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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
National Security Advisor for the ex "president" Susan Rice denied seeking the names of, spying on and releasing the names of President-elect Donald Trump's transition team to various intelligence agencies. Rice told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, "Let me be absolutely clear. Absolutely not for any political purposes, to spy, to expose, for anything." She also denied ordering intelligence officers to produce detailed spreadsheets involving Trump and his aides, saying, "Absolutely false. No spreadsheet, nothing of the sort." But then she said, "The notion that which some people are trying to suggest that by asking for identity of an American person is the same as leaking it is totally false." A little nuance goes a long way.
She also said, "I leaked nothing, to nobody, and never have and never would. The allegation is that somehow [sic] the ex "president's" Administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes. Absolutely false." Rice denies spying on the Trump transition team, but seems to admit that she asked for an identity of an "American person," in this case, several members of the President-elect's team. She also said that the ex "president's" Administration officials would not have utilized such intelligence for political purposes. However, the information in question showed no relevance to any of the investigations being conducted by FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Is Rice therefore saying that any American citizen can be spied on and then revealed to the public as if they did something wrong? Or was it just the Trump Team. Not political, right?
The Daily Caller, Fox News, and Bloomberg cited multiple intelligence sources that Rice had specifically ordered the intelligence on the Trump team and that the names of Trump aides were given to the ex "president's" officials at the NSA, Department of Defense, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan. Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas admitted March 2, " I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill - it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before [sic] the "president" leaves the administration." At the same time The Daily Caller, Fox News and Bloomberg are raising questions, MSNBC, CNN and the Washington Post are reporting Rice denials.
Rice's reputation precedes her. She was the one who said that climate change was responsible for the war in Syria; She said that Bowe Bergdahl, who was charged with treason after deserting his post in Afghanistan causing the deaths of six US soldiers, "served the United States with honor and distinction"; She also drove the false narrative that the deaths in Benghazi were caused by a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamic movie. An inventory of facts at this point shows that the ex "president" and his people spied on Trump and his team as they transitioned into the presidency. So far there is no evidence of any wrong-doing on the part of Trump, leaving only that the ex "president" wanted to politically undermine the President-elect and his ability to govern.
On February 11, Paul Sperry wrote in the New York Post that the ex "president" was using his Organizing For Action group as an army of agitators 30,000 strong who will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency. A check of the OFA website and other nonprofits that are working with it backs up Sperry's position. We are also seeing how the media and spy agencies are being used to undermine our government. Speaking of the end times, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:1-3, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be...without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good." Indeed, perilous times are upon us and our nation.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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When Protesters Knock Holes in the Free Speech Bus, They Knock Holes in the Truth About Sexuality

My situation was familiar enough: I was waiting for a bus. My circumstances were somewhat unique, though, because I’d been waiting several days.

I was waiting for the “#FreeSpeechBus.” It’s a project of the National Organization for Marriage, along with CitizenGO and the International Organization for the Family. This bus is hard to miss: It’s bright orange, emblazoned with a message calculated to garner attention. Figures of a girl and boy, marked “XX” and “XY,” stand beside the words, “Boys are boys […] Girls are girls … and always will be. It’s biology.”

Aiming to spark renewed discussion over the rush toward transgender rights, the bus launched two Thursdays ago in Manhattan with a small press event. That afternoon, the trip came screeching to a halt. Figuratively, that is: for the bus was parked, when protesters spray-painted the sides with graffiti messages about “trans liberation,” and smashed holes in its windows with a hammer.

Buzzfeed Gets It Wrong

Though little noted Thursday morning, the bus quickly made headlines following the attack. Buzzfeed proclaimed, “This Bus Is On A Road Trip To Convince You That Transgender People Aren’t Real.”

Now, as the representative quoted in that piece, I can surmise the basis for this spurious charge. Asked whether we believe a “trans woman” is a woman, I answered, “No. We believe if you were born a man, you’re a man.” I stand by that. I object, though, to the claim in the headline. The article itself reveals the unfair inference: for I am also cited saying transgender people suffer a disorder. I stand by this as well.

Buzzfeed thinks I deny the “reality” of a class of people because I think they have a disorder. By “reality” they mean a group who must be approved as they are. Of course I believe transgendered people are real. I believe they are due respect and kindness. But I have to reject the notion that a person with male genitalia and a Y chromosome who “identifies” as a woman is, in fact, a woman. That’s what upsets Buzzfeed.

Another point Buzzfeed misconstrued is one of the tour’s key goals. I expressed a hope that people would speak up — to business owners, bosses, public officials — when they feel uncomfortable with persons of the opposite sex using their locker rooms or other intimate facility. I wasn’t calling for a witch hunt, nor declaring open season for bullying.

Compassion For All

I had been asked why we don’t hear many complaints in places where transgender “bathroom bills” have been implemented. I opined that this might have to do with the fact that people are afraid to speak up.

When one is labelled a “hater” or “bigot” for daring to disagree with the trans agenda, it’s small wonder more people don’t complain. As it happens, though, plenty do complain: We just don’t hear about it.

Take, for example, the lawsuit filed last week in Pennsylvania. A high school boy, uncomfortable undressing in front of a female peer who is now allowed to use the boys’ locker-room, approached the administration. They told him to “act natural.” His parents — the school hadn’t told them about the policy, by the way — received the same airy dismissal when they complained.

The Pennsylvania case indicates another aspect of the stilted reporting on our big orange bus. Generally, the press treats our campaign as lacking compassion. But we do have compassion: we just ask it for all involved.

We are compassionate toward those suffering gender dysphoria. But we are also compassionate to that boy in Pennsylvania and the many, many people like him. His concerns — his feelings, privacy, his body image, his struggles through the turbulent time of puberty — are ignored. He doesn’t matter. He is closed-minded and should lighten up, we are told. His needs are brushed aside in favor of his biologically female peer invading his privacy.

She Doesn’t Count Either

The problem’s even worse when a man invades women’s spaces. Here may be a woman suffering trauma: who, because of past victimization from a sexually violent man has a hard enough time disrobing in front of her peers — even in front of a mirror! — who has every right to be uncomfortable with the status quo progressio.

But she doesn’t count either. She, too, is labeled hateful and bigoted if she complains. She, too, should just lighten up. That man isn’t hurting her, we are told — by those who evidently have no idea how trauma works. Yes, in fact, he is.

After a few days, the #FreeSpeechBus got back on its route, and I was aboard. I hope that the advocates of tolerance don’t respond again to an idea with which they disagree by striking it with a hammer. My greater hope is that the bus and its message won’t be missed: because it is a message of simple truth about biology, and of compassion for those whose voices have been lost in this debate. (For more from the author of “When Protesters Knock Holes in the Free Speech Bus, They Knock Holes in the Truth About Sexuality” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/protesters-knock-holes-free-speech-bus-knock-holes-truth-sexuality/

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The Leftist Attacks on Pence’s Moral Guidelines Are a Denial of Human Nature

The left’s bizarre and almost hysterical reaction to Vice President Pence’s marital guidelines is not only off point. It misses the most essential point of all. Namely, that it’s Pence’s high esteem for women — and for the most important woman in his life, his own wife — that fuels his moral choices. At the same time, the leftist response reveals a glaring lack of self-awareness.

Uproar Over Pence’s Personal Rule

The uproar began last week when the Washington Post published Ashley Parker’s article, “Karen Pence is the vice president’s ‘prayer warrior,’ gut check and shield.”

The title of this article points to the key role Karen Pence plays in her husband’s life. You might think that would draw praise from feminists and leftists. But no. The article drew rabid responses, including Laura Chapin’s call at US News to “lock him up” (seriously).

Most of the criticism focused on one revelation. “In 2002,” Parker wrote, “Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.”

Chapin, a Democratic strategist, responded with this rant:

Then lock him up. Because if your only concept of women is whether you want to have sex with them, something is seriously wrong with you. It presumes women exist only in terms of how men define and perceive them, without autonomy or self-determination. Women exist solely for procreation, which is to be determined and directed by men.

Memo to Mike Pence and the other right-wing men: Women come in more categories than prey and invisible. And none of them want to have sex with you.

Still breathing fire, she concluded her article with this: “Whether Pence is in a room with a single woman is silly but irrelevant. What matters is the millions of American women, and women abroad, to whom his retrograde beliefs and policies pose a threat.” (She was also referring here to the fact that “Pence broke a tie in the Senate to OK legislation allowing states to bar Planned Parenthood from getting public health grants.”)

The Criticism Kept Coming

Not to be outdone, Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal tweeted, “The calling card of all religious fundamentalism: terror of women.” He referenced the tweet of Danish journalist Martin Burcharth: “How differrent [sic] is VP from Orthodox Muslim men? Mike Pence doesn’t eat alone with women.”

On my own Twitter feed, Susan wrote, “Christians will criticize Muslim women for wearing hijabs, but Pence would exclude their presence altogether. That oppression is OK though.”

Over at Vox, attorney Joanna L. Grossman opined that “the practice described by Pence in that 2002 interview is clearly illegal when practiced by a boss in an employment setting, and deeply damaging to women’s employment opportunities.”

Also at Vox, in more moderate tones, a female, evangelical university professor suggested that “good character is better than strict rules,” as if the two had to be in conflict. To the contrary, good character often results in strict rules, although strict rules alone hardly produce good character.

In truth, Mike Pence is exercising good, old-fashioned common sense that is all too rare these days.

Human Beings Get Tempted

Pence sees that it’s easy for human beings to fall into temptation. He made clear that he’s seen all too many marriages destroyed during his years in politics. He said:

I’ve lost more elections than I’ve won. I’ve seen friends lose their families. I’d rather lose an election. … Little old ladies come and say, ‘Honey, whatever you need to do, keep your family together.’”

What happens when you spend more time with a woman other than your wife? What happens when you share your victories and sorrows with someone other than your spouse? What happens when you put in late hours together, behind closed doors, leaning on one other for support? (One of Pence’s guidelines was never to work late alone with a female aid.)

The reality is that many, if not most affairs, begin with an emotional attachment rather than a physical attachment.

And let’s remember that Pence is not just protecting himself and his wife Karen. He’s also protecting the women who work for him. Some might grow attached to him and fall into the same dangerous cycle. (If I recall, President Clinton had a bit of a problem with one of his female interns.)

And just imagine what could happen if Pence was accused of sexual impropriety. As one of my Twitter followers observed, “The same liberals would be quick to judge and condemn him if he were to be involved in a sexual act outside of his marriage.”

Looking in the Mirror is Painful

Given all of this, why do so many on the left object to Pence’s rules? Are marriages so solid that safeguards aren’t needed? Is there a need to increase adultery in America? Should we declare war on fidelity?

As Frank Camp wrote on the Daily Wire:

Elected officials in Washington, D.C. are just as flawed as any other human being. Additionally, men and women in positions of power are more frequently the target of unwanted advances, unsubstantiated accusations, and tabloid speculation. Given the environment in which elected officials live, the limitations Pence applies to himself are admirable and prudent.

Camp is right. I for one am glad to have guard rails on the sides of mountainous roads. Or, for that matter, concrete medians in the center of a six-lane highways). And the most conscientious drivers are the first to put on their seat belts. As the old adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Or, in the words of the apostle Paul, “Let him who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).

That’s just what Mike Pence has done. He knows that overconfidence can kill. Many on the left, perhaps in denial of human sin, must concoct a different story for Pence’s guidelines. Ironically, in so doing, they reveal an aspect of our fallen nature, namely, our tendency to deceive ourselves about who we really are.

Sometimes it’s hard to look in the mirror. (For more from the author of “The Leftist Attacks on Pence’s Moral Guidelines Are a Denial of Human Nature” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/leftist-attacks-pences-moral-guidelines-denial-human-nature/

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Many Liberal Legal Experts Think a Gorsuch Filibuster Is a Terrible Idea

As Senate Democrats barrel towards a filibuster of Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court, prominent liberal legal commentators and members of his own caucus are urging Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to chart a different course.

Elite legal opinion on the left is certainly not uniform with respect to the Gorsuch filibuster, but it has tended against a filibuster of Gorsuch as a general matter.

Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman has repeatedly urged Democrats not to filibuster Gorsuch, so as to keep their powder dry for future judicial confirmations.

“It would be wise to save it for a Supreme Court nominee who was truly terrible, rather than using it on a well-qualified nominee,” Feldman wrote in late March.

“Neil Gorsuch is no progressive,” he added. “But liberals could do worse — much worse. And it’s the Senate Democrats’ job to do what they can to reduce the risk of an unqualified, radical Trump nominee in the future.” (Read more from “Many Liberal Legal Experts Think a Gorsuch Filibuster Is a Terrible Idea” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/many-liberal-legal-experts-think-gorsuch-filibuster-terrible-idea/

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President Trump Defunds UN Abortion Outfit Devoted to Population Control

The State Department has said it will end U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), a group that promotes abortion overseas.

In a letter to U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, the State Department said it would not fund the UNFPA because it “supports, or participates in the management of, a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.”

The State Department said its decision “was made based on the fact that China’s family planning policies still involve the use of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization, and UNFPA partners on family planning activities with the Chinese government agency responsible for these coercive policies.”

The U.N. agency has been linked with human rights abuses around the world, including forced sterilizations and abortions in China.

Forced abortions and sterilizations were uncovered by pro-life journalists in China as recently as 2009. Since Reagan, only the Obama administration has funded the population control group.

The announcement takes Trump’s move to reinstate the Mexico City Policy one step further. That policy withholds U.S. funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortions. This cut will cost the UNFPA $32.5 million. (For more from the author of “President Trump Defunds UN Abortion Outfit Devoted to Population Control” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/president-trump-defunds-un-abortion-outfit-devoted-population-cont

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The Border Buildup

The Border Buildup

The battles over how to pay for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall are just getting started, but the administration is already calling for proposals from companies who would build it.

The wall is just one part of the White House plan to stop illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. There’s also going to be a hiring spree, with thousands of new Border Patrol agents and immigration officers added to the federal workforce. It’s not the first time this has been tried. I recently heard a cautionary tale from James Tomsheck, former head of internal affairs at Customs and Border Protection.

The following is from my interview with Tomsheck:

Attkisson: What is the potential downside of doing mass hirings all at once?

Tomsheck: I very much hope that those going forward with the initiative look at what we’ve learned when we executed the Border Patrol search of 2006-2008.

Attkisson: How many were hired in that surge?

Tomsheck: More than 10,000 in that period of time. It was done without many of the security protocols that are in place today.

Attkisson narration:

As we reported last year on “Full Measure,” the Border Patrol is a key target for Mexican drug cartels looking to infiltrate the force by getting their own operatives hired and or corrupting agents. The rewards of corruption can be enormous and it’s such a concern, the FBI has about two dozen border corruption task forces dedicated solely to rooting out officers on the take. Officer Michael Gilliland was caught on FBI surveillance video allegedly carrying a cash payoff in a bag. He pleaded guilty to letting in hundreds of illegal immigrants for $120,000 in bribes. Officer Margarita Crispin is serving 10 years for taking bribes to let marijuana through.

Attkisson: Is it accurate to say that drug dealers and drug cartel members were hired as part of the surge inadvertently?

Tomsheck: We certainly believe that to be the case. We do know that in the thousands of polygraph exams that we administered after the background investigation, more than half of those persons that cleared that background investigation failed the polygraph exam and provided detailed admissions as to why it was they failed the exam …

Included in that study group of more than 1,000 were persons who admitted that they were infiltrators, that they actually worked for a drug-trafficking organization, either on the U.S. side of the border or the Mexican side of the border, who had been directed to infiltrate CBP [Customs and Border Protection] and compromise what they do there.

Attkisson narration:

For most of the hiring spree of 2006 to 2008, polygraph exams weren’t required, which alarmed Tomsheck, who previously served in the U.S. Secret Service. He was instrumental in making lie detector tests mandatory for new Border Patrol agents.

Tomsheck: What we found in those first 100-plus exams that we did was genuinely shocking. They had included many persons who were actively involved in smuggling activity. Persons who very frequently used drugs were currently using controlled substances, and included persons involved in significant serious felony crimes.

Attkisson: As a man looking at corruption inside the agency, do you assume in retrospect that the agents were hired despite, perhaps, cartel contacts and other corruption issues?

Tomsheck: Unfortunately, I think it’s a virtual certainty that at least 5 percent of the workforce that was hired during that period of time are likely persons who have engaged in criminal misconduct and likely engaged in acts of corruption. And may have done so before they entered on duty with CBP.

Attkisson: In a sentence or a phrase, your best advice to the Trump administration on this?

Tomsheck: Move very cautiously. If there is a reduction in the security protocols to screen and vet applicants, I believe we will reduce and compromise the agency’s future integrity. (For more from the author of “The Border Buildup” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/the-border-buildup/

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Mom Horrified After Finding Police Drone Watching Her Children — in Their Backyard

For decades, in dystopian fictions, readers and watchers alike are very familiar with the idea of state-run drones spying on the entrapped population. Luckily, however, the scenes of drones chasing down or spying on those who dare dissent against authority have been restricted to fantasy — until now.

When Texas resident Bobbie Sanchez walked out in her backyard last week, the last thing she thought she’d see was a drone — hovering — watching her kids.

“Mommy there’s a drone over our roof,” said her children.

According to Sanchez, the drone hovered there long enough for her to take multiple photos and to call the police for help.

However, when Sanchez called the Hurst police department to inform them a drone was spying on her children, the Hurst police department said it was them.

“They’re watching my children play in the backyard,” said Sanchez. “I called the Hurst Police Department and was pretty surprised to hear that it was them.”

According to NBC DFW, Hurst police and fire started using drones earlier this year. They said the day they were over Sanchez’s yard was a training exercise.
Training, in the land of the free, now involves police officers stripping citizens of their privacy and creepily watching their kids.

Dystopian, indeed.

After being caught spying on children, the department now promises that they will tighten down on when and where the drones will be deployed.

“We will not be doing any type of training exercises over houses and things like that,” said Hurst Police Assistant Chief Steve Niekamp.

According to Niekamp, the department’s drones will now only launch of crime scenes, accident scenes, to find a suspect, an active shooter, or a missing person. The fire department may also use them to strategize on fighting fires.

“We’re working for our citizens, if they have concerns then we definitely need to address it,” said Niekamp in an obvious understatement.

When Sanchez’ neighbors got news of the drone they were outraged, naturally.

“It might be legal but it’s still creepy to think that police can be saying that they’re training or looking for a criminal and still be looking at you in your backyard,” said neighbor Casey Byrnes.

Others told NBC DFW that they feel betrayed and that their trust in police is damaged.

In a truly liberty-loving tone, Sanchez stated, “I am not a person who will give up privacy for safety.”

The use of drones in policing is a slippery slope. While fears of active shooters and missing children will be used to justify them, if history is any indicator, these drones will ultimately be used to further deteriorate what little semblance of privacy left in America.

Also, guns.

As the Free Thought Project reported last week, Connecticut may be the first state in the country to allow police officers to put deadly weapons on drones. Some states have discussed equipping drones with tasers but this is the first proposal to arm them with deadly weapons. What could possibly go wrong?

The good news is, in a recent ruling, a Kentucky man has prevailed in a lawsuit he faced over shooting down a drone that entered his property.

William Meredith became known as the “drone slayer” in 2015, after he used a shotgun to dismantle a drone operated by David Boggs, that he says was flying over his property in front of himself and his daughter. Meredith initially faced felony charges of endangerment and criminal mischief for shooting down the drone. The criminal charges were dismissed by Judge Rebecca Ward in Bullitt County District Court, citing recollections from witnesses who said that the drone was flying under the tree line. Ward also said that Meredith was within his rights to shoot down the drone.

According to Meredith, that drone, like the police drone in Hurst — was also watching his children.

However, we shouldn’t rely on this case to hold up against the blue privilege associated with shooting down ‘official police property’ — even if it is watching your kids in your own backyard. (For more from the author of “Mom Horrified After Finding Police Drone Watching Her Children — in Their Backyard” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/mom-horrified-finding-police-drone-watching-children-backyard/

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There have been multiple mass shootings of Americans by Muslims in America, but Muslims think THEY are the victims

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

There have been no mass killings of Muslims in America, not even after 9/11. But to watch this video from designated terrorist group CAIR, you would think that Muslims are in the greatest danger because of a a few dozen written threats, the majority of which were fake or written by Muslims themselves for sympathy…and none carried out.

They even recruited a representative of Homeland Security, paid for by American taxpayers, to talk to them about what to do about an active shooter. I wonder how many potential Muslim active shooters were in the audience?

Now lets talk about all the active shootings and terrorist attacks that Muslims have carried out in America. For anyone keeping score:

People killed by radical Muslims on 9/11:2,996
Muslim-Americans killed “in revenge”:1

Below is a list of attacks, courtesy of The Religion of Peace, carried out by Muslims on Americans in America.  These are ONLY attacks in which fatalities occurred:

2017.01.31USADenver, CO10A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office by a ‘radicalized’ Muslim.
2017.01.06USAFort Lauderdale, FL56A convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.
2016.06.13USAOrlando, FL4953An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.
2015.12.02USASan Bernardino, CA1417A ‘very religious’ Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.
2015.07.16USAChattanooga, TN52A ‘devout Muslim’ stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.
2014.12.18USAMorganton, NC10A 74-year-old man is shot several times in the head by a ‘radicalized’ ISIS supporter.
2014.09.25USAMoore, OK11A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.
2014.06.25USAWest Orange, NJ10A 19-year-old college student is shot to death ‘in revenge’ for Muslim deaths overseas.
2014.06.01USASeattle, WA20Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.
2014.04.27USASkyway, WA10A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.
2014.03.06USAPort Bolivar, TX20A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.
2013.08.04USARichmond, CA10A convert “on a mission from Allah” stabs a store clerk to death.
2013.04.19USABoston, MA11Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.
2013.04.15USABoston, MA3264Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as ‘very religious’ detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.
2013.03.24USAAshtabula, OH10A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.
2013.02.07USABuena Vista, NJ20A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.
2012.11.12USAHouston, TX10A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.
2012.01.15USAHouston, TX10A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.
2011.09.11USAWaltham, MA30Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.
2011.04.30USAWarren, MI10A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.
2010.04.14USAMarquette Park, IL52After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to ‘take them back to Allah’ and out of the ‘world of sinners’.
2009.12.04USABinghamton, NY10A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for ‘persecuted’ Muslims.
2009.11.05USAFt. Hood, TX1331A Muslim psychiatrist guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.
2009.11.02USAGlendale, AZ11A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too ‘Westernized.’ (10-20-09)
2009.06.01USALittle Rock, AR11A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.
2009.04.12USAPhoenix, AZ20A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.
2009.02.12USABuffalo, NY10The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
2008.07.06USAJonesboro, GA10A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.
2008.01.01USAIrving, TX20A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their ‘Western’ lifestyle.
2006.07.28USASeattle, WA15An ‘angry’ Muslim-American uses a young girl as hostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.
2006.06.25USADenver, CO15Saying that it was ‘Allah’s choice’, a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
2006.06.16USABaltimore, MD10A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim medical student in an unprovoked terror attack.
2004.04.15USAScottsville, NY12In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.
2003.08.06USAHouston, TX10After undergoing a ‘religious revival’, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4″ butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
2002.10.22USAAspen Hill, MD10A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.
2002.10.14USAArlington, VA10A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.
2002.10.11USAFredericksburg, VA10Another man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas.
2002.10.09USAManassas, VA11A man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas two days after a 13-year-old is wounded by the same team.
2002.10.03USAMontgomery County, MD50Muslim snipers kill three men and two women in separate attacks over a 15-hour period.
2002.10.02USAWheaton, MD10Muslim snipers gun down a program analyst in a store parking lot.
2002.09.23USABaton Rouge, LA10A Korean mother is shot in the back by Muslim snipers.
2002.09.21USAMontgomery, AL11Muslim snipers shoot two women, killing one.
2002.09.21USAAtlanta, GA10Muslim terrorists gun down an employee at a liquor store.
2002.07.04USALos Angeles, CA20Muslim man pulls out a gun at the counter of an Israeli airline and kills two people.
2002.05.27USADenton, TX10Muslim snipers kill a man as he works in his yard.
2002.03.19USATuscon, AZ10A 60-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim snipers on a golf course.
2001.09.11USANew York, NY2752251Islamic hijackers steer two planes packed with fuel and passengers into the World Trade Center, killing hundreds on impact and eventually killing thousands when the towers collapsed. At least 200 are seriously injured.
2001.09.11USAWashington, DC18453Nearly 200 people are killed when Islamic hijackers steer a plane full of people into the Pentagon.
2001.09.11USAShanksville, PA400Forty passengers are killed after Islamic radicals hijack the plane in an attempt to steer it into the U.S. Capitol building.
2000.03.17USAAtlanta, GA11A local imam and Muslim spiritual leader guns down a deputy sheriff and injures his partner.
1997.04.03USALompoc, CA10A prison guard is stabbed to death by a radical Muslim.
1997.03.23USANew York, NY16A Palestinian leaves an anti-Jewish suicide note behind and travels to the top of the Empire State building where he shoots seven people in a Fedayeen attack.
1994.03.01USABrooklyn, NY10A Muslim gunman targets a van packed with Jewish boys, killing a 16-year-old.
1993.02.26USANew York, NY61040Islamic terrorists detonate a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 in an effort to collapse the towers.
1993.01.25USALangley, VA23A Pakistani with Mujahideen ties guns down two CIA agents outside of the headquarters.
1990.11.05USANew York City, NY10An Israeli rabbi is shot to death by a Muslim attacker at a hotel.
1990.01.31USATuscon, AZ10A Sunni cleric is assassinated in front of a Tuscon mosque after declaring that two verses of the Qur’an were invalid.
1989.11.06USASt. Louis, MO10A 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her parents for bringing ‘dishonor’ to their family by dating an ‘infidel’ African-American.
1980.08.31USASavou, IL20An Iranian student guns down his next-door neighbors, a husband and wife.
1980.07.22USABethesda, MD10A political dissident is shot and killed in front of his home by an Iranian agent who was an American convert to Islam.
1977.03.09USAWashington, DC11Hanifi Muslims storm three buildings including a B’nai B’rith to hold 134 people hostage. At least two innocents were shot and one died.
1974.04.16USAIngleside, CA10A man is killed while helping a friend move by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1974.04.01USAOakland, CA11A Nation of Islam terrorist shoots at two Salvation Army members, killing a man and injuring a woman.
1974.01.24USAOakland, CA41Five vicious shooting attacks by Nation of Islam terrorists leave three people dead and one paralyzed for life. Three of the victims were women.
1973.12.24USAOakland, CA10A man is kidnapped, tortured and decapitated by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.12.22USAOakland, CA20Nation of Islam terrorist kills two people in separate attacks on the same day.
1973.12.20USAOakland, CA10Nation of Islam terrorists gun down an 81-year-old janitor.
1973.12.13USAOakland, CA10A woman is shot to death on the sidewalk by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.12.11USAOakland, CA10A man is killed by Nation of Islam terrorists while using a phone booth.
1973.11.25USAOakland, CA10A grocer is killed in his store by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.10.29USABerkeley, CA10A woman is shot repeatedly in the face by Nation of Islam terrorists.
1973.10.19USAOakland, CA11Nation of Islam terrorists kidnap a couple and nearly decapitate the man, while raping and leaving the woman for dead.
1973.07.18USAWashington, DC82Nation of Islam members shoot seven members of a family to death in cold blood, including four children. A defendant in the case is later murdered in prison on orders from Elijah Muhammad.
1973.07.01USABethesda, MD10An Israeli diplomat is gunned down in his driveway by Palestinian terrorists.
1973.01.19USABrooklyn, NY11Muslim extremists rob a sporting goods store for weapons, gunning down a police officer who responds to the alarm.
1972.04.14USANew York, NY13

Ten members of a local mosque phone in a false alarm and then ambush responding

officers, killing one.

Bare Naked Islam

To read all articles go to http://www.barenakedislam.com/

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Philadelphia: Teen convert to Islam pleads guilty to Islamic State plot to murder Pope

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Pope Francis is doubtless on his way to Philadelphia now to explain to young Ahmad Shakoor that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.”

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

“US teen pleads guilty to IS-inspired plot to kill pope,” AFP, April 3, 2017:

Washington (AFP) – A New Jersey teen pleaded guilty Monday to a plot allegedly inspired by the Islamic State group to kill Pope Francis during his 2015 visit to the United States.

The US Justice Department said Santos Colon, 15 years old at the time, sought to recruit a sniper to shoot the pope as he celebrated mass in Philadelphia on September 27, 2015. Colon also allegedly planned to set off explosives.

But the teen unwittingly recruited an undercover FBI agent for the job, and was arrested quietly 12 days before the event.

“Colon engaged someone he believed would be the sniper, but in reality was an undercover FBI employee. Colon engaged in target reconnaissance with an FBI confidential source and instructed the source to purchase materials to make explosive devices,” the Justice Department said in a statement.

Court documents said Colon sought to carry out the act in support of the Islamic State group and that he had used the adopted name Ahmad Shakoor.

In a plea bargain with prosecutors, Colon, now 17, agreed to forego trial and plead guilty as an adult to one charge of providing material support to a terror group.

With the deal, prosecutors dropped three other charges filed against him as a juvenile.

Court documents said the charges were in relation to the Islamic State group, which Washington has designated a foreign terrorist organization….

Colon faces a maximum of 15 years in prison but sentencing would likely be held off until 2021 while he undergoes psychiatric treatment in a secure facility.

In a plea statement, Colon acknowledged having been a patient in a mental institution in the past.

Jihad Watch

to read all articles go to https://www.jihadwatch.org/

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Virginia: Three Iraqi Refugees Arrested, Lied About Brother Who Kidnapped U.S. Citizen

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Three of the thousands of well-vetted Muslim refugees who lie on their immigration applications. Source: DOJ: 2 brothers, wife living in Virginia arrested for immigration fraud | WJLA

Three Iraqi refugees were arrested Tuesday morning and charged with immigration fraud while living in Virginia after proving false information on their application to become U.S. citizens, the Department of Justice (DOJ) reports.

According to the DOJ, Yousif Al Mashhandani (“Yousif”), 35, lived in Vienna, while his brother, Adil Hasan, 38, and his wife Enas Ibrahim, 32, lived in Burke as lawful permanent residents. All three had applied to become U.S. citizens but failed to report that Yousif and Hasan were biological brothers to a Majid Al Mashhadani (“Majid”) who was detained for kidnapping a U.S. citizen identified as R.H. in Iraq and holding him hostage in horrible conditions in an underground bunker in 2004 .

The fraud was discovered after Yousif’s fingerprints were taken during the process of his application and a connection was made to the 2004 kidnapping conducted by his brother Majid.

“According to an FBI fingerprint specialist, analysis conducted in November 2013 determined that Yousif’s fingerprints match those found on a document at the underground bunker where forces rescued R.H. and others in Iraq in 2005,” the DOJ stated in a press release.

The DOJ states that when confronted with the fraud during a 2016 interview, Yousif admitted he failed to report his relation to Majid on his family tree form because as a refugee he was told that “he would not be allowed into the U.S. if any immediate family members had a criminal background.”

Hasan and Ibrahim also admitted they discussed eliminating their relation to Majid “on their applications for refugee status because their connection to Majid might delay their ability to gain such status,” according to the DOJ.

Furthermore, the DOJ reports that Hasan also admitted to providing false information about being kidnapped and tortured by a militant group in 2006.

“According to the affidavit in support of the criminal complaint, to justify his application for refugee status, Yousif reported that in 2006, while working as an anti-corruption investigator for the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity in Iraq, he started receiving threats from a Shiite militia known as the ‘Al Mahdi Militia,’ in order to coerce Yousif to drop a particular corruption investigation. Yousif said that in May 2006, Hasan was kidnapped by the Al Mahdi Militia, and was released only after Yousif arranged to drop the investigation in question and helped pay a large ransom. Yousif said that after Hasan was released, he reopened the corruption investigation, only to flee to Jordon in October 2006 after his parents’ house was burned down.

According to the affidavit in support of the criminal complaint, to justify his application for refugee status, Hasan provided sworn testimony that, in 2006, he had been kidnapped and tortured by members of the Al Mahdi Army and held for nearly a month. Hasan said he was released upon the payment of a ransom of $20,000. In an interview by FBI agents in April 2016, Hasan said he was threatened in Iraq on two occasions, but made no mention of being kidnapped, held hostage and tortured for nearly a month. In a subsequent interview in October 2016, FBI agents confronted Hasan about the discrepancy in his stories and Hasan admitted to making false statements and creating his persecution story,” the DOJ stated in the press release.

The refugees each face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison if convicted.

DOJ press release here Iraqi Refugees Arrested and Charged With Immigration Fraud.

Creeping Sharia
To read all articles go to https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/

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The Susan Rice reruns

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
The Susan Rice reruns

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
No matter what is going on behind the scenes, the illegal, unethical, immoral dealings of politics, the ex "president" and his minions have been air-tight for years in never giving up the scam. They never admitted to exactly what they were doing, and as part of that, blamed their actions on their detractors. Such is the case with spying on then President-elect Donald Trump and spreading misinformation among intelligence agencies to make it look like Trump conspired with Russia to win the election. When caught, the ex "president" and his henchmen denied everything and continued to insinuate that it was Trump all along doing the dirty deeds. Richard Nixon's presidency ended over spying on Democrats.
In response to accusations of spying on Trump, the former "president's" spokesman Kevin Lewis said, "A cardinal rule of the [sic] Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither the [sic] "president" nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any US citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false." Now, Fox News is reporting that it was former National Security Advisor Susan Rice-a direct report of the ex "president"-who "unmasked" those on the Trump transition team that the White House was spying on and spread their names among the various intelligence agencies.
Rice seems to have been working with former Deputy Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas, who purposely spread the misinformation among the spy agencies. She admitted last month, " I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill - it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before [sic] the "president" leaves the administration." She was afraid that the narrative that Russia and Trump collaborated to influence the election would be lost if the information wasn't spread far and wide. An interesting twist to the story is that Republicans knew about the spying on Trump even before the election.
Rice appears to be the "go-to" girl when the ex "president" needs some dirty work done. Remember Rice and Benghazi? In May 2013, ABC News obtained 12 different versions of the talking points with extensive edits by the CIA before then UN Ambassador UN Susan Rice appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack saying the attacks were inspired by a movie critical of Islam. Rice was also the one who in June 2014 called deserter Bowe Bergadahl not "simply a hostage; he was an American prisoner of war captured on the battlefield." Psalm 37:12 says, "The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes upon him with his teeth." Rice, the ex "president" and his cronies have been in the "plotting" and "blame-shifting" business a long time. They are good at it. Many of Nixon's minions went to prison for far less.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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The Greatest Engine for Good: The Local Church

This is one of those times of year where people who don’t usually attend church may find themselves attending services. Maybe it’s part of a family visit. Maybe it’s tradition. Maybe it’s an itch in need of scratching. Or maybe it’s a desire. Whatever the cause, it could be fuel for civic renewal.

While the country seems obsessed with what’s happening in Washington, D.C. — with emotions and reactions ranging from encouragement, concern, dread, outrage and just about every other feeling in between — we’re missing something that should be more fundamental to the everyday life of our country.

California businessman William E. Simon Jr. aims to remedy that with a group he’s founded, Parish Catalyst, and a book he’s written, Great Catholic Parishes: How Four Essential Practices Make Them Thrive. Having surveyed 244 parishes, he’s in the business now of sharing what works.

This was one of the most important things I’ve ever done,” Simon tells me. “It was (megachurch pastor) Rick Warren who pointed this out to me, and he’s right: The local church is the greatest engine for good in history. It’s got the biggest distribution system. It’s got the longest track record. It’s got the most committed people. It’s better than any government and bureaucracy, any agency. And it’s been around for 2,000 years, and there’s no sign that it’s not going to be around for another 2,000 years. You can’t say that about any other entity.”

Focusing on the Catholic piece of the engine, Simon points out that there are roughly 80 million Catholics in the United States, about 80 percent of them affiliated with a parish. “About 64 million Catholics are affiliated somehow or another with a parish. So, if only 10 percent of them are paying attention, that’s 6.4 million. If you could double that number, that’d be another 6.4 million. That’s a h*** of an opportunity.” (Read more from “The Greatest Engine for Good: The Local Church” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/greatest-engine-good-local-church/

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Texas Tea Party Groups Send a Clear Message to President Trump: ‘The Freedom Caucus Is Not the Problem’

The Texas Tea Party will not be silent.

Last week, Republicans scrambled to form a circular firing squad in the wake of the American Health Care Acts’ failure to launch. Conservatives’ opposition to the legislation drew the ire of President Trump and members of the Republican Establishment, who (unfairly) attacked the Freedom Caucus for killing the bill.

But in a letter made available to Conservative Review, Lone Star state Tea Party organizations make clear that the Republican Party base in the highly consequential state of Texas stands with the Freedom Caucus in opposition to RINOcare. The letter was signed by over 90 conservative grassroots leaders and state GOP officials, and will be sent to President Trump Monday.

“To our dismay, the ‘repeal and replace’ plan put forward by U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) did nothing to address the core regulatory infrastructure of Obamacare, which means that American families would still see health care costs continue to rise until at least 2026,” the letter reads. “This is unacceptable.”

Public support for the American Health Care Act placed around 17 percent, per Quinnipiac polls. The Freedom Caucus members argue their push for more conservative amendments saved the Republican Party from political disaster. According to the leader of the organization that put the letter together, those members are exactly right.

“The Freedom Caucus is doing exactly what their supporters and their constituents sent them to Washington to do,” JoAnn Fleming told Conservative Review. “The Ryancare bill did not do what the Republicans promised they would do.”

Fleming is the Executive Director of Grassroots America – We the People, a political action committee that is “the largest constitutional conservative citizen organization in East Texas and one of the largest in Texas.” A volunteer conservative activist in Texas for over 25 years, Fleming also serves as the three-term chairman of the Texas Legislature’s TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee, Chairman of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s Grassroots Advisory Board, and an adviser to the newly formed Freedom Caucus of the Texas state legislature.

“Frankly, the people that I work with in Texas, all these grassroots leaders on this letter – they worked their tails off to send Republicans to Washington and to offices at every level of government — to stand strong behind conservative, limited government, constitutional conservative principles,” Fleming said.

In the eyes of these activists, Fleming explained, the GOP plan was a betrayal.

If you go back and look at the 60 times there was a bill that fully repealed Obamacare, why now is that not the right kind of bill? What this does is it just peels back the façade. What this says to grassroots conservatives in Texas is, “You really didn’t mean it to begin with. You knew President Obama would veto any repeal that you sent to him, and so it was all political theater.”

Opposition to RINOcare was exactly what voters wanted from their elected representatives. The letter takes pains to drive that point home to the president.

With a bad “take it or leave it” bill on the table, the Freedom Caucus rightly believed they had a responsibility to protect both the GOP and the Trump Administration from the political fallout that would surely come in 2018 and 2020 when angry voters realized their healthcare costs did not go down and health care access did not improve. The Freedom Caucus had the promises they made back home and the long-term good of the American people on their minds and in their hearts when they opposed the AHCA.

President Trump’s pledge to “fight” the Freedom Caucus is baffling for these Tea Party activists.

Trump had long positioned himself as an ally of the Tea Party. And so, according to JoAnn Fleming, this letter intends to make clear exactly where one of the Republican Party’s most organized and enthusiastic voter base stands.

The point of this is we’re trying to say, “We don’t agree with you, Mr. President, on the approach you’re taking toward the Freedom Caucus and toward the promises we intend to hold the GOP to. They made a promise that they were going to repeal Obamacare, and that means take out all of the big government structure that was there, the mandates, and to get us back to a patient-centered, free-market based approach to health care. This bill did not do any of that and what we believe is that it would have driven up costs, premiums.”

The Tea Party groups of Texas urge Trump to work with the HFC to actually “drain the swamp.”

“We believe that he’s not going to be able to drain any Washington, D.C., swamp without the support and help of conservatives,” Fleming told CR. “That’s just a given.”

All signs point toward another attempt at Obamacare repeal happening sooner rather than later. Over the weekend, President Trump tweeted an attack on the “Fake News media” for suggesting that attempts at repeal were “dead.”

Some liberal Republicans have signaled they’d rather work with Democrats than join with the Freedom Caucus to come up with a conservative plan. The Texan Tea Party is not willing to follow President Trump down that path.

“Unfortunately, the president will be on the opposite side of many conservative grassroots leaders on the ground, in the trenches every single day,” should he continue to oppose the Freedom Caucus, Fleming said.

“This is what we do. We try to advance liberty through conservative principles. It’s not about the person. It’s not about a political icon. It is about principle for us.”

The dedicated hard work of the Tea Party base here in Texas, as well as all across the nation, has bestowed Republicans with historic majorities in Congress and placed the presidency in their hands. If the GOP believes Tea Party activists will go away or blindly trust the Republicans in control, they are mistaken.

“I have given up the best part of my life to do this, and I’m not about to change. I don’t do this because I don’t have anything else that I could do. I gave up a career in business to do this, and I do it because it’s the right thing to do,” said Fleming.

“Anything that makes it harder for my grassroots colleagues to do what they do in their own communities just kind of sets my teeth on edge,” Fleming said. “That’s where this letter came from.” (For more from the author of “Texas Tea Party Groups Send a Clear Message to President Trump: ‘The Freedom Caucus Is Not the Problem'” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/texas-tea-party-groups-send-clear-message-president-trump-freedom

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Politically Incorrect Professor Gets Denied Grant Funding

A professor who opposes political correctness and refuses to use gender-neutral pronouns was denied research grant funding.

Professor Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto, who has recently sparked controversy for opposing social justice initiatives, was denied research grant funding, according to his Twitter account.

“This was the money that would have funded my research into the personality predictors of political correctness (and liberalism/conservatism),” noted Peterson in a subsequent Friday tweet.

The professor also tweeted that the reviewers for Social Science and Humanities Research Council grants are anonymous and that he had predicted he would be denied grant money in the fall of 2016.

(Read more from “Politically Incorrect Professor Gets Denied Grant Funding” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/politically-incorrect-professor-gets-denied-grant-funding/

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The IRS Expects to Write-Off $129 Billion. Here Are Two Better Ideas

The Government Accountability Office’s recent audit report of the IRS showed that the IRS collected an extra $54.3 billion through enforcement efforts. That is a great return on investment. However, a troubling fact was buried in Note 5 on the 110th page of the report: The IRS is owed $178 billion in back taxes, interest, and penalties, but expects to collect only $49 billion.

To put it in plain English: The IRS expects to write off as uncollectible $129 billion of its receivables. So, what is Congress’ answer to this challenge? They voted to place outstanding tax accounts with private debt collectors and let them keep a percentage of what they collect. This venture will fail just like a similar project 10 years ago. Let me explain.

Inevitable Crash and Burn

In 2004, Congress authorized a pilot program to assign delinquent tax accounts to private debt collectors.The IRS assigned about $1.87 billion in delinquent accounts to private debt collectors on a commission basis. According to a report by the IRS Taxpayer Advocate (an office that reports directly to Congress and not the IRS Commissioner), the private collectors managed to collect $86 million before the accounts were returned to the IRS. The IRS then collected a further $139 million. That means that the IRS collected $53 million more than the private debt collectors.

Congress now wants a do over. Alas, this program will crash and burn also for several reasons. First, Congress has placed several counterproductive restrictions on the private firms. For instance, the delinquent taxpayer can tell the private debt collector to send their accounts back to the IRS. I don’t think the private debt collectors will collect much money if the delinquent taxpayers can tell them to buzz off. Second, the private debt collector has no authority to settle the tax debt for a lower amount. So, the delinquent taxpayer will have little reason to bargain.

What’s wrong with this picture?

We Need to Stop Adding Debt

I would like to propose two better options:

1. President Trump could scrap his proposed $238 million cut in IRS funding in favor of a $2 billion increase. This increase would level the IRS budget at roughly the 2010 funding level (adjusted for inflation), and reverse over a half decade of budget cuts to the agency. The IRS would then be responsible for closing the $406 billion Net Tax Gap. That’s the amount of taxes the IRS fails to collect, due mostly to a lack of resources.

2. Auction the $178 billion in tax, interest, and penalties to the highest bidder. If the IRS can get more than $49 billion on the open market, then the federal government comes out ahead. Maybe the IRS can sell the debt on EBay. Or maybe they can entice U.S. multi-national corporations who have $1 trillion in cash overseas to repatriate the money (tax free of course) if they use the repatriated funds to buy the tax debts. The tax debts would be sold (in accounting parlance) “without recourse,” which means that all sales are final. The new owners of the debt would then be free to pursue collection actions against the delinquent taxpayer. They would earn a profit if they can collect more from the delinquent taxpayer than they paid to the IRS. This option, however, would require a major revision to IRS Disclosure Laws.

The federal government is $20 trillion in debt. It adds hundreds of billions more every single year. This can’t go on forever. We need an IRS that can enforce the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to ensure that the government can pay more of its bills. It’s time for our congressional leaders to put partisanship aside and get to work. (For more from the author of “The IRS Expects to Write-Off $129 Billion. Here Are Two Better Ideas” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/irs-expects-write-off-129-billion-two-better-ideas/

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Coffee Shop’s Reward Card Makes It Look Like Trump, Conservatives Shot in Head

A Pittsburgh coffee shop is offering incentives for its customers with a satirical punch card with images of President Donald Trump and conservative leaders.

The front of the rewards card is relatively benign, with 10 of the Black Forge Coffee House logos to punch, reports Fox News. But the back features 10 people management does not care for: Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, former Republican Sen. Rick Santorum, former Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee, infamous hedge fund founder Martin Shkreli, media mogul Pat Robertson, and three political pundits: Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh.

When staff perforate the card to keep track of the perk, a hole appears on the picture of the figure. Some say the punctures in the card, which can eventually be redeemed for a free cup of coffee, make it look like the conservative icons are being shot in the head.

“We are definitely not advocating violence,” said Nick Miller, co-owner of the Black Forge Coffee House, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “This is purely political satire statement and an expression of frustration with the system” . . .

“It’s definitely been a rough couple of days. It escalated quickly and not to the intent that we wanted,” Ashley Corts, co-owner of the heavy metal themed shop, said in reference to the amount of adverse reactions they have received. According to Corts, several people called and made threatening statements, such as the suggestion that “someone should put bullets in our heads.”

(Read more from “Coffee Shop’s Reward Card Makes It Look Like Trump, Conservatives Shot in Head” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/coffee-shops-reward-card-makes-look-like-trump-conservatives-shot-

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Gohmert – We Had Deal With Trump Twice, Establishment Ryan And Priebus Vetoed Both

louie gohmert

Vice President Pence said yesterday in a speech in Ohio that, “You can take that to the bank, President Trump is never going to stop fighting to keep the promises he made to the American people, and we will make America great again. We will repeal and replace Obamacare and give the American people the world class health care they deserve.” Just in case the meaning of the word repeal has gotten lost in all of the retreating and calls to compromise with the establishment status quo representatives like Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan, repeal is defined as: “the action of revoking or annulling a law or congressional act.” It doesn’t say anything about converting it to a lite or watered down version of its former self.

The anchor posts two Trump tweets that indicate the effort to get a deal to repeal Obamacare is still in process. She notes that the House Freedom Caucus is crucial to the success of any bill, the same Freedom Caucus that President Trump has turned on in recent days, supposedly now willing to supplant his base with Democrats or Democrat lites, like Priebus and Ryan.

Rep Louie Gohmert, a Freedom Caucus member, joins the host for a discussion of the situation. He’s asked why he was so adamantly opposed to the passage of Ryancare, noting that “It feels a great deal like the 2008 Wall Street bailout, when we had immense pressure on us, ‘you just gotta pass this.’ He also points out the similarity to HW Bush’s administration with the establishment saying, ‘Aw, it’s a little bitty tax increase, don’t worry about it, we’ve got to get this done.’ That same kind of mentality.”

He addresses the increased power of the HHS Secretary and compares it to the power that Jeh Johnson, NSA and others wound up with under the Obama regime following the passage of the Patriot Act under George W Bush.

To watch video go to http://rickwells.us/gohmert-deal-trump-twice-establishment-ryan-priebus-vetoed/

He says, “When people find out, if this bill passes as it is, people find out number one their rates go up, number two this was not a repeal, it gave government more power. He says they had a deal with the President twice, with the primary issue being the reduction of premiums “and each time Priebus and Ryan say ‘no, no, no, you can’t do that. He wanted to make a deal, he was ready to make a deal.” He says at some point on Tuesday there was a meeting in which the decision to go to war was made, the Freedom Caucus who stood by the President was identified as the enemy and those who abandoned Trump, like Paul Ryan, were embraced.

Asked about the threats against the Freedom Caucus members by the White House, Gohmert said, “If this bill passes, the President’s administration will be defined for the next four years as a fraud, as they promised repeal and they gave more power to the government, and it’s costing us more. It is going to destroy his administration.”

He adds, “But it’s a two-fer for the establishment; they destroy the conservatives, the grass roots that stood by the President, and they make the President look terrible when people actually find out how bad this hurts the American individual.

Gohmert says the tax fight could also be negatively impacted by a weakened conservative base, that Trump “is taking advice from Priebus, who’s establishment to the core, predicting the success or failure of the Trump presidency rides on what happens over the next thirty days.

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In defiance of Mayor deBlasio’s NYC ‘sanctuary city’ status, NYPD officers alert federal immigration (ICE) agents when illegals facing deportation will be in court

Rank-and-file New York City cops are ready to assist with the federal government’s expanded efforts to deport undocumented immigrants, something the city’s mayor has pledged not to do, the president of the NYPD sergeants union said.

RT  Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, took New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill to task on a Sunday radio show, blasting the pair for announcing that the city, including the New York Police Department, would not fully cooperate with the Trump administration’s recent immigration policy directive.

But the latest guidance from the Trump administration broadens ICE’s priorities to include nearly every undocumented immigrant in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security has instructed immigration enforcement to prioritize the deportation of anyone who engages in “fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with any official matter” — a description that fits any undocumented immigrant who has used a fake social security number to qualify for gainful employment.

NY DAILY NEWS  As a “sanctuary city,” the city currently only complies with Immigration and Customs Enforcement “detainer” orders to hold a defendant until federal agents can take custody in cases involving violent or serious felonies.

But in the process of verifying warrants against a defendant, officials said the NYPD will contact relevant law enforcement, including ICE, thereby alerting the agency to an immigrant’s upcoming appearance in a city courtroom. 

Advocates slammed the practice, saying it amounts to “collusion” with immigration officials that goes against the spirit of Mayor de Blasio’s pledge that the city will remain a sanctuary city.

Public defenders representing two men in ICE’s cross hairs during separate court appearances in Queens told The News they were stunned to learn the NYPD communicated with the federal agency about both men before they appeared before a judge. 

In both cases, screenshots show the city did not comply with ICE “detainer” orders. Instead, immigration agents just showed up to court. 

De Blasio has touted a law signed in 2014 that drastically reduced the city’s cooperation with ICE. It declared the city would NOT comply with ICE detainer orders — except those who have been convicted of “violent or serious felonies.”

RT President Donald Trump’s new policies demand the deportation of any illegal alien who violates a law or is charged with a crime, no matter the severity of the offense, as well as those who receive government assistance or falsify Social Security data in order to work.

Mullins insisted that the commissioner has “a moral obligation” to “follow the direction of law.” He added that many NYPD cops are ready and willing to assist Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents with deportation orders.

“Make no mistake about it, the members of law enforcement in the NYPD want to cooperate with ICE,” Mullins said. “I speak to cops every day — they want to cooperate with ICE, they want to work with fellow law enforcement agents.”

In its new federal immigration directive, the Trump administration said that any undocumented immigrant can be deported at any time, but said it would be prioritizing “criminal aliens,” meaning those who have been charged with or convicted of a crime.

The NYPD’s top spokesman, Stephen Davis, said ICE also has access to arrest information on its own. The removals will be aided by law enforcement agencies choosing to participate in a program which would grant local officers the authority to act as immigration agents.

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South Carolina: Muslim on Parole for Jihad Plot, Arrested Again Trying to Join ISIS

Zakaryia Abdin, 18

Source: South Carolina Man Arrested for Attempting to Join ISIS | OPA | Department of Justice

Zakaryia Abdin, 18, of Ladson, South Carolina, appeared in federal court this morning in Charleston, South Carolina, following his arrest by the FBI last night. Abdin was arrested for attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization. The charge is based on Abdin’s alleged attempt to travel overseas to join the terrorist organization. Special Agents of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) took Abdin into custody at the Charleston International Airport before he boarded an outbound flight.

More details via Paroled York County, SC, teen who tried to join ISIS arrested by FBI

Police warned a juvenile parole board that a teen from York who was convicted of trying to join ISIS was a threat.

The teen wanted to kill police, American soldiers and anyone else who got in his way, court and parole board testimony showed. But the parole board released the teen last year before Zakaryia Abdin Abdin had to be lawfully released at age 21.

Late Thursday, the FBI arrested Abdin, now 18, at the Charleston airport on federal terrorism charges of trying to help and join ISIS.

York County’s top law enforcement officers and York’s top officials are outraged. They say they tried to warn state officials.

York Police Chief Andy Robinson and 16th Circuit Solicitor Kevin Brackett confirmed to The Herald that Abdin is the same person charged and convicted in York as a juvenile.

Abdin and another unnamed extremist were stopped before a 2015 plot was executed to rob a gun store in North Carolina, then attack troops at military bases near Raleigh.

Robinson said he is livid that Abdin was out of jail. “We tried to protect the people of this community, this state and America by arresting him and asking that he be kept in jail after he was convicted,” Robinson said Friday.

“We did the best we could,” Robinson said. “But the parole board let him out. It is aggravating that now the federal government can prosecute him because he is 18, when they couldn’t when he was a juvenile. He was just as much a threat then as he is now, and this shows it.”

“All I can say is, I am happy they got him before he hurt or killed somebody. Or a lot of people,” Robinson said.

Robinson and other officers from the York Police Department and York County Sheriff’s Office appeared twice before the S.C. Juvenile Parole Board in 2016. They pleaded with the board not to release Abdin from jail before age 21, when his sentence would end.

“The parole board was deaf to public safety, when our officers told the board that this person was a threat to the United States of America,” said York Mayor Eddie Lee.

Federal prosecutors did not charge Abdin when he was arrested in York at 16. South Carolina has no terrorism laws, so Abdin could only be charged with illegal gun possession.

Abdin, a former York Comprehensive High School student, was arrested in York in February 2015 with a gun, an ISIS flag, electronic material that linked him to ISIS abroad and to another alleged Islamic extremist. He also had a floor plan of the gun store where authorities say a robbery was planned.

Abdin, of Syrian heritage, was convicted in York County Family Court in 2015, then paroled in 2016. Because he was a juvenile, his name was never publicly released.

The Herald, which covered his conviction and parole hearings, did not name Abdin at the time because he was prosecuted as a juvenile.

Federal prosecutors released his name Friday, saying Abdin, now an adult, was again trying to join and help ISIS. Federal authorities declined to say that Abdin was the same person convicted in York.

Brackett, the 16th Circuit solicitor, said evidence against Abdin in the York case was “very troubling and disturbing.”

Abdin told the juvenile parole board in two hearings and a judge when he pleaded guilty to weapon possession that he was a changed person, and that he never plotted to join ISIS, despite evidence in juvenile court and police testimony.

Abdin, who now lives in Ladson near Charleston, told the parole board in May he would be living with family near Charleston and attending technical school.

He was actually denied parole at least once prior to being released: Syrian Muslim teen who plotted jihad on U.S. military base denied parole

“That’s one of the scariest individuals we’ve ever encountered. He’s a terrorist…” ~ York police chief

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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