stephen feldmeier's Posts (6)

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Do you know Why Common Core is such a failure and a well deserved hated standard? Two major reasons.

The state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards was launched in 2009 by state leaders, including governors and state commissioners of education from 48 states, two territories and the District of Columbia, through their membership in the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). State school chiefs and governors recognized the value of consistent, real-world learning goals and launched this effort to ensure all students, regardless of where they live, are graduating high school prepared for college, career, and life.

This was taken straight from the website. So for starters it was developed by a combination of 48 states and all of those personnel. You this in this magnitude it now becomes federal. So this is problem 1.

Now for problem 2 and I see it as the most important problem who in the list of the people mentioned were NOT involved in the development process? Who are the people that have the major influence of the child? The PARENTS

This is why this is such hated across the country. The parents not given the opportunity for any input to this standard and also they don't have the voice to oppose the standard.

This is why a good tool such as the common core became trash. It became federal and it purposely left out the parenting of the parents during the school years of the child's growth.

If elected president the use of the common core would be held to a city level if three or more schools are involved or at the county level. The people involved are only the teachers and the board of parents. No state officials will be present. The parents and the teachers will review texts books, study materials and alike for each grade of school. The parents and teachers will approve the curriculum.

To more in details go to and see the page on education.  

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Just by watching this video this is just the tip of the iceberg of the constitutional rights the ATF has violated. There was a reason why Carter, Reagen, and Bush wanted to do away with the ATF. If elected president that would be the first agency to be dismantled. see more on this go to

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The Common Core Curriculum

       The Common Core Curriculum is nothing more than a PowerPoint program. The program was designed by a major college to use to help students through college. The professors would put the whole year of lesson plans into a guide for students to follow. It broke down the year into weeks to let the students know that on a certain day they will be covering certain materials out of a certain book. That way they can study ahead or if they were falling behind they can go back and restudy certain portions. This was called the Common Core Curriculum.

     The problem is that the government got a hold this program and wrote onto it the indoctrination our children. If a state receives federal funding then this is what you will be teaching your children.

     So now what do we do to fix this? We use the Common Core Curriculum to our advantage.

    Rather it being a city school system with multi schools involved or a county school system with several schools involved these school systems can use this program to their advantage by rewriting the content.

   You would have a board of concerned parents at the city level and at the county level along with a board of teachers reviewing the text books determining what text books to use or study material to use. These boards then would make out the whole school year lesson plan thru this Common Core Curriculum. After it's written the parents, the teachers, the students would all have a copy as to know what your child is being taught on a daily bases.

This is a valuable tool if used the right way, the local way, the parents way, and the teachers way!

To see more on this see

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I'm running for president - go to to see my views of Russia and China and the handling of this situation is spiraling out of control, as China is starting to send rhetoric backing Russia. This is nothing more but to rattle Obama's cage further. The more the United States talks and promises not to use military force the more military forces Putin is putting into the Ukrainian region to fend off the Ukrainian Army.

If you have read anything about him he is equivalent to Stalin as far as the Soviet Doctrine is concerned. One thing Putin has forgotten is that today's Russian is not the same as the Russian that was back in the 1960's.

People in Russia like free travel aboard and somewhat of free elections and they also like Capitalism. Putin behavior with Crimea is starting to turn the Russians against him. Its the same as if we Americans went into Jamaica and forcefully took it over and made it our 51st state. We like Jamaica, we like visiting Jamaica but that does not give us the right to just take it over. 96% of the American population would also be against it .

 There is only one way to stop Putin. Putin Knows that he is treading in deep water and if Western Europe won't put up any kind of resistance what so ever he takes this as an approval.

So what do we do? If I were president I would move the military force we have in Europe in put it Poland as Poland has requested. When Putin see's a line of American tanks pointed at his ragged tagged army he will back out of Crimea. I would also send three squadrons of A-10's to Poland. The Russians fear the A-10's more than they do any other aircraft we. The tank is the back bone of the Russian Army. The A-10 is the backbone of our defenses.

 Remember more than 60% of the Russian hardware is inoperative. They have no true blue water navy anymore. The Russians only have two oversea naval ports and both of those are in the Black Sea. One in Syria and one in Crimea. The Russians only have 1 operational ship in the Black Sea

Putin knows the United State Military alone can annihilate his army. So with the Nato countries behind the United States Putin has no chance. He knows this.

But in Putin defense, the day Putin feels he can win a conventional war with the United States, he will attack the United States. The sooner the Russians get rid of Putin the more stable Russia will become.

For those of you who will post that we have no business in Ukraine, google Budapest Memorandum 1994. 

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