A Congressional Reduction Proposal a concept for Congress and the Whitehouse to consider. Here is a copy of an email a teaparty supporter sent to their House Rep. Henry Brown. A similar email was also sent out to Senator Lindsey Graham.
Email rumors are afloat about a 1% deficit reduction tax that was proposed earlier this year by house Dems possibly getting passed after the elections. I am interested in knowing where this stands both now and in the future.
I (as with many others in my circle) have reached a point of total frustration with Washington spending which in turn breeds further taxation. I am certain you have heard this over and over but as a retiree who is now looking at going back to work to survive, I feel something desperately needs to change in Washington.
Proposals such as this (and others) have lead me to strongly support a "Congressional Reduction" proposal. Inarguably, fewer representatives in Washington would generate a significant deficit reduction for years to come considering salaries and staff alone. With "main street" making all kinds of reductions as a result of the economy, it only seems fitting that Washington consider similar reductions. A Congressional Reduction Act likely would require a Constitutional Amendment, but if deficit reduction is the ultimate goal, then it seems this proposal has considerable merit. Just imagine the amount of public support such a proposal would garner at a time when the vast majority of people feel that Washington seems "recession proof."