House Speaker Boehner said today it is a sad day. Indeed it is. A federal judge was shot dead, a congresswoman was shot in the head, and an aid was killed by a 22 year-old gunman. The nation has not been this divided since the Civil War. Every man, woman, and child in America owes debtors $45,000. We’re told if we don’t raise the debt ceiling again a terrible disaster will occur. Is not what has already occurred a terrible disaster? We are looking forward and moving in reverse toward an abyss.
You don’t get the right answers from the establishment. It’s always a day late and a dollar short, by reason that those who promoted it have a lot to lose if it changes. That’s why, if you have any sense at all, you don’t listen to the establishment.
Would you promote war or would you promote peace if you were in charge? If you were in charge, you would promote war. The United States has been promoting war ever since World War II and has yet to win a war. That’s why you are not in charge. I risked my life fighting for our liberty in World War II. The IRS ripped me off and the courts sanctioned it. Those in charge think you need them to protect you from foreign aggression. Your government will use you in whatever way it deems best for government control, no matter what. That’s why we are going to war and never winning. The more we lose the more government controls us. Rotten government – more control, that’s Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, my friends. Only 13 percent of the nation approves of Congress, but the control is still in government, isn’t it? Pelosi lost her Speaker job but she still acts like she’s in control. With Pelosi’s gall, expect anything.
While we the people sat by and watched, your government has blithely taken America to the edge of a cliff. What are we doing defending the world’s freedom when we are on the brink of losing our own? Shooting down government officials will get us in deeper trouble. Since you can’t trust government, the only answer is to look within and do what is best for you. If enough of us do that, instead of our being up a creek without a paddle, it will be government.