About Creationists and the Future

Ever since Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species in 1859, the theory of natural selection, religion’s supernatural creation of man theory has been a bone of contention. More lately, religion’s compromise to Intelligent Design is a softening stand, but not acceptable to the federal judiciary. It is not permitted to be taught in public schools.  For the most part, science disagrees with Intelligent Design.  


The idea that we came from monkeys is acceptable theory to roughly half of the American people, and is responsible for political division.  While I’m anti-religious, no way do I accept the silly notion that I came from monkeys.  If we came from monkeys, why are we the only species on the planet possessing reason and logic? It is just as ridiculous to say we are of supernatural creation. 


 In Cosmos and Psyche, from his thirty year research, Richard Tarnas determined that there is consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. From the history of the past two thousand years, it may be determined that the world has been influenced largely by external factors, and oblivious of the internal part of us and the universe, namely the creation of heaven and earth. “And God said, Let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26). The ancient sages of India said so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.  Therefore, do you say, the things I don’t know I’ll call supernatural, or do you say I’ll take apart the things I don’t know and examine them?  If you are religious, you take for granted the supernatural.  If you are not religious, what: Get out of my face?  This is what makes the world go around. There is a better answer, a new worldview. 


Religion’s theocratic notions are responsible for the current breakdown of order in the world, and for the complete course of human history, reason and logic be damned.  My philosophy has received, in four months, over 10,000 largely highly favorable comments from innovators all over the world on my Web site, www.mymiraclemessage.com. (for a cross section of response www.mymiraclemessage.com/?p=75 ) How could this be?  I’m a nobody and I know zip about promoting a Web site.  Psychologist Carl Jung called it synchronicity.  It goes with my territory. I’m Aquarius rising, a messenger for those who have come before us. In the Age of Aquarius, we are told, we become our brother’s keeper, the water-bearer spilling out the life-force, spiritual energy.


It is simply amazing how people blessed with reason and logic can read the scriptures and come up with notions that their interpretations leave all who don’t agree with them doomed to hellfire and damnation. Send others to hell? How ridiculous!  Blind faith is against one’s gift of reason and logic.  You don’t do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. The state of consciousness is the answer, how to get past current religious doctrines and dogmas, the big turn-off that limits conscious awareness, even turns us against our own kind. Common sense tells you this is not God’s will.  How do we get past this roadblock?


Again, it is simply amazing how people blessed with reason and logic can be so gullible as to believe they are entitled to the fruits of another’s labor, for instance, that they are entitled to health care, someone’s service or product.  We are entitled to the things that politicians say we are entitled to—and, we are not all entitled, only those politicians say are entitled!  Notice that the cost of whatever it is certain of us are government entitled to skyrockets in price, naturally, because the law of supply and demand doesn’t work. Government entitlements are bankrupting us and as yet nothing at all has been done about it. How do we get past that roadblock?


Politicians have been addressing the symptoms of the problems they created. On August 2, 2011, according to America’s Treasurer Geithner, America will default unless the President is given the $2.7 trillion he asks for, to pay the bills already there, and nothing much to cut costs.  In the first place, Geithner lies.  He has the income in tax revenue to pay the current bills.


Bankruptcy is my choice—simply wipe out all debts and start over with the original rules, everyone with equal opportunity and no government entitlements, the way it was when the American people had God-given rights and responsibilities. Rest assured my answer will never be government’s answer.   Government plans to reduce the national debt to a fraction of its present figure. You people who depend on yourselves will be left up a creek without a paddle.  For the good of all, government will give us hyperinflation, everyone under government control, including future generations. This would be the answer were it not for the fact that nature’s God has other plans. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.  







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