Vice President Joe Biden says to ABC that the tea party movement is conservative and has very different ideas about government, but it's not a racist organization. Let us discuss herein the “very different ideas about government,” and invite ABC to join in the discussion and learn that conservatism doesn’t stand for mean spirited, nor does liberal stand for compassion.
The economy: of or pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth and commodities; the use of resources, should the economy be controlled by government? Control implies ownership, in a word socialism. If the economy is controlled by producers, in a word, capitalism, there is an increase of income, wealth and commodities, but unequally.
Some of us are more ambitious. So, capitalizing on capitalism’s unequal distribution, redistribution, too big to fail, the right to health care, financial control, cap and trade, under the banner of compassion, all add up to government control of the economy. In the interest of fairness, a sagging economy, high unemployment, uncontrollable government spending, the government cure turns out to be far worse than the problem.
Grace: Jesus died on the cross for our sins. According to the story of the crucifixion, Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables and talked down the Jewish government. For that, by the will of the people, Jesus was crucified, and by God’s grace are we saved. This is not my idea, nor is socialism my idea, nor is it the idea I read for myself in the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution; nor is it the idea I read in my Bible. It’s man’s distorted idea. The idea is control. After weighing all of this, my idea was to cut my umbilical cord with the establishment and go strictly on my own.
According to the establishment, cutting and running was not the thing I should have done. I should have remained and been a good citizen—paid my taxes without protest and prayed, “God forgive me for my sins.” All manner of roadblocks went up against this nonconformist rock in the stream. Coincidentally, this rock in the stream was born Aquarius rising. From Astrologer’s Handbook under “Aquarius”: “Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn.” True, but when everything should have gone wrong for this Aquarian, everything went right.
Obviously, my interpretations of the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bible were right, at least for me. By the way, the United States, having been born on July 4, 1776, was born under the sign of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer to humanity, “who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy,” says Astrologer’s Handbook. But, with this in mind, says Obama, the United States was born with “negative liberties.”
Obama is out to change my interpretation of inalienable rights to “for the good of all.” But alas, by my interpretations, I found the power that lies within me. Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Common sense says you can’t be for the good of all, a socialist, and for the individual. Obama, posing as a Christian, and at the same time a collectivist, attempts to tie the two together. On that insensitive idea, Jesus said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” The collective voice freed Barabbas and crucified Jesus.
For the good of all is for the good of self-serving politicians with the power to force by law redistribution in compliance with their wills. They make slaves of us. The Declaration, U. S. Constitution, and Bible give the individual, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
If you believe you are an individual with inalienable rights, you can’t believe in “for the good of all.” Jesus was for the individual, as is the Bible, as is the Declaration, as is my Constitution.
After my departure from the U. S. establishment, I went to sea on a 37 foot sloop I named Bold Venture. Right away, by some inexplicable power in me, I mentally picked up on the plight of three scuba divers who got caught in an ocean current. I sailed straight to them. They were miles from their dive boat. Through the power granted me by my belief in self, I saved their lives. In a storm at sea, through the power granted to me, I saved the lives of three friends and my own. They called it a miracle. Nothing in my former life compared. Formerly, if anything could go wrong it did.
After two years at sea, I returned to a career job in Portland, Oregon. At a singles bar, I asked, Karen, my future fourth wife for a dance. The moment our hands touched, I felt her warmth. We sat and talked. I had the feeling that I was talking with an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. For the first time in my life, I learned to love and be loved back. Nothing could be greater than this. After 30 years with Karen, that feeling has never left me. I was reborn and Karen was God-sent, all of this by looking within for my answers. After reading about me, would you say government is our servant or our master?
Since my departure in 1975, there have been many milestones in my life that tell me God is internal, that we are the owners of our souls and the lords of our own thoughts. Nobody can tell us how to find God. We find God in our own way.
Now in the twilight of life, with all of my dreams come true, according to what I read in the Declaration, my Constitution, and my Bible, I’m directed by voices of the past to pass on what I’ve learned.