I guess you could call me a Jew. My mother was Jewish. More importantly, I’m Aquarius rising. Aquarius is the sign of the water-bearer. “When this sign is on the ascendant, the individual has a unique approach to life that makes him somehow ‘different’ from other people. He may have a most unusual personality, or be so far ahead of his time that he is accused of being eccentric,” says astrologer Jeanne Avery.
Why is the word “Jew” antagonistic to so many people? There has to be a reason, one that goes way back in time. Jew applies to a religion. Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially with regard to the creation of a particular god, in the Jewish religion’s case, a god that conveniently allowed those of the Jewish faith, who were wandering around in the wilderness with Moses for 40 years, a Promised Land. Just go in and take another’s land and call it God’s will. It was Joshua’s will. The Promised Land was an act of desperation and is today an act of desperation by a people married to a past. The “Promised Land” turned out to be Canaan. The Jews invaded Canaan, and all in the name of their religion, killed every man, woman, and child. Explain that to people with reason and logic. Never accuse me of being religious.
One big holy war—just create a supernatural god that does your bidding, a sure way of control. One Holocaust calls for another. In their awesome spender, with their meaningless babble, it is amusing to observe the rituals of holy men casting their spells over the faithful, and not so amusing to see the results. What better way to cause war than to call another’s god evil and murder everyone of another faith?
Weep no more Glenn Beck. The U. S. Constitution neither states nor implies that America was God’s promise to European Christians. We Americans believe in separation of church and state. Is making America vulnerable to religious attack over something America’s Constitution has no connection the right thing to do? What a pity that America no longer adheres to our Constitution. Getting involved in the Promised Land conflict is divisive. Obama takes the Muslim side. He threw Israel under the bus. Such stupidity! Osama bin Laden blamed America, an America that threw their Constitution under the bus. The very reason that people are blowing themselves to bits to kill “God’s enemies” is religious inspiration.
Hitler blamed Germany’s economic woes on Jews. The Jewish question is the reason I was sucked into World War II. Hundreds of millions of innocent people have suffered and died over religious humbug. Time to lay this nonsense to rest! It is not the Promised Land for Jews. It is all man’s doing. There is now a scientifically proven God of all who loves his creation. Wise up and learn about the new age God.
The Old Testament ends with this: “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Who is “he?” When I read The Gospel According to St. Matthew, I get a completely different story than the one I learned as a Christian. Every Christian is familiar with the Lord’s Prayer. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven. . .But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” There is a distinction. The kingdom of God is internal. In God’s kingdom, “he” is you. Once you find your internal God-self, Jew, Christian, or Muslim, you see things differently than the orthodoxy would have you believe. You find the real you and your destiny. Your life becomes immeasurably better and so goes the world. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.