2 Dozen of Obama's Most Disgusting Frauds!

Just in case you have forgotten, here are nearly two dozen of Obama’s most disgusting frauds to refresh your memory…

  • Forged birth certificate issued by the White House
  • Multiple Social Security numbers
  • Sealed college records
  • Surrendered license to practice law
  • Missing birth records in Hawaii
  • Sealed selective service records
  • Obama uses foreign passports
  • Association with known communists and subversives
  • Sworn testimonies proving Obama was not born in America
  • America’s top sheriff threatened if he continues investigating Obama frauds
  • Michelle Obama’s disbarment…her license to practice law revoked
  • Obama’s own mother said her son, Barry Santoro (Barack Hussein Obama), received foreign aid to pay for college
  • Obama wants to rewrite the national anthem. Remember, I just told you a few minutes ago. Obama’s Campaign Promise: "…the National Anthem should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I'd like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our national anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….” Utter heresy!!!

  • Obama publicly stated he was not born in America
  • Created ObamaCare and put the I.R.S. in charge
  • Approved the Fast and Furious plan to arm dangerous Mexican drug lords
  • Our Obomination of a president praised Occupy Wall Street thugs and hoodlums—the very scum of the earth just arrested for planning to blow up a bridge in Ohio, taking innocent men, women and children right along with it
  • Approves of the TSA groping and of nudity scans at airports—and now on public buses, too!
  • Held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Obama terminated America’s ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA
  • Obama signed a law by an auto-pen without being present
  • Obama arbitrarily declared an existing law unconstitutional and refused to enforce it
  • Obama threatened insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases
  • Obama told a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which state they’re allowed to locate a factory
  • Obama was the first president to say America was not a Christian nation
  • Obama approved 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife
  • Filed lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)
  • …and the list goes on!
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  • I can think of a few more.

    Obama Administration stating that they can bypass Congress & deal directly with the U.N. on National Security issues.

    Obama & Democrats opposing the very effective E-verify system and the defunding 287g program, that is effective in States & local Law Enforcement apprehending Illegal trespassers.  This is very similar to what Arizona & other States are doing, thus Obama's defunding.

    Obama trying to influence our Supreme Court in judicial decisions & balance of power.

    Hope Tea Party members can add to this growing list!

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