It has been suggested that I’m being naive to say Obama spoke the truth at the memorial for the fallen in Tucson, Arizona. Said Obama: "None of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack. None of us can know with any certainty what might have stopped these shots from being fired or what thoughts lurked in the inner recesses of a violent man's mind. . . Those who died here, those who saved lives here — they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us. . . At a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do . . . Have we shown enough kindness and generosity and compassion to people in our lives?"
Was Obama the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing of which Jesus spoke? Said Jesus: “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” (Mt. 7:18). Aah! But there is more here than meets the eye.
Obama said, “Those who died here, those who saved lives—they helped me believe.” There was the time when I blamed all of my woes on others. I played the blame game. I believed that I had done all that anyone could do, but no one appreciated me. Coincidentally, I was a miserable wretch; my business enterprise was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. I blamed it all on a corrupt government.
Yes, the evidence was there, externally. I was right. My government was corrupt. I studied the Constitution and particularly how to go about taking Uncle Sam to court. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. They helped me believe. The next thing you know, I was not playing the blame game anymore. I was internally empowered.
A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit, but said Jesus: “seek ye first the kingdom of God.” We need to distinguish the ego-self from the God-self. I had yet to find my inner self. And speaking of that, President Obama has had a rude awakening. Playing the blame game got him nowhere. In fact, he lost big time. It would not be wise to rub it in.
President Obama was cognizant of my misguided thoughts at the above mentioned unfortunate time in my life when he said, “they helped me believe.” The voices of the past helped me believe. Obama was speaking to those people who instinctively thought more of other lives than they did of their own. Obama told his audience the story of each of these heroes when the bullets were flying. Two died that others might live. Obama was visibly shaken. His countenance was deeply troubled. I could read his mind; I knew his pain well. Those Tucson heroes inspired him. I could see it in the look on his face throughout the time he was there. His wife instinctively knew his thoughts. I could see it in the look on her face. Those two are extremely close. I heard Obama say it. Mrs. Obama was extremely proud of her husband for what he said at that memorial. Everyone there was in tune. It was an extraordinary time for America. As well as the Obamas, that memorial was quite an awakening for me. Thank God! There is yet hope for us.
If you want to prove me wrong, don’t believe the President. Continue believing he is the worst president America has ever had. If you want to prove me right, pray for a miracle. Give the President credit for taking a peak at his inner self, and give him the help he needs to serve his country well. Please give me some feedback.