The Common Core Curriculum is nothing more than a PowerPoint program. The program was designed by a major college to use to help students through college. The professors would put the whole year of lesson plans into a guide for students to follow. It broke down the year into weeks to let the students know that on a certain day they will be covering certain materials out of a certain book. That way they can study ahead or if they were falling behind they can go back and restudy certain portions. This was called the Common Core Curriculum.
The problem is that the government got a hold this program and wrote onto it the indoctrination our children. If a state receives federal funding then this is what you will be teaching your children.
So now what do we do to fix this? We use the Common Core Curriculum to our advantage.
Rather it being a city school system with multi schools involved or a county school system with several schools involved these school systems can use this program to their advantage by rewriting the content.
You would have a board of concerned parents at the city level and at the county level along with a board of teachers reviewing the text books determining what text books to use or study material to use. These boards then would make out the whole school year lesson plan thru this Common Core Curriculum. After it's written the parents, the teachers, the students would all have a copy as to know what your child is being taught on a daily bases.
This is a valuable tool if used the right way, the local way, the parents way, and the teachers way!
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