Obma's scandals must be publicized to the nation (Republicans, Democrats, everybody) - - - Mainstream media isn't doing their job, but the Tea Party (collectively) could put "scandals" in the heart and mind of everyone if they sent out a "Scandals Video", and it went viral - - -
My video talks "scandals" with (somewhat entertaining) music instead of text or commentary (people will watch it , enjoy it, and be motivated by it) - - -
"What Difference Does It Make" just needs to get out there - - - I believe that The Tea Party has the ability to cause a "Scandals Video" to go viral (maybe not mine, but someones) - - - The link to mine - - -http://www.nagsx.com/wddim.wmv
Tea Party disclaimer - - - "A former Marine sent us his video (we want to share it)"
Note - - - "Viral" takes time, but by November "Liberal" and "Scandal" could be the same word - - -
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