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The Daily Jot - Where are the peacemakers?
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Where are the peacemakers?
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Monday, June 19, 2017
My brother- and sister-in-law recently spent some time in Gettysburg exploring the historic battlefield. We were talking about their experience last night at dinner with my wife and son. We talked about how it is difficult to imagine that Americans turned on one another in a Civil War. That neighbors fought neighbors, brothers were against brothers and the deep emotional, physical, and spiritual toll that war exacted on the country, the effects still lingering after 150 years. The death toll of Americans in the US Civil War is estimated at approximately 700,000. We asked ourselves if there wasn't some way to have avoided that, to have worked it out? Then the conversation turned to the hostile environment of today.
The rhetoric is visceral. The radical left is relentless in trying to undermine and render ineffective a duly elected President. They are using foul and vulgar language, hiding behind "art" to depict beheading and assassination of the President. They are using words that fan the flames of hate, painting the image that if anyone disagrees with their dark view of the world that those people are hate mongers, racists, bigots, and worse. They have driven the narrative of the nation to an extreme level. The news media is part and parcel to amplifying the message of hate and rebellion. The politicians are pointing fingers and elevating accusations. The comedians and entertainers are joining the chorus with their star power.
Then we have a guy from the most gun-controlled state, Illinois, who hops in a van to another most gun-controlled area in Washington, DC, who somehow buys a semi-automatic weapon and manages to find an obscure baseball field where Republican Congressmen are practicing, and opens fire on them. Come to find out, he had a hit list of conservatives to kill. The question that remains is: Did he act alone, or is he part of a larger movement? Certainly, with all the rhetoric that has hatefully hit the news media since the shooting, it begs the question of what is really going on in this country. Many experienced with observing government overthrows believe we are witnessing a coup in the making.
Many others believe we are on the verge of another Civil War. The violence associated with the leftist groups against those who rally in support of the President is their confirmation. Folks, we do not need Americans killing Americans as what happened in the 1860s. We do not need to become a third world nation with communists and anarchists trying to overthrow our form of government. We need to pray for peace. We need to stand for righteousness and accountability. Jesus said in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." We need peacemakers to speak into this charged atmosphere. Let's use our conversations to calm down the rhetoric.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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Good News: Scalise Upgraded From ‘Critical’ to ‘Serious’ Condition

Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise was upgraded from “critical” to “serious condition” Saturday and continued to show signs of improvement after he was wounded in a shooting at a Republican baseball practice outside Washington. Medstar Washington Hospital Center released the update on behalf of the Scalise family . . .

The man who shot Scalise and others at the baseball practice had with him a piece of paper with doodles and the names of three lawmakers, according to a person familiar with the case.

The person told The Associated Press on Saturday that investigators aren’t sure of the significance of the names and don’t know if it was a list of people he was targeting. This person was not authorized to speak publicly about the case and spoke on condition of anonymity. The person did not disclose the names, but said those listed had been briefed. (Read more from “Good News: Scalise Upgraded From ‘Critical’ to ‘Serious’ Condition” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/06/good-news-scalise-upgraded-critical-serious-condition/

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Violent Words Have Turned to Violent Deeds: The Rise of the Radical Left
June 18, 2017/by Michael Brown
From violent campus protests to the shooting of a congressman, the violent, radical left is rising. But this should not surprise us at all. The handwriting has been on the wall for years.
What else do you expect when those who believe a child should have a mother and a father are likened to the KKK, Nazis, the Taliban and ISIS? What else do you expect when Christian conservatives have been branded dangerous enemies?
To repeat what I’ve shared before,
Already in May, 2005, John McCandlish Phillips, formerly a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter, pointed out how newspapers like the Washington Post and the Times told their readers that evangelicals and traditional Catholics were engaging in a “jihad” against America.
Markos Moulitsas, founder of the radically left-leaning Dailykos.com, wrote a whole book in 2010 in which he accused conservative Christians of being the “American Taliban,” which in turn reflected the sentiments of some Californians who opposed the Proposition 8, pro-marriage bill in 2008 and who carried signs reading: Prop 8 = American Taliban; and, 52 percent = Nazi (this referred to the 52-48 percent vote in favor of Prop 8); and, Don’t Silence the Christians, Feed Them 2 the Lions.
My fellow believers, don’t stick your heads in the sand and ignore this.
People don’t just hate you. They see you as downright dangerous, and that in itself is dangerous.
Really now, do you think people who compare you to ISIS and the Nazis do not look at you as a real threat? Do you think they can hold up signs calling for you to be thrown to the lions without holding some genuine animosity towards you? And do you think that people who express themselves in such sick and ugly terms would be upset if someone actually did you harm?
Christian Conservatives are the Ultimate Target
To quote again from my previous article (which was published September, 2015, and drew on developments I had been tracking since 2004):
As Maggie Gallagher pointed out earlier this year, those who express extreme hatred towards conservative Christians in America “tend to hold relatively high levels of social power,” citing a recent book on Christianophobia by sociologists George Yancey and David A. Williamson.
And what does that hatred sound like? Gallagher quoted some of those interviewed by Yancey and Williamson:
“‘I want them all to die in a fire,’ said one man with a doctorate. ‘I would be in favor of establishing a state for them. … If not then sterilize them so they can’t breed more,’ said a middle-aged man with a master’s degree. ‘The only good Christian is a dead Christian,’ said another under-45-year-old man with a doctorate. ‘I abhor them and I wish we could do away with them,’ said a middle-aged woman with a master’s degree. ‘A tortuous death would be too good for them,’ said a college-educated man between the ages of 36 and 45. ‘They should be eradicated without hesitation or remorse,’ said an elderly woman with a master’s degree.”
To ask again: Is it any surprise that the violent words of these radical leftists have turned to violent deeds? These sentiments are chilling and disturbing, and they are indicators of what we can expect in the days ahead, with Christian conservatives being the ultimate target.
Throwing the Jailer in Jail
Remember also that the strategy for years has been one of silencing — not just refuting — the opposition. That’s why I’ve stated for more than a decade that those who came out of the closet wanted to put us in the closet. And that’s why, after critics initially mocked me for saying that, they eventually changed their tune. For some time now they’ve been saying, “Bigots like you belong in the closet!”
A few years ago during a TV interview, I mentioned the comment of a Christian attorney who said, “Mike, it goes one step farther. Those who were once put in jail for their actions will want to put us in jail.”
The reaction to that comment was almost hysterical on some leftwing websites. “You’re totally crazy, man! No one wants to put you in jail.”
Then, when Kim Davis was jailed for refusing to comply with a judge’s order, she was likened to ISIS and her prison sentence was hailed as just. So it looks like some people do want us jailed after all.
The Violence Needs to Stop
I’m aware that some of the anger towards the right has been stirred up by the rhetoric of folks like Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannapolouis. And I fully understand how divisive a candidate (and president) Donald Trump has been, further stirring the pot.
But does that explain why campuses have banned conservative journalist Ben Shapiro from speaking? Or why students engaged in violent protests against conservative intellectuals like Heather Mac Donald and Charles Murray? Or why, in 2011, the University of Central Florida only allowed me to debate a local professor on same-sex “marriage” if we paid for four armed policemen to be present?
Today’s growing violence comes as no surprise, which means that:
1. We should expose its ugly roots.
2. We should expose its bankrupt ideology.
3. We should call out those who want to silence and intimidate the opposition, challenging them instead to open debate and dialogue.
4. We should determine not to reply in kind.
Violence doesn’t stop violence, it escalates violence. And while there’s a place for self-defense, there’s no place for the rising tide of radical leftist violence. Let’s confront it before it gets worse. (For more from the author of “Violent Words Have Turned to Violent Deeds: The Rise of the Radical Left” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/06/violent-words-turned-violent-deeds-rise-radical-left/
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Is Today’s Far Left “Possessed”?

Is Today’s Far Left “Possessed”?

During the primaries it was all the rage among some conservative pundits to cite the 2006 comedy Idiocracy as prescient of the election. The joke was on Trump supporters, who supposedly were as clueless as the characters in that movie. Some of those Tweets were funny, if mean.

But recent months have spoiled the humor. Between the relentless efforts by Deep State actors to sabotage a presidency, and the rising frenzy of hatred that has burst forth from the left, one thing is clear. We’ve stumbled from farce to the blackest kind of satire, the kind that bleeds over sometimes into the tragic. We’re not living out Idiocracy. Instead we’re re-enacting Dostoevsky’s The Possessed.

For those of you who didn’t work as night doormen in college, reading Russian lit in a polyester uniform, here’s what happens in that novel: A band of youthful “nihilists” emerge in a sleepy provincial town. They have no positive program for reform, or even revolution. Instead, they focus solely on tearing down what’s around them — everything from the family to the church, from private property to linear modes of rational thought. They’ve decided that the world as it really exists is so hopelessly tainted and evil, that only “pure” destruction can offer the clean slate needed to start again.

Those who oppose them are hapless, clueless, frightened or confused. Both conservatives and old-fashioned liberals resort to denial. They can’t face the truth of how their young people have turned out, can’t admit that when “idealists” call for annihilating paroxysms of violence, they really mean it. So the defenders of the old order do nothing. They make little concessions, which only feeds the beast. They lie to themselves, to get just one more good night’s sleep. Surely these young people will come to their senses before it’s too late… . Won’t they?

Dostoevsky Saw 2017 Coming

In Europe today, elites are taking just this approach to radical Islam. Surely there really can’t be millions of people living in Western countries who yearn for a seventh-century theocracy, along the lines of ISIS or Saudi Arabia. Who wish to repay the hospitality of secular Swedes, Germans, and Frenchmen by imposing sharia on them. Only some hateful Western extremist would say such a thing. Best to silence those “intolerant” alarmists, and go back to getting some rest in your tasteful, climate-controlled and peacefully childless house.

The attack on the U.S. Congress reminds us that Dostoevsky was right. People don’t rant on and on about “resistance” and revolution without any consequences. Without provoking real violence, which can escalate very quickly. Remember that Lebanon, Yugoslavia, and Venezuela were each once peaceful vacation spots. Citizens couldn’t imagine how bad things might really get. Until it hit them square in the face.

We must prepare ourselves, especially spiritually. Because multiculturalism really has morphed into a kind of cult. Andrew Sullivan laid out its elaborate system of dogmas and stigmas. It has no positive aim, no set of demands that we could ever possibly meet. No surrender will be sufficient.

For Souls, It’s a Buyer’s Market

In Britain, former Liberal Democratic leader Tim Farron learned that. An evangelical Christian in his private life, he tried to hold onto his position in politics by embracing legal abortion and same-sex marriage. It didn’t matter. The fact that in the quiet of his heart he might know better, might still hold to Christian principles, was absolutely intolerable. And so even after those sellouts, Farron was forced to resign. The lesson: Don’t bother trying to sell your soul. The market’s so flooded with them, it has run down the price to zero.

What spirit is it that demands at the same time that the British public accept millions of prescriptively intolerant orthodox Muslims, whose leaders demand sharia — but won’t let a pro-choice, pro-gay politician privately cling to Christian precepts? It’s the spirit of pure destruction, straight out of The Possessed.

The same spirit goads the comfortable, middle class white kids who put on hoods to help Antifa swing metal poles at visiting scholars. It drives some Jesuit priests to deny that Satan really exists — and then to go on to demonize those who dare to disagree. It compels the same people who think that “meat is murder” to defend Planned Parenthood, when it sells baby parts in buckets like KFC.

Pray for the Maniacs

We’re not just dealing with bad ideas, but evil spirits. Nor are you and I immune to their attractions. They will tempt us to cruelty, callousness, and fantasies of vengeance. They will drive us to treat our fellow men as if they were demons. But they aren’t. They are those demons’ victims — as surely as some drug-addled or psychotic hobo who screams at us in the park. (Where I live, this happens to me, late at night.)

When you meet such a scary homeless person, do you hate him? Should you? You might need to rouse some anger, in case you need to defend yourself. But on a deeper level, you know that he’s not in control. That his mind is no longer his own. Maybe you can’t help lure him back to sanity or sobriety. You might need to call the cops. But you feel that deep human kinship with him we should all feel as children of God.

Just so, we must look at the people now drunk with demonstrable madness, at intellectuals who hate reason, professors who silence discussion, and students who spit on learning. We must face them down firmly. We must use the ordered force of law to protect ourselves and our institutions. But we can’t let them tempt us into sharing their spiritual disorder. They must be rebuked and restrained. But they also deserve our pity. Something deep inside them even hungers for our prayers. (For more from the author of “Is Today’s Far Left “Possessed”?” please click HERE)

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SWEDEN: Security police confirm there are thousands of violent extremists in Sweden today, a dramatic increase attributed to mass Muslim immigration

( Muslims do not assimilate! they infiltrate! ) 

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/swedenumma-1.jpg?resize=297%2C184" alt="" width="297" height="184" />The Swedish security police (Säpo) estimate that there are thousands of violent Muslim extremists in Sweden today. The increase in recent years has been dramatic, from 200 in 2010 to several thousand in 2017 so far.

Swedish immigrant from Bosnia (also in below video) says: “What is life like in Sweden? “The politicians are participating in a chicken race of “goodness” where everybody tries to one-up each other in caring for the citizens of OTHER countries while Swedish retirees, school children, handicapped and other vulnerable categories of people are thoroughly ignored.”

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Swedenakbarbig4translationofthearticlebig4orangebig3headofsapothere_dc18ec_6302891.jpg?resize=662%2C643" alt="" width="590" height="573" />
Speisa  “We have never seen anything like that in the past,” says Säpos Director General Anders Thornberg in a interview with TT. In particular, it is about violent Islamist extremists. In 2010, Säpo in a report estimated that there were about 200. New figures are being compiled and the situation is serious, according to the Säpo boss. “It’s a new normality, it’s a historic challenge that extremist environments grow,” says Thornberg.

It’s about everything from people who sympathize with extremist violence messages to those who inspire, recruit or raise money. The largest concentrations are in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Örebro, according to Säpo. The reason that the extremist environment has grown so much depends primarily on the propaganda by the Islamic State (IS). The war in Iraq and Syria has gathered Islamist extremists in a way that has not been seen before.

“In the past we had different environments, we had radicalized people from North Africa, the Middle East and Somalia, but they were completely separated,” says Thornberg. In the last two years, the number of people arrested suspected of jihadist activities in Europe has almost doubled. And women and children play an increasingly important operational role, according to the annual report by Europol.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KSJY0c8QWw



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SAY WHAT? ALBERTA Christian Academy being ordered to stop teaching what some (Muslims?) find “offensive” scripture

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

A Battle River School Board member went though a Bible with a black marker and crossed out ALL words she finds “offensive” (to Muslims, though they don’t admit to this). And yes, a lot of Muslim parents send their children to Christian schools which they find less “progressive’ than Canadian public schools.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=crR7dJfLN6s

How long until the teaching of Sharia will replace the Bible?

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UTAH: Designated terrorist group CAIR sues feds for barring Utah jihad indoctrination leader from re-entering U.S.

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

CAIR’s lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Utah. Among the defendants are the FBI, the Terrorism Screening Center (TSC) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/dt.common.streams.StreamServer.cls_-1.jpeg?resize=584%2C536" alt="" width="584" height="536" />SL Trib  Yussuf Awadir Abdi (above), imam of Salt Lake City’s Madina Masjid, traveled to Kenya to pick up his wife and five children. While his family was allowed on the plane back to Utah, Abdi was pulled aside by officials at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

 “Qatar Airlines told him he couldn’t board because the U.S. wouldn’t accept him because his name is on the NO FLY list,” said Jim McConkie, an attorney who co-founded the Refugee Justice League of Utah. Noor Ul-Hasan, a Muslim community leader and activist in the state, believes Adbi was barred from his flight because he is an imam.

Apparently, this is happening often now. Who needs a travel ban? Just put every Muslim who wants to come here on a NO FLY list.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/screen-shot-2017-03-22-at-12-52-44-pm-700x-700x.png?resize=584%2C477" alt="" width="584" height="477" />

A Kenyan couple, Ahmed Khamis Bwika and Emma Ondeko Bwika, were detained by U.S. immigration officials in Salt Lake City in March. They agreed to exit the country after losing an appeal of their asylum request. Abdi had talked with news media during the deportation negotiations because the Bwikas had been affiliated with his mosque for 11 years.

At the time, Abdi said: “We think we are being targeted as Muslims.” (One can only hope)

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Facebook Suspends Priest After Post About Islamic Jihad

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate )

Source: FB Suspends Priest After Post About Islamic Jihad

Facebook may be failing to keep up with terrorists who use the social media platform to incite, enlist, and organize would-be killers, but it’s Johnny-on-the-spot when it comes to Catholic priests who share politically incorrect thoughts about Islam.

Late last month Facebook temporarily suspended the account of Fr. John Higgins, the pastor St. Raymond Parish in Downey, Calif., in response to a post he had written about the history of Islam.

“There are peaceful and good Muslim people,” he wrote. “And then there are the Islamists who are defended by the ignorant who refuse to learn history.”

Via Church Pop: 

He made his comment on a post on the Facebook page of his Congresswoman Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-D). On May 23rd, his post was deleted and he was suspended from posting on Facebook for a week.

“I wrote Facebook several times,” Fr. Higgins told ChurchPOP, “explaining that this post was just history. Of course there was no response.”

Fr. Higgins serves as the pastor of St. Raymond Parish in Downey, California and as the chaplain of his local fire department.

Here is the offending post:

Greg Stone, a friend of Fr. Higgins who does work for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, called on Facebook to honor its pledge not to censor different points of view in a widely shared Facebook post about the suspension.

“It is horribly ironic that the very week Islamists murder scores of innocents,” Stone’s post read in part, “—young girls at a pop concert in Manchester, Coptic Christians in Egypt, and Catholics in the Philippines—Facebook suspends the privileges of a respected clergy member for posting an academic synopsis regarding Islamic history. FB spikes the very information the community needs to understand current events.”

That content has been removed as well.

Fr. Higgins returned from his suspension on May 30, posting, “I’m back. That was a week? LOL.”

One of his Facebook friends commented: “We missed you, Padre! I got suspended for three days for telling the truth about abortion. I guess telling the truth about Islam is a much worse offense.”

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The Department of Justice is Privileging Mosques

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

Source: The Department of Justice is Privileging Mosques

By Karen Lugo

The Department of Justice has become an advocate for the establishment of mosques in America. It is as if there were some congressional affirmative action mandate. The DOJ’s own statistics reveal a sharp escalation in intervention efforts on behalf of Islamic complainants, mostly involving mosque disputes with local zoning authorities.  Alarmingly, these interventions reveal a pattern of generous settlements that benefit mosques while bypassing municipal laws and disregarding legitimate neighborhood concerns.

During the Obama Presidency, DOJ lawyers ran roughshod over local officials, as long as the complaining party was a mosque.  Trump’s Justice Department must reverse these tendencies.

The atmosphere of DOJ intimidation cannot be overstated. Negotiated settlements between the DOJ, local zoning authorities, and mosque officials take place against a backdrop of DOJ threatening long, prohibitively costly litigation. The drive for ever more concessions, and more cash, confronts communities whose small governments cannot compete with DOJ’s $28 billion budget and legions of lawyers. Importantly, DOJ treats these settlements as if they were precedents even though, by sidestepping the courts, the settlements bypass judicial precedents that could protect legitimate community interests.

In two recent cases, mosque applicants in Sterling Heights (Michigan) and Basking Ridge (New Jersey), received cash settlements because they were denied permits according to local zoning procedures. These settlements failed to protect vital neighborhood interests in traffic safety, parking limits, and livability concerns.

Just one example of neighborhood hardships that result from deferential permit agreements, the Dar al Farooq mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota is currently holding services for the entire month of Ramadan with overflow parking and lighted lots until 1:00 and 3:00 a.m.—in a residential neighborhood.

The Sterling Heights settlement is illustrative of abusive DOJ meddling.

The mosque had applied to build a 28,000 square foot facility on 4.35 acres of land. The building’s dome was to be 58 feet high and the minarets 66 feet high. The surrounding neighborhood has been settled by many Chaldean Christians who fled Iraq and Islamist oppression. An imposing Islamic structure was not met with enthusiasm to put it mildly. But federal law focuses on whether the decision-makers are biased. It demands that local government officials give all sides equal consideration. It does not require that neighborhood residents greet this kind of application with enthusiasm.

In this case, there were many legitimate concerns that the local planning commission investigated, concerns that contributed to the unanimous conclusion that the mosque was ineligible for the indicated property. Indeed, the major disputes arose because mosque representatives provided incomplete information and they were unwilling to address zoning concerns.

But why would they negotiate when they know DOJ is their ace in the hole, ready to presume the assertion of legitimate community interests is a pretext for anti-Muslim bias? The strategy of making a bee-line to DOJ rather than working in good faith to address community zoning concerns proved successful. The DOJ-administered settlement disregarded dire traffic congestion, including a nearby intersection listed in the highest accident category. It ignored glaring parking issues, a massively imposing structure for the size of the lot, and vast undesignated square footage.

The settlement bypassed local ordinances and state law, allowing the mosque virtually unlimited activity, provided that arrangements for a shuttle and overflow parking lot were merely attempted. The height of the dome and minarets were left essentially unchanged. No answers were provided to show how, and when, 25,000 square feet of the building would be utilized.

The terms of this settlement were so egregious that the American Freedom Law Center has filed a lawsuit challenging the disregard for neighborhood residents, local zoning authority, and state law.

Announced in late May, the Basking Ridge settlement was also a blow to community members. Residents organized early to defend the residential and historic character of a neighborhood called Liberty Corner. Again, it should not have been surprising that a religious land use application would be met with controversy. And, again, the applicants equated frustrations on the part of the community with anti-Islamic bias on the part of the decision-making officials.

The years-long series of hearings and deliberations were contentious. They reflected recalcitrance on the part of the applicant and a problematic search for solutions on the part of township officials. The final settlement required the community to pay $3.25 million. It made minimal provision for 50 parking spaces and an additional allocation of at least ten non-paved parking spots. Inevitably, the residential lot will have overflow parking in all areas that are not clearly designated otherwise.

In flagrant violation of free speech principles, moreover, residents are prohibited from uttering comments about “Islam” or “Muslims” at the final local hearing. Most offensive to the township, the settlement arrogantly included a rewrite of local zoning law. Its terms coerce the community to permit religious worship sites in institutional, commercial and residential zones on the same conditions as other assembly uses—comparable to even clubs and day care facilities.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/026291.php"; target="_blank">“We will fight for the enforcement of <strong>sharia law</strong> till the last drop of our blood”</a></em></p> <p>Standard & Poor’s is launching a new index of Canadian companies that are compliant with Islamic Shariah law, the company said Wednesday.</p> <p>The S&P/TSX 60 Shariah index will contain firms that engage in businesses acceptable to the Islamic legal code, Standard & Poor’s said.</p> <p>The religious criteria exclude businesses that sell products such as alcohol, tobacco and pork or engage in certain types of financial lending.</p> <p>The new index will allow investors who hold stocks that reflect Islamic law to track the overall performance of their holdings, said Alka Banerjee, vice-president of S&P’s index services.</p> <p>“The index will create new opportunities for Islamic investors to benchmark their Canadian investments, and for asset managers to create new investment products serving the Islamic community,” he said.</p> <p>S&P used a Kuwaiti firm, <a href="http://www.ratingsintelligence.com/shariah-control-committee.html"; target="_blank">Rating Intelligence Partners</a>, to screen various companies for the new index.</p> <p>With its Shariah indicator, Canada is up-to-date with other markets. S&P already has 24 similar indices, including in Europe and Japan.</p> <p><strong>Of course, following Islamic law has not proven to improve a portfolio’s performance any more than other indices.</strong></p> <p>India’s CNX 500 Shariah index, for example, stood at 981 in late May, down 21 per cent compared to the same month one year earlier.</p> <p>via <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2009/05/27/shariah-stock-index-canada.html?ref=rss">TSX launches Islamic-based index</a>.</p> " data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" class="wp-image-7667" src="https://creepingsharia.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/636233478654235148-sterling-heights-mosque-7-300x225.jpg?w=400&h=300" alt="" width="400" height="300" />

Concerns of local residents were deemed out-of-bounds and even banned from discussion during the hearings.

Of critical importance, these DOJ settlements are used to punish cities in an accusatory and invasive fashion. The agreements typically require that cities submit to intensive DOJ monitoring for five years. Reports must be filed every six months. Compliance signs are required at city hall, in newspapers, and on the internet. In the absence of evidence that they’ve engaged in discrimination, officials must undergo training against it.

Not only does DOJ monitor a city’s actions related to the mosque and all other religious land use applications; DOJ has also required that documents on complaints to law enforcement about mosque activity and reported “harassment” of mosque participants be collected for retrieval by the DOJ.. That is, notwithstanding the centrality of mosques to several of DOJ’s own terrorism prosecutions—in which they have been proven to be used for jihadist incitement, recruitment, training, fundraising, and even the storage and transfer of weapons—DOJ implies that complaints and suspicions about mosque activity must be motivated by invidious discrimination. Law-enforcement officials like to tell the public, “If you see something, say something.” Do they mean it? Or are they actually instilling the paralysis that induced a San Bernardino resident, out of fear of being thought a bigot, to refrain from reporting suspicions about the neighborhood jihadists who later murdered 14 people?

The RLUIPA (Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act) governs religious land use decisions. Congress passed this law unanimously for the purpose of giving religious applicants a fair shot at achieving permit approvals. Congress intended that religious applicants would not be “substantially burdened” and that they would be treated on “equal terms” with other assembly uses. The courts have been inconsistent in interpreting this law, and almost every federal appellate circuit has a different approach. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the religious land use parts of the law.

Over the last few years, DOJ has sought to make it easier for mosques to bring lawsuits.  Lawyers at the notorious Civil Rights Division have pressed arguments that would allow discrimination to be proven by tenuous circumstantial evidence—including comments made by private citizens at a public hearing, which has the obvious effect of chilling speech—notwithstanding that speech is a civil right, the kind the Civil Rights Division exists to protect. So in addition to citing unequal treatment, the mosque applicant strategy focuses on discrimination charges by compiling examples of locals expressing what DOJ calls “naked animus.”

Therefore, when officials drill down on practices that are not conventional, like peak services on Friday when traffic may coincide with school hours, or comparing Ramadan as it lasts for a month with a one-time Easter or Christmas service, it may add to the legal appearance of “animus.” In essence, DOJ has taken justifiable community angst and transmogrified it into damning circumstantial proof of discrimination.

Predictable rule-application and practical limits are critical to the compatible mixing of assembly and residential uses of land. As the courts have said, RLUIPA was passed to provide equal terms for religious institutions but “not special treatment.” DOJ has been acting like RLUIPA intends special treatment, especially for one privileged group.

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Sudan: Christians arrested and fined for selling food during Ramadan

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

While Christians in the U.S. persist in assuming that Ramadan is an entirely benign religious observance, their coreligionists in Muslim countries do not have that luxury.

“Sudan: Fines Issued in Sudan’s El Gedaref for Selling Food During Ramadan,” Radio Dabanga, June 13, 2017 (thanks to International Christian Concern):

El Gedaref — The court in El Gedaref has fined people, including Christians, for selling food and tea during the fasting month of Ramadan.

More than 10 people received a fine of SDG2,000 ($298) each. Lawyer Ramzi Yahya told Radio Dabanga that public order police arrested them during a campaign last week.

“This is a clear discrimination against Christians and contrary to the slogans of religious coexistence launched by the Sudan Government for the international community.”

Yahya said that local restaurants have been barred from catering during Ramadan for two years in a row. “Meanwhile there are a considerable number of Christians and other people who excuse themselves from the fasting in El Gedaref.”

Freedom of Christians probed

The European Union Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief visited Sudan mid-March to inquire about the situation of Christians and the demolition of churches in the country. He pointed to the planned demolition of 27 churches and church buildings in Khartoum which was delayed after an appeal was made to the court by lawyers….

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Afghan soldier opens fire on US troops, injuring three

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

These “green-on-blue” attacks show the futility of trying to distinguish “moderates” from “extremists” in Afghanistan, particularly since the U.S. military is still committed to ignoring, as opposed to understanding, the jihadis’ motivating ideology.

Our troops are being put in harm’s way for nothing in Afghanistan — for a war without a goal and without an end point. All of them should be brought home immediately.

“3 injured as Afghan soldier opens fire on US soldiers in ‘green on blue attack,'” AFP, June 17, 2017:

At least three US troops were wounded Saturday when an Afghan soldier opened fire at them at a military base in northern Afghanistan, the defence ministry said, in an apparent insider attack.

“Initial information shows three US soldiers visiting the base were wounded,” ministry spokesman Mohammad Radmanish told AFP, adding that the attacker had been gunned down.

The so-called “green-on-blue” attack at Camp Shaheen close to Mazar-i-Sharif city is the latest in a string of incidents where Afghan soldiers have turned their weapons on international forces training them.

It comes as the United States is expected to send more troops into the lengthy conflict at a time when the Taliban are ramping up their campaign against the Western-backed government.

US-led NATO forces confirmed that American soldiers had been wounded in “an incident” at Camp Shaheen, without specifying a number.

“At this time we can confirm there are no US or NATO Resolute Support fatalities,” the international coalition said in a brief statement.

“US soldiers have been wounded. One Afghan soldier was killed and one was wounded in the incident.”…

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Alabama: Muslim charged with supporting act of terrorism

Ramadan in Alabama.

“Huntsville man charged with supporting act of terrorism, law enforcement say threat is over,” by by Drew Galloway, Kristen Conner and David Kumbroch, WHNT, June 15, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – The Huntsville Police Department has charged a man with Soliciting or Providing Support for an Act of Terrorism.

22-year-old Aziz Sayyed, of Huntsville, was taken into custody Thursday afternoon. The arrest is the result of a tip from a citizen.  Sayyed was stopped and taken into custody in the area of Church Street and Clinton Avenue.  Investigators say Sayyed is a U.S. citizen, born in North Carolina.

Shortly after a news conference announcing the arrest, police confirmed that an active investigation scene at Twickenham Village, an apartment complex just north of University Drive in the area of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, was linked to the charges against Sayyed.

The FBI also confirmed they were on scene at the apartment complex.

Police say they were executing a search warrant at an apartment where Sayyed was allegedly staying.

The Huntsville Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are jointly investigating the case with support from the Madison County Sheriff’s Office. No specifics of the threat have been released, but both agencies say the arrest eliminates any threat to the Huntsville/Madison County area, including Redstone Arsenal.

“We successfully mitigated a threat today with this arrest,” said Roger Stanton, FBI Birmingham Special Agent in Charge….

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Muslim couple leaves Islam because it’s a “religion of war” full of “venomous misogyny”

How interesting that this couple sees Islam as a “religion of war,” the same words that jihadi Shamim Ahmed used. Those who insist that this is a misunderstanding of Islam propagated by greasy Islamophobes have yet to explain why this supposed misunderstanding is so widespread, even among Muslims.

“‘The Quran states that a woman is half a man’: Why an Australian Muslim couple turned their backs on Islam because it is a ‘religion of war’ riddled with ‘venomous misogyny,'” by Bryant Hevesi, Daily Mail Australia, June 17, 2017 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

A couple who both grew up as Muslims in Pakistan have told why they turned their backs on Islam.

Sami Shah and Ishma Alvi, who became Australian citizens in January and live in Melbourne with their young daughter, said extremism, sexism and misogyny were key reasons why they opted out of the religion.

The couple also explained the reasons for their transition by citing passages from the Quran, which Mr Shah has described as ‘maddening as a text’.

An edited extract from Mr Shah’s latest book, The Islamic Republic of Australia, which details the move from Muslim to non-Muslim was published in The Weekend Australian magazine on Saturday.

Mr Shah said for Muslims to turn their backs on Islam, the controversial move can be punishable by death but he was happy to now be living openly as an atheist.

While he grew up in Pakistan, a Muslim country, he found himself gradually turning away from Islam over time, angered by violent attacks committed by extremists in the name of religion.

‘What stood out for me wasn’t just the mass murder and carnage initiated by the extremists but also their religious justification for it,’ Mr Shah said.

‘The religion I had been told my entire life was a religion of peace – an argument I myself had propagated when ­confronted with Islam’s critics while studying in America – was ­comfortably being used as a ­religion of war.’

Mr Shah said he was happy to now be living in Australia where he did not have his daily life heavily influenced by Islam and for his daughter to have the same freedoms and he enjoys.

Ms Alvi, a psychologist, said she believed Islam was not female-positive, a notion she first came to when she was aged 17.

‘I started seeing Islam as swinging between benevolent sexism [if there is such a thing] and venomous misogyny,’ she said….

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Designated terrorist group CAIR and its paid leftist useful idiots fail to stop ‘Understanding the Threat of Islam’ AGAIN!

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

In virtually every city in which similar events have been held, CAIR has tried to stop Brigitte Gabriel’s ‘ActforAmerica’ and former FBI counter-terrorism expert, John Guandolo, from educating the public about the the threat from both Islamic homegrown terrorism and civilization jihad. They do this by disseminating lies to the media and character assassination of event organizers.

But once again, they failed, this time in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHWX6cUc_AM

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What you should know about how special counsel Robert Mueller sold the FBI out to designated terrorist group CAIR
( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

Mueller never should have been appointed to this position and the Trump administration has more than enough reasons to force him to recuse himself or fire him if he won’t.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/DCct90QXsAEcj6J.jpg?resize=584%2C529" alt="" data-recalc-dims="1" />

More about the FBI under Mueller and CAIR and how it diminished the abilities of our counter-terrorism officers to stop terror attacks. There were several Islamic terrorist attacks after Mueller purged all the intel in 2011.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Screen-shot-2011-09-16-at-10.28.35-AM.png?resize=539%2C227" alt="" width="539" height="227" />

FBI SUBMITS! Agrees to drop Islamic counter- terrorism training because of threats of litigation jihad by Terrorist Front Group CAIR


Thanks to revised FBI training manuals demanded by CAIR, FBI investigation of Boston Marathon Muslim terrorists was significantly impeded












ALLEN WEST: “Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups influencing U.S. policies is resulting in our ‘cultural suicide’”

Another round of purging of Islamic content in FBI counter-terrorism training manuals

Republicans to FBI: “Stop bowing down to CAIR, put back the anti-Islam materials into counter-terrorism training”

 CAIR Calls for Reform of FBI’s Training on Islam, Muslims


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Texas: Governor Signs Bill Banning Sharia Law

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrare!

Source: Texas Enacts ‘Anti-Sharia’ Law

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law House Bill 45, more commonly known as “American Laws for American Courts,” or ALAC. It prohibits the use of any foreign law in the state’s courts, specifically in family cases that involve marriage or parent-child relationship matters.

One of the bill’s co-authors Representative Jeff Leach (R-Plano) thanked the governor, who signed HB 45 on Wednesday. Leach called the law “vitally important bill to further safeguard and protect our Constitutional rights!” In the last legislative session, Leach authored the comparable yet unsuccessful ALAC measure, House Bill 562.

HB 45 lead author Representative Dan Flynn (R-Canton) also introduced similar past legislation that failed. In a recent press release, Flynn noted foreign law is often applied in Texas cases concerning divorce orders, child support, property settlements and sometime even, spouses enter into agreements to have foreign law applied to their disputes.

HB 45 makes no mention of any particular foreign nation, religion, or cultural practice but clarifies that “foreign law” means a rule, law, or code from a jurisdiction outside of the United States and it shall not override U.S and Texas law or their respective constitutions. It specifies that a “foreign judgment” means a ruling from a court, tribunal, or administrative adjudicator outside U.S. states and territories. The bill underscores that, in the event of any legal conflicts, “federal or state law prevails.”

In January 2015, Breitbart Texas confirmed in a report that an Islamic tribunal using Sharia law operated in Dallas. Dr. Taher El-badawi, one of four attorneys who called themselves “judges” and not arbitrators, claimed the tribunal and its decisions were “voluntary.” El-badawi said the tribunal operated under Sharia as a form of “non-binding dispute resolution” in civil disputes in family and business cases but also admitted that when in conflict between Sharia and Texas law, “we follow Sharia law.”

In December 2015, Flynn asked Attorney General Ken Paxton “the extent to which current law authorizes or requires a judge of a state court to apply foreign law in certain family law disputes.” Last year, Paxton ruled in a seven-page nonbinding legal opinion: “Under Texas law, a court is not required in family law disputes to enforce a foreign law if enforcement would be contrary to Texas public policy or if it would violate a party’s basic right to due process.” However, according to the Attorney General’s office, Paxton’s opinion only constituted a written interpretation of existing law and did not decide any law.

The Texas chapter of the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called HB 45 anti-Sharia law and lobbied for the state’s Muslim community to oppose the bill. “We believe it prevents Muslims from practicing their faith in areas such as Islamic marriage, divorce, funeral procedures, and civil agreements, they said in a press release.

HB 45 requires the Texas Supreme Court adopt its rules by January 1, 2018. The law goes into effect on September 1, making Texas the 12th state to enact ALAC. The other states are Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Washington, according to ACT for America.

Reality check: This is all well and good but unless Muslim population growth is halted in the U.S. immediately and eventually reduced, sharia will continue to be forced on Americans in many ways – many times at the hands of the court.

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What is the Muslim Brotherhood doing in your state?

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

You’d better find out before its too late.

This article is about a year old but the list at the end provides some insight to just how pervasive one terror-linked, sharia-spreading Muslim organization is in the U.S. Source: What is the Muslim Brotherhood doing in your state? – Cheri Berens  h/t @politicalislam

I follow most Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organizations in America on social media. I follow MB mosques, CAIR National, as well as CAIR state branches, and I follow ICNA, ISNA and MPAC — all powerful MB groups that recruit activists for the pro-Muslim agenda in America. I also follow several of the Muslim Student Associations in our top universities — MIT, Harvard, Georgetown, Yale and others. There are thousands of activist groups, with thousands of members, who are actively promoting an anti-America, pro-Muslim agenda both nationally and in your state.

All of these organizations have powerful “media” campaigns, some even have “journalist guides” for your local TV stations and newspapers. The guides instruct the media on political correctness; i.e. never use the words terrorist, Islam or Muslim when reporting crimes, or possible terror attacks, even when these acts are committed by Muslims.

Most all mosques in America have programs that promote conversions to Islam in poor neighborhoods, prisons, and also, many mosque communities target women at homeless shelters or battered wife facilities.

At first glance, you think these mosques are helping the poor, the homeless, the battered, but on closer look, when you follow the progress of these programs as I have, you see Islamic classes being given in the poorer neighborhoods and at homeless shelters and recognize that vulnerable sectors of our society are being targeted for conversions to Islam.

Knowledge is power. Know what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing in your state.

CAIR National on Twitter:   @CAIRNational
CAIR National website:   www.cair.com

Alabama   @cair_al

Alaska  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
A massive Islamic Center is being built in Anchorage. They advertise Quran schools and the teaching of Islamic Law.

Arizona   @CAIRAZ

Arkansas use National: @CAIRNational  CAIR National website:   http://www.cair.com
CAIR is in the process of forming an Arkansas branch. Meanwhile, CAIR national has gone on full blown attack mode in Arkansas because of the shooting range owner who declared its business a “Muslim Free Zone”.

@CAIRLA         Los Angeles
@CAIRSFBA    San Francisco / Bay Area
@CAIRSacramento      Sacramento
@CAIRSanDiego            Dan Diego

Colorado  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
While there is no Colorado branch, CAIR national is creating ways to make Muslims have more rights than non-Muslims in Colorado, primarily in the workplace.

Connecticut CAIR Connecticut’s website: http://www.cair-ct.com  National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is sponsoring workshops at Connecticut mosques that teach Muslims what to say to police, government officials, airport personnel, law enforcement and others.

Delaware  use CAIR national and CAIR Pennsylvania (which for now is taking care of Delaware)
National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Florida   @CAIRFlorida

Georgia   @CAIR_GA

Hawaii  No branch yet, but CAIR national is bringing lawsuits against various Hawaiian workplaces, radio stations, and reporting “hate” crimes.  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Idaho  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national has been interfering with the passage of laws banning “foreign laws”; i.e. Islamic Law.

There were many comments about Idaho on CAIR Twitter feed such as:

“Another backward state of potato farmers. We need to keep sending people to America to have large families, to replace these idiots, so that in a few decades, they will be the minority and won’t be able to do anything about it.”

Illinois  @cairchicago
Additional info:
Chicago Islamic Center
The center’s imam preaches that Muslims should wage violent jihad to destroy Israel and that paradise awaits those who die fighting.

The director of CAIR-Chicago has consistently defended organizations affiliated with Hamas and the Brotherhood.

Chicago Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Abdel Malik Ali led a ‘pledge of allegiance’ at a MSA event stating:
“Jihad is my spirit… I will die to establish Islam”

Indiana   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is posting many cries of Islamophobia and hate crimes accusations in Indiana.

Iowa    http://www.cair-iowa.org
CAIR Iowa is promoting the allowance of Syrian “refugees” via Interfaith communities.

Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids
The center’s website stated that it received donations from Saudi King Faisal, the Kuwaiti government and the Libyan government.

Kansas   http://cairkansas.org/default_commerce.aspx

Kentucky   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR has an official office in Lexington, but no individual website or Twitter as of yet.

Additional info:
The chapter’s leader was recorded saying, “Ultimately we Muslims can never be full citizens of this country.”

Louisiana   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing the hate crimes issue in Louisiana.

Maine  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national tried to get prayer rooms in public schools in Maine. It is also asking their followers to find reasons to cry Islamophobia in Maine.

Maryland  Uses the DC branch and National branch.   @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
CAIR has been pushing for Muslim holidays to be observed in Maryland schools, while simultaneously working to remove Christian and Jewish holiday observance.

CAIR Maryland’s 2013 banquet featured CAIR national’s executive director Nihad Awad, who made statements in support of Hamas at the event.

Massachusetts   @CAIRMass

Michigan  @CAIRMI
CAIR Michigan is filing many lawsuits to silence critics.

Minnesota   @CAIRMN
Additional info:
Mishkah Islamic University of North America (located in Minnesota)
Sheikh Omar Shahin, who was on the Board of Trustees, raised money for al-Qaeda and Hamas.

Mississippi    use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is promoting accusations of hate crimes in Mississippi.

Missouri  @CairoStLouis

Montana  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
Nationally, school districts are quick to please CAIR and other Islamic organizations to force teachers who distribute factual information to students regarding Islam to either resign, or be fired. This is what CAIR national is trying to do in Montana right now.

Nebraska  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national just got a big win for allowing hijab in Nebraska banks.

Nevada   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
There is an office in Las Vegas and they are very active, they use the national and the main website for notices.

New Hampshire  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national and their main website is pushing lawsuits against New Hampshire businesses that are “Muslim Free”. If you are in New Hampshire, you need to support these local businesses.

New Jersey   www.http://nj.cair.com   @CAIRJN
CAIR New Jersy is pushing headscarfs, Islamophobia and hate crimes.

CAIR New Jersey’s Magdy Mahmoud, one of the founders, has a Facebook page supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Islamic Center of Jersey City  (ICJC) has a history of links to extremism.
The president of ICJC is a Muslim Brotherhood supporter. His Facebook page used to have a photo of him at a rally in New York City for Egyptian ex-President Mohammed Morsi. He also “liked” the Muslim Brotherhood on three Arabic pages and repeatedly shared Brotherhood photos on his page.

New Mexico  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

New York  @CAIRNewYork
Additional info:
An affiliate of CAIR New York is the Arab-American Association of New York (AAANY)
AAANY ferociously attacks anyone bringing attention to Islamic extremism. AAANY lists Qatar Foundation International as a supporter. The Foundation is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and is supportive of Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, the terrorism-advocating spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Deposit, NY is a location of Muslims of the Americas, whose headquarters is at Islamberg, New York. Muslims of the Americans was created by the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood. A 2004 report funded by the Justice Department identifies Deposit, New York as having a jihadi “training compound” for Muslims of the Americas. FBI records confirm that MOA members have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing.

North Carolina   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

North Dakota   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
In 2015, CAIR managed to get a Muslim imam to lead a prayer at the North Dakota House opening floor session on Ash Wednesday. Why a Muslim instead of a Christian on Ash Wednesday? Because CAIR has power. Fortunately, the Muslim prayer was cancelled, but CAIR demanded an apology! Knowing about these events means you can do something.

Ohio   @CAIRCincinnati

Oklahoma   @cairoklahoma
CAIR Oklahoma campaigned against legislation requiring public schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Muslims of the Americas—Talihina, OK
Talihina, Oklahoma is a location of a jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas.

Oregon  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing Islalmophobia in Oregon.

Additional info:
Islamic Center of Portland’s imam was one of the founders of the Global Relief Foundation, a charity that was shut down by the U.S. government for financing al-Qaeda.

Pennsylvania   @CAIR_PA
Additional info:
The mosque at the Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania  is connected to many Muslim organizations that are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the mosque has promoted extremism.

United Muslim Masjid / United Muslim Movement
The movement was founded by Kenneth Gamble (now known as Luqman Abdul-Haqq), who was a follower of the Nation of Islam.

Rhode Island  use national and also Massachusetts   National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
On February 22, 2016 the Massachusetts chapter of CAIR held a news conference with interfaith partners and elected officials at the Rhode Island State House to show support for Governor Gina Raimondo’s welcoming response to Syrian refugees in that state.  Gov. Raimondo said she would welcome the refugees.

South Carolina   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national posted on 1/29/16 – CAIR today called on the South Carolina General Assembly to drop an unconstitutional, anti-Islam bill (H. 3521) currently moving through that body because it violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The bill’s sponsors, and the text of the legislation, make clear it is designed to attack the religious principles of Islam.

South Dakota   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing for more mosques in South Dakota. Follow CAIR so you can stop this.

Tennessee  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Islamville –Tennessee’s Islamville is a jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas (which was created by the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood).

Texas   @CAIRDFW   @CAIRHouston
Additional info:
Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH)
ISGH is part of the Islamic Society of North America and it’s title is held by the North American Islamic Trust, both Muslim Brotherhood organizations. The Islamic Society of Greater Houston says it is “the largest Islamic Society in North America” and that it operates 19 separate mosques and 6 full-time Islamic Law schools.

CAIR – Houston’a president, Tarek Hussein, was named by Egyptian authorities to be a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

Utah   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Vermont  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is very active in Vermont.

Virginia   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
Muslims of the Americas—Meherrin, Virginia
Meherrin is the location of a 25-acre jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas (which was created the the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood).

Washington   @CAIR_WA

West Virginia  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Wisconsin   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is promoting prayer rooms at various Wisconsin businesses.

Wyoming   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing mosque building in Wisconsin.

Read it all for more insight.

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Number of jihadis in Sweden has grown from 100s to 1000s

(( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

“We have never seen anything like it before,” said Sapo chief Anders Thornberg.

Ain’t that the truth, Thornberg. And why haven’t you seen anything like it before? Because Sweden’s Muslim population wasn’t as large as it now. Indeed, and it is a problem that the Swedish government has created, and for which it bears full responsibility.

“Militant Islamists in Sweden have grown ‘from 100s to 1,000s’ – security police,” RT, June 16, 2017 (thanks to Graham):

Sweden has seen the number of militant extremists among its population surge in recent years, according to the chief of the country’s security police, who noted that the vast majority support violent Islamist ideologies.

“We have never seen anything like it before,” Sapo chief Anders Thornberg told Swedish news agency TT.

“We would say that it has gone from hundreds to thousands now,” he added.

Thornberg said Sapo currently receives around 6,000 intelligence tips a month regarding terrorism and extremism, compared to an average of 2,000 a month in 2012.

In addition, Osama Krayem, a Swedish citizen, has been charged with committing terrorist murders in the 2016 Brussels metro bombing.

Sapo stated previously that around 300 people from Sweden are known to have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join organizations such as IS since 2012.

Meanwhile, a Swedish police report recently added eight areas to its list of so-called “no go zones,” which are described as “especially vulnerable” areas with high rates of crime and poverty that might host violent extremism….

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London’s Muslim mayor refuses to cancel pro-jihad terror anti-Israel demonstration

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

“For many years this march has been rife with anti-Semitism and the fulsome support of a terrorist organisation – Hezbollah. I am sure I do not need to remind anyone that Hezbollah is currently massacring Syrian civilians on behalf of President Assad and is funded by Iran – one of the major supporters of global terrorism in the world today. For all that, our correspondence on the matter with Mr. Khan receives only generic responses from his staff and nothing from Mr. Khan himself.”

That’s telling. Nor is it the first time Khan has moved in a Sharia direction.

“London Mayor Khan Slammed by Jewish Groups Over Refusal to Ban Anti-Israel Al-Quds March,” by Simon Kent, Breitbart, June 16, 2017:

London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan has been slammed by members of the capital’s Jewish community over his refusal to ban Sunday’s anti-Israel al-Quds Day march and its traditional display of flags supporting the Hezbollah terrorist organization.

Raphi Bloom, chairman of North West Friends of Israel group, told Breitbart News that despite repeated lobbying of Mr. Khan and a petition supported by almost 20,000 signatures calling for the event to be cancelled, the city’s leader has remained steadfast in his refusal to intervene.

“Hezbollah is a proscribed terrorist organisation. It makes NO distinction between its armed and political wing, yet its supporters will be allowed to march through London’s streets unhindered,” Mr. Bloom said. “This is extremely disappointing and challenges the mayor’s commitment to rid the streets of London of extremism.

“For many years this march has been rife with anti-Semitism and the fulsome support of a terrorist organisation – Hezbollah. I am sure I do not need to remind anyone that Hezbollah is currently massacring Syrian civilians on behalf of President Assad and is funded by Iran – one of the major supporters of global terrorism in the world today.

“For all that, our correspondence on the matter with Mr. Khan receives only generic responses from his staff and nothing  from Mr. Khan himself. He may not have the power to ban al-Quds outright but he can lobby and make direct representations to the Metropolitan Police on behalf of a concerned London Jewish community.”

As Breitbart Jerusalem reported, Al Quds Day was begun by the late Ayatollah Khomeini to call for Israel to be destroyed. Organisers claim it “unites for the freedom of the oppressed in Palestine and beyond” and it is co-run by the Islamic Human Rights Commissionis to coincide with the end of Ramadan.

Hezbollah is an illegal, anti-Semitic terrorist organisation and its flags are flown on the day to honour the terrorist group sworn to the destruction of the Jewish state. The group is designated as a terror organization in its entirety by the Arab League, Bahrain, Canada, France, Israel, the Netherlands, and the United States.

Mr. Bloom accepts that people can freely march against the State of Israel in a democracy. He also believes open support for a terror group should have no place in society….

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Canada: Muslim migrants fight Canadians with rocks and bricks

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate!

The Syrian refugee family admit to the stone- and brick-throwing. The non-Muslim Canadians were afraid to report the incidents because the police immediately assumed that these were racial incidents, with the Canadians victimizing the Muslims. That was predictable.

“EXCLUSIVE: Refugees Fight Canadians with Rocks, Bricks,” by Faith Goldy, Rebel Media, June 16, 2017 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

Over one thousand Syrian refugees were welcomed into Hamilton, Ontario. However, one year after the newcomers arrived, local attitudes are shifting.

In one Hamilton neighbourhood 12 months ago, neighbours gathered bicycles and patio furniture for the newly arrived refugees….

But today, relations in the community are anything but neighbourly:

Complaints about boundary issues, violations of private property, unsupervised Syrian children intimidating the Canadian kids and causing adults to fear for their safety.

This week, one incident occasioned the presence of police.

A witness, Andrea, who reached out to The Rebel, rushed out of her house after hearing a commotion outside. What she found was a frightful standoff involving one of the Syrian families from down the alleyway hurlings rocks and bricks at her Canadian neighbours, with kids in the crossfire….

Canada: Dual citizens will no longer lose citizenship if convicted of terrorism
Ramadan in Israel: Islamic jihadists murder female Border Police Offic
  1. Gary says

    June 17, 2017 at 8:13 am

    “the fruit of righteousness are sown in peace by those who make peace”

    …..Oooops. I guess the muslims missed that verse. Not to worry. Their blood thirsty god of hate is happy.

  2. Jaladhi says

    June 17, 2017 at 9:13 am

    Ah, the Canadians still won’t learn anything about Muslims! Bring more of them in and then convert to Islam to keep peace – another illusion, Muslims kill each other with the same ferocity as they do to non-Muslims!

  3. BLC says

    June 17, 2017 at 9:37 am

    Islam is a savage “religion/political ideology”. Muslims are savages. What else can you say about this? Practising Islam should be banned.

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