A Foreign Foreign Policy

Source; SNGLR

Charles Hurt, the opinion editor at The Washington Times said of biden reading his speech on the Middle East: “It was like watching an old man picked up off the street and hauled before cameras to be waterboarded.”

The world sees the spectacular weakness in biden. There is no hiding it. And who is responsible? The left-wing/democrats who installed him to wreak his dreams upon the world.

It is biden’s own policies that fuel both war in Ukraine, where trench lines that have barely shifted for nearly a year and feed Iran’s war machine. It’s all about the oil and continuation of ruinous policy from BObama. Meanwhile, biden apologists—including those Iran apologists within his administration—refuse to acknowledge that he and BObama have allowed Iran to reap $70 billion in petrodollars to fund hamas and hezbollah terrorism against Israel.

Even the constant protection of the corrupt left-wing media no longer works for biden as it once did.  He’s weak. He’s afraid of Iran. He appeases iran. His disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was only the beginning. The people see what he’s done. They’re waking up. They know.

At least when jimmy carter was exposing himself to the world as a weak man, when his name became a joke synonymous with feebleness, when the Americans were taken hostage in Iran.  carter only cemented the notion he was a weakling when he literally panicked and  feared he was being threatened. Yet even through that, as inflation tore through our wallets and our savings, as Iran burned our flag, as our hostages waited helplessly because the president was so seemingly powerless, the libs/dems were behind him and we called him president.

But that’s not true for today’s left-wing/democrats, who tear each other up over support for Israel. The hard left has grown. They’re the anti-Semites who hate Israel. They’re the democrats who support the do-nothing Soros prosecutors who don’t prosecute. And they take the country on a wild, dangerous joy ride, to a demolition derby on their intersectionality highway where victimhood crashes into victimhood.

The democrats have a hamas problem(1). It is an alliance of the sick, of the ill, of the liberal ideology addicts. “The virulent anti-Israel protests across America and Europe throw a glaring light on the bizarre alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims...That odd combination has been the bedrock of political activism at universities and in the streets for years. It began in universities, where it now dominates political discourse, threatens Jewish students, and intimidates anyone brave enough to voice their dissent. We can now see how it has spread far beyond the campus.”--Charles Lipson

biden is little more than a meat puppet. He will not debate anyone with a brain and can speak, let alone sit for hard-ball news interviews. That scripted puff piece by 60 minutes doesn’t count. America watched, horrified as he played Israel for campaign photo ops and could barely recite the lines provided to him by his puppet masters. He could barely focus his gaze. But then, cBS News has long been in the liberal/democrat pocket, pumping for BObama’s notorious Iran nuclear deal promoted by left-wing media manipulator and puppeteer ben rhodes–the brother of then cBS president david rhodes–is but one example of the dangers of the liberal/democrat Media Complex.

And libs/dems will push joe’s wrong-headed policy of linking U.S. military aide to Ukraine to support for Israel and humanitarian aide for palestinians–which means terrorist hamas will get more of your money.

When Secretary of State anthony blinken speaks, think of 2 things: biden’s horror at even mentioning Iran as the architect of the hamas war crimes against Israeli civilians in Gaza, and how blinken got his job in the 1st place. It was Blinken who orchestrated the slime attack against The New York Post for its reporting of the hunter laptop fiasco and the increasing the dangerous powers of the Deep State and all its surveillance of Americans, to the pushing of endless wars and their determination to set unelected federal bureaucrats against American liberty.

The Federalist warned against the impulse now being fueled by biden to build 1 big war in the Middle East and Ukraine. "The stakes of this one war are so high — civilization itself hangs in the balance! — that the US must get deeply involved in both of them." That’s what biden peddled in hos Oval Office sppech.

Aid to Israel and Ukraine should not be linked. We should support our ally Israel. The U.S. is $33 trillion in debt and the biden regime has opened our borders and how many terrorists have crossed over? Let Israel do what must be done to protect Israeli citizens. Stop linking aid to Ukraine with aid to Israel. And stand up to Iranian aggression, stop helping fund Iranian terrorism, or it will only get worse for America and the world.

Our leaders feel free to propagate a bizarre and unbounded species of turbo liberalism. 3rd-wave feminism, the esoteric doctrines of the rainbow LGBTQIA+ brigade, open-borders immigration and race politics, the ever-escalating climate agenda and similar strangeness all have their separate etiologies, but what opened the door to them in the first place was the absence of any clear external threat. These are above all ideological luxuries which the left-wing elites of wealthy nations feel they are in a position to afford.

“We live in the most dangerous moment in a generation. Our world, set on edge by an erratic, unstable president. This is a moment that requires strong, steady, stable leadership. We need someone tested and trusted around the world...“Right now, we don’t really have a foreign policy. I’m not being facetious — we don’t have a foreign policy... “Day One you gotta be able to stand up and the world know you know what you’re talking about. Know you know what you’re saying. And know you mean what you say. We have to set aside our divisions and come together as Americans."--joe biden

And with biden, how has it turned out?

biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue” over the course of his career. biden has repeatedly demonstrated his penchant for being wrong, now more than ever,with the perils we now face as a result.

Our global adversaries witnessed his disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, and as a consequence, the resurrection of the taliban and the islamic state and al-Qa'ida. Then, the bloody and totally predictable invasion of Ukraine by putin, posing a greater threat to NATO. And now it’s the invasion of Israel by iranian-backed terror surrogate hamas. And  the additional strategic challenge posed by iran’s other terror surrogate, its Lebanese hezbollah cells from the north.

Power does not tolerate a vacuum or a vacuous appeaser like biden. He empowered iran by releasing billions of dollars to this rogue regime in exchange for 6 hostages, and now there's more hostages by iran proxies. And by ignoring iran’s sale of 1.5 million barrels of oil daily to its ally, the Red Chinese, despite sanctions, iran has $50-$80 BILLION dollars to support more terrorism.

Meanwhile, biden was busy at the time of the attack this week promoting the 50th birthday of thug our lord floyd in an effort to reinvigorate his “systemic racism” lie. biden trotted out his deceptive “police reform” rhetoric, declaring, “I will continue to do everything in my power to fight for police accountability and urge Congress to pass meaningful police reform and send it to my desk.”

OK, after that bs joe was off to Israel for some regional “shuttle diplomacy,” but hamas(2) short-circuited that plan by launching the first of many propaganda campaigns, this one claiming the IDF targeted and bombed a Gaza hospital. Despite copious (for you left-wingers that means a whole hell of a lot of REAL) evidence to the contrary, the left-wing media, like all addicted to flawed liberal ideological dogma, never let those pesky facts get in the way, blamed Israel first, and idiotically repeated that propaganda because, after all, they trust islamic terrorists!

For the record, Israel and iran both know that the IDF incident report can be corroborated by our intelligence overwatch assets in the region, but that did not stop iran’s foreign minister, channeling the likes of baghdad bob, from declaring: “Time is running out very fast. If the war crimes against the palestinians are not immediately stopped, other multiple fronts will open and this is inevitable.”  Ah, yes, the “palestinians,” a fabricated name for that sect of Egyptian outcasts that nobody in the Arab world wants in their country. Maybe iran can take them in with the $billions joe gave them.

iran is at expert level when it comes to left-wing media manipulation. And that manipulation resulted in our principal Middle East ally, King Abdullah II of Jordan, canceling his scheduled meeting with biden, who was hoping for a photo op to appear like he has some gravitas in the region. That meeting, along with his canceled meeting with palestinian authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, should never have been scheduled — and now is just more fodder for the biden clown show. Suffice it to say that joe biden makes inept jimmy carter look like a great statesman.

Back to reality, can a divided America deter China and Russia? According to Robert Gates, 22nd Secretary of Defense and former Director of the CIA during the fall of the ussr : "The US now confronts graver threats to its security than it has in decades, perhaps ever. Never before has it faced 4 allied antagonists at the same time — Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran — whose collective nuclear arsenal could within a few years be nearly double the size of its own. Not since the Korean War has the US had to contend with powerful military rivals in both Europe and Asia, a time when an adversary had as much economic, scientific, technological, and military power as China does today.

The problem is that at the very moment that events demand a strong and coherent response from the US, the country cannot provide one. Its political leadership doesn't care that developments in China and Russia matter, how the threats posed by these countries are interconnected. They have failed to articulate a long-term strategy to ensure that the US, and democracy will prevail.

China's xi jinping and Russia's putin share convictions. 1st, each is convinced that his personal destiny is to restore the glory days of his country’s imperial past. For xi, this means reclaiming imperial China’s once dominant role in Asia while harboring even greater ambitions for global influence. For putin, it means pursuing an awkward mixture of reviving the Russian Empire and recapturing the deference that was accorded the Soviet Union. 2nd, both leaders are convinced that the developed democracies — above all, the US — are past their prime and have entered an irreversible decline, evident in these democracies’ weak woke leaders, internal political warfare, and domestic disarray.

Taken together, xi and putin portend a dangerous period ahead for the US. The problem is not merely military strength and aggressiveness. It is also that both leaders have already made major miscalculations at home and abroad and seem likely to make even bigger ones in the future. Their decisions could well lead to catastrophic consequences for themselves — and for the US.

Washington will require strategic vision and bold action. Therein lies the rub. On our near horizon is an existential threat to the US and our allies resulting from the left-wing's ineptitude and appeasement. They have enabled Iran’s rapidly approaching rollout of its nuclear “islamic bomb,” which the first line of defense against that threat has been, and remains, Israel. Meanwhile, on our immediate horizon posing an imminent existential threat is Red China – beset with its own internal economic decline, the chiComs best way to divert attention from domestic problems is to rally nationalism. Thus, in light of the degraded state of our military readiness, the potential for China’s surge across the Taiwan straits to force “reunification,” as affirmed by its aggressive projections, is a greater risk now than in decades. That would be very bad for everybody!

The same left-wing who is concerned about other nation’s borders, who closed down our economy needlessly because of the china virus tells us they can't close our border. biden himself has proven to be the red flag warning for America. In his own words: “Right now, we don’t really have a foreign policy. I’m not being facetious — we don’t have a foreign policy.” But more so, we don't have a sound American foreign policy. Instead, we have a left wing regime that dislikes Americans. 

1. According to a Harvard/Harris poll, only the police and military are more respected than Israel.  Then again, “palestinian authority” gets 17% support, and hamas has a 14% positive rating — which is to say, 14% of your neighbors have taken the side of a medieval religious cult that’s vicious enough to cut Jewish babies out of mothers before beheading them. If 14% of Americans supported ISIS or al Qaeda or the Nazi Party, would you be concerned?

The BObama types, who do the perfunctory throat-clearing about Israel’s right to exist before going into the usual reasons it should not. This faction is a growing concern in the left-wing/democratic Party. According to the Harvard poll crosstabs, 36% of “liberals” of all ages agreed that the hamas unprovocated brutal attack on civilians was justifoed.  While antisemitism isn’t the exclusive domain of left, full-blown hamas apologists are now deeply embedded in left-wing institutions such as universities, major newspapers, cable news, progressive politics, think tanks, and the State Department. They have the kind of disproportionate reach and institutional respect that cosplaying Nazis standing in front of Disney playing with themselves can only dream about.  

2. The leaders of hamas are Palestinian. Not Qatari. Yet 2 weeks after a Hamas attack on Israel that in its barbarity dwarfed Sept. 11, they continue to live in luxury in Qatar, a tiny Persian Gulf city-state.

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