( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Ex-Radical Muslim Says Jihadists Are Sending Students to Top Colleges in America

Source: Ex-Radical Islamist Says Jihadists Are Sending Students to Top Colleges in America

Former radical Muslim Isik Abla revealed that there are different types of Jihad in Islam and warned that the group is sending students to America to infiltrate the top universities with its agenda.

Raised in a devout Muslim home, Abla, who is now an international Christian evangelist, said she faced a lot of abuse as a child that followed her into her adult life. And during her first marriage, she found herself a part of a division of Jihad.

There’s educational Jihad, there’s population Jihad, there’s media Jihad, economical Jihad,” Abla told The Christian Post at the Proclaim 17, NRB International Christian Media Convention in Orlando last week, noting that there are a total of eight types of Jihad. “We are seeing these … types of Jihad integrated in the Western world today.”

Abla said the Western world’s perception of Islam is very different from what Muslims in the Middle East believe a “good” Muslim is.

“When I was a fanatical Muslim I believed in a physical Jihad,” she said. “First and foremost you’ve got to believe if you are a true Muslim and if you are studying the Quran you need to know that physical Jihad is necessary because there’s nothing but killing as told in the Quran.”

Abla revealed that although most people think jihadists only kill, that is not the case because she was part of a different kind of Jihad.

“I was a part of a different kind of Jihad. It was an educational Jihad through my first Muslim husband because his family was supporting the Jihad,” the Turkish native explained.

“Educational Jihad pays the tuition of the students to send them to high prestigious colleges and universities in the Western world. They pay their Harvard education, they pay Princeton, they pay Yale. So we were shoveling money to this kind of educational Jihad so those people could be in high places in power to dictate what needs to happen in the Western world [and] to Islamize the Western world. This is an ideology type of Islam

and I was part of that.”

At 12 years old, Abla finished Quran courses and unlike most young girls who dream of playing with Barbie dolls at that age her dream was to die in the name of Allah and become a “hero.”

“That is the idea and ideology that Islam injects into every single Muslim,” she stated.

Abla confessed that she was ashamed of her involvement in Jihad but said she is grateful that God removed her shame.

The now ordained minister said she doesn’t understand why people talk about Islam as being a religion of “peace.” She ensured that that way of thinking is a “deaf and dumb spirit.”

“I want to touch base on the peaceful presentation of Islam which is an incredible deception. I don’t understand how the Western world doesn’t get it. I want to say [it’s] naïve, but it is idiotic to not understand how Islam has nothing to do with peace. Islam can only bring peace with sword. They will behead you if you [don’t] give up your faith. If you give up your faith then they allow you to live under their rule and dictatorship,” Abla explained. “There’s no peace in Islam. Let’s get this straight.”

The well educated activist warned that ISIS is currently recruiting Westerners through the Internet and social media. She believes that kids from the West usually fall into the trap of ISIS because the presentation of Islam is giving young people a purpose in being a “freedom fighter” to die in the name of Allah.

“I was one of them. I look modern, that’s the most concerning part of Islam today is that individuals can look very modern. They can look very Western, which I was. But if you told me ‘you’re going to kill in the name of Allah’ I would have been in the front line,” she shared.

Abla wants people to know that the spirit behind the notion that everyone worships the same God is “antichrist” and “humanism.”


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