About America's Lost Soul

In Genesis 1:26, we read, “Let us make man in our image.”  What has come around now goes around making man, once again, in a flawed image.


Newton's laws of motion are immutable, but we are not fixed in our movements. We make things happen, one has to assume, for a purpose.  The U. S. Constitution, whose background is God's purpose, was painstakingly pieced together to individually unite us. United we stand, divided we fall.  What could be more clear?  Obama does the best he can with “collective salvation.” Without the Constitution, it isn’t good enough. 


Obama takes us into war against a third Muslim state for humanitarian reasons.  The way Obama put it, it sounded reasonable, but what is he going to do when the Muslims attack Israel? Is he going to start World War III, or will he allow Muslims to brutally kill Jews and take Palestine back?


It is not hard to understand that man's purpose, for control, is to divide and conquer individuals.  Obama, the loser, is currently up a creek without a paddle and Congress has painted itself into a corner.  When men and might make the determination, this is what you get.  


It seems odd that nature would make man the only life form on the planet capable of our awareness.  Why?  We obviously don’t yet know. None of the powers that be understand God's law. Even though man was created with consciousness far beyond that of all other life on the planet, we live today in America by the law of the jungle, the individual forced to jump though the high and mighty’s hoops.   And under Sharia law, Mid-East Muslims view America as the Great Satin.  War is the inevitable outcome, after which the mighty divide the spoils and proceed to manipulate and maneuver the masses for the next conflict. Animals know more about life than these runts called man.


On the History Channel last night I got the truth of the matter in "Science of the Soul," from a South American Indian shaman who uses a plant named Ayahuasca to discover the hidden secret that we have souls. This "vine of the soul," the shaman called it, has divine power. When the plant is harvested,  the limbs and leaves crushed and boiled in water in a large kettle, and the potion derived, together with the shaman, who knows that these plants are sensitive and intelligent, and that inside the plant is a soul that hears our voice, many times in our dreams, intuitively, or in visions, this plant communicates, he tells us.  After ingesting this potion one can have out of body experiences.


Well, a Dr. Achenhauffer (sp) is studying this plant's effects.  He has studied the brain patterns of Buddhist monks and thinks this is a clue. Through meditation, Buddhist monks achieve an altered state of awareness that brings them, they say, closer to the universal soul. 


So, thirty minutes after drinking the vine of the soul potion, Dr. Achenhauffer, lying with his eyes closed, wired to a brain wave machine, saw in his mind’s eye moving patterns that became more complex. Then he saw faces and soon felt that he was moving on a journey. He started moving his hands as though he was conducting an orchestra.  After examining the brain wave graph the next morning, he found that his brain “was on fire.”


Dr. Masaru Emoto, in The Hidden Messages in Water, reports that he has found in frozen ice crystals expressions of gratitude, stupidity, and various other expressions formed by what people think when near them. The planet Earth, a water planet—life began in the ocean—what does this say about the cosmos?  How did Earth become located exactly right for life?  What were the chances? Are we connected with the cosmos in a way we don’t recognize?  It seems so.


In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.   In The Physics of Consciousness, brain doctor and quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker says there are happenings that are left to the selection of the mind.  Behind this selection is the will.


Now we are getting down to the nitty-gritty! In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Pisces, we read that Pisces, as a rule, is weak willed and easily influenced by external factors, like glib tongued Obama, like with “collective salvation.”  Hey guys! We are moving away from the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius.  Obama losses.


I’m Aquarius rising. In The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising, Jeanne Avery points out that Aquarius rising “is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit.”  Absolutely! Our world is due to change for the better.


Avery says the planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States.  That means Uranus is the ruling planet.   Uranus is representative of freedom.  On my chart, the planet Uranus is on the ascendant.  By the time I was in my forties, Uranus had transited from the time of my birth to a position opposing itself.  It meant pressure to change, to want to be free to do my thing.  It fits like a hand in a glove.


My business enterprise went on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me when I was forty-nine.  I was forced to change.  On Good Friday 1975, the day Jesus was supposed to have died on the cross, I cut my umbilical cord with my past.  I took the leap into an unknown future.  I bought a sailboat I named Bold Venture.  On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on the South Atlantic Ocean and tied up at a marina on Grand Bahama Island for the first day of my new life, on Christmas day.    


Reborn on Christmas day, during my time at sea I psychically picked up on three young people who had been snorkeling over a reef, who were taken by a current miles out to sea.  I sailed straight to them. In a storm at sea between Nassau and Florida’s Lake Worth Inlet at Palm Beach, I felt somehow removed, as though I was looking at myself and boat from above. My hands on the wheel were like those of an orchestra conductor keeping in time with the beat of the storm.  Even though we changed course 90 degrees when the storm hit, we arrived at our destination at our estimated time of arrival.  With seas breaking completely across our inlet, we slid down a giant sea into the inlet that never broke. My friends with me called it a miracle.  


During my time at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, including my own. I’m now age 85, living in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. All my dreams have come true.  


The present world situation is much like my personal situation in 1975 when I cut my umbilical cord and headed into an unknown future.  The Constitution was involved.   I blamed the United States for all my woes. I went to the county law library to study the Constitution and how to proceed in suing the IRS.  While there, I got the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling—got  past my ego-self.  God is internal. Whatever the way one takes to the universal soul of man, it comes from getting past the ego self and into the inner self.  



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