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  • Jerry: You may very well be right. Good point!

  • Well said, Tea Party Founder...and my feelings exactly. And personally, I don't expect to agree with everyone in the movement, about everything...but we definetly share the same major goals. I stand SOLID with my fellow Americans in this movement.  =0)


  • (Ken) I disagree with your approach.  First of all the reason this is an issue is because the Whitehouse and radicals have not or will not provide verifiable proof.  If there is a problem resolve it.  However, it is the standard practice to spin the issue vice seeking solutions.  Additionally, I have been taught in the military that complaining without solutions is counter-productive.


    Not every commentator is here to strenghten the Tea Party.  To find singular issues to encourage members to disband paints an agenda that counterproductive to the Tea Party and your patriotism.  This issue is not our main platform, but LTC Lakin has proven his patriotism. 


    Tea Party are not driven by singular issues and can multi-task.   I hope that your views are not so narrow and myopic that you will never see the importance of Restoring America to a Constitutional government.  We need solutions to problems (i.e. Securing the Border, Energy Independence, Free Markets, Streamlined Government, etc.).  Our government deliberately creates crisis by not providing solutions or performing thier duties.  It is call wasteful government spending.


    The Tea Party is still growing and we need to develop better mechanism to communicate.  The media is controlled by the political parties and exclude viable candidates and solutions to issues plaguing our nation. 

  • LTC Terry Lakin is indeed a true American military patriot hero.  The grounds for LTC Lakin's position were solid-- this is an undeniable fact. There is not one of us, whether we agree with his personal decision or not, that as true fellow American patriots, can deny his heroism. LTC Lakin was/is no fool, no flake, nor wacko, but instead a military officer who upheld his convictions of loyalty to the Constitution.


    If WE all were willing to do the same, our problem in this county could be resolved in the lifetimes of most of us, but unfortunately it appears that we will be passing the job off to our children's children as we continue down a path of divisive RIFTS.  Such rifts are not caused by differences of opinions or even splits on issues, but by divisive attitudes. Such divisive attitudes is what fuels the Democrat and Republican parties today, and what led our country into the not-originally envisioned 'Two-Party System' that rules the governance of our nation today. Essentially, divisive attitudes evolving into rifts and what I refer to as 'party-ism' is what George Washington warned our nation of in his farewell address.


    Below is an excerpt from a blog I did well before Obama released what he is presenting as his long form birth certificate. I would appreciate you taken the time to read it: 


    On the 'birther' issue for instance. Do we really have to split over this, or if we do, do we have to let the split turn into a rift? I say the answer is NO we do not! My perspective is this. The issue of Obama's eligibility is very important, and should be pursued publicly, but NOT RIGHT NOW. 


    If it is proven that Obama is not eligible to hold office, what will be the outcome prior to the 2012 election if he is actually removed from office? 


    What kind of chaos and pandemonium will ensue?


    Will the person who replaces him be any better, or perhaps in some ways worse?


    Is the real issue at its core Obama, or is it the progressive socialist ideas he represents?


    Would it not behoove us to make the forefront of out patriot efforts about the issues and not about an individual? If about the individual, then what happens if Obama presents convincing proof right now that he is an American citizen? Will this help the patriot cause, or will it further empower Obama and those who are behind him and the minions that support him?


    Would it not be better then to load our patriot cannon (figurative) with the facts, but wait to blast the issue and demand an answer at a more strategic, less vulnerable time that, if our facts are missing something, it doesn't result in empowering Obama? If so, what would be the appropriate time for such a blast? How about after he is defeated in 2012? Then if we're wrong, it doesn't matter as much, but if we're right, wouldn't it further the momentum of the patriot cause?  


    In summary, my question is this. Will we allow forces operating within or without the patriot movement cause us to allow inevitable splits to turn into unnecessary and destructive rifts? Is there a way to help prevent this? Would a possible method of prevention be to stay committed to core principles that would survive the impact of splits, and repel the allure of rifts -- divisions that would derail the cause like it has the conservative movement time and time again? Are the following core principles sufficient, or do they perhaps need further breadth to promote the inclusion of further legitimate points of view?   


    * Constitutionally Limited Government

    * Fiscal Responsibility

    * Free Markets  


    I do not know the answers to all the questions above, but I am convinced of this. If we are true patriots, genuine in our cause, we will seek to unify on appropriate grounds, and not allow rifts to destroy what we say we are fighting for. What do you think, what do you say? 


    Patriot regards,

    Steven Reagan Myers



  • Bottom line. I support the teaparty and its efforts. You (anyone) certainly have the freedom to complain, but I'm not about to kick dirt in the faces of patriots that have stepped up to the plate and formed a grassroots movement, and at SUCH a critical time. The Teaparty has done this country a service, and I will continue to support it whether I agree with EVERYTHING they do, or not.
  • Thats great, I'm glad he's been released. Now why don't the joint chiefs of staff or the navy seals that took out bin laden uphold their oath and turn there guns on the real terrorist in our whitehouse. obama should be dragged into the streets and hanged by his scrawny muslim neck till DEAD, followed by all the socialist scum that infest our halls of justice.
  • The Tea Party really needs to move on. You want to talk about vetting? Well for starters. In the mid-term elections. The Tea Party backed and endorsed eight people that got elected. Seven out of the eight are now taking PAC money. Our own Government is trying its up-most best to circumvent our Constitution. We're sending billions of our tax dollars to Countries that lie and stab us in the back. Our economy is so far in the crapper. That I won't see recovery in my life time and my children may not in theirs. With everything that is so wrong with our Country. Why is the Tea Party so hell bent on looking like fools with this Obama "birth certificate" bull shit? You're supposed to be a grass roots, for the "real" people movement. Do you think for one second Obama and his people didn't know what they were doing holding his certificate back? They KNEW if they did, it would distract from the real issues. With the Tea Party leading the way. Looking more and more like idiots. You've stepped in a pile of shit and now you're rubbing the stink over every good thing the Tea Party has done.
  • LOL Ken, trust me, we can multitask. =0)
  • Great post!

    Question: If all President Obama needed to do was “say the word” to release his purported “long-form birth certificate”, then why did he refuse to release this document last year, when it was demanded during the discovery phase of the court-martial of LTC Terry Lakin so LtCol Lakin wouldn’t have to pay the ultimate price of loosing his retirement benefits after honorably and selflessly serving his country for all those years?

    Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

    My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

    Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newl...

    Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted!

    Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!

    Another General Supports LtCol. Lakin!

    The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!

    Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

    “Food For Thought”

    “God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

    Semper Fi!


  • Even though I believe the bc is fake and there is a lot more for Obama to answer for and reveal, and I have been one prayed all the time and supported Terry Lakin, the video and the comment
    about Obama is a ral bad image for Tea Party. Its like the original local Tea Party Director in Houston started out posting Ron Paul propaganda on all his emails (which were too many) and it gave all recipients the impression Tea Party agenda. A nice article explaining the issue would have been more appropriate. While I certainly dont agree with Ken Yochum's comment, it is perplexing to the image of the Tea Party, which will meet its demise if it continues to run people off. The issue should be addressed more diplomaticly and informed to make a point. The bc issue should not appear as the format for the Tea Party. God Bless
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