11-11-11 FYI

Vets, Small Businessmen to March for Impeachment on Veterans Day


While the media have lavished attention upon the Occupy Wall Street movement (although perhaps not on every aspect of that movement), they have turned a blind eye to a march two national patriotic organizations have scheduled for Veterans Day — 11/11/2011 — calling for the immediate resignation or impeachment of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and every official in the Obama administration.

The march on Washington is being organized by Veteran Defenders and the Patriots Union, headed by Major General Paul Vallely.

Its flyer states, “Veterans have called for the resignation or impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Biden, and every member of the Obama administration and they are headed to Washington, D.C. — November 11, 2011.”

Americans patriots must stand with military veterans “not just to celebrate our soldiers,” the flyer continues, “but to take our government back from anti-American thugs currently destroying the greatest nation on earth!”

The organizers hope to effect the resignation or impeachment of the president and vice president, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, Hilda Solis, Timothy Geithner, Arne Duncan, Lisa Jackson, Supreme Court justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, every czar, and every other member of the most corrupt administration in memory.

This rally is not merely for veterans. Veteran Defenders’s “Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic” states, “We call upon ALL independent truckers, independent contractors, all non-union workers, all independent business owners, agents and investors, all who support free-market capitalism and the right to work, earn and own, to march together with our veterans and former service members on November 11, 2011 – Veterans Day!” (Emphasis in original.)

It further states that “in the event that these individuals refuse to immediately resign in an orderly fashion,” the congressmen who voted against raising the debt ceiling must “immediately begin impeachment proceedings against every member of the Obama administration.”

To reestablish the Constitution as the law of the land, the Declaration demands that “every verifiable member of The Communist Party USA, The Socialist Party USA and The
Democratic Socialists of America be immediately publicly identified and removed from office for overtly acting against freedom, liberty and the Constitutional Republic.” This would sweep such radical leftists as Bernie Sanders and Jan Schakowsky from office. Indeed, in October 2009, the DSA released a list of 70 Congressmen who purportedly hold membership in that socialist organization alone.

It would also like to see special interest House groups, such as the Congressional Black Caucus, disbanded.

Many of the two organizations’ aims are presented in this video.

These two organizations are not the first veterans groups to support Obama’s impeachment and removal from office. The Central Florida chapter of the far-Left Veterans for Peace called for Obama’s impeachment in 2010.

Maj. Gen. Vallely (Ret.) is an outspoken patriot who has previously proposed laws reasserting states’ rights to refuse to implement unconstitutional federal legislation.

These hearty men fought bravely to preserve freedom abroad. In this cold winter of our republic’s history, they must fight again to ensure its survival at home.

By Ben Johnson, The White House Watch


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