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  • in spain after a muslim victory they built a mosque called the cordoba mosque it is no accident they want to name the NYC mosque the cordoba project as a monument of victory of the murder of infidels on american soil
  • Anyone can tell that this is a sign from the Radical Muslim community. They crashed two planes in the WTC, hit the Pentagon and attempt to hit the Capitol building so they can show America how powerful they are. Now they want to build a Mosque to show how weak we Americans are to allow our enemy into a sacred spot.
    Let me ask you something, have you ever seen a Christian church in Mecca? Of course not. You'd be dead before you could complete the blueprints.
  • YES !
  • if someone would pour pig blood on the mosque site the whole thing would be over. it could never become a worship site after it has been contaminated under muslim beliefs
  • Is ANYBODY out there remembering WHO we're at war against?
    Radical Islam.
    It's a war stragedy to place your soldiers and camps somewhere on the battlefield.
    I say, until this war is over, we oughta send spies into the mosques all over the free world just to see who's on "their" side and who's not.
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