What is the Muslim Brotherhood doing in your state?

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

You’d better find out before its too late.

This article is about a year old but the list at the end provides some insight to just how pervasive one terror-linked, sharia-spreading Muslim organization is in the U.S. Source: What is the Muslim Brotherhood doing in your state? – Cheri Berens  h/t @politicalislam

I follow most Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organizations in America on social media. I follow MB mosques, CAIR National, as well as CAIR state branches, and I follow ICNA, ISNA and MPAC — all powerful MB groups that recruit activists for the pro-Muslim agenda in America. I also follow several of the Muslim Student Associations in our top universities — MIT, Harvard, Georgetown, Yale and others. There are thousands of activist groups, with thousands of members, who are actively promoting an anti-America, pro-Muslim agenda both nationally and in your state.

All of these organizations have powerful “media” campaigns, some even have “journalist guides” for your local TV stations and newspapers. The guides instruct the media on political correctness; i.e. never use the words terrorist, Islam or Muslim when reporting crimes, or possible terror attacks, even when these acts are committed by Muslims.

Most all mosques in America have programs that promote conversions to Islam in poor neighborhoods, prisons, and also, many mosque communities target women at homeless shelters or battered wife facilities.

At first glance, you think these mosques are helping the poor, the homeless, the battered, but on closer look, when you follow the progress of these programs as I have, you see Islamic classes being given in the poorer neighborhoods and at homeless shelters and recognize that vulnerable sectors of our society are being targeted for conversions to Islam.

Knowledge is power. Know what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing in your state.

CAIR National on Twitter:   @CAIRNational
CAIR National website:   www.cair.com

Alabama   @cair_al

Alaska  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
A massive Islamic Center is being built in Anchorage. They advertise Quran schools and the teaching of Islamic Law.

Arizona   @CAIRAZ

Arkansas use National: @CAIRNational  CAIR National website:   http://www.cair.com
CAIR is in the process of forming an Arkansas branch. Meanwhile, CAIR national has gone on full blown attack mode in Arkansas because of the shooting range owner who declared its business a “Muslim Free Zone”.

@CAIRLA         Los Angeles
@CAIRSFBA    San Francisco / Bay Area
@CAIRSacramento      Sacramento
@CAIRSanDiego            Dan Diego

Colorado  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
While there is no Colorado branch, CAIR national is creating ways to make Muslims have more rights than non-Muslims in Colorado, primarily in the workplace.

Connecticut CAIR Connecticut’s website: http://www.cair-ct.com  National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is sponsoring workshops at Connecticut mosques that teach Muslims what to say to police, government officials, airport personnel, law enforcement and others.

Delaware  use CAIR national and CAIR Pennsylvania (which for now is taking care of Delaware)
National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Florida   @CAIRFlorida

Georgia   @CAIR_GA

Hawaii  No branch yet, but CAIR national is bringing lawsuits against various Hawaiian workplaces, radio stations, and reporting “hate” crimes.  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Idaho  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national has been interfering with the passage of laws banning “foreign laws”; i.e. Islamic Law.

There were many comments about Idaho on CAIR Twitter feed such as:

“Another backward state of potato farmers. We need to keep sending people to America to have large families, to replace these idiots, so that in a few decades, they will be the minority and won’t be able to do anything about it.”

Illinois  @cairchicago
Additional info:
Chicago Islamic Center
The center’s imam preaches that Muslims should wage violent jihad to destroy Israel and that paradise awaits those who die fighting.

The director of CAIR-Chicago has consistently defended organizations affiliated with Hamas and the Brotherhood.

Chicago Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Abdel Malik Ali led a ‘pledge of allegiance’ at a MSA event stating:
“Jihad is my spirit… I will die to establish Islam”

Indiana   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is posting many cries of Islamophobia and hate crimes accusations in Indiana.

Iowa    http://www.cair-iowa.org
CAIR Iowa is promoting the allowance of Syrian “refugees” via Interfaith communities.

Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids
The center’s website stated that it received donations from Saudi King Faisal, the Kuwaiti government and the Libyan government.

Kansas   http://cairkansas.org/default_commerce.aspx

Kentucky   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR has an official office in Lexington, but no individual website or Twitter as of yet.

Additional info:
The chapter’s leader was recorded saying, “Ultimately we Muslims can never be full citizens of this country.”

Louisiana   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing the hate crimes issue in Louisiana.

Maine  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national tried to get prayer rooms in public schools in Maine. It is also asking their followers to find reasons to cry Islamophobia in Maine.

Maryland  Uses the DC branch and National branch.   @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
CAIR has been pushing for Muslim holidays to be observed in Maryland schools, while simultaneously working to remove Christian and Jewish holiday observance.

CAIR Maryland’s 2013 banquet featured CAIR national’s executive director Nihad Awad, who made statements in support of Hamas at the event.

Massachusetts   @CAIRMass

Michigan  @CAIRMI
CAIR Michigan is filing many lawsuits to silence critics.

Minnesota   @CAIRMN
Additional info:
Mishkah Islamic University of North America (located in Minnesota)
Sheikh Omar Shahin, who was on the Board of Trustees, raised money for al-Qaeda and Hamas.

Mississippi    use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is promoting accusations of hate crimes in Mississippi.

Missouri  @CairoStLouis

Montana  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
Nationally, school districts are quick to please CAIR and other Islamic organizations to force teachers who distribute factual information to students regarding Islam to either resign, or be fired. This is what CAIR national is trying to do in Montana right now.

Nebraska  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national just got a big win for allowing hijab in Nebraska banks.

Nevada   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
There is an office in Las Vegas and they are very active, they use the national and the main website for notices.

New Hampshire  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national and their main website is pushing lawsuits against New Hampshire businesses that are “Muslim Free”. If you are in New Hampshire, you need to support these local businesses.

New Jersey   www.http://nj.cair.com   @CAIRJN
CAIR New Jersy is pushing headscarfs, Islamophobia and hate crimes.

CAIR New Jersey’s Magdy Mahmoud, one of the founders, has a Facebook page supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Islamic Center of Jersey City  (ICJC) has a history of links to extremism.
The president of ICJC is a Muslim Brotherhood supporter. His Facebook page used to have a photo of him at a rally in New York City for Egyptian ex-President Mohammed Morsi. He also “liked” the Muslim Brotherhood on three Arabic pages and repeatedly shared Brotherhood photos on his page.

New Mexico  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

New York  @CAIRNewYork
Additional info:
An affiliate of CAIR New York is the Arab-American Association of New York (AAANY)
AAANY ferociously attacks anyone bringing attention to Islamic extremism. AAANY lists Qatar Foundation International as a supporter. The Foundation is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and is supportive of Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, the terrorism-advocating spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Deposit, NY is a location of Muslims of the Americas, whose headquarters is at Islamberg, New York. Muslims of the Americans was created by the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood. A 2004 report funded by the Justice Department identifies Deposit, New York as having a jihadi “training compound” for Muslims of the Americas. FBI records confirm that MOA members have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing.

North Carolina   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

North Dakota   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
In 2015, CAIR managed to get a Muslim imam to lead a prayer at the North Dakota House opening floor session on Ash Wednesday. Why a Muslim instead of a Christian on Ash Wednesday? Because CAIR has power. Fortunately, the Muslim prayer was cancelled, but CAIR demanded an apology! Knowing about these events means you can do something.

Ohio   @CAIRCincinnati

Oklahoma   @cairoklahoma
CAIR Oklahoma campaigned against legislation requiring public schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Muslims of the Americas—Talihina, OK
Talihina, Oklahoma is a location of a jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas.

Oregon  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing Islalmophobia in Oregon.

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Islamic Center of Portland’s imam was one of the founders of the Global Relief Foundation, a charity that was shut down by the U.S. government for financing al-Qaeda.

Pennsylvania   @CAIR_PA
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The mosque at the Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania  is connected to many Muslim organizations that are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the mosque has promoted extremism.

United Muslim Masjid / United Muslim Movement
The movement was founded by Kenneth Gamble (now known as Luqman Abdul-Haqq), who was a follower of the Nation of Islam.

Rhode Island  use national and also Massachusetts   National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
On February 22, 2016 the Massachusetts chapter of CAIR held a news conference with interfaith partners and elected officials at the Rhode Island State House to show support for Governor Gina Raimondo’s welcoming response to Syrian refugees in that state.  Gov. Raimondo said she would welcome the refugees.

South Carolina   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national posted on 1/29/16 – CAIR today called on the South Carolina General Assembly to drop an unconstitutional, anti-Islam bill (H. 3521) currently moving through that body because it violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The bill’s sponsors, and the text of the legislation, make clear it is designed to attack the religious principles of Islam.

South Dakota   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing for more mosques in South Dakota. Follow CAIR so you can stop this.

Tennessee  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Islamville –Tennessee’s Islamville is a jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas (which was created by the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood).

Texas   @CAIRDFW   @CAIRHouston
Additional info:
Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH)
ISGH is part of the Islamic Society of North America and it’s title is held by the North American Islamic Trust, both Muslim Brotherhood organizations. The Islamic Society of Greater Houston says it is “the largest Islamic Society in North America” and that it operates 19 separate mosques and 6 full-time Islamic Law schools.

CAIR – Houston’a president, Tarek Hussein, was named by Egyptian authorities to be a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

Utah   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Vermont  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is very active in Vermont.

Virginia   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
Additional info:
Muslims of the Americas—Meherrin, Virginia
Meherrin is the location of a 25-acre jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas (which was created the the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood).

Washington   @CAIR_WA

West Virginia  use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com

Wisconsin   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is promoting prayer rooms at various Wisconsin businesses.

Wyoming   use National: @CAIRNational   website:  www.cair.com
CAIR national is pushing mosque building in Wisconsin.

Read it all for more insight.

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