A Christian Nation?

I don't think so. anyone who would make such a statement has never read the Bible. We are ancient greece and rome all over again. Fallen to greed and lust of every kind. when the Federal supreme court declared Pornography as art they legalized prostitution. any hooker with a digital camera can take a pic of her act and call it art. These people called the Supreme court are just as insane with corruption as the fegeral, state, and local goverments. Corruption is the way of life in our once free country, but since there are so many who can be bought and sold, it,I'm afraid is lost to its own demise. Since the fed started regulating our educational system, it has gone down the tubes. Kids aren't learning anything about our Constitution and the price that was paid for these freedoms and hollywood is striving hard to do away with it. Isn't it funny how those wanting Socialism have never lived in it. It is oppressive to all but the so-called leaders of such countries.

I'm afraid the only way we can save and keeep America free is what George Washington said needed to bedone. tear it down and start over. If not the Chinese will be our next government. If we keep our constitution and freedoms established by it then we can always have another election and elect real people, not the bought and paid for pundits that keep destroying freedom for their self gain.

Today, most that are joining our military are joining for job security without even knowing the value of the oath they take when they join. Just like the presidents, senators, and representatives who take the same oath. To them it's just a formality, they don't mean a word of it. Before long we will be the United corporations of the world, not the United States of america.

Miccrosoft and google are part of the Bilderberger society in the effort to rule the world through electronics. do the research yourselves to find the real truth about where we are going as a nation. Obama bin Laden had his seat in the Bilderbergers 6 months prior to the election, as did Bush and Clinton. Our nation is being sold out by the corruption of the government. There is only one way to stop it and that is post Tea Party.

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  • Is there anyone who is not a republican in the Tea party, because they are just as guilty of our nation's downfall as the Dems. I read alot of comments about reesigning senators but what about Obama who has yet to produce a valid birth certificate showing he was born in the US. The one that was produced was printed on a form that post-dates his birth by about 30 years. He is the tool being used for the NWO and his csars are orchestrating it. does it occur to anyone that their are so many jumping ship for extra priviliges given by the Bilderbergers?
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