A streaker, before the start of the seventh inning of the game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Philadelphia Phillies Thursday in St. Louis ran nude out on the field, obviously starved for attention. Thank God he didn’t start shooting people.
We are all familiar with those virtual people on the telephone, actually machines attempting to converse with us. It is most aggravating. I get the feeling that we are all becoming machines. We seem to have ceased thinking like people.
When things go wrong, to those who have not learned, the blame is external. In Germany it was Jews that brought Hitler into power. In America, it is Jews and capitalists that bring communists into power. The answer for what goes wrong is always central control. In America, the people don’t understand their Constitution simply because authority has never followed it. According to authority, there is always an overriding reason not to follow it. The religious look to “pie in the sky.” Angels and the heavens are indicative of a better afterworld. In our world, the hopeful believe Obama. I don’t know of a single truth Obama has ever told. Nothing he has promised has come true. The hopeful buy lottery tickets.
Speaking of “pie in the sky,” this American phrase was coined by Joe Hill in 1911. Hill was a Swedish-born itinerant laborer who migrated to the USA in 1902. He was a leading voice of the radical left labor organization, The Industrial Workers of the World. Hill was a song writer. Amen brother! The phrase, “pie in the sky,” appeared first in Hill's The Preacher and the Slave, which parodied the Salvation Army hymn, In the Sweet Bye and Bye. There is always hope—living in hope and dying in despair.
I viewed last night a large group of young blacks walking down a downtown San Francisco street shouting slogans, breaking store windows, beating on a police car, breaking parked car windows and writing graphite with paint cans on buildings and cars. Police cars drove by like sightseers looking at those funny-folks. People on the street ignored them. Their cause, “largely peaceful,” the media reports, rage against capitalism--communist inspired. Taking free speech to another level, it is intimidation. But the police know better than to interfere. It reminds me of Hitler’s Brownshirts. The German police watched them loot and burn Jewish businesses and did nothing. We know what it led to.
Last night, I viewed on the History Channel angels from heaven coming to earth on chariots of fire. Glory be! It’s all in the Bible. Chariots, because in ancient times nothing moved that was not alive, or being moved by something alive, fire indicating something bright that moved in the sky. Alas, what else but angels? I learned last night that the frequent mention of the heavens in the Bible, interpreted, meant the sky—"a better place in the sky when we die, in the sweet bye and bye." Really!
Present day authority says said flaming chariots in the sky are either an allusion, swamp gas, balled lightening, meteors, flights of birds, or some other thing with which we are familiar. My intuition tells me UFOs are evidence of other intelligent life in the universe.
Saturn is known to astrologers as the learning planet, and most of the time the hard way. Pluto is the generational planet. Where in the world did the ancients get their ideas? The present generation hopes for the best, based strictly on external factors, in spite of warning signs everywhere we look. America’s democratically elected government is a reflection of the people’s thinking—hope for the best with nothing to support it. Why think the worst? What can we do about it.
Half of the American people, based on external factors, believe the political talk of Barack Obama. My experience says that the American people who believe Obama are in for the biggest disappoint in their lives. Obama’s promised land has never in the history of man ever materialized.
My personal world of hope, with nothing to back it, came to a disappointing end in 1975. The world was nothing like I thought. The world was against me. I vowed to do something about it. Everyone I knew thought I was nuts when I cut from the herd. How is it that now in the twilight of my life all of my dreams have come true? I’ve seen no indication that anyone is yet aware of what I’m talking about.
However, there are others that believe what I’m saying. My thinking is not original. I don’t trust any of the world’s recognized authority, and for this reason: we are each and everyone doing what we feel is best for number one. It is only natural. Were I a recognized authority, I would fight to keep myself in control. In that I look within for my answers, and would not want you to look to me for your answers, nor would I ever look to you, I don’t have authority’s problem. I think that if we would all look within for our answers, we could live together in peace. The fact that we don’t says we’ve never, as societies, believed in the individual’s power. Authority has seen to that. So, why would we need external authority if we believed in our own power?
It seems to me that Jesus was telling us to look within. Why else would authority hang Jesus from a cross? In my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, I go into great detail on Jesus’ coming. I’m certain that he did not come to advise us to look externally for our answers. To the contrary, ancient astrologers, who predicted Jesus’ coming, told us to look within for our answers. After the fact, I did and it all worked out like a hand in a glove. I get the idea that I’m here for a purpose.
When we read the Bible in light of today’s knowledge, it tells a totally different story than what we’ve been taught to believe. There is but one universe and one God. There is no better place than Earth. God is not in heaven. God loves us all the same. God is internal. If we all believed that, would there ever be a war? Would we not all be our brother’s keeper? Would we be envious of other people? Would we not individually be the best we could be? Believe me or believe that Obama knows better. It is your choice. Go to the street and raise hell for what the world has done to you. That’s the way to get what you want. Tell me one time in history when it ultimately worked to society’s advantage and I’ll shut up.
History’s record tells us those past societies that failed are out of sight, out of mind. Take Iran for instance, built on the ruins of the past. What does Obama have to offer? The same as Iran, he offers failure. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Quit reading and listening to the propaganda the liberal press is putting out.