Sweden: Muslims throw stones at police officers arresting Stockholm jihad attack suspects

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Assimilation? Why, it’s just around the corner!

“Swedish anti-terror police – including a Muslim officer praised by colleagues – are pelted with STONES while arresting Stockholm attack suspects near migrant district Trump called a ‘no-go zone,'” by Jake Wallis Simons and Paul Thompson, Mailonline, April 8, 2017:

Police officers responding to the Stockholm terror atrocity were attacked by a gang of youths who pelted them with stones last night, Swedish policemen have said.

The attack happened last night near Rinkeby, part of the ‘immigrant no-go zone’ that gained notoriety when President Trump referred to it in a controversial speech in February.

It is thought that the officers were taking part in an operation to arrest a 17-year-old and his mother at an address linked to the 39-year-old prime suspect.

Both have since been released without charge.

‘During the night my colleagues were exposed to stone throwing in [the suburb of] Tensta, in the middle of an ongoing terror operation.

‘Some people will never learn,’ Abdallah Ahmed, a police officer, said in a social media post.

‘To terror I want to say one thing, in pure Swedish: go to hell. My thoughts go to those affected in every way.’

Earlier today, at the address near Tensta that was raided last night, the 17-year-old who had been arrested denied any connection to the 39-year-old terrorist….

Jihad Watch

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