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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Everybody's a Nazi if they disagree with the left

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Don't confuse liberals, progressives or communists with the facts. They don't win or lose arguments on facts. These are a breed of humankind who are in word against bullying, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, paranoia, bigotry, and hate, but in deed they exercise those very traits against anyone who disagrees with them by hurling personal insults and labeling. Their latest post-election rages include calling people who disagree with them Nazis or a Hitler, especially if they are losing an argument. If you are really good with your facts, you may not even get a label before you advance to being a Nazi or a Hitler. These people are emotional, they care little about facts and are quick to label you.
They are also the first to say that they don't believe much of the Bible, if at all, yet they will sure quote scripture to you out of context. How many times have you heard them say on TV, "don't judge us" or "who are you to judge me?" They don't want to be judged for their stands on transgendered bathrooms or abortion, but they are quick to judge those who disagree with them as Nazis. Last June 1, for example, the leftist flagship The Daily KOS, wrote a headline, "Jeff Sessions endorses Nazi style fascism." He was being labeled because he was one of the few members of Congress who recognized that Islamic terrorists could be among those coming to America through the ex-"president's" immigration plan.
As early as March 3, 2016, the progressive Huffington Post wrote: " Donald Trump's ascent to the top of the Republican presidential candidate heap has been increasingly likened to the rise of Adolf Hitler, as both men have used racist rhetoric and blamed select groups of minorities for many of the country's problems. On Saturday, that comparison became even more apparent when footage surfaced of Trump at a rally in Orlando, Florida, that was eerily reminiscent of 1930s Nazi rallies." Noted at the end of the story: " Editor's note: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims--1.6 billion members of an entire religion--from entering the U.S." Leftist Bill Maher compared Trump's speeches with Hitler's in an attempt to show how both men were alike.
These are just a couple of examples of what has become so commonplace in the national dialogue of the extreme left. The recent women's march on Washington, DC could provide many more examples where ignorant celebrities who's trade is to sling a good line, repeatedly insulted those who disagree with them with disrespect and vulgarity. Nothing in modern history compares with atrocities Hitler and the Nazis did to humankind. Romans 2:3 says, "And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?" We don't have to judge because in the end, God will be the judge. It's sad that our national dialogue is so disrespectful and hateful and is generated by those who claim to be the opposite. What ever happened to civility and disagreeing without being disagreeable?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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94 Years in Prison for Reporting Federal Abuse? More Fall out From Standoff in Burns, Oregon

March 13, 2017

/by April Kiessling

A flurry of dramatic property and civil rights-related trials is taking place across the western U.S. in federal courts, in which defendants, including independent media representatives, are charged with up to 17 crimes each, from trespass to terrorism. All the accused had confronted or ignored law-enforcement officers in group protests in either 2014’s Bunkerville, Nevada, confrontation or 2016’s similar standoff in Harney County, Oregon. Both showdowns were responses to perceived overreach of federal bureaucracies – chiefly the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Since 1994, the Bundy family of Bunkerville, Nevada, had grappled with authorities over grazing rights in contested areas near their land. On April 5, 2014, hostilities erupted into open conflict resembling a range war. Armed Bureau of Land Management employees and rangers removed and shot the family’s cattle, supposedly as a way of recouping fees the federal government claimed rancher Cliven Bundy owed. Masses of protesters, some armed, stood in open confrontation with federal and local law enforcement for a week, until the BLM finally backed down and left. Two years later, treatment of the Hammond ranching family in Burns, Oregon, triggered the occupation of the nearby Malheur Wildlife Refuge starting Jan. 2, 2016, and lasting 41 days. The main cause of the protests was the re-imprisonment of ranchers Dwight Hammond, 74, and son Steven, 47 – after they had already completed their original sentences. The Hammonds had been charged and convicted under the “Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996,” when back-fires they started spread onto federal lands. Even the Hammond case presiding judge, Michael Hogan, claimed both the severe “terrorism” criminal charges and mandatory minimum five-year sentence the statute imposed were excessive, and in fact that imposing such a long sentence “would shock the conscience to me.” Nevertheless, after serving relatively short sentences and being released from prison, the federal government doubled down on the “terrorism” charges and appealed the sentence – winning on appeal due to the lack of judicial discretion allowed under the “mandatory minimum sentence” part of the law. So the Hammond father and son went back to prison where they are now. (Read more from “94 Years in Prison for Reporting Federal Abuse? More Fall out From Standoff in Burns, Oregon” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/94-years-prison-reporting-federal-abuse-fall-standoff-burns-oregon/

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Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Also Met With Clinton Advisors

The spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin turned the tables Sunday by saying that the Russian ambassador to the U.S. also met with people connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, not just Trump advisers.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told CNN GPS host Fareed Zakaria that Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak met with “people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary,” The Hill reports.

Peskov stressed that part of Kislyak’s job entails talking to officials and advisers on both sides of the aisle.

“Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings of that kind,” Peskov said. “There are lots of specialists in politology, people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary.”

Yet, according to Peskov, none of these meetings constituted an attempt to influence the electoral process. (Read more from “Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Also Met With Clinton Advisors” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/putin-spokesman-russian-ambassador-also-met-clinton-advisors/

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Why the GOP Can’t Seem to Banish Obamacare

President Trump made some experts snicker when he explained the delay in unrolling the Republican replacement for Obamacare: “Who knew health care was so complicated?” Pundits who had spent years sweating the details of the many facets of health insurance policy came back at Trump with versions of “Er, hello? We’ve been saying that for years. Now if you’ll turn to page 723 of my proposal….” Indeed the policy details are enormously complex, and I won’t presume to wade in as an amateur to the debate over whether the current Republican proposal is the smartest or most politically viable plan for setting free one-sixth of the U.S. economy.

One thing conservatives have been right about all along: Obama’s plan was so complicated and unsustainable, it was tempting to believe that it was constructed that way on purpose. By building a Rube Goldberg machine that first entangled millions of Americans, before collapsing under its own weight (well after he’d left office), Obama would create the conditions where Americans would demand that the federal government “solve” the new healthcare crisis by creating a single-payer, British-style system of socialized medicine. In effect, the whole country would just slide onto Medicare.

Hard-working conservative policy wonks have been toiling for years to propose politically and fiscally workable alternatives to Obamacare. Most of these experts are sharply critical of the new plan Trump is backing, which seems to be a kind of Obamacare Lite, with tax incentives that slightly favor the better off, and a different kind of penalty for those who don’t buy insurance. I lack the expertise to wade into the details and try to clarify them, but the principles underlying them are clear. There’s a fundamental moral problem at the heart of the healthcare debate, which various plans — Obamacare as well as its conservative alternatives — have flailed around trying to solve.

It’s the problem that economists call the “free-rider.” I can explain it best with a personal anecdote. Last week one of my deranged rescue beagles yanked the leash so hard that it messed up my right wrist. (I’m a righty.) The pain was blinding, throbbing, debilitating. I couldn’t write my column. It hurt to use the mouse for any reason. In a perfect world, I would have gone to a hospital emergency room to get immediate care — since making the arrangements to get into an orthopedist would have taken days, during which I couldn’t work (or even brush my teeth very effectively).

Emergency Wards Full of Illegal Immigrants

Of course, since I live in the real world and my sister is a nurse, I knew better than to go anywhere near an emergency room — which are chock-full of people without any health insurance, many of them without the legal right to reside in this country, lining up to get routine care which they won’t ever have to pay for. Who would have to pay for them? I would. When insured, paying customers do turn up at the emergency room, they must be soaked to cover the costs, or else hospitals will close. The sheer number of free riders force the “fare” paid by regular customers to crippling heights — and that is why after a childbirth or short hospital stay, you will see on your bill itemized charges like $20 Q-tips.

I didn’t want to come home with a bill that socked me for the whole cost of my annual deductible for a single injury, so instead of going to the doctor, I found a massage therapist and relied on Advil and ice baths. Thankfully, I got better. But it struck me as a rather ironic that because I have a job and insurance, I have effectively less access to emergency care than illegal immigrants willing to wait several hours to get routine care from an emergency room — which typically won’t turn anyone away, even if there is little evidence of any genuine emergency. The New England Health Care Institute (PDF) warned back in 2010:

The overuse of U.S. emergency departments (EDs) is responsible for $38 billion in wasteful spending each year.

ED overuse is on the rise across all patient populations, irrespective of age or insurance coverage.

Drivers of ED overuse include lack of access to timely primary care services, referral to the ED by primary care physicians themselves, and financial and legal obligations by hospitals to treat all patients who arrive in the ED.

Turning Doctors and Nurses into Indentured Servants

The numbers are surely worse today. The combination of federal laws and liability risk makes it very difficult for staff at emergency wards to simply say “No” to someone who turns up with an ear infection or flu symptoms, and wants to be taken care of — though they are quite unable to pay, and don’t qualify for Medicaid (since they’re illegals).

Congressman Ron Paul, MD, had the right answer to resolving this free rider problem. He shocked people in the 2012 presidential campaign when he said that the government should remove any legal or regulatory requirement that doctors or hospitals treat people who won’t be able to pay them, apart from obvious, life-threatening emergencies.

Rep. Paul was right. Food is just as crucial to life as health care, but we don’t let hungry people turn up at restaurants and ditch the tab. There is no moral case for drafting health care professionals into indentured servitude for those unable to pay. The fact that emergency wards are available for this purpose surely discourages a certain percentage of people who could afford health insurance from spending the money to get it. And of course, we should not be providing free medical care — except for life-threatening emergencies — to illegal residents at all.

Americans Who Game the System

So that’s one kind of free rider. But here’s another, home grown specimen. Someone I knew, a working attorney, churchgoer and political conservative, told me that he really resented the Obamacare mandate that he sign up for health insurance. He was healthy, young, and physically active. He didn’t like being pressed into the insurance pool to effectively subsidize older, sedentary people who needed care. So far so good, I guess.

But then I asked him why he didn’t sign up for some form of catastrophic insurance. What if he got in a car accident, or was struck down with some rare cancer? He didn’t have savings or assets that could begin to cover the real costs of health care he’d need. How would he deal with the bills that would come from hospitals and surgeons?

At that he shrugged and smiled. “Oh, that’s what bankruptcy laws are for.” He explained that a number of his clients were uninsured adults who had faced enormous medical debts. He got bankruptcy judgments that let them pay pennies on the dollar. Apparently he took these cases not as cautionary tales but as inspiration.

Leave aside Obamacare’s absurd restrictions (which must be repealed) that virtually killed off catastrophic insurance plans, like the kind I used to have. How many young, healthy Americans who normally would shell out a few hundred dollars a month for catastrophic insurance don’t do so, because they are counting on Chapter 11 as their “insurer” of last resort? Morally, such people are no better than illegal immigrants who expect free medical care at emergency wards. In fact, as well-educated Americans with better options, they’re actually worse. Obamacare’s individual mandate was a ham-handed, probably un-Constitutional attempt to address this very real issue. It’s young, healthy people like my friend who make an insurance pool viable. If they don’t fear that medical debt could ever do them serious harm, many will not buy insurance. So the system will totter and fail.

No reform of health care in America will really address the fundamental problem of “free riders” jacking up costs for the rest of us unless it removes the legal obligation of medical professionals to work unpaid in non-emergency cases — and reforms bankruptcy laws that allow those who are willfully uninsured to essentially cheat the doctors and nurses who cared for them.

And now I leave it to the wonks to sweat the details. (For more from the author of “Why the GOP Can’t Seem to Banish Obamacare” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/gop-cant-seem-banish-obamacare/

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( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

University of Minnesota liberal professor under fire for his strong criticism of Muslim refugees and Islam

It’s easy to assume that everyone in academia is a raging leftist who wants to indoctrinate your children with anti-American/communist multicultural nonsense. However, there are notable exceptions and Professor Dan Demetriou is one of them.

PJ Media  There are professors like Dan Demetriou from the University of Minnesota, who recently posted his thoughts regarding illegal immigration and the potential influx of Muslim refugees. His opinions were quite rational, well-reasoned, and even conservative. Demetriou defended his remarks, saying they had “been seized upon in order to further a political agenda and punish a dissenting voice.”

Now, Demetriou, who teaches ethics and philosophy at the University of Minnesota Morris, is facing a backlash over a Facebook post in which he asserted that illegal immigrants “on average have IQs lower than natives” and that many refugees come from a “cult with repulsive values at war with the west.” He wrote in his Facebook post that “100% of illegal immigrants lower confidence in the rule of law and add people and workers and students we don’t need.”

And not surprisingly, the raging leftists immediately tried to destroy his life for comments such as: “I am persuaded that the leftist immigration and refugee policy agenda, especially given the influence of divisive social justice theory and looming automation, is an existential threat to the US and other advanced Western nations,” Demetriou recently stated publicly.

“Demetriou’s comments constitute a straightforward case of racist hate-speech,” wrote one commenter on a philosophy blog called Daily NousDemetriou, who is currently on sabbatical in Sweden with its 55 Muslim NO GO zones, says he’ll return to the University of Minnesota and continue teaching, although he knows this will probably be an awful experience.ed

Tuckerker viewed him on FOX last night:

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2100&v=Nys20S08O-k

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( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

To understand the current resurgence of antisemitism in America, look to Europe

And no, it’s not the far right, neo-Nazis of Europe who restarted this, although that’s not to say they aren’t thrilled to be able to join this new Jew-hating jihad.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQjTLGgQV2w

Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More…

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( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Ex-Radical Muslim Says Jihadists Are Sending Students to Top Colleges in America

Source: Ex-Radical Islamist Says Jihadists Are Sending Students to Top Colleges in America

Former radical Muslim Isik Abla revealed that there are different types of Jihad in Islam and warned that the group is sending students to America to infiltrate the top universities with its agenda.

Raised in a devout Muslim home, Abla, who is now an international Christian evangelist, said she faced a lot of abuse as a child that followed her into her adult life. And during her first marriage, she found herself a part of a division of Jihad.

There’s educational Jihad, there’s population Jihad, there’s media Jihad, economical Jihad,” Abla told The Christian Post at the Proclaim 17, NRB International Christian Media Convention in Orlando last week, noting that there are a total of eight types of Jihad. “We are seeing these … types of Jihad integrated in the Western world today.”

Abla said the Western world’s perception of Islam is very different from what Muslims in the Middle East believe a “good” Muslim is.

“When I was a fanatical Muslim I believed in a physical Jihad,” she said. “First and foremost you’ve got to believe if you are a true Muslim and if you are studying the Quran you need to know that physical Jihad is necessary because there’s nothing but killing as told in the Quran.”

Abla revealed that although most people think jihadists only kill, that is not the case because she was part of a different kind of Jihad.

“I was a part of a different kind of Jihad. It was an educational Jihad through my first Muslim husband because his family was supporting the Jihad,” the Turkish native explained.

“Educational Jihad pays the tuition of the students to send them to high prestigious colleges and universities in the Western world. They pay their Harvard education, they pay Princeton, they pay Yale. So we were shoveling money to this kind of educational Jihad so those people could be in high places in power to dictate what needs to happen in the Western world [and] to Islamize the Western world. This is an ideology type of Islam

and I was part of that.”

At 12 years old, Abla finished Quran courses and unlike most young girls who dream of playing with Barbie dolls at that age her dream was to die in the name of Allah and become a “hero.”

“That is the idea and ideology that Islam injects into every single Muslim,” she stated.

Abla confessed that she was ashamed of her involvement in Jihad but said she is grateful that God removed her shame.

The now ordained minister said she doesn’t understand why people talk about Islam as being a religion of “peace.” She ensured that that way of thinking is a “deaf and dumb spirit.”

“I want to touch base on the peaceful presentation of Islam which is an incredible deception. I don’t understand how the Western world doesn’t get it. I want to say [it’s] naïve, but it is idiotic to not understand how Islam has nothing to do with peace. Islam can only bring peace with sword. They will behead you if you [don’t] give up your faith. If you give up your faith then they allow you to live under their rule and dictatorship,” Abla explained. “There’s no peace in Islam. Let’s get this straight.”

The well educated activist warned that ISIS is currently recruiting Westerners through the Internet and social media. She believes that kids from the West usually fall into the trap of ISIS because the presentation of Islam is giving young people a purpose in being a “freedom fighter” to die in the name of Allah.

“I was one of them. I look modern, that’s the most concerning part of Islam today is that individuals can look very modern. They can look very Western, which I was. But if you told me ‘you’re going to kill in the name of Allah’ I would have been in the front line,” she shared.

Abla wants people to know that the spirit behind the notion that everyone worships the same God is “antichrist” and “humanism.”


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Terror Attacks Since 9/11
( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

New Jersey: Rocks thrown through pastor’s window after Muslim center plans nixed

A local pastor’s home was vandalized for the second time this year, shortly after the plan for a proposed Muslim community center was nixed at a special Zoning Board meeting

The pastor at Grace Bible Fellowship, Joseph Basile, who opposed the Muslim community center, stated that “the issue with the mosque is only the location of it.” Some folks will be sure to call him “racist” and “Islamophobic,” yet it was his home who was targeted.

There are valid concerns about mosques and Islamic centers being situated in communities: the possibility of the jihad doctrine being preached in them never enters into discussions about proposed new mosques, but it should. An undercover survey revealed that “3 in 4 Islamic centers are hotbeds of anti-Western extremism.”

“Rocks thrown through local pastor’s window after Zoning Board knocks down Muslim community center,” by Corey McDonald, Jersey Journal, March 10, 2017:

BAYONNE — A local pastor’s home was vandalized for the second time this year, shortly after the plan for a proposed Muslim community center was nixed at a special Zoning Board meeting earlier this week.

Joseph Basile, a pastor at Grace Bible Fellowship who has been an opponent of the Muslim community center, told The Jersey Journal that rocks had been thrown through his window sometime after the special Zoning Board meeting Monday night.

“The police are trying to determine when it occurred, but I’m not quite sure (exactly when),” he said.

Basile said the vandalism is likely due to his opposition to the center, which was voted down Monday night after a heated, five-hour meeting.

It is unclear if there are any cameras in the vicinity. Police could not be reached for comment.

This marks the second time Basile’s house has been vandalized. In January, the pastor’s house was vandalized with spray paint, as well as the road and snow nearby.

Basile had said at the time that the graffiti was likely directed at him because of signs in his windows that read “Save Bayonne” and “Stop the Mosque.”

Basile’s wife — in late 2016 — also reported that she had been threatened by a stranger at her home for the signs in her windows.

Tensions reached their peak Monday night when the Zoning Board voted on the fate of the center after a year and a half process to find a permanent home for the nonprofit Bayonne Muslim group……

  1. Shmooviyet says

    March 12, 2017 at 11:53 am

    Meanwhile the mosques and atendees have to fake claims about these types of attacks targeting them.

    Perfect examples of how the ‘peaceful tolerant religion’ operates.
    This brave pastor, his wife & home need and DESERVE physical security. Islam has no interest in any civil rights but its own.

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Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 9, “Repentance,” verse 29

( Read find out what the Qur'an really teaches )

Verse 29 of chapter 9 of the Qur’an is the one place where Allah directs Muslims explicitly to make war against and subjugate Jews and Christians — the “People of the Book,” who once subjugated enter the dhimma, the protection of the Muslims, and become dhimmis, protected (or guilty) people. As such, the way this verse is understood by Muslim interpreters is of cardinal importance for Jews, Christians, and — not least because in the Islamic world one’s religion tends to be considered as part of one’s ethnic identity, not as a matter of personal conviction, so that even Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris would be considered Christians — non-Muslims in general.

According to As-Sawi, Ibn Juzayy, and many others, “this ayat was revealed when the Messenger of Allah was commanded to fight the Byzantines. When it was sent down, the Messenger of Allah prepared for the expedition to Tabuk.” Ibn Kathir agrees: “Allah commanded His Messenger to fight the People of the Scriptures, Jews and Christians, on the ninth year of Hijrah, and he prepared his army to fight the Romans and called the people to Jihad announcing his intent and destination.” This was a raid Muhammad attempted against the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) garrison at Tabuk in northern Arabia in 631, but the Byzantine force moved away before Muhammad got there, and did not engage the Muslims in battle. Still, it was his first attempt to take on the great Christian empire that the Muslims would chip away at for centuries and ultimately destroy.

Ibn Juzayy says that this verse is “a command to fight the People of the Book” and, in a reference to v. 30, “denying their belief in Allah because of the words of the Jews, “‘Uzayr [Ezra] is the son of Allah” and the words of the Christians, “‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.'” Muslims must also fight them “because they consider as lawful carrion, blood, pork, etc.” and because “they do not enter Islam.” He says that “scholars agree about accepting jizya [a religious-based poll tax] from the Jews and Christians,” and adds that “the Magians/Zoroasterians have been added to them going by the words of the Prophet, “‘Treat them as People of the Book,'” although “there is disagreement about accepting it from idolaters and Sabians.” He specifies that “it is not collected from women, children or the insane,” and that it signifies “submission and obedience.”

While Islamic law does stipulate that the jizya is not to be collected from women and children, reality in many cases has been different. According to the pioneering historian of dhimmitude, Bat Ye’or:

The poll tax was extorted by torture. The tax inspectors demanded gifts for themselves; widows and orphans were pillaged and despoiled. In theory, women, paupers, the sick, and the infirm were exempt from the poll tax; nevertheless, Armenian, Syriac, and Jewish sources provide abundant proof that the jizya was exacted from children, widows, orphans, and even the dead. A considerable number of extant documents, preserved over the centuries, testify to the persistence and endurance of these measures. In Aleppo in 1683, French Consul Chevalier Laurent d’Arvieux noted that ten-year-old Christian children paid the jizya. Here again, one finds the disparity and contradiction between the ideal in the theory and the reality of the facts. (The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam, pp. 78-9).

The Tafsir al-Jalalayn says that this when v. 29 specifies that Muslims must fight against those who “follow not the Religion of Truth,” it means those who do not follow Islam, “which is firm and abrogates other deens [religions].” Ibn Kathir gives a hint as to why this is so when he explains that the People of the Book were in bad faith when they rejected Muhammad, and that they are not true believers even in their own religions:

Therefore, when People of the Scriptures disbelieved in Muhammad, they had no beneficial faith in any Messenger or what the Messengers brought. Rather, they followed their religions because this conformed with their ideas, lusts and the ways of their forefathers, not because they are Allah’s Law and religion. Had they been true believers in their religions, that faith would have directed them to believe in Muhammad, because all Prophets gave the good news of Muhammad’s advent and commanded them to obey and follow him. Yet when he was sent, they disbelieved in him, even though he is the mightiest of all Messengers. Therefore, they do not follow the religion of earlier Prophets because these religions came from Allah, but because these suit their desires and lusts. Therefore, their claimed faith in an earlier Prophet will not benefit them because they disbelieved in the master, the mightiest, the last and most perfect of all Prophets.

As-Sawi specifies that the payment of the jizya signifies that the non-Muslims are “humble and obedient to the judgements of Islam.” As-Suyuti notes that the jizya is “not taken from someone in a state of hardship,” although that was a stipulation at times honored in the breach. For example, a contemporary account of the Muslims” conquest of Nikiou, an Egyptian town, in the 640’s, says that “it is impossible to describe the lamentable position of the inhabitants of this town, who came to the point of offering their children in exchange for the enormous sums that they had to pay each month.”

This was a manifestation of the “state of abasement” specified by this verse and spelled out by the Bedouin commander al-Mughira bin Sa’d when he met the Persian Rustam. Said al-Mughira: “I call you to Islam or else you must pay the jizya while you are in a state of abasement.”

Rustam replied, “I know what jizya means, but what does “‘a state of abasement’ mean?”

Al-Mughira explained: “You pay it while you are standing and I am sitting and the whip hanging is over your head.”

Similarly, Ibn Kathir says that the dhimmis must be “disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimmah or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced and humiliated.” The seventh-century jurist Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab stated: “I prefer that the people of the dhimma become tired by paying the jizya since He says, “‘until they pay the jizya with their own hands in a state of complete abasement.'” As-Suyuti elaborates that this verse “is used as a proof by those who say that it is taken in a humiliating way, and so the taker sits and the dhimmi stands with his head bowed and his back bent. The jizya is placed in the balance and the taker seizes his beard and hits his chin.” He adds, however, that “this is rejected according to an-Nawawi who said, “‘This manner is invalid.'” Zamakhshari, however, agreed that the jizya should be collected “with belittlement and humiliation.”

(Revised May 2015)

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Campaign 2016 Debate
Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald Trump looks over her shoulder before the start of the third presidential debate between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at UNLV in Las Vegas, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. John Locher—AP

Ivanka Trump’s Fashion Brand Really Saw a Major Online Sales Spike in February

Mar 11, 2017

Following Kellyanne Conway's on-air promotion of Ivanka Trump's clothing line on Fox News, the first daughter's label, which she separated herself from before moving to Washington, experienced a sales spike online in the month of February.

E-commerce research firm Slice Intelligence reported a 332% sales increase in Trump products on Amazon in January and February compared to last year, according to CNN. And Lyst, one of the biggest fashion e-commerce websites in the world, reported a 219% sales spike on Feb. 9 — the day Conway told Fox & Friends viewers to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff" — according to the Washington Post.

Earlier this week, Abigail Klem, the president of Trump's label, said the brand's recent sales were exceptional in an interview with Refinery 29.

“Since the beginning of February, they were some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand,” Klem said. “For several different retailers Ivanka Trump was a top performer online, and in some of the categories it was the [brand’s] best performance ever.”

Conway's endorsement appeared to violate an ethics rule barring federal employees from using their public office to promote products. Outside of the White House saying that Conway had been "counseled," no action was ever taken against President Donald Trump's high-ranking assistant, a move that this week was criticized by the Office of Government Ethics.

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Conservative Base

Petition to Have Officials of Sanctuary Cities Held Legally, Financially Responsible for Illegal Aliens’ Crimes


Elected city officials of Sanctuary Cities are knowingly breaking the law by harboring illegals. The first priority of city officials should be protecting the citizens and businesses in their city.  By harboring illegals, some being criminals, they are jeopardizing the safety those they were elected to protect.

Statistics provided by Samantha Chang.Statistics provided by Samantha Chang.

Sign petitions to have the any officials of Sanctuary Cities held legally and financially responsible for any crimes (homicides, rapes, robberies, drug peddling) that are committed by any of the illegal aliens they are protecting.  It is time to stop the lawlessness and put American citizens and legal visitors first!
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Patricia Murray Jones
Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs
Rick Brown
Rick Brown Or Else what???? The only reason the UN has any power is because we pay for it!!
Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs
Kurt Brown
Kurt Brown I love else. Let's see it.
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
Frank Dipalo
Frank Dipalo You guys are on your way out find another country.
Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs
Doug Sowkin
Doug Sowkin Another one that will bite the dust!
Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs
Ivan Maldonado
Ivan Maldonado What about those same muslim countries that aren't taking any in.
Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs
Chuck Molinari

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs
Marty Kolar
Marty Kolar What has the UN ever done Belinda? The always vote in opposition to the USA, And what do they do to stop crimes against Humanity. Being a UN representative is a better job that working in the US Congress!
Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs
Adele Bloom
Adele Bloom UN you should leave as well! We need to make that UN Building into a place for Homeless Veterans... or Sell expensive Apartments to help pay off the $20 Trillion
Debt. That we owe!
Like · Reply · 4 · 14 hrs
Larry Reynolds
Larry Estep
Zoltan Gluck
Zoltan Gluck Or else what? ? ? ? ? ?
Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs
Lisa Gail Wells
Lisa Gail Wells Haa ha haaa haaaa haaaa ha haaa.....!
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Teresa Rowe Avila
Teresa Rowe Avila Trump to UN: Screw off!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Michael Slavin Sr.
Michael Slavin Sr.
Michael Slavin Sr. 4-26-12 (2037) UPDATE 1-26-17 (1250) Get out of the United Nations part one of three, Trump reveals his plan to cut our funding to the United Nations by "40%."

This is a great start, I would prefer we just leave the U.N. all-together, and form a "new
...See More
Like · Reply · 3 · 9 hrs
John Heisley
John Heisley Freeloading parasite, who is 10 years behind in paying his rent, telling the landlors to F- - -k -off. OMG that's really funny ! This asshole is in for a huge surprise.. Like he gets to move his office to an open field in the desert . AND Trump remodels the former UN bldg. into a re-hab center for wounded veterans. 1f642.png:)
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
James Stratton
James Stratton That's not the way this works! That's not the way any of this works!
Matthew Tapley
Matthew Tapley Fuck the U.N. the U N by the U.S. constitution is an illegsl
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Rich Lee
Rich Lee Trump to the UN: I'm cutting off all funds to you assholes!
William Finley
William Finley The U.N has no authority over the OVER THE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have no right to impose their will on us! They are a useless organization just as the Geneva convention was they have not do any thing in is world with out American tax dollars American b...See More
Joey Joseph
Joey Joseph Fuck The U.N. we should pull out all togather.
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William Finley The U.N has no authority over the OVER THE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have no right to impose their will on us! They are a useless organization just as the Geneva convention was they have not do any thing in is world with out American tax dollars American blood and American lives!!!!! Time has come to pull out to longer support the U.N. who are the enemy of the American People and Israel! who think they have the right to force their will on countries or threaten any countries !!
Principles for a Free Society
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Bare Naked Islam

CALIPHORNIA’ MUSLIM perpetual whiners are demanding that a local official be fired for telling the truth about Islam

Muslims do not assimilate, the infiltrate

Nearly three weeks after Otay Water Board member Hector Gastelum came under fire by designated terrorist group CAIR and other Muslim snowflakes on social media for posting an anti-Muslim tweet, members of the Muslim community are demanding he step down or be fired.

San Diego Union Tribune  Gastelum tweeted on Feb. 19: “Lets pressure OUR Legislators to increase list of so-called #MuslimBan to prevent #SubHuman #Scum from #USA to #MAGA.” The tweet included a link to a Fox News story about Sweden becoming “the rape capital” because of an increase of attacks on women, which was linked to the nearly 200,000 refugees from Islamic countries.

In a Twitter exchange that followed, he explained he was denouncing and classifying Muslims who rape, gang rape, stone women to death, throw homosexuals from the roof and who are pedophiles as “subhuman.” (Apparently, Gastelum has been listening to the President)

During Tuesday’s Chula Vista council meeting, a Muslim named Mona Dibas, associated student body president at Southwestern College, urged the City Council to support the removal of Gastelum from public office. “He called Muslims disgusting names…we are asking him to resign,” she said. “It’s because of actions like his, that people like me are killed and hurt in the streets. We are attacked and we have our hijabs pulled…” (Oh, Noes! a hijab pull…just as bad as the slaughter of Americans in a gay nighclub or American co-workers at a party) 

Chula Vista Councilman Steve Padilla, who is openly gay, called Gastelum’s comments “abhorrent and reprehensible.” “Given his lack of a desire to take responsibility for his comments, I would join the other voices in the community in asking him to step down.” (Obviously, Padilla is clueless about what his precious Muslims would do to him under Islam if they had the chance)

Padilla was the only council member to comment on the issue during the March 7 council meeting. “I think we all should feel compelled to speak out against intolerance and bigotry and ignorance when it occurs…particularly if you are a community representative or member.”

When asked to comment Wednesday, Gastelum initially offered to provide a prepared statement. On Thursday, he said he was too busy. (Good!)

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Bare Naked Islam

To read all articles go to http://www.barenakedislam.com/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Creeping Sharia

Texas: Iraqi jihadist entered US as refugee now missing; DOJ refused to prosecute prior to election

..Muslims do not assimilate, the infiltrate

DOJ turned down the case because it would make presidential candidate Hillary Clinton look bad

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Creeping Sharia

To read more go to https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Muslims do not assimilate, the infiltrate

Reza Aslan’s agenda: showing Hinduism and Christianity as violent, Islam as peaceful

Reza Aslan’s agenda: showing Hinduism and Christianity as violent, Islam as peaceful

David Wood several years ago pointed out a feature of Reza Aslan’s work that, as time goes by, increasingly appears to be the central feature of all his work: he downplays or denies the violent aspects of Islamic teaching, while exaggerating or inventing violent elements in other religions. In No god but God, Aslan portrayed […]

Alarmed Pig Farmer says

March 9, 2017

Yeah, like how violent the Hindus were when the Moghul rolled in and proceeded to mass murder at least 75 million, most of them children, women and elderly. So now the Moslem wanna get even. Makes sense.

Jihad Watch

To read all articles go to https://www.jihadwatch.org/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Muslims do not assimilate, the infiltrate

The plaintiff listed in Hawaii’s lawsuit against President Trump’s executive order on immigration is a member of an organization that has several current and former leaders tied to terrorist activity.

Dr. Ismail Elshikh — the imam of the Muslim Association of Hawaii — is suing Trump in reaction to the second version of his immigration moratorium, which was signed on Monday. The order imposed a 90-day hold on foreign nationals from six terror-tied countries from entering the United States.

According to the Muslim Association of Hawaii website, Imam Elshikh is a member of the North American Imam Federation (NAIF), a fringe Islamic organization that has a board and current leadership stacked with radical Islamic connections.

Kyle Shideler, a terrorism expert and director of the Threat Information Office at the Center for Security Policy, tells CR that it’s concerning that Imam Elshikh is a part of NAIF.

“Given NAIF’s history it should come as no surprise that the end goal of this lawsuit is, ultimately, weakening American counter-terrorism or immigration security efforts,” Shideler said.

He added: “That a member of an organization whose leaders have included a convicted war criminal, an individual who defended donating money to a Hamas linked charity, and an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism bombing wants to tell the American people who they can admit for immigration should say a lot about why such an executive order is needed in the first place.”

Steven Emerson, the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, also voiced his concerns about Elshikh’s associations. He tells CR:

“NAIF is an extremely radical Islamist group whose leaders and members have defended some of the most violent terrorist groups in the world. Some members have been found to be actually linked to acts of Islamist terrorism. This is a group, some prosecutors have argued, whose incitement for violence could qualify their categorization as a providing material support for terrorism.”

Current NAIF board members include the former leader of an al-Qaeda-connected mosque and a radical preacher. Former leaders include a man convicted of leading an international death squad, and a prominent Islamist preacher who has praised Osama bin Laden.

Current NAIF leadership

Omar Shahin, a current board member of NAIF, is the former president of the Islamic Center of Tucson, a mosque that was once utilized as the “de-facto al-Qaeda headquarters in the United States,” according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism. As imam of the mosque, Shahin raised funds for the Holy Land Foundation, which was later shut down for funneling money to the terrorist group Hamas. He also held fundraisers for the Global Relief Foundation, which was later deemed by the U.S. Treasury Department to be connected to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

El Shikh received his PhD from the Graduate Theological Foundation Islamic Studies Department, which is headed by Shahin. The program was created in collaboration with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an organization that was started as a Muslim Brotherhood front group.

Dr. Waleed Meneese, another NAIF board member, has explicitly called for fellow Muslims to kill Jews. “When the Children of Israel returned to cause corruption in the time of our Prophet Muhammad,” Meneese said in a recent sermon. “And they disbelieved him, God destroyed him at his hand. In any case, God Almighty has promised them destruction whenever they cause corruption,” he said of the Jewish people.

Meneese has also called for the killing of apostates from Islam, and for the treating of non-Muslims as second-class citizens.

Former NAIF leadership

Ashrafuzzaman Khan is the former president of NAIF and a current leader at the Muslim Brotherhood-connected Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). In 2013, he was tried in a Bangladesh court as he was accused of drafting a kill list of intellectuals inside the country. He was charged with 11 counts of war crimes as the alleged leader of the Al-Badr death squad. In 2013, he and an accomplice were sentenced in absentia for the abduction and murder of 18 people, including nine university professors, six journalists, and three physicians.

Egyptian cleric Wagdi Ghoneim was the chairman of NAIF at the turn of the century. In 2005, he agreed to deportation to Qatar after U.S. authorities were concerned about his potential connections to terrorist organizations. Ghoneim has called Osama bin Laden a “martyred heroic mujahid” and is now closely tied to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. He has been banned from entering several countries due to his radicalism.

Another former NAIF board member is Siraj Wahhaj, who was infamously listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. Wahhaj testified in defense of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel-Rahman, who served a life sentence for being the mastermind behind terrorist plots in the United States.

What else?

The North American Imam Federation is perhaps best known as the group that allegedly planned and staged the “flying imams” incident. After a 2006 NAIF conference, several imams connected to the group were booted from a domestic flight after exhibiting bizarre, threatening behavior, terrifying fellow passengers. NAIF and the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) showcased the incident as a prime example of America’s supposed problem with “Islamophobia.”

President Trump’s immigration moratorium, blocking non-citizens from coming into the U.S. from the six terror havens of Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Libya, will go into effect next week, barring a successful legal challenge by Elshikh and Hawaii or other actors.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytjznJuedhI

(For more from the author of “The Radical Ties of the Imam Behind the Trump Immigration Lawsuit” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/radical-ties-imam-behind-trump-immigration-lawsuit/

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Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 9, “Repentance,” verses 14-28

Rad find out what the Qur'an real;ly teaches

Boston Marathon jihad murder Tamerlan Tsarnaev had on his computer notes with quotations from the Qur’an, including 9:14-15: “Fight them. Allah will punish them through your hands, will belittle them and will grant you a victory over them and will heal the breasts of the believers.”

In September 2014, the Islamic State issued a lengthy threat of violence in the West. It included this statement to the soldiers of the Islamic State: “By Allah, He has healed the chests of the believers through the killing of the nusayriyyah (alawites) and rafidah (shiites) at your hands..” This, too, was a reference to 9:14-15. Then in February 2015, the Islamic State entitled its video of its burning to death of Jordanian pilot Muaz al-Kassasbeh “To Heal the Believers’ Chests.”

In March 2006, a twenty-two-year-old Iranian student named Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar drove an SUV onto the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, deliberately trying to kill people and succeeding in injuring nine. After the incident, he seemed singularly pleased with himself, smiling and waving to crowds after a court appearance at which he explained that he was “thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah.” Later he wrote six letters to the Daily Tar Heel, the student newspaper of the University of North Carolina, explaining why he did it. In one of them, he gives a list of “Qur’an Notes Relevant to 3/3/06 Attack.”

These include “Instructions and guidelines for fighting and killing in the cause of Allah.” Under “Reasons for fighting in the cause of Allah,” he cited verses 14 and 15 of sura 9, explaining that fight was “to release anger and rage from Allah’s followers’ hearts.”

Indeed, in those verses Allah promises that as he punishes the unbelievers at the hands of the believers and covers them with shame, he will “heal the breasts of believers, and still the indignation of their hearts.” Ibn Juzayy and the Tafsir al-Jalalayn, however, focus on the portion of the verse that says that “Allah turns to anyone He wills.” Ibn Juzayy explains: “Allah will turn to some of those unbelievers and so that they become Muslims.” That decision, as we have seen, is all Allah’s. Allah will not leave bereft those who “strive with might and main” (v. 16). The word used here is jahadu (جَاهَدُواْ), a form of “jihad.”

Then Allah declares that the idolaters or polytheists (mushrikeena, ْمُشْرِكِينَ, from mushrik, polytheist) are not worthy to take care of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca (vv. 17-22) — although at the time to which Islamic tradition ascribes the revelation of this sura, the pagans still controlled that mosque. They control it, but as comments Ibn Juzayy, “they do not have either the right or the duty to do so. They inhabit them through forceful occupation and injustice.” They have no right to the mosque because, according to Ibn Kathir and, indeed, generalized Islamic tradition, Abraham himself built it as a shrine to Allah.

Allah then tells the believers to separate from and fight the unbelievers (vv. 23-28). The believers should cut ties even with their own families if they are not Muslims (vv. 23-24). Says Ibn Kathir: “Allah commands shunning the disbelievers, even if they are one’s parents or children, and prohibits taking them as supporters if they choose disbelief instead of faith.” Ibn Juzayy notes that v. 24, with its warning that one should value nothing in this life higher than Allah, is “a threat to anyone who prefers his family, property or home to emigration and jihad.” “Emigration” refers to the move to Medina which at that time was incumbent upon all true believers.

Then Allah refers to the Battle of Hunayn, which took place after Muhammad conquered Mecca (vv. 25-26). Once he was the master of Mecca, there was one additional great obstacle between him and mastery of all Arabia. Malik ibn Awf, a member of the Hawazin tribe of the city of Ta’if, south of Mecca, began to assemble a force to fight the Muslims. The people of Ta’if had rejected Muhammad and treated him shabbily when he presented his prophetic claim to them ten years earlier. They were historic rivals of the Quraysh, and viewed the conversion of the latter to Islam with disdain. Malik assembled a force and marched out to face the Muslims; Muhammad, according to Ibn Ishaq, met him with an army 12,000 strong, and said, in an echo of v. 25 (“your great numbers delighted you”), “We shall not be worsted today for want of numbers.”

The two forces met at a wadi — a dry riverbed — called Hunayn, near Mecca. Malik and his men had arrived first and taken up positions that gave them an immense tactical advantage. The Muslims, despite their superior numbers, were routed. As they broke ranks and fled, Muhammad called out: “Where are you going, men? Come to me. I am God’s apostle. I am Muhammad the son of Abdullah.” Some of the Muslims did take heart, and gradually the tide began to turn — although with tremendous loss of life on both sides.

The Muslims eventually prevailed, wiping out the last major force that stood between the Prophet of Islam and mastery of Arabia. After the battle Muhammad received another revelation explaining that the Muslims had won because of supernatural help (v. 26). With Malik defeated, the Muslims later conquered Ta’if with little resistance. On his way into the city, Muhammad stopped under a tree, and, finding the property to his liking, sent word to the owner: “Either come out or we will destroy your wall.” But the owner refused to appear before Muhammad, so the Muslims indeed destroyed his property. Endeavoring, however, to win the tribesmen of Ta’if to Islam, Muhammad was lenient toward them. In his distribution of the booty, he also favored some of the recent converts among the Quraysh, hoping to cement their allegiance to Islam. His favoritism, however, led to grumbling. One Muslim approached him boldly: “Muhammad, I’ve seen what you have done today…I don’t think you have been just.”

The Prophet of Islam was incredulous. “If justice is not to be found with me then where will you find it?” Indeed, for Islam Muhammad’s words and deeds are the highest pattern of conduct, forming the only absolute standard: anything sanctioned by the example of the Prophet is good.

According to Ibn Juzayy, the promise that “Allah will turn to whomever he wills” (v. 27) means that “the tribe of Hawazin who had fought the Muslims at Hunayn became Muslim.”

The unbelievers are unclean, and thus must not enter the Sacred Mosque (v. 28). Shi’ites in particular regard this as a matter of ritual purity. The Ayatollah Sistani, whom many observers have identified as a beacon of democratic hope for Iraq, likely does not envision a state in which unbelievers have equal rights with believers, since he puts non-Muslims on the level of other impure things:

The following ten things are essentially najis [impure, unclean]:

1. Urine
2. Faeces
3. Semen
4. Dead body
5. Blood
6. Dog
7. Pig
8. Kafir [unbeliever]
9. Alcoholic liquors
10. The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat

This idea is based on v. 28. The Tafsir al-Jalalayn says that the polytheists are “impure because of their inward foulness,” and As-Suyuti adds that some say “they are actually impure so that they must do ghusl [the full ablution] if they become Muslim and one must do wudu [the partial ablution] after shaking hands with them.” As-Suyuti also notes that this verse forbids unbelievers to enter the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, although he points out that “Abu Hanifa says that People of the Book are not prevented because it is specific to idolaters.” Because of Muhammad’s prohibition on non-Muslims in Arabia, it is unlikely that a member of the People of the Book would be able to enter Mecca today.

(Revised May 2015)

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My Local School Board May Begin Silencing Parents Over Transgender Agenda

In Fairfax, 10 parents have just three minutes each to give their views to the county school board each meeting.

Earning one of these coveted slots is like buying concert tickets: You get up early on the Monday before the meeting and click frantically, hoping to be among the first 10 when the school board opens its sign-up line.

Since the school board imposed its gender identity politics on unwilling Fairfax families nearly two years ago, it has heard from dozens of angry parents. More come forward every month.

For school board members on the receiving end of the discourse, this must be getting old. But that’s the price of freedom, right?

Maybe not. Parents have learned that bureaucrats on the Fairfax County School Board have had just about enough of this free speech, and are meeting to discuss how best to curtail it.

This week, board member Ryan McElveen, chief proponent of the transgender policy, is calling a meeting to discuss the public speaker process. Nothing good can come from that.

Last month, a citizen speaking before the Fairfax County School Board made the charge that nonresidents frequently appear at school board meetings—meaning people who do not reside in Fairfax County. He was referring to some who voiced criticism of school board action.

I’m a Fairfax County resident, and to my knowledge, all the speakers who have spoken out against the gender identity policies of the board have been Fairfax County residents. But if they want to require ID, I’m all for it.

But I wonder, do they also favor IDs for voting in Fairfax? Do you have to show proof of legal residency to receive school services? Those are good questions for the board, if I ever get the chance to ask them.

The gentleman who made the complaint claimed that Loudoun County residents were testifying in Fairfax County.

Perhaps he thought I was from Loudoun, since I testified before the Loudoun school board back in December. But I was speaking as a Fairfax County resident and as a sexual assault victim, to warn them that allowing men and boys into women’s and girls’ locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms is not only disrespectful, but dangerous.

Thankfully, Loudoun did not go the way of Fairfax.

I actually had to withdraw my daughter from her Fairfax County public elementary school over concerns for her personal safety and privacy. Her former school is currently allowing a biological boy to use the girls’ facilities, without any parental notification.

When Fairfax County School Board Chairman Sandy Evans says the transgender guidelines are “on hold,” she gives a false impression. The policy is being implemented right now, behind parents’ backs.

And now, a new speech policy against parents is being considered. This would affect parents who are not only constituents, but also the taxpayers who pay the school board’s salaries.

As a taxpayer, I am entitled to voice my concerns. I am a strong believer in giving both positive and negative feedback.

I called Fairfax County Interim Superintendent Steve Lockhard’s office this week to thank him for keeping schools open Wednesday—unlike our neighbor city, Alexandria, which closed schools for the leftist women’s protest, putting politics above children.

The Fairfax County School Board does not seem interested in listening to constituents who do not share their political views. When a single citizen makes the unfounded claim that non-Fairfax parents are speaking, McElveen shows deference and schedules a meeting to address it.

Yet when hundreds of parents and citizens with diverse cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds have gathered in one room to voice their concerns about adding “gender identity” to the so-called nondiscrimination policy, no meeting is ever called.

The school board hasn’t even shown us the courtesy and respect to acknowledge that we’ve been heard. All we’ve heard is their silence—and now they want to silence us?

The school board needs to develop some respect for parental input. Rather than shutting down citizens who would defend the privacy of their children, the Fairfax County School Board should make good on its commitment to openness, respect, and the democratic process. (For more from the author of “My Local School Board May Begin Silencing Parents Over Transgender Agenda” please click HERE) miller.us/2017/03/my-local-school-board-may-begin-silencing-parents-over-transgender-a

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