I see that Congressman Peter King is going to propose gun control legislation forbidding weapons within 1,000 feet of federal officials at public events. Great, except that weapons can be hidden. His is no solution.
Never let a crisis go to waste. While media attention is concentrated on Jared Lounghner, let us focus our attention on the division, which surely is a factor. Both the left and right are in a defensive posture.
Why the division? Like the smell of an approaching storm, we sense a reordering on the way. It is scary. Instead of using the crises to push either the right’s or the left’s cause, I’m pushing harmony—stop the cacophony and start working on a rational solution. Instead of getting nowhere dealing with the symptoms, why not deal with the actual cause of the problem: corruption.
Be a revolutionary. Push for anarchy; that is, the form I found in my Webster’s College Dictionary—the theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association or individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society. Sounds to me a lot like the political ideal of the members of the original Tea Party.
The odds are that in the end America will go bankrupt. There is not demonstrated the will to get spending under control. Be prepared for bankruptcy and a new beginning. Looking at history, when Germany went bankrupt the answer was Hitler. The other option is the ordered liberty with which America began.
On July 4, 1776, the day America was born, on earth as it is in heaven; America was born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer. Coincidental with the message Jesus left the world, Aquarius is an age when we the people will form a brotherhood.
Looking back at my past to the time I was forced to make a drastic change, on Good Friday, 1975 (not by intent, mind you) I departed my old life. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. Looking back, I believe this was a significant sign of the future. I happen to be Aquarius rising.
Thinking about this the other day, I wrote in Google search, as I often do when I’m looking for information, “Aquarius rising.” I came up with Café Astrology and the Karmic Past. I recalled reading in Astrologer’s Handbook under “Saturn trine Pluto” that this trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, and that often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which I must fulfill.
I paid the $5.95 Café Astrology requested for the Karmic Past Life Report on me. Of particular interest, “Capricorn, 12th House, Aquarius Rising: You have a great sense of contributing to the betterment of humankind. You are seen as being creative and an innovator. Over-reaction to the restrictions in your prior life could make you appear too avant-garde or rebellious to the outside world.”
Under “Saturn trine Pluto: You have considerable will-power and inner strength, having endured many hardships in prior lifetimes. This time, you tend to view your life with great seriousness, knowing that hard work and self-sacrifice will bring success. You are capable of long hours of solitary work, feeling most comfortable when solving puzzles or problems. Sometimes, you will hold on to a lost cause because you are not comfortable with change. You learn best through example and your challenge in this life is to become more flexible by accepting the experiences as part of the growth process.”
Shortly after I cut from the herd in 1975, by chance, I met an astrologer and had him create my astrological chart. I didn’t take a lot of stock in it. In the spring of 2001, being retired and nothing better to do with my time, I decided to write my memoirs. The events of my life began connecting to make a picture. The same as when I began writing my memoirs, every morning first thing I write down my thoughts and later type them in my word processor, so I can easily move sentences and paragraphs around to make connections. Strangely, my astrology is fitting in with the picture I’ve seen of myself from writing my memoirs.
Putting myself in Jared Loughner’s place, in 1973, I wrote the Attorney General of the United States a letter stating that the income tax was unconstitutional and that I’d see him in court. That was a weird thing to do, something Loughner might have done. At the time, I was experiencing my business enterprise of 25 years go on the rocks and my second wife divorcing me. I was having terrifying nightmares and waking up in cold sweats. Anyone might have done weird things.
The Attorney General forwarded my letter to the IRS. The IRS decided to teach me a lesson. It refused to refund the claim I made for business losses, and it conspired with my wife to cheat me. On the IRS’ advice, she filed a separate return without my knowledge. The IRS charged me with the full tax and called me in to advise that the IRS was going to take my possessions if I didn’t pay the tax, penalty and interest. At the time, I was working on a minimum paying job and could not pay my rent. I imagined myself with a machinegun walking into the IRS office and opening fire, but I didn’t flip. I filed file a petition to the tax court.
Instead of machine-gunning the IRS, shaving my head, and posing for a picture looking like a monster, for the following eleven years, while the IRS continued to lawlessly take my property, while I filed lawsuits, while the courts allowed the IRS to make limitless “errors,” thus building a binding case of federal banditry, I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. The IRS, to the whole world, ate crow.
I could have easily flipped. The reason I didn’t, the world doesn’t know, was that I felt the power that was in me. Perhaps the reason the IRS didn’t turn me into a monster was my past lives. Just a thought. Astrology says I’m way out there. Maybe we’ll some day see what Jesus taught: in earth as it is in heaven.
Essentially, you state the solution in the same comment. It is just that it takes many more than just one, and we are dealing with an entire raft of problems that have been growing and festering for more than 150 years. We cannot fix it "overnight" and it will, ultimately take one, or more, complete replacements of both Houses of Congress. Just a complete replacement of the Senate would take not less than six years, and we just blew half of the first round.
Until they learn to take us seriously, they will retain the "REID Mentality": "Ignore them and they will go away."
We did well with many of the State races, but we need to do better there as well. Then maybe the Jackals that are currently in power will start to sense a sea change.
Regardless, we cannot lose Hope! We must conduct ourselves in an orderly manner and "Put our minds to it." Seek change through the Ballot as civilized humans.
The Wolf is at the door, and Jackals are in power. It is not a good time to be a Sheep!
What is the solution? I found that I have the power, if I put my mind to it, to urn the powers that be into paper tigers.
You did not flip because, despite the stress you were under, You Are Not A Total Nut Case! (Stress: literally needing to choke the living crap out of some anus who desperately deserves it, but not allowing yourself to descend to the level of physical violence.)
Has anyone considered what the proposal by Congressman King (A Republican? How about a RINO?) will eventually result in? No Firearms within 1000 feet of any Federal Official at Public Events will effectively become a ban on firearms within 1000 feet of Any Public Official. Then a ban on firearms everywhere because there would always be the possibility that some Public Official could show up anywhere anytime!
There are TOO MANY weapons control regulations already. This shooter was a KNOWN commodity within his community. Why was he not stopped before this occurred? There was certainly enough cause. Teachers, family, friends, and even the local LOE's were aware of this guy and his proclivities. There is no excuse, but it will still serve to tighten the Gubmint Yoke.
Parting shot! Weapons Control = Targeting Accuracy. Gun Control = keeping it in your pants!