Hijrah" to show how mass immigration and "refugee resettlement" are furthering the core objective of the jihadists.

"If we know [Islam] has a sizable population that believes in Shariah law over secular laws, specifically, the U.S. Constitution, why are we risking American lives by permitting the hijrah in the name of Allah to continue to our shores?" the former congressional candidate asks.

Nehlen also examines Islam itself, showing extremism, violence and a call to conquest are inherent in the faith. "Hijrah" provides an in-depth examination of Islamic history, teachings and doctrine. It's a wake-up call for all Americans who believe Islam is just another religion, no different than any other. It includes quotations from the Quran the establishment media would like to keep hidden, including:
  • Chapter 2, verse 216: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
  • Chapter 9, verse 29: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Viewers will hear the sermons and teachings of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American Islamic lecturer who became the first United States citizen to be killed by a drone strike. Those who watch "Hijrah" will hear from a jihadist's own mouth how the tenets of Islam not only allow terrorism, but urge jihad and violence against the infidels with the goal of subjugating them. What's more, even the act of migration is simply a part of this overall strategy of conquest.

"Die in the performance of jihad and you are guaranteed a place in paradise," Nehlen says in the film. "And jihad and hijrah are inseparably linked."

Finally, Nehlen shows how refugee resettlement, far from being a charity, is a lucrative business, with federal contractors receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from Western governments to facilitate the Islamic invasion. Among the contractors who are being heavily subsidized are many Christian and Jewish religious organizations – the very same organizations the establishment media loves to quote to claim refugee resettlement is a moral necessity. As Nehlen shows, such organizations are really just protecting their bottom line.

Western Civilization is in crisis and Americans and Europeans are looking for answers about what our civilization really faces. "Hijrah" shows why the Islamic invasion is taking place, who benefits and what is at stake. For political organizations, church groups or individuals who want to understand the clash of civilizations, this is a film you can’t miss from one of the most important political figures on the American right today.

It's an Islamic invasion which could end our civilization forever. And it's being enabled by the very people who are supposed to protect us. Discover the terrifying truth behind our culture's oldest enemy and unveil the darkest treason in the history of Western Civilization. Brought to you by Paul Nehlen, the man who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan, "Hijrah" is the most explosive documentary of the year, and it’s available now in the WND Superstore.

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