When our current president was elected, there was a big to do about it at work we all were sitting in the breakroom and I remember one of the ladies I work with said "why not just print more money?" I mean she laughed and several people agreed that was the answer after all just print more money, like that's what the president should do. I thought I know she is smarter than that... I mean I thought she's just kinding so I didn't say anything, but how many people really think that's the answer? I mean maybe people don't realize that doing that makes every dollar we earn worth half as much, all I'm saying is who wants to work for an hour for say $20, but it's only worth $10? Most people I know would say HEYLL no to that scenario. Most people I know are pro choice, but draw the line at partial birth abortions. President Obama has a voting record against every single restrictive legislation presented on this issue. I'm talking about extreme, like death rooms where if an infant somehow survived an abortion he is in favor of leaving an infant in a cold hospital room to starve to death. The laws that were meant to protect minors by notifying parents if their daughter had these procedures in their facilties were viewed as restrictions by this president, I can't justify voting for someone who is such a crusader for abortion rights, my heart won't let me. I know of too many women who would give anything to be a mother and can't, not to be bothered by the statistics of abortions vs adoptions. I'm not totally niave though, I had a friend who said she agrees with abortion because she couldn't imagine some stranger having her kid, I was disturbed that she would rather kill the baby than give the baby to some stranger that can't have one,but then again it's just a fetus I guess? It boggles the mind. Our president loves federal regulations, Ok so when faced with ALL the federal regulations (obama care, etc.) are in place and companies/franchises like those that so many of us work start cutting back on hours, stop hiring people or close, because they are not going to loose profits to comply with all the regulations whose to blame? The companies? The president? No the voters, that's who, these things matter to me. I like to look at the voting records of the people running for office and the issues that matter to me and if they vote the way I would, that's my person. I don't let any reporter or commercial sway my vote, I listen to the debates, and I really consider things. I hope people are more informed this time around a lot can happen in four years....oh yeah I just wanted to add if you really believe the bull the mainstream media & the white house was selling about a stupid video being the cause of the attacks over seas, you need to google that crap! What you should worry about is the fact that our right to freedom of speech is under attack by our president, it is a crying shame that most people don't even have a clue what's going on in the world because the media adores this guy too busy being a celebrity to be a leader. The arrogance is truly disturbing.http://http://picturemeuniqueboutique.blogspot.com/2012/09/ok-ive-said-my-peice-now-you-decide.html
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