A Price To Be Paid For Arson

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

gib-1.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xWe’ve all heard of the case, and by now, most have heard the verdict. It’s not the case of the century, but it is important.

In a politically charged environment, in a divisive culture, one can hardly think of a place more guilty of causing political divisiveness than any one of today’s asylums of higher indoctrination. From every level of public schools, otherwise known as liberal indoctrination centers, to colleges and universities, otherwise known as asylums of higher indoctrination, liberals have ruled the roost for decades. They set the agenda, (it’s no longer a curriculum) and they preach, (not teach) the ideology of socialism to students from kindergarten through grad school.

The case in question is Gibson Bros. v. Oberlin College.


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