My blog comment rephrased incorrectly

In my comment on the existing state of this country-whoever rephrases comments made a wrong
assumption-The first sentence indicates that I ,the writer, am a disinterested citizen. That was not my intention . I am a concerned citizen who realizes how wrong the voting public of this past election
was in choosing a Marxist as their President. I visit New York City frequently and see how blind
the majority of its citizenry is Their devotion to Obama and his marxist followers is proof of my
claim that the young voters of this country have lost their minds and voted for this bad President.
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  • John, I am the creator of this site and I would like to know more. I didn't rephrased your blog, maybe you have someone else with your passwords? Or published the wrong version? Many people write their posts on Word and then copy and paste it onto the blog spot.

    Please send me a link to you orginial posting.
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