The Tea Party marches were an uplifting and highly successful National effort. Now that our president is moving toward dictatorship and the OWS are so lauded, thanks to the media, fresh Tea Party Marches may be thwarted by OWS infiltration. The media, the dictator and the dems, like Nancy Pelosi blame the Tea Partiers and the Republicans for the Nation's problems, which THEY actually caused. Our Tea Party Marches need to be stepped up with Tea Party Parades. Volunteer groups must get together and Parade with flags and drum music. As a youth, in gym class and ROTC in college, I learned to march Right, Left, Right and Left face, Right Face, About face. Our parading with flags will catch the eye of the Nation. The large flags will show our citizenship and the drums and bugles will show that we are patriots. Tri corner Patriot hats are available on the internet. We could wear these hats. If we are attacked our flag poles will be handy. If we all parade together we will be able to do something as a group, that OWS can't, so they will not join in. We will become more physically fit and show that we are deeply concerned for our Nation! Every city and town would have to have a Tea Party Volunteer to organize the parading in their area. I will volunteer for my area of Maryland. Lets prepare to show America what the Tea Party actually stands for - The Constitution and Bill of Rights. Competent Presidential Management, Smaller Government and Individual Rights.
Please let me know what you think!
Howard Percival Johnson