I heard yesterday the mother of one of our fallen brothers say that the last conversation they had was as follows. She asked him if there was anything he needed, he said no. She asked him if there was anything he wanted and he replied " we need a new president". That was the last contact his mother had with him, he was killed the next day. Guys, this was one of our family, his last request was "get rid of Obama", we all know why. Obama is causing the death of our brothers the same as if he were pulling the trigger or planting the IED. This soldier made a request, we owe it to him to do everything we can to see to it that Obama is removed from the Whitehouse. Even if he is re-elected we must make his life a living hell, remind him of the blood on his hands every day. Call your congressman every week and ask why Obama is not impeached. Tell them you want to block anything and everything Obama tries to do. Make sure the world knows Obama is a traitor and a murderer. I intend to honor this soldiers last request. Who else?
Art Phillips (Elevengun)
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@Daniel Brown Jr. I don't see why Romney can't use the same executive order privelege to put them on hold until they can be reviewed....and treaties aren't valid until raified, so a prolonged legal fight could ensue.
Ostupid is the epitome of evil.He is the son of Satan.
He is the antichrist.
He is the servent of Sin.
A person cant be a Christian and believe in or practice sodomy.Homosexaulity is an abomination to God.The Jewish Law said that a sodomite was to be stoned to death.People say God is a God of Love.Yes he sure is but in order to enter the kingdom of God one must repent of their sin.If a sodomite never repents and continue his sodomite life style he will be judged of God and cast into the lake of fire.
We have early voting here in Texas also.They sent my primary ballot but they haven't yet sent my general election ballot.So I talked to my wife and we are going to the polls and voting.I am a republican and I dont think they dont wont me and my wife to vote.More voter fraud.Oh yes do you know who i'll be voting for?R/R of course.
@Daniel C. Brown Jr... THIS is what I'm deathly afraid of.. Once he sees that he's lost reeelection, all of the bad stuff he's done behind our backs will be NOTHING compared to what he is capable of doing during the lame duck period. He will realize he has nothing to lose and with all of the cleverly crafted EO/NDAA/Patriot Act, he'll do as much as he can to finish off this country before Jan 20, 2013.. I strongly suspect we'll see the "American Civil War version 2" shortly after November 6..
He is such a liar and allowing satan to use him in all aspects of trying to destroy our Great Land
I would tell Obama that I hope God allows me to see obama's face when obama is standing in front of the Throne of God and is asked by God Himself, why obama thought it was ok to kill God's children. Then I would hope God would allow the children obama killed to walk by him and let him know that he will now pay the price. We have the devil in the White House.
Since we have early voting here in Nevada, I've already voted for Romney AND every single other Republican on the ticket.. What I desparately hope happens after January 20, 2013 is shown in the following picture on imgur... http://imgur.com/yRHNE
60 sec. How can one person be so corrupt ?
Brother Art: In order for Obama to be a "traitor", he would first have to prove that he was ever a patriot. He is a man shrouded in mystery, and an "enemy, domestic", from the beginning.
Count me in , I will do every thing I can within the law to honor his wishes . If this b--t--d some how wins the election , knowing it would be by fraud and deception , the within the law part would be questionable . After he is out of office we should still pursue criminal charges against him for constitutional violations and violations of his oath of office .