By John W. Lillpop
Government exists, at the will of the people, to provide a common defense against enemies of America, both foreign and domestic. We the people neither need, nor want, government bureaucrats telling us what to eat, how to raise children, what light bulbs to use, or other matters best left in the hands of the family.
America was founded by men and women strong in the Christian faith. Denying our religious heritage for the purpose of politically-correct inclusion is morally wrong.
Government has neither the resources nor the expertise to provide health care, to educate our youth, or to create jobs. In these ,as well as in most areas of life, government serves we the people best by getting out of the way!
Racism is a wretched evil, made all the more damaging by its devastating impact on the human spirit. On the other hand, alleging racism, where it does not exist, for political, social, or economic gain is just as evil.
Using the tax code to punish the accomplished in order to reward the less talented and bone idle is un-American and immoral. Taxes depress economic growth and the creation of jobs for American citizens and should always be challenged and opposed.
Every dollar paid in taxes is one less dollar available to private enterprise for job creation.
The use of armed military force should be limited to situations involving a vital national interest of the United States. No president, regardless of how brilliant, should make war(or Kinetic whatever) without the consent of Congress.
Illegal immigration is a serious breach of borders and rule of law which harms America’s economy, employment, education, culture, and homeland security, and which costs American taxpayers more than $110 billion a year. Exploiting this issue as a means for growing the Democrat Party base rather than enforcing the rule of law to protect American citizens is un-American and immoral.
There is nothing racist about defending American sovereignty, language and culture. On the other hand, racism is abundant when foreigners come here illegally and refuse to learn English and refuse to assimilate into American society.
Character, integrity, and fidelity do matter! Without these qualities, no politician can possibly serve we the people.
Morality is the basis of a strong character, high integrity and real fidelity. Without morality we would all need to be carrying around weapons in order to survive. Those who poo-poo morality and think that they have the freedom to do anything they want to anyone they want and get away with it are slidding down the slippery path to a police state. Freedom as I understand it allows us to do what we ought to do and not anything we want to do. Freedom in America is attributable to our Constitution but it is also attributable to Western Christian traditions. Western Christianity laid the foundation for Freedom as we understand it. When we attempt to divorce our Freedom from Christian morality we are going to get into trouble in that we will begin to abuse that Freedom and eventually we will lose it. We will degenerate into an anti-religious culture which in turn will degenerate into a Socialist culture which in turn will degenerate into a Communist culture. That is exactly the road on which we are not slidding downward to which will result in societal suicide. We will be all equally poor, equally miserable, equally fooled, equally treated and be totally without hope. Human beings are not equal. Some are smarter, some are more spiritual, some are more atlethic, some are physically stronger, some are more observant, some are more mathematical, some are more elequent in speech, some have more leadership skills, some are more technically inclined, some are geniuses, some have a flair for farming, some have a flair for the arts, etc. No one is equal. Equality is a false God. But we should all have equal opportunity to do what we ought to do, i.e., to exert our freedom.
Stop buying the socialist nonsense and think for yourself. If you want a real sound blueprint for living read the Christian Bible every day. And you will know why you are here and what you ought to be doing (plying your freedom). We have been sold a bill of goods by the media, the socialists, the communists, and the morally challenged. Don't buy their foolishness...think for yourself.
"America was founded by men and women strong in the Christian faith. Denying our religious heritage for the purpose of politically-correct inclusion is morally wrong." stated above.
Comment: Denying our religious heritage is not only morally wrong but in direct opposition to what the Founding Fathers made their sacrifices for in the Founding of America. It is in direct contradiction to what they wanted and believed in the breaking away from English arrogance.