I am concerned about the information that is being printed by the Tea Party. I realize you make the statement ( your thoughts) however you are throwing out information that is not true. In the area of. FEMA camps the very first aerial photograph shown is a North Korean prison camp. With respect to executive orders being issued the numbers are wrong. Why can't you start a group of people whose responsibility is to verify the info is factual. Many of us have opinions however it is wrong to express an opinion that may cause a negative opinion of another person. Suppose we can fix this problem? Jim
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  • How does the Tea Party know it is inaccurate? Because you said so?

    Publish your article with correct information including all the facts and lets compare.

  • I agree with you.  But I believe there is an order of magnitude more to reform in the Democratic party.  My guess is that for every piece of misinformation spew out by the Tea Party (which in any event should be taken as opinions of which everyone is entitled) a hundred lies are spun out by the Democrats.  My opinion is that it is a ratio of 100 to 1.

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