john t. tuhey's Posts (2)

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My blog comment rephrased incorrectly

In my comment on the existing state of this country-whoever rephrases comments made a wrong
assumption-The first sentence indicates that I ,the writer, am a disinterested citizen. That was not my intention . I am a concerned citizen who realizes how wrong the voting public of this past election
was in choosing a Marxist as their President. I visit New York City frequently and see how blind
the majority of its citizenry is Their devotion to Obama and his marxist followers is proof of my
claim that the young voters of this country have lost their minds and voted for this bad President.
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Three reasons for the demise of this country

l. A disinterested ,indifferent citizen, who wanted "Change" at any cost. I am disgusted by the
huge numbers of young and old citizens who were willing to hand this country over to a Marxist
groups of rogues who treat all voterrs as ignorant children who need a dictator to make all
decisions for them.
2. An educational system that has been fashioned by leftist Marxist to brainwash all impressionable
young people and teach t hem how bad and evil our country is.. It is evident that our once reputable Ivy League institutions are now advocates for a marxist President and are dedicated to
teaching their students to hate democracy and love socialism.
3. The American family is next to non-existent -when it comes to teaching their children to
love this country, its wonderful exemplary history , and its core Constitution. We have become
members of groups rather than a group of people who are Americans first, who will fight to
remain free, and who value all those virtues that made America the coutry that the world looked to
as beacon of liberty , intgegrity, honesty, and faith in Almighty God.
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