A God for Tomorrow

My oldest daughter was schizophrenic.  It seemed that she hated being born. She screamed and cried constantly. She was a hyperactive child. During her senior year in high school, she said she was demon possessed, and had visions of a former life when she was a miserably poor Englishman. She was incredibly accurate in looking into the past lives of people she didn’t know.  When she was forty-five, Sharon was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Sharon was a sweet girl and accepted her fate.  When she passed on at age 53, Sharon was a vegetable.  No one could help Sharon in her unbelievably sad life. 


If we knew what causes people to do the terrible, senseless things they sometimes do, we wouldn’t be grieving today over what Jared Lounghner did. The authorities say Lounghner is the typically troubled loner. The nation is as badly divided as it was during the Civil War. We are all angry but Jared Lounghner was one of a kind.  Maybe there is a reason we don’t know for this tragedy, and maybe we should start looking for the answer in ways we have not.


Café Astrology.com and our Karmic Past


My most important past life experience: “Capricorn 12th House, Aquarius Rising”—I have a great sense of continuing to the betterment of humankind. I’m seen as being creative and an innovator. Over-reaction to the restrictions of my past life could make me appear too avant-garde or rebellious to the outside world. I am into the betterment of humankind. I am rebellious and more into the future than most. You can read all of this in my blogs.


Café Astrology:The source of many of our self-imposed restrictions are in the placement of Saturn. Saturn’s lessons require hard work and self-discipline.  When a lesson from a past life is not learned, I can experience inexplicable guilt or self-restriction on the negative side. That has a familiar ring—God looking down on me and frowning. I was a bad boy. I thought a lot of the time about having sex. I was told if I even thought about it, I was a sinner.  I could not stop thinking about it so I figured I was going to hell anyway. I’m too analytical to be held in place by doctrines and dogmas that don’t make sense. I had sex and quit worrying about it.  Once I found the right woman, I was faithful to her. 


In my chart, as luck would have it, Saturn is Sextile Mercury. I have mental discipline that was handed down from past lives.


Café Astrology: I bring into this life certain talents and interests that help expand my horizons. Jupiter tells the astrologer of my karmic gifts, that which I brought with me from past lives.  With Jupiter in Capricorn my traditional values from past lives is expressed as honesty and fair play.


Saturn trine Pluto, according to Café Astrology, means that having endured many hardships in prior lifetimes, this trine gives me considerable will-power. Astrologer’s Handbook goes on to say that if my chart generally points to the occult, which it does, I would slowly work to make changes in my life and other lives. I could be here with a peculiar karmic mission.  


Planets in retrograde hide or reverse true energy. With Uranus retrograde in my astrological chart, I might appear conventional, but inwardly I’m quite unique. My ideas can be so far in the future that I appear eccentric.


All in all, you could say, my past lives have led me to making my dreams come true, but what if I were the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper? What if Jared Lounghner is the reincarnation of Mao. This brings me to say, with the Westboro Baptist Church claiming “God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America,” and the Sheriff and left wing press saying their opposition caused the shootings, it is safe to say there are a lot of closed minds in America, and that’s the reason for the shootings.

We read that CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the largest atom smasher in the world, recently fired up, may soon find the Higgs boson, the so-called “God particle.” In fact, there is a rumor that Fermi National Accelerator Libratory at Batavia, Illinois has already discovered the Higgs boson.  Geneticists are about to know everything about how we are put together.  It is thought that if we know everything about everything, we will know God.  Will knowing everything about everything stop international terrorism? No. Science is one thing, religion another, each with its own set of rules.

 After a billion years of life’s evolvement, science tells us, a life form appeared on earth that possessed advanced reason and logic, and exclusive to humans—hardly a random event.  The cutting edge of science has an explanation. Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, under a “God for Tomorrow,” writes:  “Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exists as something more than pieces of matter. . . Matter, objects—a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.”

 Jesus said, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. . . But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Thy will, my will, God’s will, what? After I studied the Constitution, with the practical reason of defending my liberties against a corrupt government, I discovered the real me and found God. Let it be clear that I did not find religion.





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