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  • MSG Ranger John Hatley has been imprisioned in Leavenworth Federal Prision for Protecting his fellow soldiers.. Insurgents fired on his soldiers & when captured they were Identfyed as enemy combatants who have fired on his Soldiers multiple times.. When told to release these enemy insurgents who would continue trying to kill his men, MSG John Hatley protected his men & shot them.. By doing so, He saved American Soldiers lives, Men who are Husbands, Fathers & Sons that he has a sworn duty to protect above all else.  I would do the exact same thing to protect the Men I haved served with & would think any Soldier or Marine would do the same. We must not let this miscarrage of justice continue.. Please contact your US Senators, Congressman, & the President & demand that John Hately be set free & his service record be reinstated with full military honor.......................... MSG RANGER JOHN HATLEY IS AN AMERICAN HERO...  FREE HIM NOW!!!!!!!!!
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