Since we have the uncomfortable feeling that our lives could be at the brink of significant change, and how we hate change, I’ve a message for you.
On Good Friday 1975, I drove out of my driveway in North Texas and headed for South Florida, never to return. I didn’t pick Good Friday, but the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified had special meaning in my life, as did April Fool’s Day. Both stand as signs. It seems that I have a penchant for picking days that have special meaning to make major changes in my life.
On April Fool’s Day 1999, my wife Karen and I boarded a jetliner at Palm Beach International Airport for a one-way journey back to square one, Portland, Oregon.
In August 1981, I’d departed Portland, with Karen all the way to Salt Lake City repeating, “I don’t know why I’m doing this.” Nearly 18 years later this fool returned to Portland.
The Good Friday departure resulted in my finding a new life that was vastly better than the life I left. After the August 1981 departure, if anything could go wrong it did; after the Good Friday 1975 departure, when things could very well have gone wrong, everything went right. In the change that didn’t work out well, I’d been impetuous. In the change that worked out well, I got on my course of destiny.
I’d studied my Constitution and acted. I had a bigger than life calling. In the 1981 change, I was running from my problems; in the 1975 change, I was facing the problem and acting.
In my 1975 departure, I was the pioneer seeking a new and better life. America’s Founding Fathers wrote my Constitution for a people that came to America seeking a new and better life. “And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened” (Luke 11:9).
The Phoenix, a legendary bird, after a life of centuries this bird immolated itself on a pyre and from the ashes was reborn. The Phoenix is an emblem of immortality, or of reborn idealism or hope, or a person who has been restored after suffering a calamity.
In this vein of thought, another sign in my life was the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980, which occurred on my first date with Karen. We were hiking a mountain trail near Mt. St. Helens. The most important thing in my life, to love and be loved back, had escaped me. When I met Karen, I’d experienced three failed marriages. The last thing I wanted was another wife, but the moment I met Karen I felt as though I was with an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. Just prior to seeing the sky turn black in the northwest from the eruption, Karen blurted out, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship.” She doesn’t know why she said it. Fifteen years later, I read in a computer printout taken from an astrological compatibility program: “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you.”
What about the 9-11 event? Is it not as well a sign? We are entering the Age of Aquarius, the sign, the water-bearer, we’re told this age is of brotherhood. Where does brotherhood begin? Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. We are all God’s children.
I read in my new Scofield Study Bible, in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, The new message of Jesus: not the Kingdom, but personal discipleship. I turned back to “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). The period after “Thy kingdom come” made sense. We are on earth to act, not to hope for the kingdom that is yet to come.
In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. On Good Friday 1975, the day of my departure from my old life, (we are on earth to act) Uranus, my ruling planet had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. It meant I’d be under pressure to significantly change my life. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I been too afraid to take the leap. After my departure, I faced a very tough situation, including being locked out of my apartment for non-payment of rent. Somehow, I knew I was going to win the battle. That feeling never left me. My departure in 1975 was to the sea. In a violent storm, God’s hand was on my wheel. Are we not all born for a purpose? I was saved for a purpose. We all have a purpose. Never give up.
Long ago, I dreamed of some day retiring in the mountains. In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, under “Life Lesson Number,” my number being 7, means “you are here to use and develop your mind. . . You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self.” In March 2008, Karen and I moved into our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood. There are numerous coincidences in my life like the ones I mention here.
In The Meaning of Life: the Physics of Consciousness, we read, “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.” Our state of consciousness, fundamental to our existence, means there is no limit.
In earth as it is in heaven, in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” I’m Aquarius rising, we are told that I’m somehow “different” from other people, that I can have a strong sense of freedom for myself and for others, and ahead of my time. We’re told under “Aquarius Rising” that trying to conform in order to be like everyone else I may rebel at crucial times. In the first instance, in 1975, I found the real me. In the second instance, in 1981, I ignored the real me and acted foolishly. For eighteen years I paid for my folly, finally returning to square one, I got back on my course of destiny. We are personally responsible for our own lives. There is no other way to find happiness.
Since prior to my having been born again I studied my Constitution and acted, and had a bigger than life calling, and now my dreams have come true, I refer you to As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.
As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.