I took this picture high in the San Juan Mountains towering over Durango, Colorado. A ribbon of wild flowers leads to a hole in the clouds and a patch of blue sky, a sign of the future. As I look back on my 85 years, I’ve found many signs that lead me to think there is a bright future.
We are now at the end of an age wherein materialism has made a quantum leap. The trouble is that our spiritual part remained the same. The current world situation is the result, only instead of bows and arrows to fight wars we have atom bombs. Not good.
Our world is divided. Indulgence, decadence, denial, naiveté in America, two World Wars, the Korean War, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, the War in Iraq, the destruction of the World Trade Center, the War on Terror, and now Middle East hatred for Jews, it looks like another Holocaust is in the making.
My personal situation in the 1970s was not that different from the situation America now finds herself facing. Double digit inflation and high unemployment bought this government reaction: price controls, which helped America’s biggest corporations and put tens of thousands of independents out of business. Now the biggest corporations are too big to fail. “We’d have an economic meltdown.” So what’s new? President Bush made a decision to bail out the biggest corporations. President Obama has done the same. The biggest corporations, big labor, and government are taking the American people to the cleaners.
What could be worse than losing my business enterprise of twenty-five years, the IRS on my back, and my wife divorcing me, all so people could be government entitled? It is robbing Peter to pay Paul. Even though I made no profit on the sale of my land, due to government caused inflation and double the money that would buy half as much, by law called a profit, actually an out-and-out fraud, I was taxed on a gain I did not have. It’s the way government handles excessive spending. It is only against the law if government says it against the law. That was in 1975. I’ve written about this before. In principle, it is no different than Nazi law. The German people liked it; the American people like it. So, what’s new?
I was not about to take it, but I was seen as Peck’s Bad Boy, an unpatriotic American who loved to play sneaky pranks, according to a federal judge, someone trying to get out of paying his fair share of the tax. To hell with America’s lawless judges. I’d gone to the county law library. I’d read the Constitution. Voices of the past spoke to me. I had a bigger than life calling. I learned the power that lies within us. I’ll tell you what’s new. I looked within and found the right answers.
How does one know he is right? We try to manipulate situations to our own benefit, including our representatives in Washington, D.C., including the IRS, including federal judges. Congress gave the IRS the power to instill fear in the individual taxpayer. He’s wrong unless he can prove himself right in a court of law. Yes, and Congress gave white people the right to own black slaves. How? By instilling fear in black folks, and federal judges went along with it. I guess black people who depend of the Great White Father will never learn what makes us slaves.
The IRS does not throw its power around in corporate America. Corporate America is white folks. No, it picks on the individual because it knows the individual is helpless. And what does Congress do? It wrings its hands and promises to work on this problem. This has been ongoing 50 years. Would you go to your neighbor, since he had far more than you, and ask that he share what he had with you? Why then would you ask your government to take from those who have and give to you? Don’t you know that makes you a government slave?
Jesus said that you should do to others as you would have them do unto you. Why do you want to make yourself a slave?
What do government entitlements give us? Are we helpless to provide for ourselves? How did we survive before government became our caretaker?
Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven . . . But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” To the religious: “Do you go to the ‘Promised Land’ to find God? Do you go to America’s caretaker government? Should it be on the American people’s sweat for generations to come that America's government is presently the greatest benefactor of all times? The Muslim Brotherhood is watching you. If you are an infidel, too bad for you. You could become an example. Your head might appear on a spike. Do you look within for the right answer? You know I’m right. Faith in self is the right answer.
If your dreams are not coming true, it just might be that you are looking in the wrong places for your answers.
I can only speak for myself. If life could be any better, I don’t know how. All my dreams have come true. Is it the luck of the draw or is it faith in self? I just don’t get the reason that minorities vote for government help. History is replete with examples of fallen governments that just wanted to do good for all.The impoverished minorities, generation after generation, remain the impoverished. One would think they would learn that they are slaves of the Great White Father.
Bottom line: When has the collective good ever made anyone’s dream come true?