Featured Posts (68)
Dear Tea Party Command Center Patriots and Admin Personnel:
After much thought and prayer, I’ve decided to inform you, who have been like family to me over the years, that I have recently been informed that I may possibly be headed for my fourth bout with cancer, which has forced me to reevaluate my priorities in life and, as a result, I’m sad to say that, after approximately fourteen years of 24/7 research and almost daily blogging about current events that I believed were negatively affecting this great Country/Republic of ours that I dearly love and honorably served for twenty years as a Marine Corps Mustang officer, I’ve decided to use whatever remaining days/months/years that my Creator may graciously grant me to concentrate on spending more time with my loving and supportive wife of 55 years and our four loving sons, fifteen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers because prayers have worked miracles in my life since my first bout with cancer in 2004 and, although I know that I’m living on borrowed time, I’ll never stop enjoying life with my family, Comrades and friends to the fullest extent until the day that my Creator decides to take me home.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank those of you that have taken the time to read my numerous blogs that I’ve posted on Tea Party Command Center Blogger Spot over the years. I also wanted to thank Dee and Melony from Admin for their hard work and unwavering support required to keep the Tea Party Command Center Blogger Spot not only active, but relevant over the many years that I’ve been a member.
Note: What follows is my blog 'Theme and Disclaimer,' which I believe is extremely important to share with all of you because it provides you with some background information that plainly explains how and why I decided to start blogging approximately fourteen years ago-You Decide:
Theme and Disclaimer:
Note: What follows are my latest blogs that were recently posted on Tea Party Command Center Blogging Spot:
Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One (Part 89)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-March 31, 2022:
Was Texas and other states deliberately targeted? (Part 43)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 25, 2022:
Biden: I Don't Have Any of the Facts on Colorado, But We Definitely Need a Gun Ban (Part 2)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 23, 2021:
God Bless-Take care, stay healthy/safe and, most important, keep up the good fight for this great Country/Republic of ours.
Semper Fi!
Captain, USMC, Retired
Braggartly Lame-Stream Media News—like all mainstream and social media will be scrambling to attract viewers and readers in the aftermath of Election 2020 as the unvarnished truth comes streaming out.
Media, Not President Will Be Big Loser On Election Night!! President Donald Trump won’t be the predicted-by-polls big loser on Election Night, the bully mainstream and social media will be. More than anything else, the outcome of Election 2020 will prove that bullying citizens into voting for the candidate you want to win the presidency just doesn’t work.
And all Lame-Brain News gave Trump were negative poll headlines. With a second Trump victory protecting them from a Socialist state, voters will prove that they trusted the media-maligned president far more than they ever did the media.
Nonetheless, the Democrat-media gang-up will do everything within their power to delay the results of the November 3 vote, writing off the delay to needing to make sure that “every vote counts”. They want the masses—already in a 7-month-long Lockdown to go to bed dejected, not knowing who won the Election on the Big Night, while the Mail-in-Ballot fairies work their magic.
Hate, spite, doom spreading and fear mongering is the Democrat stock in trade and has been ever since the 2016 election of Donald Trump cut off their long held power.
In the aftermath of Election 2020, the media will be desperately trying to do everything to claw back lost gravitas, clicks and relevance as distributors of “the news”.
This will include the powerful Lame-Blame News.
‘Trump rally gives Fox News largest Saturday night audience in its history’, headline, June 22, 2020. The headline could also have read: ‘And all Lane-stream News gave Trump were negative poll headlines’.
Conservatives do not watch ESPN, MSNBC and CNN, and more of them are not tuning into you these days. “President Trump’s rally on Saturday attracted a record-setting audience on TV despite the smaller-than-expected crowd in attendance at the Tulsa, Okla., event. (Fox News)
“A whopping 7.7 million total viewers tuned into Fox News from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT during Trump’s remarks, making it the most watched Saturday in the network’s history during that time period, according to early Nielsen data.
Notice how they just had to squeeze into their crowing: “despite the smaller-than-expected crowd in attendance at the Tulsa, Okla., event” ?
“Trump’s State of the Union address is the only telecast on Fox News in 2020 to outdraw the 9 p.m. hour of Trump’s speech on Saturday, which averaged 8.2 million total viewers.
“By comparison, ESPN’s coverage of the NFL Draft’s opening night averaged 8 million, MSNBC’s most-watched Democratic primary debate averaged 7.7 million and CNN’s most-watched weekday Democratic primary debate averaged 7.4 million.”
Hello Fox, quit with the comparisons unless you include independent RSB (Right Side Broadcasting).
Conservatives do not watch ESPN, MSNBC and CNN, and more of them are not tuning into you these days.
Stats indicate that Cable Television is dying.
“The Trump campaign has stated that even more viewers tuned in when including the significant audience that watched via streaming platforms. (Fox News)
“President Trump’s rally in Tulsa attracted over 4 million unique viewers across all of the campaign’s digital media channels. The live-streamed pre-rally shows drew an audience of more than 2.5 million unique viewers by themselves,” Trump 2020 communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement.
Not everybody watches Trump’s rallies on Fox News, hundreds of thousands watch them live streamed by Right Side Broadcasting, which does a better job than Fox, with RSB’s retinue of enthused amateur journalists—who are the only ones who pan the crowd allowing the audience to see the massive throngs.
Braggartly Fox News—like all mainstream and social media will be scrambling to attract viewers and readers in the aftermath of Election 2020 as the unvarnished truth comes streaming out.
Part of that truth will be seeing whether the negative-to-Trump election-year polls conducted by Fox News were presenting the truth or laying the groundwork for the election of corrupt Joe Biden in an election campaign environment where everyone only wants to vote for a winner.
Election 2020 will show us the truth.
Don’t Let Social Media Mess You Up!, Go Directly To Your Source!!
While, Google, Facebook, Twitter are messing up little people on storm-tossed political seas in the dead of night, beacons like the New York Post, OAN, TeaParty.org, The Epoch Times, Whatfinger, Breitbart illuminate the coastline for all who are lost!
The takeaway from the gang-up censorship of Google, Facebook and Twitter trying to hide the New York Post story that purports to show emails from Hunter Biden linking his father to his Ukraine business dealings is for Patriots to go directly to the source.
Patriot truth seekers should bypass Google, Facebook and Twitter by going directly to the New York Post, which is in effect, returning to the once iconic newsies’ call, “Extra, Extra, read all about it!”
Mighty and totalitarian as they are Google, Facebook and Twitter can’t stop masses surfing the ‘Net from typing three little words “New York Post” on their devices, calling up the Biden Burisma story—word for word.
Social Media can’t possibly stop Patriots from knowing the name of the New York Post. They cannot stop them from going wherever they want to go on the so-called ‘Information Highway’.
Today’s headline on Fox News, ‘Senate Republicans call on Twitter, Facebook bosses to testify amid censorship claims , say subpoenas in works’; ‘Critics claim social platforms have been censoring reporting critical of Democrats’, is a joke.
Censorship “claims”?
It’s long been a fact of life that social media is censoring Republicans, Conservatives, Christians—and anyone else with whom they beg to differ.
“Republican Sens. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Josh Hawley on Thursday called on the heads of Twitter and Facebook to testify, and said a subpoena was in the works, as critics claimed the social media platforms have been censoring reporting critical of Democrats. (Fox News, Oct. 15, 2020)
“This is election interference and we’re 19 days out from an election,” Cruz, R-Texas, said. “It has no precedent in the history of democracy. The Senate Judiciary Committee wants to know what the hell is going on.”
“The Senate Judiciary Committee leaders announced they will vote on a subpoena Tuesday for Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, to testify before the committee on Friday, Oct. 23. Hawley said he hoped the committee would vote to subpoena Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, too.
WHAT ACTION?!! That would be one week before the Nov. 3 election, and four years too late, if you’re still counting, fellas!
“A Facebook spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment, while Twitter declined to comment on the GOP requests to appear on Capitol Hill.” (Fox News)
Don’t worry, they’ll get back to the Senate Committee after election.
“The action comes as both Twitter and Facebook took steps to stop the widespread dissemination of an explosive New York Post report this week that purports to show emails from Hunter Biden linking his father to his Ukraine business dealings.” (Fox News)
WHAT ACTION?!! "Stop pussyfooting around, fellas, the Democrats are trying to take your Republic into a Socialist Hell, 19 days from now in a 2020 Mail-in Vote Election—after which some of you may not even be there. (Fox News)
Subpoenaing the joker CEOs of Google, Facebook and Twitter will do no good because they will only lie and refuse to answer questions during testimony—just as they did in 2018.Back there, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was given a chair cushion to add to his height.
Back there, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was given a chair cushion to add to his height.
Arrogant creeps that they are, they will also LOVE the publicity. “The Senate Judiciary Committee wants to know what the hell is going on”, Senator Cruz?
They know what’s been going on, because the same thing went on during the 2016 election campaign, when the Senate Judiciary Committee and the GOP at large—with the exception of Donald Trump—did ZERO about it.
The masses are way ahead of the committee, being aware that the strategies of the Democrat-media gang-up are boomeranging back on them.
Just as their unrelenting vitriol hatred of Trump has made the president the quintessential underdog of all time, Social Media playing fast and loose with Internet surfers is coming about at the worst time—for them.
Uncountable millions are all at home in government-mandated lockdown with nothing much more to do than surf the ‘Net and join the Command Center.
Flipping the bird to the diabolic narcissists who run social media. It’s not We the People who are up against it, but the Communist China-friendly purveyors of propaganda in the social media who really are.
Meanwhile, while Google, Facebook and Twitter are messing little people up on storm-tossed political seas in the dead of night, beacons like the New York Post, OAN, The Epoch Times, Whatfinger and Breitbart illuminate the coastline for all who are lost.
Nothing’s stopping folk from going directly to their sources, flipping the bird to the diabolic narcissists who run social media.
You are not lost go to the source and of course the best source is TeaParty.org and TeaPartyorg.ning.com
Pelosi and Raskin are out there with media support trying to get rid of President Trump in COUP-COUP land. ’Today’s New York Post headline is hilariously dead-on: Nancy Pelosi’s “COUP-COUP”!
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says her team is “going to be talking about the 25th Amendment” on Friday — the latest in a long line of nutty Democratic fantasies of getting rid of President Trump. (NY Post, Oct. 8, 2020)
“Pelosi, who hasn’t actually talked to the prez in months, claims to think he’s mentally off thanks to his COVID-19 treatments (or something). Yet she’s only exposing (again) Democrats’ own Trump Derangement Syndrome, because this potential coup is an obvious non-starter.
Unfortunately, Pelosi is not the only nutty Dem in public office. “Trump’s “disassociation from reality would be funny if it weren’t so deadly,” she claimed — just because he’s made his usual fast-changing threats and offers over the relief bill that Democrats have stalled in Congress.
“The 25th Amendment allows for temporary ouster of a disabled president, but it requires the active participation of a majority of his cabinet — or the Republican Senate’s assent to setting up some other body to rule on his fitness. The prez just gave an hour-long interview to Maria Bartiromo — pretty compelling proof that he’s clicking on all cylinders. And there is no provision for removing a president just because Pelosi is offended by his existence.”
Pelosi shows up these days wearing face masks that match her outfit du jour.
At this morning’s press conference, she wore a blue and white face mask matching her electric blue dress.
Yet when she showed up at a local beauty salon for a dye job earlier this month, she wore a bare face.
Unfortunately, Pelosi is not the only nutty Dem in public office:
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Jamie Raskin are introducing a bill on Friday to form a commission that would rule on the president’s fitness for office in order to “enable Congress to help ensure effective and uninterrupted leadership” in the presidency. (CBS, Oct. 9, 2020)
“This panel, called the Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office, would be “the body and process called for in the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” Pelosi and Raskin’s offices said in a statement on Thursday.”
These days there’s a Commission on Presidential Everything—including a Commission on Presidential Debates that yesterday saw debate monitor Steve Scully checking in with former White House Director of Communications Anthony ‘Scare-a-Moochie’ to see whether he should respond to a Tweet by President Trump.
In his press conference with Pelosi today, Raskin used the term “government actors” the president could possibly infect with the Coronavirus.
Raskin was right. There’s a lot of government actors running at large out there.
“At the press conference announcing the bill on Friday morning, Pelosi insisted that the bill was not intended to determine President Trump’s fitness of office.
“This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of voters. But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents,” Pelosi said.
“The 25th Amendment provides the procedure for the vice president to take over the duties of president in case of his death, resignation or inability to perform his duties. The amendment says that when the vice president and a majority either of Cabinet officials “or of such other body as Congress may by law provide” determine that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” then the vice president shall take over the duties of president.” (CBS)
Surely Pelosi, Raskin and Company are confusing the spitfire president with Joe Biden and the necessity of having to replace him with vice president Kamala Harris if the mail-in vote works and he is elected?
“The 25th Amendment is all about the stability of the presidency and the continuity of the office,” Raskin said in the conference announcing the bill, noting that it was ratified on a bipartisan basis after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. (CBS)
WHOA, how did assassination get into the picture?!
“In the age of COVID-19, which has killed more than 210,000 Americans and now ravaged the White House staff, the wisdom of the 25th Amendment is clear,” Raskin continued, referring to the multiple White House officials who have tested positive for the virus. Raskin noted that the commission would be bipartisan, with members chosen by both Republicans and Democrats, and could only act in concert with the vice president. (CBS)
Sure, Congressman Raskin.
“Pelosi and Raskin’s introduction of the bill comes after President Trump was hospitalized over the weekend after testing positive for COVID-19, raising concerns about presidential succession. The White House said that Mr. Trump remained on the job even while he was at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, and that there were no plans for Vice President Mike Pence to assume presidential authority. Mr. Trump returned to the White House on Monday, and returned to work at the Oval Office on Wednesday. (CBS)
“Raskin previously introduced a similar bill in 2017 to impanel a group of physicians and retired public officials to determine whether the president was mentally and physically fit for office.
“The 25th Amendment was adopted 50 years ago, but Congress has never set up the body it calls for to determine presidential fitness in the event of physical or psychological incapacity. Now is the time to do it,” Raskin said in a statement introducing the initial bill in May 2017.”
“Mr. Trump retweeted several posts on Thursday evening criticizing Pelosi for appearing to consider implementation of the 25th Amendment.”
The Dems are no longer “appearing” to consider implementation of the 25th Amendment, it’s now on the books.
Meanwhile, Pelosi and Raskin are out there with media support trying to get rid of President Trump in COUP-COUP land.
It’s liberty or tyranny. This week, 244 years ago, we made that decision. Time to make it again. Liberty or Tyranny? We Have a Choice to Make, America. Last week former President Barack Obama appeared with his former Vice President “Basement” Joe Biden in a video conference. I was truly taken aback when Obama referred to what is happening in America as an “awakening,” a “movement.”
It was at that moment that I reflected upon how Obama and his administration responded to a real awakening — a movement that occurred during his presidency.
This got the attention of the left in America and Obama. In 2009, in response to the increased government spending stimulus programs and the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare,” a constitutional conservative grassroots organization was born. The organization focused on one issue, the fiscal responsibility of the federal government. The organization called itself the TEA Party, which stood for “Taxed Enough Already.”
This movement was about restoring our constitutional Republic to its foundations, its fundamentals. Based on principle and policy, it did not agree with the Obama vision of “fundamentally transforming” these United States of America.
The reaction to the TEA Party movement was incredibly dismissive and disrespectful. “We call it AstroTurf,” Rep. Nancy Pelosi said at the time, meaning a fake grassroots movement to keep the focus on “tax cuts for the rich.”
Then came the 2010 midterm elections, Obama’s first, and it was historic. The Democrats lost their majority in the U.S. House of Representatives when 63 congressional seats shifted. I came into the political arena during this period, and I was part of that shift, based upon constitutional principle. The progressive socialist left had experienced something they were not used to — a conservative grassroots movement – local, principled, community organizing by the right.
This got the attention of the left in America and Obama. And the vitriol, the incessant attacks, increased, aimed at simple, everyday Americans who were exercising their First Amendment right to petition their government for redress of grievances. They stood up. They spoke up. They held rallies. They voted. They cleaned up after their rallies. They never enacted any form of violence. They never destroyed property. They never took over major portions of cities. They never said they were going to burn down the system.
They just voted.
Yet, the ire and angst of the Obama administration was aimed at them, as well as the collective power of the progressive socialist left, including their media accomplices. The TEA Party now found itself assailed on all fronts. They were demonized as racists, just because they disagreed with the policies of a president who just happened to be biracial but was promoted as Black. And how confounding it was when Black conservatives were embraced by the TEA Party — they were sellouts, Uncle Toms, oreos, and other disparaging monikers.
The TEA Party was denigrated as an extremist group for daring to want fiscal responsibility and discipline from their federal government. It was as if the left was declaring that our very Constitution was extreme. We all know that to not be true, but what the left was saying was that anyone disagreeing with them was an extremist. It went so far that some leftists and Democrats denounced the TEA Party as terrorists, with no proof of any violent actions.
President Obama, the Democrats, and the progressive socialist left knew one thing — they had to crush, destroy, the TEA Party before Obama’s reelection bid in 2012. And they did just that by employing the power of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Today, we turn on the news and we see the anarchist organization, Antifa, which has been designated as a domestic terrorist organization. We have watched them enact violence in our streets, destroy property, attack those with whom they disagree.
An avowed Marxist organization that cleverly named itself Black Lives Matter is now calling for violence against our law enforcement officers, and most recently, its leader in New York City declared that if their demands were not met, they would “burn down the system.” Those are the words of insurrection, the actions of an insurgency, yet the lips of the Democrat elected officials are sealed.
And Barack Obama refers to this wanton violence, the destruction of memorials, monuments, and our history as “an awakening.” In other words, Obama and his ilk are embracing the radicalism, the despotism, the tyranny we are seeing on our streets. The media that once disparaged the TEA Party as extremists, terrorists, racists, turn a blind eye to leftist intimidation, fear, coercion, and violence.
Sadly, few are talking about this comparative analysis of how the left, the Democrat Party, unleashed the full weight of the federal government against a constitutional conservative grassroots movement. And how, in the face of abject sedition, they are all silent. We can surrender to the “woke” mob of tyranny — or we can become “awoke” as true Patriots to our commitment to individual liberty
Let us not forget the Clinton administration and how it used the power of the federal government in Waco, Texas against the Branch Davidians. Or how little Elian Gonzalez was ripped from his family at the hands of armed federal government agents. And why is it that we allow the left to always own the narrative and refer to conservatives as violent and extremists?
Here is what we had best learn — real fast: Socialism, communism, statism, fascism, Marxism are philosophies of governance, ideologies, that cannot advance on their own merit. Advancement can happen only by what we see happening in the streets of America – fear, threats, intimidation, coercion, and violence.
That is the nature of leftism. That is why Hitler had the Brown Shirts. That is why Nicolas Maduro has the “Colectivos.” And that is why the Democrat Party has Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
The TEA Party was a grassroots movement, an awakening. What Obama will not condemn is a blatant insurrection, an insurgency — and of course he will not, because he embraces the maxim of “by any means necessary” for his fundamental transformation to come to fruition.
We have a choice to make, America.
We can surrender to the “woke” mob of tyranny — or we can become “awoke” as true Patriots to our commitment to individual liberty. Just know, you cannot compromise, appease, negotiate, or acquiesce with the mob, evil, it only emboldens them. The left is fully committed to crushing all political opposition, and Obama once asserted such.
It’s liberty or tyranny. This week, 244 years ago, we made that decision. Time to make it again.
Omar’s Devilish Plans Coming To Fruition – Minnesota State Rep Warns That Void Of Police Will Lead To Sharia Law
A Minnesota state representative is warning that the void of police in Minneapolis will lead to the rise of Sharia law, as leftist and Islamist groups work in tandem to destroy the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Minnesota state Rep. Steve Green said on Tuesday that he sees communism moving into the region, and believes that this will ultimately end with the implementation of Sharia. The cluster of Muslims imported into the area from third-world Somalia due to the federal migrant trafficking program has made this hellish reality possible.
“What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul,” Green said, adding that ANTIFA groups plan to ally with radical Islamists to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule,” a.k.a. Sharia law.
Muslim state Rep. Mohamud Noor essentially confirmed Green’s suspicions with an ominous, possibly threatening statement against the rule of law.
“Minnesota is awake. They understand the challenges; they have been hearing the challenges for far too long. And we can’t wait any longer,” he said.
Under the stewardship of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Minneapolis has become the terror recruitment capital of the U.S. She and her daughter have fanned the flames of the riots that have turned the city upside down following the death of drug addict serial felon George Floyd.
Big League Politics has reported about how Omar has cheered on the cultural revolution aiming to transform America into a socialist dictatorship through mob violence:
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her daughter are pushing for the chaos and mayhem in the streets of Minneapolis, Minn. that has turned the streets into a Somali-style war zone.
Omar has written tweets expressing sympathy for the terrorists in the streets burning down their city due to supposed concerns about police brutality.
Her daughter, Isra Hirsi re-tweeted a message calling for supplies to be brought to assist the terrorist far-left rioters who are turning the streets of Minnesota into a sub-Saharan hellscape.
Minneapolis has turned into an apocalyptic scene with the help of Omar and her daughter. The scenes from tonight’s “protests” should make any decent American want to cry…
This is not the first time that Omar’s daughter has become involved with politics. She has emerged as a leader for the Youth Climate Strike that hopes to bring totalitarian communism to America under the guise of fixing the weather…
Omar and her daughter show that diversity is not our strength and multiculturalism means the death of Western Civilization. The proof is in the Minnesota streets right now.
People who have warned about the rise of Sharia Law and the woes of diversity for years are being proven correct, and the proof is evident throughout the streets of America. The multicultural utopia that liberals predicted open immigration would cause was a falsehood, as strife overruns the nation.
Please Read Part 106A:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106A)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 11, 2020:
The following recent thought-provoking article revealed that 'U.S. Attorney John Durham is now going 'full throttle' with his review into the origins of the investigation into suspected Russia-Trump coordination in the 2016 election, along with top prosecutors that are also currently involved in looking at different components of the original probe'-You Decide:
Durham moving ‘full-throttle’ on Russia probe review, top federal prosecutors involved: sources!-Posted on Fox News-By Brooke Singman | Fox News-On May 11, 2020:
Note: I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the following articles and videos relates to and/or further supports the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking article-You Decide:
DOJ's Flynn filings renew focus on mysterious Susan Rice email during transition!-Posted on Fox News-By Brooke Singman | Fox News-On May 11, 2020:
Reporter Calls Out Meeting Where Obama, Comey Were 'Hatching' Plot Against Trump!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Joe Saunders-On May 12, 2020:
Obama's Fingerprints Cover the Coup Crime Scene: "What did [Obama] know and when did he know it?"-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On May 13, 2020:
How the Obama Administration Shattered the Rule of Law!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro-On May 13, 2020:
Some Obama Officials Ought to Be Mighty Worried About What Richard Grenell Just Did!-Posted on PJ Media-By Matt Margolis-On May 12, 2020:
It looks like President Obama ordered up phony RussiaGate scandal!-Posted on New York Post-By Post Editorial Board-On May 11, 2020:
BREAKING: List of Obama Officials Who Sought to 'Unmask' Flynn Released!-Posted on PJ Media-By Matt Margolis-On May 13, 2020:
GOP Senators Reveals List of Obama Admin Officials Who Requested Unmasking of Michael Flynn!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Bradley Cortright-On May 13, 2020:
Richard Grenell Drops Another Bombshell on the Obama Admin's Involvement in SpyGate!-Posted on PJ Media-By Matt Margolis-On May 13, 2020:
Even If Obama Was A Puppet, He Was A Willing Participant In Trying To Destroy Our Way Of Life!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Wayne Dupree | Featured Contributor-On May 13, 2020:
As Investigations Continue, More Could Come After Flynn Exoneration!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Cal Thomas/@CalThomas-On May 12, 2020:
District Judge Handling Michael Flynn’s Case Just Showed America The Liberal Kangaroo Court System!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Wayne Dupree | Featured Contributor-On May 13, 2020:
Flynn Judge Faces Ethics Complaints After Head-Scratching Move!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On May 13, 2020:
Public Health Officials Testify to Senate Committee on Coronavirus Response: IS IT SAFE TO “GET BACK TO WORK?”-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On May 12, 2020:
Fauci's Fears: He warns of "needless suffering and death" if we reopen too soon ... whenever that is!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On May 13, 2020:
Senator Rand Paul Questions Dr. Fauci, Drops a Bomb in Senate Hearing!-Posted on PJ Media-By Stacey Lennox-On May 12, 2020:
6 Big Points From the Senate’s COVID-19 Hearing With Fauci!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH-On May 12, 2020:
MILITARY vaccine mandates? Dept. of Defense purchasing 500 million ApiJect syringes to inject every person in America with coronavirus vaccine!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On May 13, 2020:
GOP Senator Blocks Resolution Asking for the Release of CDC Guidelines!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Alex Thomas-On May 13, 2020:
Trump Says Democrats Are Moving Slowly to Reopen Nation for Political Reasons!-Posted on The New American-By Warren Mass-On May 12, 2020:
Maxine Waters: Trump, Protesters ‘Should Be Ashamed’ — We Don’t Want Businesses ‘Opened Back Up!’-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Pam Key-On May 12, 2020:
Gov. Whitmer Says Protests ‘Undermine’ Efforts to Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Savannah Rychcik-On May 13, 2020:
Port of Seattle police officer suspended after speaking out against 'tyrannical' lockdown enforcement: The Special Forces veteran went viral for calling out officers who 'are trampling on people's liberties!'-Posted on The Blaze-By Breck Dumas-On May 12, 2020:
Robert De Niro Says Trump ‘Doesn’t Even Care How Many People Die!’-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Savannah Rychcik-On May 13, 2020:
Joy Behar: President Trump Is A ‘Disgusting Racist’ – Suggests His Supporters Are Too!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Jack Hadfield-On May 12, 2020:
Exclusive: US Airlines Tell Crews Not to Force Passengers to Wear Masks!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Reuters-On May 13, 2020:
Let’s Not Waste a Crisis!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Walter E. Williams / @WE_Williams-On May 13, 2020:
Powell in Support of More Coronavirus Relief Bill to Save the US Economy!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Meaghan Ellis-On May 13, 2020:
Pelosi's Dreamy Debt Bomb: The speaker's $3 trillion stimulus bill is nothing more than a laundry list of Democrat pet projects!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On May 13, 2020:
5 Key Provisions in Democrats’ COVID-19 Bill That Will Hurt Our Economy!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Romina Boccia / @RominaBoccia / Lindsey Burke / @lindseymburke / David Ditch / @davidaditch / Adam Michel / @adamnmichel / Rachel Greszler-On May 12, 2020:
Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill Includes Billions for Eligible Illegal Aliens!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Jason Hopkins / @thejasonhopkins-On May 13, 2020:
Governors Urge Congress to Avoid Turning Coronavirus Relief Into ‘Another Political Football!’-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Bradley Cortright-On May 13, 2020:
Locked Down Blue States Demand Another Bailout: "Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states?"-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Louis DeBroux-On May 13, 2020:
McConnell Pronounces Dem $3 Trillion Stim Bill 'Dead on Arrival!'-Posted on PJ Media-By Rick Moran-On May 13, 2020:
Trump to End Federal Retirement Investments in Chinese Equities!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Mary Margaret Olohan / @MaryMargOlohan-On May 13, 2020:
China Claims U.S. ‘Sabotaged’ Global Coronavirus Efforts!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By John Hayward-On May 12, 2020:
Chinese Counter Allegations: The CCP lists 24 charges against China with a "Reality Check" after each one!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On May 13, 2020:
FBI Says China Hackers Are Trying to Steal Coronavirus Treatment, Vaccine Research!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Bradley Cortright-On May 13, 2020:
Biden's Flip-Flops Might Explain Hiding His Files: Perhaps that's part of the reason he doesn't want people rifling through Senate records!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Lewis Morris-On May 13, 2020:
New CNN Poll Shows Donald Trump Has Tied His Highest Approval Rating Ever!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Guest Author-On May 13, 2020:
Vote Fraud Alert: Illegal Aliens Likely to Receive Mail-in Ballots in California!-Posted on The New American-By James Murphy-On May 13, 2020:
Video: How The Deep State Made America Illiterate | Behind the Deep State!-Posted on The New American-By TNA Video-On May 12, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1249 Mike Flynn is a Political Prisoner - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Dan Bongino-On May 13, 2020:
Video: Optics Are Important, It’s Time, The Economy Is Coming Back Online - Episode 2173a!-Posted on YouTube.com-By X22Report-On May 13, 2020:
Video: The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b!-Posted on YouTube.com-By X22Report-On May 13, 2020:
Obama's Flynn Unmaskers Unmasked: Declassified DOJ docs show Team Obama was quite active in the waning days of his presidency!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On May 14, 2020:
Trump on Unmasking: ‘This Was All Obama, This Was All Biden!’-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Jeff Poor-On May 13, 2020:
Trump Calls for Barack Obama to Testify Over Flynn Unmasking Scandal!-Posted on PJ Media-By Matt Margolis-On May 14, 2020:
Flynn Lawyer Scorches Obama With an Open Memorandum!-Posted on SidneyPowell.com-On May 13, 2020:
Video: EXCLUSIVE: Trump talks Michael Flynn, Obama admin and China with Maria Bartiromo!-Posted on YouYouTube.com-By Fox Business-On May 14, 2020:
Rand Paul on Michael Flynn ‘Travesty of Justice’: ‘I Don’t Believe Any of This Could Have Happened Without President Obama!’-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Jeff Poor-On May 13, 2020:
Holder: Notion That Barack Obama, People Surrounding Him Did Something Inappropriate ‘Absurd!’-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Jeff Poor-On May 12, 2020:
Video: A Rogue Counter-Intelligence Trap, Part of OBAMAgate | Ep. 36 with George Papadopoulos!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Rudy W. Giuliani-On May 13, 2020:
Video: EXPLAINED: How Michael Flynn was TRAPPED by the FBI in Trump, Russia investigation!-Posted on YouTbe.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 13, 2020:
Video: CHALKBOARD: President Obama involved with ILLEGAL Trump, FBI investigation & Michael Flynn takedown!-Posted on YouTbe.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 13, 2020:
Did Obama's U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power Commit Perjury Regarding The Flynn Unmasking?-Posted on PJ Medeia-By Matt Margolis-On May 14, 2020:
Nunes: Flynn ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ in Unmasking Saga!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Jeff Poor-On May 13, 2020:
The Morning Briefing: Richard Grenell Is the Superhero America Needs Right Now!-Posted on PJ Media-By Stephen Kruiser-On May 14, 2020:
Rep. Devin Nunes vows criminal referrals for Robert Mueller's team in latest Russia probe reckoning!-Posted on Fox News-By Matt London | Fox News-On May 13, 2020:
Deep State Judge Denies Relief To Lt. General Flynn!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Kelleigh Nelson-On May 14, 2020:
With “Friends of the Court” Like These, Michael Flynn Needs No Enemies: “VERY UGL!Y”-Posted on The Post & Email-By Joseph DeMaio-On May 13, 2020:
Can Michael Flynn Be Sentenced Without Being Prosecuted for a Crime?-Posted on PJ Media-By Rick Moran-On May 14, 2020:
Video: John Solomon: ‘Everything about the Schiff-show is falling apart!’-Posted on YouTube.com-By Fox News-On May 13, 2020:
Whistleblower (Deep Stater): US could face virus rebound 'darkest winter!'-Posted on KOB.com-By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR-On May 13, 2020:
Democrats Decline to Put ‘Whistleblower’ Dr. Rick Bright (Deep Stater) Under Oath!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Joel B. Pollak-On May 14, 2020:
12 Urgent Actions to Reopen America and Prevent an Economic Depression!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Paul Winfree / @paulwinfree / Charmaine Yoest / @CharmaineYoest-On May 13, 2020:
Rush Limbaugh: Dems Will Keep Economy Locked Down To Ensure Trump Loses!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Jack Hadfield | May 13, 2020:
President Trump says he 'totally' disagrees with Dr. Fauci on his comments about the lockdown: 'You're having bedlam already in the streets, you can't do this!'-Posted on The Blaze-By Carlos Garcia-On May 13, 2020:
New Mexico state senator raises questions about reporting COVID-19-related deaths!-Posted on KOB.com-By Kai Porter-On May 13, 2020:
Governor's new order allows some businesses to reopen, requires New Mexicans to wear masks!-Posted on KOB.com-By Joshua Panas & Joy Wang-On May 13, 2020:
While Loosening Some Restrictions, New Mexico Anti-Gun Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Continues to Punish Certain Gun Stores!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On May 14, 2020:
Wear a mask? Even with 20,000 dead, some New Yorkers don't!-Posted on KOB.com-By JAKE SEINER and TOM HAYS-On May 12, 2020:
Rural Mayor and Sheriff Tell Michigan Governor To Take a Hike, Shut Whitmer Down with Orders of Their Own!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jared Harris-On May 13, 2020:
Neighborhood Streets Made Impassible Due to Homeless Tents, Now the Residents Are Fighting Back!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Johnathan Jones-On May 12, 2020:
Video: Ingraham: COVID truths, frauds and tyrants!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Fox News-On May 13, 2020:
When Do We Get Our Freedoms Back?-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Lee Duigon-On May 14, 2020:
4 Ways the 1957 Pandemic Resembles, and Differs From, COVID-19!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH-On May 13, 2020:
Our Indefensible Media: Individually and collectively, media outlets have a terribly skewed leftist agenda!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Arnold Ahlert-On May 14, 2020:
Facebook Blacklists Michigan Lockdown Protest Group!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Allum Bokhari-On May 12, 2020:
Facebook-Backed Advocacy Group Will Spread Message that Big Tech Is ‘Essential’ to Free Speech!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Allum Bokhari-On May 12, 2020:
Facebook created more than 10,000 'hateful memes' to help researchers learn how to spot hate speech!-Posted on Business Insider India-By Rob Price-On May 12, 2020:
Facebook Censorship Lawsuit Heads to Appeals Court!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Allum Bokhari-On May 13, 2020:
Video: OUR COVID-19 NEW NORMAL: Arrested, fired & THREATENED for noncompliance of LOCKDOWN & LOSS OF RIGHTS!-Posted on YouTbe.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 14, 2020:
Video: Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now in 2014!-Posted on YouTube.com-By ODD TV-On May 13, 2020:
Richard Burr Steps Down as Senate Intelligence Chair amid Coronavirus Insider Trading Probe!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Haris Alic-On May 14, 2020:
FBI Questions Dianne Feinstein over Husband’s Coronavirus-Linked Stock Sales!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Haris Alic-On May 14, 2020:
In Charts, How Big Blue States Outspend Red States!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Adam Michel / @adamnmichel / David Ditch / @davidaditch-On May 13, 2020:
Gaetz: Involvement in Flynn Unmasking Creates a ‘Chinese Finger Trap’ for Biden!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Jeff Poor-On May 12, 2020:
Special Elections and Shifting Political Winds: How much November hope should Trump see in GOP wins in California and Wisconsin?-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On May 14, 2020:
Trump is Not Weakening!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Lloyd Marcus-On May 14, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1250 This Is Just The Beginning of the Spying Scandal - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Dan Bongino-On May 14, 2020:
Video: The World Economy Is About To Be Reconfigured, WTO Director Resigns - Episode 2174a!-Posted on YouTube.com-By X22Report-On May 14, 2020:
Video: The Depth Of The Swamp Is Exposed, The Shadow Government Is Forced Into The Light - Episode 2174b! -Posted on YouTube.com-By X22Report-On May 14, 2020:
Please Read Part 106C:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106C)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 15, 2020:
Please Also Read Part 102L:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 102L)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 8, 2020:
Please Also Read Part 104:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2019:
Note: I also believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed in the above articles and videos relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 103RR)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 22, 2020:
Letter to NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (Re: Mueller Report)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 27, 2019:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 91)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2018:
CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 10, 2016:
Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 12, 2014:
Greatest Fraud Perpetrated In American History!-Posted on WordPress.com-On June 20, 2011:
Investigators Find That Obama's Online Birth Certificate Presented To The American Public Is 'Fake'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 15, 2016:
Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on July 26, 2012:
CIA-Columbia Cover Up!-Posted on WordPress.com-On April 28, 2010:
Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a 'hit' placed on his life?-Posted on WordPress.com-On October 19, 2010:
Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:
Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 17, 2016:
Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 21, 2016:
Brainwashing in America: "WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:
The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:
Where Is America Today?-Posted on WordPress.com-On May 26, 2010:
Theme and Disclaimer of January 26, 2010:
Note: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:
A Republic, If You Can Keep It!
When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!
“Food for Thought”
Hello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Against The Deplorable Obstructionists That Are Doing Their Utmost To Take Down Our Democratically Elected President, His Administration and Ultimately Destroy our Country/Republic?-God Bless America!
Democrat lawmakers working to take down America pretend to work, citizens in every state want to work.
The Con Called The “New Normal” A Return To “Abnormal” 2.0
Alicia Cruz, center, of Elk Grove, Calif., takes part in a protest at the state Capitol on Friday. She said she was there to protect civil liberties, her children’s future and future livelihoods.
There’s absolutely nothing at all “new” in the coming “New Normal” that Democrats and media are pushing on the masses currently held in lockdown during the ongoing coronavirus scare, because when all is said and done, society, in effect, will be returned to the same old abnormal world that preceded the virus.
It’s a return to a Democrat-created ‘Abnormal World’ where public school educators are getting away with confusing children about the genders with which they were born; where people will continue to lose their livelihoods just for using the pronouns ‘he’ and ‘she’.
I think the prime difference between so-called progressives and conservatives is that progressives are all about the collective, while conservatives believe in the individual and personal choice.
I see the difference in much starker terms: the former involves coercion by the state, while the latter involves individual responsibility.
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, the Kim dynasty, Pol Pot, et al have killed more people in the name of serving the greater good
The 1920s provide a good example of where the various forms of socialism that are now becoming all the rave will lead us. It might be simplistic to say socialism is responsible for more deaths and suffering than the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1920, but the math works.
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, the Kim dynasty, Pol Pot, et al have killed more people in the name of serving the greater good and achieving a perfect society than the last pandemic, which eradicated up to 5% of the global population.
What’s so puzzling is that every new crop of socialists believes that if only socialism was implemented properly, everyone would be happy. What they do not understand is that socialism’s fuel is its coercive power to control the individual. No one really wants to actually live under socialism, except those who would govern and ‘correctly’ administer the principles of socialism in order to achieve the perfect society.
This takes place in several ways.
First, individuals are made dependent on the state for their basic needs like food shelter and healthcare. They are also controlled through what amounts to social credit, rewarding correct attitudes and behaviors while punishing those who do not toe the line. If you doubt me, check out how Trump supporters are treated.
Failures of socialism
Second, for socialism to succeed there is an ever-present requirement for an enemy, which is an important element in directing revolutionary fervor to the correct goals, rather than allow for reflection that could result in uncomfortable questions. For the Bolsheviks the enemy was the Czar and wealthy bourgeoisie, for the Nazis it was communists and Jews. For Mao it was the liberal bourgeois. Cambodia’s Pol Pot had a thing for intellectuals and the educated. As a result some 1.8 million ‘bad elements’ were sacrificed for the greater good. There isn’t one socialist state that doesn’t have a prime enemy towards whom to wage the ‘struggle’ for social justice.
Third, socialism also relies heavily on the educational system to swell their ranks. But that only makes sense, given that young people generally tend to be naïve and easily influenced. For the past 50 years socialism has wormed its way into school curricula at an alarming level, and all under the guise of ‘fairness,’ equality or social justice. While this is a long-term process, it also seems to be the most effective, judging by the attitudes of most young adults today.
So, after examining the failures of socialism in a rational discussion, if you still find yourself yearning for social justice, just take a minute to examine what socialism has actually achieved over its 103-years in operation.
Russia collapsed under communism’s contradictions.
The Nazis’ ‘Thousand Year Empire’ couldn’t last twenty years.
Is America collapsing under the weight of 'The Greate Good'?
Dom Raso encourages Americans to hold themselves to the highest possible standard and to take pride and ownership in the land on which they stand!!
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall NOT be Infringed”!!
❤✡✝“United We Stand, Divided We Fall”✝✡❤
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”!!
( Psalms 33:12 KJV ) “Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD; and the People whom HE hath Chosen for HIS Own Inheritance.”!!
I am a Devout Conservative Christian Republican in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and I STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael!! Am Yisrael Chai Adonai!!
I am a Conservative Christian Republican Patriot in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and I STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael!!
I am Pro-Life / Pro-Israel / Pro-United States of America / Pro-United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights / Pro-Declaration of Independence!!
United We STAND with Israel-Yisrael / Christian Nation United States of America, and our Christian Earth, Divided We FALL!! I am Pro-Israel / Pro-USA / PRO-LIFE!!
Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
The implosion, and imminent demise of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race is epic, but it has now gone beyond funny gaffes and nonsense to outright scary.
While he’s long been the butt of jokes for saying the wrong things at inappropriate times, and rightly so, Biden’s mental state now seems to be descending rapidly into what could be dementia, or some form of it.
For years, he’s had a great deal of trouble remembering where he is at any given time, and just a little more than a week ago, on the day of the New Hampshire primary at a final campaign stop, he actually thought he was in Nevada.
But just a couple of days ago, what I believe to be the true nature of whatever it is that Biden is suffering from became so glaringly clear that even his dwindling numbers of supporters were left wondering about their candidate’s mental state.
Biden was in South Carolina campaigning, giving a speech when he said, and I quote…
“I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”!!
“Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only GOD keeps You Going.”!! Amen-Amein Praise Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Hallelujah!!
I am a Conservative Christian Republican Patriot in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and I STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael!!
I am Pro-LIFE / Pro-Israel-Yisrael / Pro-United States of America / Pro-United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights / Pro-Declaration of Independence!!
Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
✝✡Please Pray for Israel and our Christian Nation USA✡✝
( Psalms 46:1-2 KJV ) “GOD is our Refuge and Strength, a Very Present Help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;”!!
( Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV ) “Trust in the LORD ( ADONAI ) with all thine Heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways Acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy Paths.”!! TRUST in the LORD Jesus-Yeshua Christ with All Thine HEART and SOUL!!
( Psalms 20:7 KJV ) “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we Will Remember the Name of the LORD our GOD.”!!
( Proverbs 14:34 KJV ) “Righteousness exalteth a Nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”!! TRUST in the LORD Jesus-Yeshua Christ with all thine HEART and SOUL!!
We Need God In America Again – Karis Peters!!
( II Chronicles 7:14 KJV ) “If My People, which are Called by My Name, shall Humble themselves, and Pray, and Seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I Hear from Heaven, and Will Forgive their sin, and Will Heal Their Land.”!!
( Psalms 33:12 KJV ) “Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD; and the People whom He hath Chosen for His Own Inheritance.”!!
( Genesis 12:2-3 KJV ) “And I Will Make of thee a Great Nation, and I Will Bless thee, and Make thy Name Great; and thou shalt be a Blessing: And I Will Bless them that Bless thee ( Israel and USA ), and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all Families of the Earth be Blessed.”!! May GOD BLESS Israel-Yisrael / USA and our Christian Earth!!
( Psalms Chapter 117 KJV ) “O Praise the LORD, all ye Nations: Praise Him, all ye people. For His Merciful Kindness is Great Toward us: and the Truth of the LORD Endureth For ever. Praise ye the LORD.”!! Honor Ye the LORD Praise Ye the LORD Forevermore!!
( Romans 14:11 KJV ) “For it is Written, As I live, Saith the LORD, every Knee shall Bow to ME, and every Tongue Shall Confess to GOD.”!!
( John 3:16-17 KJV ) “For GOD so Loved the World, that He Gave His only Begotten Son ( Jesus Christ – Yeshua HaMashiach ), that whosoever Believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. For GOD Sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the WorldTthrough Him might be Saved.”!!
Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ is Holy / Righteous / Worthy / Peaceful / Loving / Saviour!! Praise HIS HOLY Name Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ Today and Everyday!!
Please Pray for Israel-Yisrael / Christian Nation United States of America, and our Christian Earth Everyday “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!
( Mark 3:25 KJV ) “And if a house DIVIDED against itself, that House Cannot Stand.”!!
( Philippians 2:10-11 KJV ) “That at the Name of Jesus Christ – Yeshua HaMashiach-MESSIAH every Knee should Bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the earth; And that every Tongue should Confess that Jesus-Yeshua Christ is LORD, to the Glory of GOD the FATHER.”!!
Love Always and Shalom ( PEACE ) EVERYONE, YSIC \o/
Missouri governor joins call for expulsion of senator who hoped for Trump's assassination

Candidate Maria N. Chappelle-Nadal speaks on Tuesday, July 26, 2016, during the First District Congressional Candidates debate at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis. Photo by J.B. Forbes, jforbes@post-dispatch.com
JEFFERSON CITY • Some of Missouri’s highest-ranking officials delivered on Friday an ultimatum to state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal: Resign or be removed from office.
Gov. Eric Greitens, a Republican, issued the first warning just before noon in a series of tweets blasting Chappelle-Nadal, a Democrat, for a comment Thursday on Facebook in which she said “I hope Trump is assassinated!” She quickly deleted the post.
Condemnation on Thursday was swift, with both Democrats and Republicans calling on the senator from University City to resign. But Chappelle-Nadal insisted she would not.
On Friday, Greitens said this in his tweets: “Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign. Her response: ‘Hell no.’ Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize — twice. If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should.”
Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, piled on in a noon news conference, delivering the same ultimatum.
“I’m calling on Sen. Chappelle-Nadal to do the right thing and resign from her office,” Parson said. “However, if she does not do so by veto session, I will, in my position as president of the Missouri Senate, immediately seek the expulsion pursuant to Article III Section 18 of the Missouri Constitution.”
He said that he would seek Attorney General Josh Hawley’s opinion on the applicability of the constitutional provision and that he would ask senators to initiate Chappelle-Nadal’s removal.
That article in the state Constitution says the Senate can act with a two-thirds vote to “expel a member.”
“She may have been very angry when she wrote those words, but anger is not a valid excuse,” Parson said. “The comments she made are indefensible.”
The Secret Service said Thursday that it was investigating. Threatening the president is a federal crime.
Two of the highest-ranking Senate Republicans said Friday afternoon in statements that they would employ rarely used parliamentary tools to expel Chappelle-Nadal if need be.
“We are preparing for options afforded in the Missouri Constitution and the Senate Rules if she continues to defy the public outcry and not resign,” Senate President Pro Tem Ron Richard, R-Joplin, said in a statement.
“The process of expulsion is a significant, rarely used step that should not be taken lightly,” said Majority Floor Leader Mike Kehoe, R-Jefferson City. “We are researching the detailed steps involved in the expulsion process and will be prepared to move forward as necessary.”
Defiance, potential charges
Chappelle-Nadal was defiant Thursday in several interviews in which she refused the calls to resign. She said she wrote the five-word Facebook comment because of her anger over President Donald Trump’s response to violence in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend.
On her Twitter profile Friday, she posted a link to a website, IStandWithMaria.com, asking supporters to add their name to a list.
Chappelle-Nadal told the Post-Dispatch she met with the Secret Service on Thursday and explained to them that she had made a mistake.
“I made sure it was clear to them that the anger I experienced was related to the trauma my constituents are going through,” said Chappelle-Nadal, whose district includes Ferguson, a landfill linked to nuclear contamination and low-performing school districts.
“I do not wish harm to anyone. I could have chosen and should have chosen better language. I do not think it is worthy of expelling me from the Senate,” Chappelle-Nadal said. “I am owning up to it. He makes me mad from time to time. He says outrageous things. My emotions got the best of me.”
Chappelle-Nadal said Greitens and Parson were trying to divert attention away from Trump and his controversial statements about Charlottesville.
“They are creating cover for the president instead of dealing with the real issues at hand,” Chappelle-Nadal said.
Chappelle-Nadal said she had no intention of resigning.
It was still unclear Friday whether the senator would face any charges because of the post. On Thursday, the Secret Service’s St. Louis field office said agents were “looking into this.”
On Friday, the office would not confirm if Chappelle-Nadal had been questioned or if an investigation was ongoing. But Parson, in his news conference, did mention an “ongoing investigation.”
“I cannot say for certainty if her remarks meet the standard of prosecution under federal law,” Parson said. “That is for the Secret Service and the federal prosecutors to determine through their ongoing investigation.”
History, procedure
On Friday, members of the nonpartisan Senate administrative staff were digging into records, searching for any case in Missouri history in which a senator was expelled by his or her peers.
They could not find any.
Parson said Chappelle-Nadal would have until the Legislature’s annual veto session in September to resign, but it was unclear whether Parson and allies intended to start expulsion proceedings in the veto session, when lawmakers are allowed only to consider vetoed legislation.
“We definitely do not think such action could be done during veto session,” said Adriane Crouse, secretary of the Senate. “We (the Senate) or the governor could call us in a special session to do it.”
The part-time Legislature works from January to May, during a typically brief veto session in September and whenever special sessions are called. For Chappelle-Nadal, first elected to the Senate in 2010, the 2018 regular session would be her last because of term limits.
The only expulsion case Crouse could point to on the Senate side of the Capitol was a 1945 bribery case involving a Republican from Clayton.
State Sen. Joseph Falzone was accused of soliciting a $1,500 bribe to push legislation cosmetologists favored, according to Post-Dispatch archives.
A special Senate panel voted to charge Falzone with bribery in June 1945. If the full Senate convicted him, the panel recommended expulsion.
“The Senate chamber is being used for the first time for a trial of a Senator,” Curtis A. Betts, a Post-Dispatch correspondent, wrote. “There is no record of such a proceeding in this state in the past. … The chamber lends itself well to the solemnity of such an occasion. There is a dignified coldness about its marble walls.”
Falzone resigned four days into the trial, citing his wife’s illness and saying he would be ineffective if he held onto his seat.
Joel Currier of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.
(Video) Acosta Has Meltdown: If You Want To Protect George Washington’s Statue You Are “White Nationalist-Lite!”
CNN’s biggest drama queen Jim Acosta went to Trump Tower to complained that President Trump is comfortable saying ‘white nationalist’ ideas, such as not wanting to tear down George Washington’s statue!
“[Trump has] felt very comfortable espousing some views that are — very, I mean, I would say they’re almost white nationalist-lite, in that, he was complaining, bemoaning the removal of Confederate statues across the country and asking whether or not George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are next,” said Acosta. You hear that? If you don’t want George Washington’s statue torn down you are ‘white nationalist-lite’.
“Those symbols of the Confederacy cause so much hurt, cause so much pain for so many Americans across the country, that it is really understandable to most level-headed, rational Americans that these kinds of monuments, these kinds of symbols eventually just need to come down,” said Acosta.
“And to compare them to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, I think that is just also going to be taken, Wolf, as a sign that the president perhaps needs a refresher course, needs to go back to History 101. Because I think those kinds of remarks are just going to be deeply, deeply unsettling. And keep in mind, in just the last several minutes, David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK, put out a statement thanking the president for what he said, praising the president for what he said,” said Acosta.
Since President Trump made his comments, Al Sharpton, CNN, and others have advocated for tearing down the statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
Check out the video below:
A few weeks ago I ran an article on TeaParty.org and here on our forum, little did I know that it was so accurate and so telling. No, I don't have a crystal ball but sometimes things just add up.
So tell me what you think? Is Goof-Ball Beck imploding? ....or just early retirement?
What about this? Beck Plasters Face
Glenn Beck revealed that he has lost $500,000 campaigning with Ted Cruz , but said that has nothing to do with the recent firing of 40 of his employees.
“We are making the hard choices,” Beck explained. “We’re choosing principles over power. We’re staying true to the Constitution.”
“There’s a story maybe you have read, that came out yesterday, that is talking about how yesterday, my company The Blaze laid off 40 people, and my media empire is crumbling, and part of it is because I’m traveling around with Ted Cruz,” he said, referencing a Daily Beast story.
“Well, I want you to know,” Beck continues. “Yes, I’ve lost a lot of money traveling around with Ted Cruz. I’ve lost about half a million dollars. That’s my choice. I believe in something.”
“Did that cause the 40 people to lose their job? No.”
- See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/glenn-beck-reveals-lost-500000-campaigning-ted-cruz-161074/#sthash.qebT348D.dpuf