john lillpop's Posts (214)

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By John W. Lillpop

Those who advocate on behalf on illegal aliens have argued that America simply cannot do without the 12-20 million illegals squatting in our midst.

“Who will pick our fruit?” “Who will mow our lawns, who will wash our cars, clean our lavatories, etc. ,” they rant.

However, things are dramatically different when it comes to illegal alien Jose Anthony Vargas, the Filipino criminal who has lived and lied in America for 18 years.

Rather than asking “Who will pick our fruit?” moon bats arguing for Vargas are crying, “Who will write our Pulitzer Prize winning news stories and articles?”

Apparently, fears of a devastating shortfall of Pulitzer Prize quality writers has driven rule of law skeptics like David Leopold to the edge of insanity with remarks like those below:

“MANILA, Philippines – An official of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) thinks it is highly unlikely that Filipino Pulitzer Prize winner Jose Antonio Vargas will be deported.

David Leopold said, “Jose Vargas is the kind of person that we want in America.”

A lying, cheating criminal who has ignored our immigration laws for 20 years is the sort of bloke that America wants?

Please, the insanity of that is just too much!

To be fair, Vargas does have one thing going for him: He is not an impoverished, unskilled Latino who simply jumped a border fence in Arizona.

Other than that, Vargas is just as despicable and UNWANTED in America as any other illegal alien who cleans toilets or operates a leaf blower eight hours a day!

The simple fact is that Vargas and all of the other 12-20 million invaders come from cultures and societies inferior to American institutions, which means that screening out undesirables is not only preferable, but is, in fact, mandatory.

Still, legal migration to America is available to folks like Vargas.

There exists a path to citizenship that involves examining one’s background for evidence of criminal behavior, for medical exams to determine health status, for determining ability to live independently without becoming a burden on taxpayers, for ties to drug cartels and terrorists, and other inquiry to determine worthiness to join our American family.

This process applies to all would be immigrants, even those who claim to possess Pulitzer Prize writing skills.

Yes, the legal immigration process is exacting and discriminatory, which it must be to protect the interests of American citizens.

America’s immigration laws exist to protect American citizens, not to mine for Pulitzer Prize prospects, grape pickers, or car washers.

Jose Antonio Vargas deserves to be arrested and deported immediately, just like any other criminal invader!

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Satire by John W. Lillpop

Over the years, tens of thousands of homosexuals have left America's heartland in order to experience the liberating freedom of the wild, wild west, and in particular, California, and even more particularly, the queen's paradise, otherwise known as San Francisco.

In what must be the ultimate irony for those who journeyed west in search of progressive permissiveness and moral-free living, the state of New York has legalized gay marriage!

As reported, in part, at Yahoo News:

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — After days of contentious negotiations and last-minute reversals by two Republican senators, New York became the sixth and largest state in the country to legalize gay marriage, breathing life into the national gay rights movement that had stalled over a nearly identical bill here two years ago.

Pending any court challenges, legal gay marriages can begin in New York by late July after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed his bill into law just before midnight Friday.

At New York City's Stonewall Inn, the Greenwich Village pub that spawned the gay rights movement on a June night in 1969, Scott Redstone watched New York sign the historic same-sex marriage law with his partner of 29 years, and popped the question.

"I said, 'Will you marry me?' And he said, 'Of course!'" Redstone said he and Steven Knittweis walked home to pop open a bottle of champagne.

New York becomes the sixth state where gay couples can wed, doubling the number of Americans living in a state with legal gay marriage.”

Meanwhile, in the Queen City of San Francisco, gays are still not allowed to tie the nuptial knots.

For gays stuck in stodgy, old, conservative San Francisco, the new slogan of hope will probably be, "Go East, young men!"

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By John W. Lillpop

As America continues to drift further and further toward the abyss of unsustainable liberalism, those who have “been there, done that” know better and are going in exactly the opposite direction.

As reported in part at the reference, the Dutch FINALLY recognize that the insanity of multiculturalism needs to be reversed:

A new integration bill which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: "The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society."

The letter continues: "A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens. It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands. The integration will not be tailored to different groups."

The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants. For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants to ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law.

The government will also stop offering special subsidies for Muslim immigrants because, according to Donner, "it is not the government's job to integrate immigrants." The government will introduce new legislation that outlaws forced marriages and will also impose tougher measures against Muslim immigrants who lower their chances of employment by the way they dress. More specifically, the government will impose a ban on face-covering Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2013.”


Imagine that! A society where no one feels at home!

Sounds eerily like California and other U.S. states inundated with millions of uneducated, non-English speaking invaders from Mexico and points south.

Been to Los Angeles or New York City lately?

The notion that "it is not the government's job to integrate immigrants," is a vital truth that is clearly lost on President Obama and Janet Napolitano and the Democrat Party!
And on Obama's goofy aunt, the illegal alien.

The Dutch have also hit gold with their requirement that immigrants learn the home language and accept home land values. More truths lost on Democrats!

OMG! Are those bleeping Dutch out of their bleeping minds? What about inclusiveness, open borders, and all of the other stupidity that has America headed toward a third-world status akin to dreary old Mexico?

Clearly, the Dutch have been infested with racism and Islamaphobia!

Or, looking at it logically, the Dutch have finally seen the light and recognize that multiculturalism is a crock that serves nobody!

Democrats in America should acquaint themselves with the awful consequences of multiculturalism before pushing amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens!
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 By John W. Lillpop

 Government exists, at the will of the people, to provide a common defense against enemies of America, both foreign and domestic. We the people neither need, nor want, government bureaucrats telling us what to eat, how to raise children, what light bulbs to use, or other matters best left in the hands of the family.

 America was founded by men and women strong in the Christian faith. Denying our religious heritage for the purpose of politically-correct inclusion is morally wrong.

 Government has neither the resources nor the expertise to provide health care, to educate our youth, or to create jobs. In these ,as well as in most areas of life, government serves we the people best by getting out of the way!

 Racism is a wretched evil, made all the more damaging by its devastating impact on the human spirit. On the other hand, alleging racism, where it does not exist, for political, social, or economic gain is just as evil.

 Using the tax code to punish the accomplished in order to reward the less talented and bone idle is un-American and immoral. Taxes depress economic growth and the creation of jobs for American citizens and should always be challenged and opposed.

 Every dollar paid in taxes is one less dollar available to private enterprise for job creation.

 The use of armed military force should be limited to situations involving a vital national interest of the United States. No president, regardless of how brilliant, should make war(or Kinetic whatever) without the consent of Congress.

 Illegal immigration is a serious breach of borders and rule of law which harms America’s economy, employment, education, culture, and homeland security, and which costs American taxpayers more than $110 billion a year. Exploiting this issue as a means for growing the Democrat Party base rather than enforcing the rule of law to protect American citizens is un-American and immoral.

 There is nothing racist about defending American sovereignty, language and culture. On the other hand, racism is abundant when foreigners come here illegally and refuse to learn English and refuse to assimilate into American society.

 Character, integrity, and fidelity do matter! Without these qualities, no politician can possibly serve we the people.

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 By John W. Lillpop

The story of Jose Antonio Vargas is hardly one of courage, hard work, and dedication to principle. His is NOT an American story that one can point to with pride.

Rather, it is a sad commentary about self-centered lying, deceit, and stealing through manipulation with no regard for the rule of law or other people.

It is about a nation that has lost its way and apparently no longer cares enough to enforce the rule of law, the foundation of our American Democracy.

The fact that Vargas and much of the mainstream media see his criminal behavior as justification for passing the race-based Dream Act is nearly as sick as his despicable criminality.

Jose Antonio Vargas is owed no sympathy or kudos.

He should be arrested and deported immediately, lest his persona be martyred by those who despise the rule of law, American sovereignty, language, and culture.

Adios, and good Riddance!
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By John W. Lillpop

In February 2010, President Barack Obama advised people trying to save money not to “blow a bunch of cash in Vegas.”

That was the second time this anti-business President has seen fit to use his bully pulpit to wage war on the Las Vegas tourist industry, known affectionately all across America as Sin City.

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, fuming with rage at Obama’s intemperate remarks, summed up the president’s second faux pas thusly, "This president is a real slow learner."

Current budget battles over taxes and spending, the War Powers Act, and a host of other crises, prove that Mayor Goodman was prophetic about Obama’s learning disability!

While Obama misuses his pulpit/teleprompter to destroy the economy and jobs, there is a major economic risk that Obama and Democrats are ignoring.

Namely, anyone under 55 who is paying into the liberal-created Ponzi schemes known as Social Security and Medicare is throwing money down the toilet.

Both of these progressive mistakes are destined for bankruptcy.

The only question, really, is WHEN?

That question seems unanswerable because liberals like Obama and Harry Reid refuse to fact the facts.

Truth, as it were, is just too painful, especially so close to an national election.

“Let’s wait 20 years and see what happens,” is the counsel answer from geezers like Harry Reid who will probably be dead and buried long before the Social Security administration starts issuing monthly bills rather than benefits checks.

Obama and Reid need to read and understand the report issued by the CBO, which paints a dreary picture, indeed.

That report is shown,in part, at the reference and summarized below:

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its Long-Term 2011 Budget Outlook Report, Wednesday, with dire projections for the nation’s fiscal future if the current path is not changed. The CBO called its budget outlook “daunting.”

Under current law, federal spending will continue to soar and an aging populations will increasingly draw funds from programs like Medicare and Social Security. According to the new report, in order to prevent the debt from becoming unsustainable, revenues need to increase and spending needs to be cut from projected levels.

One of the more dire figures in Wednesday’s report is the CBO’s projection that by the end of 2011, federal debt will reach approximately 70 percent of gross domestic product – the highest level it has been since the end of World War II.

The report also says that under current law, the aging population combined with rising health care costs will cause spending on health programs like Medicare, and Social Security, to rise to 15 percent of GDP in 25 years. Right now, that spending is 10 percent of GDP. To put that number in perspective, over the last 40 years, all government spending, except for interest payments on the debt, has averaged 18.5 percent of GDP.”

On the same day as the CBO report made the breaking news headlines, Harry Reid and other moon bats on the left demanded additional stimulus spending to create jobs!

Talk about “slow learners” !

Add the names of Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, and all the rest on the far-left to the list of those who have learning disabilities brought on by a lifetime of deluded liberal thinking.

An urgent message to anyone under 55: Ignore the words coming from our President and Democrats. Do NOT count on living on Social Security and Medicare.

Playing the odds in Las Vegas may provide the only real hope for surviving the liberal destruction of the “America Dream.”
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By John W. Lillpop

Hey, Nancy P., what happened to your promise to “drain the swamp” after foolish Americans gave Democrats majority status in the U.S. House back in 2006?

Say what? Your swamp-drain-machine was programmed to remove only those with an R next to their names?

Which is why the goofy leader from San Francisco overlooked (ignored?) the less than honorable Alcee Hastings, Democrat from Florida.

Did I mention that Hastings is a DEMOCRAT?

As reported, in part, at the reference:

“The House's independent ethics office is looking into sexual-harassment claims leveled months ago against Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., the Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Citing sources familiar with the inquiry, the Journal reported the investigation, which began at least a month ago, is being conducted by the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and not the House Ethics Committee.

A lawsuit, filed against Hastings on March 7 by the conservative group Judicial Watch on behalf of Helsinki Commission staffer Winsome Packer, alleged that the congressman sexually harassed Packer over the course of more than two years and threatened retaliation if she tried to report it.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told the Journal that his organization had been contacted by investigators and confirmed that Packer is cooperating with OCE.”

Welcome, Mr. Hastings, to the Pelosi House of Corruption! Your admittance is a welcome upgrade to the recent House of Ill Repute which includes recent inductees Charles Rangel and Anthony Weiner!

Nancy Pelosi: The woman who ran the cleanest, least corrupt House in History!

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By John W. Lillpop

With so many vying for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, and with several more likely to still join the fray, the task of culling and selecting the best candidate to defeat Barack Obama can be daunting.

There are exceptions: Tossing out the name of Newt Gingrich is a no-brainer given recent defections by his own people, which show, convincingly, that Newt lacks the skills to run a birthday party, much less the Republican Party and, even less, all of America.

Deciding one way or the other on other contenders is far more complicated, save the most recent combatant, Jon Huntsman.

Huntsman who announced his candidacy with great flare and drama at the Statue of Liberty, immediately received an unexpected and, perhaps unwelcome, endorsement from an unlikely source: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

As reported at the reference,in part, Reid’s meddling in GOP politics mixed religion and ideology:

“Hours after formally announcing his presidential bid, former ambassador to China Jon Huntsman (R) won an endorsement from an unexpected source: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

At his weekly Capitol news conference, Reid was asked whether he thought the United States was ready for a Mormon president. Huntsman and his fellow rival for the 2012 GOP presidential nod, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, are both Mormon, as is Reid. A Gallup poll released Monday showed that 22 percent of Americans would not vote for a Mormon for president.

“I feel very comfortable that they’re not ready for – certainly they’re not ready for the former governor of Massachusetts,” Reid said. “Which says, in that race, if I had a choice, I’d favor Huntsman over Romney.”

Fortunately for all Americans and the future of our great nation, Harry Reid does NOT have a voice in deciding the Republican candidate.

At least not directly.

However, Reid’s endorsement of Huntsman proves that Huntsman is not qualified, by reason of character or ideology, to be anything more than a token Republican in the administration of Barack Obama, the most anti-American, befuddled, and inept president in U.S. history.

Hats off to the goofy Reid for unwittingly providing a terrific reason for crossing through the name of Jon Huntsman.

Got any other endorsements we should know about Harry?
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By John W. Lillpop

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu was recently named 2011 National Sheriff of the Year by the National Sheriff’s Association.

Clearly, this man is an expert in law enforcement and border security. Sheriff Babeu demonstrated his intelligence and expertise when he challenged the completely inadequate efforts by the Obama administration to secure the U.S.-Mexico borders.

As reported at the reference:

“Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu said the Obama administration’s decision to extend the deployment of 1,200 U.S. National Guard troops along the U.S. border with Mexico until Sept. 30 is “pandering” and that those numbers “fall far short” of what military power is needed to keep the country safe.

Babeu noted, for comparison, the 28,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea to help defend it against North Korean aggression; U.S. troops have been stationed in South Korea for 58 years.

Babeu is the sheriff of Pinal County in southern Arizona and is on the frontlines against illegal immigration, human traffickers, drug smugglers, and potential terrorists.

“What are we doing?” Babeu told by telephone. “We need 6,000 armed soldiers on our border to protect America. Homeland Security starts at home.” He was talking about the National Guard.

Babeu said that only 520 guardsmen are deployed in Arizona, a state with a 276-mile border with Mexico and the state that has, according to the Department of Homeland Security, the greatest influx of illegal aliens. In 2010, approximately 212,000 illegal aliens were seized in the Tucson sector of Arizona – or 47 percent of all illegal aliens taken into custody.

“The gravest national security risk that we face is right here with the insecure border with Mexico,” Babeu said. “Right from the beginning, these 1,200 [National Guard] soldiers fall far short from what’s really, truly needed to achieve a secure border.”

Well said, Sheriff. Of course the honest answer is that Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano really do not want to prevent invasions across our border because they see the illegal aliens as future Democrats.

Hats off to another Arizona sheriff who is standing up and articulating the treason that is being committed by the Obama administration!
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Undocumented Boomers Headed to Mexico!


 by John W. Lillpop

Dear President Calderon:
As you are no doubt aware, America the Great is quickly becoming America the Gray. The so-called “boomer” generation, comprised of scores of million of Americans, will soon reach retirement age.

As they age, America’s boomers yearn for a less frantic pace—-and a lifestyle that allows one to pause and smell the roses now and again.

In other words, boomers are looking for the “Good Life” which is supposed to accrue to those who work 45 years, pay ungodly amounts in taxes, raise a family, put children through college, and baby-sit the grandchildren.

Unfortunately, the United States is no longer as hospitable as it once was to graying citizens, especially now that our economy has collapsed.

As a result, boomers have decided to move to your beloved Mexico.

Knowing that the Mexican government is a strong supporter of open borders and liberal immigration policies, as least with respect to migrations from Mexico to America, boomers anticipate that their needs and wishes will be fully accommodated with minimal interference and bureaucratic hassle.

In plain English, boomers expect to be treated like upscale Mexican citizens, with all the perks and advantages attendant thereto.

Incidentally, we prefer to be called “undocumented boomers.”

President Calderon, I am delighted to announce that just in time for summer millions of undocumented American boomers are headed to Mexico!

Viva America!

Current plans call for about 500,000 boomers to cross the border into Mexico each month.

As with any complex transition, there are several “ground rules” that must be followed in order to make this change seamless.

Accordingly, your attention is directed to the following:

* Mexican sovereignty, borders, and immigration laws are essentially null and void with respect to undocumented boomers. No attempt should be made to enforce said restrictions on good hearted, formerly hard working Americans.

* Undocumented boomers shall receive unlimited education, food, housing, legal assistance, and geriatric care on demand, the cost of which shall be borne solely by Mexican taxpayers.

* Mexican hospitals, medical clinics, and emergency rooms shall be obligated to meet the medical needs of all undocumented boomers, without regard to ability to pay.

This obligation shall not be limited or restricted in any way because of any real or projected negative impact on Mexico’s medical systems, including the loss of vital services to Mexican citizens.

* Although undocumented boomers shall not be obligated to pay for medical services received, they shall be entitled to send $30-50 billion a year back to the United States with impunity. The Mexican government shall actively facilitate the transfer of such funds to America.

* English is the only language used by undocumented boomers; boomers have no desire or obligation to learn Spanish.

* America’s historic free speech, free love, and anti-war revolutions originated with activists in the boomer generation.

In keeping with the boomer tradition of aggressive activism, from time to time it may be necessary for millions of boomers to take over the streets of Mexico’s large cities in order to protest proposed new laws when the “rights” of undocumented boomers are in jeopardy.

During such protests, boomers will wave Old Glory and scream “Yes, we can!” and “We are Mexico!” in English, as they protest the rule of law.

All such activities are valid free speech expressions in a thriving Democracy. As a consequence, the Mexican government shall take no action to limit or impede protests by undocumented boomers.

* We Americans celebrate the 4th of July to commemorate our independence from Great Britain. Undocumented boomers prefer to conduct business as normal on May 5 and September 16, and to reserve the 4th of July for fireworks, BBQs, and displaying Red, White, and Blue everywhere.

* Undocumented boomers shall be licensed to drive without regard to immigration status. All driver instruction and testing materials shall be in English.

* Blood relatives of undocumented boomers shall be eligible for the same reduced tuition rates offered to Mexican students in the nation legally. Immersion for the purpose of teaching Spanish is a failed concept and shall not even be attempted.

* Undocumented boomers shall be eligible to vote in Mexican elections without any requirement to prove identity.

* Grandchildren of undocumented boomers born in Mexico shall be Mexican citizens by virtue of their birth, regardless of the immigration status of their parents and grand parents, and

* Undocumented boomers are very sensitive and are easily offended. Therefore, Mexicans shall refrain from using terms like “illegal alien,” “Red Neck,” “Cracker,“or “Gringo” when addressing or discussing boomers.

In closing, Mr. President, let me assure you that undocumented boomers will attempt to do for Mexico what 38 million Mexican illegal aliens are currently doing to America!

With best regards and wishes for a diverse and free Mexico!

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By John W. Lillpop

Earlier this spring, President Obama ordered the firing of more than 160 cruise missiles into Libya. He justified his action on humanitarian grounds and declared that the conflict would be over in “days, not weeks.”

It was Obama doing his part to make the “Arab Spring” a resounding success. The fact that there was no vital American national interest involved seems to have been lost on our in-over-his-head college professor and community organizer.

More than 90 days later, Libya is still on fire and the Pentagon is reporting that the original cost estimates were vastly understated: Actual costs will approach $1 billion dollars.

Congress has insisted that Obama comply with the War Powers Resolution, which requires Congressional approval within 90 days of the initial military action.

Obama has refused to comply and has insulted the intelligence of the U.S. Congress and the American people by claiming that the U.S. was not involved in “hostilities.”

Let's be clear: One can fire 165 Tomahawk missiles and spend one billion dollars of taxpayer money on the war in Libya without violating the War Powers Act because there were/are no “hostilities” involved?

Mr. President, that has to be one of the most outrageous arguments that your administration has advanced to date.

Even if the “war” is refined as Kinetic Military Action, hostilities have taken place, many based on your orders as Commander-in-Chief.

War without hostilities: Yet another outrageous fairy tale promulgated by progressives in denial!

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By John W. Lillpop

The Republican Party is the last and only real hope that America has to reign in suicidal spending and insane debt accumulation by reckless liberals.

Raising the debt ceiling is an issue that provides the GOP with vital leverage in forcing Democrats to see sense.

However, GOP resolve on this issue appears to have developed somewhat of a crack as indicated at the story from the reference which states in part:

“WASHINGTON- Congress and the White House could raise the debt limit for a few months while they seek a comprehensive, long-term budget deal, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday.

The Obama administration has warned it will run out of money to pay the nation's bills if Congress does not raise the $14.3 trillion debt limit by August 2 -- a prospect that could push the country back into recession and upend global financial markets.

"The president and the vice president, everybody knows you have to tackle entitlement reform," McConnell said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"If we can't do that, then we'll probably end up with a very short-term proposal over, you know, a few months. And we'll be back having the same discussion again in the fall," McConnell said.”

With all due respect to Senator McConnell, given the history of this president and the Democrats, what in the world would cause anyone to believe that Democrats will any more open to reason a few months hence?

By agreeing to a “short-term” fix, Republicans will kick the can down the road, only to be bitten in the tush when autumn leaves start to fall and liberals remain blinded to truth.

Listen up, GOP! You have the leverage now—backing away (even slightly) will only embolden those who created the mess in the first place.

Bottom line: Deal with the debt ceiling now by demanding a dollar-for-dollar tradeoff with spending cuts.

Remember, your probation period expires in November 2012, which is only 17 months away. You can, and will, be booted out unless you cut government!


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Barack Obama’s 10 Commandments of War


By John W. Lillpop

President Obama’s actions in dealing with the crisis in Libya have revealed much about his progressive approach to war, near-war, and humanitarian intervention.

The Barack Obama 10 Commandments of War:

1. One must never call an intervention “war,” particularly when that is exactly what it is.

2. The contemplated use of American military force is always subject to approval by the United Nations Security Council.

3. Rulings made by the United Nations trump the will of the U.S. Congress.

4. The only thing worse than starting a war is actually winning one.

5. Surrender is the only “exit strategy” a progressive president will ever need.

6. Braggadocio about the U.S. military being the best and “number one” is no longer appropriate in this, the era of post-American Exceptionalism.

7. Because the U.S. military is no longer exceptional, Americans forces must never take the lead when only the best will do.

8. Gloating over military victory is in very poor taste and can lead to hurt feelings among the defeated. Better to apologize and promise to make diplomacy work next time.

9. Congressional pre-approval is always a Constitutional requirement—when the president is Republican.

10. Killing and maiming civilians is justifiable only when a president is engaged in humanitarian intervention to prevent the killing and maiming of citizens,but only after approval by the UN.
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Beware the Hazards of Clinical Liberalism



Satire by John W. Lillpop

Recognizing when one’s mind has been infested with clinical liberalism is vital information that one must be aware of order to survive in an ever-increasingly dangerous world where liberals are tolerated, even encouraged, in some quarters.

This simple, yet scientific, test has been programmed to evaluate “liberal quotient,” which is the exact opposite of intelligence quotient, and normally portends serious mental and moral defects.

The test:

1. Abortion

A. The privacy provision in the U.S. Constitution was authored by:

( ) Roe V. Wade, one of the original founding fathers
( ) Sandra Day O’Connor
( ) Paid lobbyists for Planned Parenthood and Code Pink

B. Abortions should be:

( ) Mandatory for all unmarried women.
( ) Included in universal health care coverage paid for by the government.
( ) Funded by eliminating the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

2. Global War on Terror

The war on terror is:

( ) A term that deeply offends Muslims and should, therefore, be expunged from all government communications.
( ) Lost: The terrorists have won and America should surrender immediately.
( ) Yet another failed policy of George W. Bush, which has been inherited.

3. Taxes

Higher taxes:

( ) Stimulate economic growth and create millions of secure, high paying jobs.
( ) Are needed to keep overachievers modestly modest
( ) Should be paid by any family with an annual income in excess of $7,450

4. Energy and Dependence on Foreign Oil

A. Drilling for new oil reserves in America is:

( ) Prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.
( ) Sure to irritate Muslim leaders whom Obama should be working with, rather than against.
( ) Unnecessary if automobiles are outlawed.

B. Additional refining capacity would:

( ) Increase demand, thereby causing more global warming.
( ) Be the moral equivalent of the Holocaust.
( ) Be OK in blue states if built by brown illegal aliens.

C. The best option for dealing with the high cost of gasoline is to:

( ) Ignore it. Americans drive too much as it is.
( ) Raise gasoline taxes $5.50 per gallon to reduce demand.
( ) Cut off supplies to Red states.

5. Illegal Immigration

A. Illegal immigration is:

( ) Needed by liberals in order to win elections.
( ) A misnomer. They are actually undocumented Democrats!
( ) Mexico’s chief export.

B. Border security should be:

( ) Ignored, because we need cheap lettuce.
( ) Ignored, because we need cheap lettuce and more Democrats.
( ) Put on hold until the Obama Administration fixes Afghanistan.

C. The fence between the United States and Mexico is:

( ) Unconstitutional. It discriminates against Mexicans too fat to scale a fence.
( ) A good idea if it will stop the Minutemen from invading Mexico.

D. Obama’s proposed immigration reform scheme:

( ) Will work if guest workers are required to join a labor union.
( ) Sounds like amnesty, but Mexicans here illegally deserve amnesty!

E. Janet Napolitano, Home Land Security Boss and a Democrat

( ) Thinks ‘’Minutemen’’ is a reference to the sexual staying power of Border Patrol agents.
( ) Believes that the 12-40 million people who have ignored our borders and invaded America are “Newly Arrived Refugees” who deserve respect and a path to citizenship

6. Liberal Understanding of Islam

A. Ramadan:

( ) Is a scared Muslim ritual that has been commercialized into a national hotel chain—Ramada Inn—by greedy American capitalists.
( ) Is not covered by constitutional separation of church and
state, because the founding fathers were all Christian Caucasians.

B. The Koran:

( ) Should be required reading in U.S. schools starting in Kindergarten
( ) Was used in the second swearing-in procedure for Barack Obama to the presidency
( ) Is needed to counter Judeo-Christian propaganda found in the Bible.

C. Mosques:

( ) Are holy sanctuaries, except when used to plot nuclear attacks against Israel.
( ) Are never used to hide weapons, except during time of war. Because of infidels, Islam has always been, and will always be, at war.

D. The practice of rewarding martyrs with 72 virgins:

( ) Makes far more sense that the Christian myth about a virgin giving birth to a Jew come to save the world.
( ) Assures that Allah will always have a large contingent of dedicated, virile young men eager to give their very lives for the righteous cause of Islam.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed this objective assessment of your vulnerability as a practicing liberal.

Because we understand that self-esteem and confidence are very fragile commodities to liberals, we provide neither answers nor grades to this test. This is essential to protect those who may have performed poorly.

But rest assured that you did GREAT-- like everyone else, regardless of sex, nationality, race, language, sexual preference, age, blah, blah, blah!
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By John W. Lillpop

As a point of reference, racist is formally defined as follows:

Racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.

In the on-line dictionary from which that definition was derived, the word "white" was omitted before the word "person," no doubt the product of biased editing by a red-necked scalawag from the Old South still immersed in denial.

Keeping the formal definition above in mind, compare it to the applications used by politically correct progressives, ever watchful for wedge issues with which to divide the American people.

According to progressives, you are a racist if you:

*Are on record as believing that American culture, including contributions made by angry white Christian men, has produced the greatest and most successful society in human history;

*Get goose bumps and shivers up and down your spine when Old Glory is feted or when the Star Spangled Banner is performed;

*Believe that America is a sovereign nation and, as such, perfectly justified in securing our borders against invasion by illegal aliens and other criminals;

*Believe that the rule of law is a basic tenet of American democracy, and, as such, inviolable;

*Believe that federal spending and the $14 trillion dollar national debt are destroyng the nation and agree with Paul Ryan's Blueprint for Propserity;

*Support enforcement of the Immigration Reform Control Act of 1986;

*Are proud of the English language, and support making English the official language of commerce, law, education, and culture in America;

*Oppose affirmative action, bilingualism and other reverse discrimination outrages;

*Watch FOX News for more than three hours in any given calendar quarter;

*Believe that the federal government should prevent illegal aliens from taking over American streets to demand rights and benefits reserved for U.S. citizens;

*Believe that Uncle Sam has an obligation to round up and deport illegal aliens, particularly during time of war;

*Believe that legislation is urgently needed to prevent illegal aliens from using "anchor babies" to circumvent U.S. law;

*Adamantly oppose amnesty, defined as anything short of deportation;

*Regard "Sanctuary Cities" as serious violations of federal law that should cause city officials to be arrested and prosecutedl

*Believe that in-state tuition breaks, driver's licenses, and other progressive hand outs serve only to attract even more illegal aliens and should be unlawful;

*Oppose the use of taxpayer funds to print ballots, government information, and educational materials in languages other than English;

*Own two or more American flags and participate in tawdry displays of excessive Americanism on Flag Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and other patriotic holidays;

* Have knowingly registered or, perish the thought, voted Republican within the past 50 years;

*Failed to vote for Barack Obama and/or are among those who disapprove of his incompetent, biased, dangerous presidency;

*Are Caucasian, or look suspiciously like a Caucasian.

Please note that this checklist does not apply to African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or Native Americans because people from those racial and ethnic backgrounds are genetically incapable of being racists!

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By John W. Lillpop

Alabama’s new immigration law combines common sense and rule of law in a manner that protects the rights and property of American citizens against assault by foreign illegal aliens. The measure is based on legitimate concerns involving home land security, unemployment among U.S. citizens, financial crisis in America, and preservation of American culture and language.

Those are not reason enough for some religious leaders who play the J word—Jesus—in opposing the law.

As reported, in part, at the reference:

“Some church groups are speaking out against Alabama's new law against illegal immigration, which they say violates Christian principles.

Leaders of the United Methodist Church, the Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church and the Roman Catholic Church have all criticized the law as running counter to the Bible's teaching about loving others. Episcopal Bishop Henry N. Parsley of Birmingham calls its passage "a sad moment for our state."

The state's largest denomination, the Alabama Baptist Convention, hasn't taken a position publicly. But the latest edition of its widely read state newspaper, The Alabama Baptist, includes a front-page story that features Hispanic worries about the new law.
The Nevada-based Mormons issued a statement saying they are worried about tough state immigration statutes the day after Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley signed the law.”

Where, in the name of Jesus Christ, is concern for American citizens? Illegal aliens violate our borders, steal public services such as education, medical care, food, and shelter intended to provide a safety net for citizens.

Would Jesus support the invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation by millions of foreign aliens, invasions which cost taxpayers dearly, and which lead to deterioration of the established culture and language?

Did Jesus not counsel, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”?

Is there not a Commandment among the Big 10 which forbids stealing?

Further, why are the churches not directly funding health care, education, etc. for illegal aliens rather than having those costs dumped on the back of taxpayers, where said cost exceeds $100 billion a year?

Question to those self-righteous hypocrites who oppose rule of law and basic fairness: What if legislation was passed to revoke the tax-exempt status of your institutions to fund the care and nurturing of illegal aliens?

Would your crying bleeding hearts be so compassionate if your pocket books were involved?

MSNBC host Chris Matthews recently used the term “culturally-backward Christians” to describe those whom were most bothered by the Anthony Weiner scandal.

His was dead wrong on that score, but his question may have application to how certain faiths come down on the side of invading criminals.

The question, “Are religious leaders who oppose common sense and rule of law when it comes to illegal aliens ‘Culturally backward’?”

Just asking.

Are Religious Leaders Who Oppose Alabama’s New Immigration Law 'Culturally Backward'?
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Weiner Thanks Parents for “Values”!

By John Lillpop

Anthony Weiner IS a sick, sick man.

To prove it, while giving his resignation speech, which brought to an end a scandalous career involving debauchery, exhibitionism, distribution of pornographic materials over the Internet, possible violations of law with respect to underage girls, and lord knows how many other federal, state, and local laws he may have violated, the deranged little man said:

“And I want to thank my mother and father for instilling in me the values that brought me this far .” (Paraphrase)

Thank them?

Good heavens, this wacko has just been forced to give up a position in the U.S. House, is headed for rehabilitation and may face felony charges and prison time!

A more appropriate response would have been for Weiner to Tweet Erick Holder and demand that his parents be arrested for child abuse! Attach those crotch shots as hard evidence, Mr. Weiner!
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By John W. Lillpop

Why is it that so many Hispanics refuse to assimilate into American culture, even refusing to speak English?

Hispanics often deny that that is the case, but as stated at the link, in part, one Texas Congressman grew very angry at one Hispanic's Spanish testimony:

State Sen. Chris Harris (R-Arlington) spoke for many Americans when he interrupted the Spanish-language testimony of a citizen of 23 years against the Sanctuary Cities ban (SB9), to say it was "insulting" for the man not to speak English. This goes right to the heart of everything that is wrong with those who advocate for illegals and La Raza. The seperatism. The sense of entitlement. The contempt for our common language that prior immigrants always hurried to adopt. God bless you Sen. Harris for speaking for all of us!"

Indeed he does. Thank you Senator Harris.

America needs to make English the official language of the nation. Period!
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By John W. Lillpop

Huma Abedin, the beautiful, sophisticated woman who is married to ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, simply does not deserve the heartbreak and humiliation heaped upon her by as a result of the errant behavior of her perverted spouse.

Thank goodness Huma did not “stand by her man” as Weiner announced his resignation. This was to be Weiner’s day of judgment, at least two weeks late, and he deserved to stand alone in his moment of ultimate shame and defeat.

The U.S. House is better without Weiner and he deserves no pity or sympathy from anyone.

Huma Abedin, however, deserves all the support and help she can get, including prayer and sympathy.

May her God bless and keep her get through this tragic betrayal. And may the same blessings apply to the unborn baby that Huma carries in her womb.

Undeserved Heartbreak, Humiliation for Huma Abedin
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While America Faces Economic Armageddon, Harry Reid Wants To Spend More on ILLEGALS!


By John W. Lillpop

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is reputed to have been quite the pugilist is his youth. Perhaps that explains his inexplicable obsession with rewarding people who have invaded our nation with special treatment and perks?

Harry Reid, friend of millions of illegal aliens with no moral or legal basis for being here. Harry Reid, enemy of U.S. sovereignty, the rule of law, secure borders and American citizens.

Was it a right-hook to the forehead that did you in Senator? A devastating knock-out punch that caused you to become a liberal Democrat and blithering malcontent who champions illegals over American citizens?

As reported at reference 1, Senator Reid is again stoking the fire of controversy by pandering to illegal aliens, especially Hispanics, for future votes.

At a time when America is on the brink on financial crisis, what with unsustainable deficit spending, high unemployment, record levels of bankruptcy and foreclosures, and a housing market more collapsed than during the Great Depression, why in the hell in this Democrat leader working on behalf of people who do even not belong here, and who already cost American taxpayers more than $110 billion a year?

Let’s be clear: Illegal aliens are ILLEGAL. They should not be here! America owes these people nothing except a one-way ticket back to Mexico or other third-world nation of origin!

Reid’s latest punch to the groin of American citizens is in marked contrast to what Reid was saying back in 1993 when
his office released the following statements (in bold) concerning illegal immigration:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, (I) today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care, and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country.”

Reid’s bill, titled the “Immigration Stabilization Act,” overhauls the nation's immigration laws, and calls for a massive scale-down of immigrants allowed into the country. The bill also changes asylum laws to prevent phony asylum seekers.

Reid said the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens.

The senator continued:

"We are a country founded upon fairness and justice. An individual in real threat of torture or long-term incarceration because of his or her political beliefs can still seek asylum. But this bill closes the door to those who want to abuse America's inherent generosity and legal system.”

"Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

Specific provisions proposed by the senator in the Immigration Stabilization Act include:

* Reduces annual legal immigration levels. Relatives other than spouse or minor children admitted only if already on immigration waiting lists and their admission does not raise annual immigration levels above approved level.

* Reforms asylum rules to prevent aliens from entering the United States illegally under phony "asylum" claims.

* Expands list of felonies considered "aggravated" felonies requiring exclusion and deportation of criminal aliens. Allows courts to order deportation at time of sentencing.

* Increases penalties for failing to depart or re-entering the United States after a final order of deportation order. Increases maximum penalties for visa fraud from five years to 10 years.

* Curtails alien smuggling by authorizing interdiction and repatriation of aliens seeking to enter the United States unlawfully by sea. Increases penalties for alien smuggling.

* Adds "alien smuggling" to the list of crimes subject to sanctions under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

* Expands the categories of property that are forfeited when used to facilitate the smuggling or harboring of illegal aliens.

* Clarifies that a person born in the United States to an alien mother who is not a lawful resident is not a U.S. citizen. This will eliminate incentive for pregnant alien women to enter the United States illegally, often at risk to mother and child, for the purpose of acquiring citizenship for the child and accompanying federal financial benefits.

* Mandates that aliens who cannot demonstrably support themselves without public or private assistance are excludable. This will prevent admission of aliens likely to be dependent on public financial support. This requirement extends to the sponsor of any family sponsored immigrant.

* Increases border security and patrol officer positions.

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) introduced the Immigration Stabilization Act in the United States Senate in 1993. The statements quoted above are from a press release issued by Reid’s office on August 5, 1993.

How is it that Harry Reid was exactly right more than 18 years ago, but is so completely wrong now? Why does Reid oppose programs he once sponsored now that the problem is seven times greater after 9/11?

In the spring of 2006, while the U.S. Senate was debating legislation to make English the official U.S. language, Reid even saw fit to drag out the R word to slander those who supported the English bill.

And, of course, Reid has voted for Mexico and against America every time the U.S. Senate has considered amnesty.

Harry Reid: Against illegal immigration, before he was for it!


Reference 1

Ref 2:
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