After the Calamity Hope and Renewal

At the Memorial for the fallen in Tucson, Arizona last night, for the first time I’ve seen the President, in my opinion, act presidential—forget politics—at long last our President spoke the truth.  For the first time I’ve listened to him, President Obama, instead of angering me, made me proud to be an American. I heard President Obama say something I thought I’d never hear him say. He admonished us to not let this tragedy divide us. Our President united the American people last night in Tucson.  Praise God!


I’m reminded of the death of my grandson. His mother and I clashed. She is very much the feeling person. I’m very much the thinking person. Both of us are very stubborn in our beliefs.  Three years ago, my daughter telephoned me with the sad news that my grandson was dead. Instantly, my heart went out to her. We cried. My daughter said she wanted to visit me. We had not visited for years.  She brought my grandson’s guitar with her, which I’ve learned to play quite well.  Now I play the guitar, my keyboard, and sing. I’m a one-man band. It brings me a lot of pleasure. My daughter and I are communicating like mature adults. I love her very much. For the first time, I can see that my daughter has much to offer, even though she admonished me during her visit for killing a slug that was eating my plants.


My grandson was a talented artist. He was away in college when he died. His friends told his mother he died of an overdose of heroin. He and his girlfriend split, his mother told me. My grandson was never a druggy. Heroin is a killer drug. Not knowing what he was doing, my grandson died a senseless death at age 21.  Coincidentally, drugs played a role in the Tucson tragedy. So many lessons we ignore!  My grandson’s death and the Tucson tragedy are signs of the time. We must deal differently with this problem.


Again, on a personal note, on the first date with my fourth wife, a hike in the mountains near Mt. St. Helens, on the day the mountain erupted, a sign—after the calamity hope and renewal—the calamity my life had been brought wife number four and I together. My fourth wife was sent to me. From the moment we met, I knew she was meant for me. Our meeting took place only two weeks after wife number three walked out. The last thing I wanted when we met was another wife. My fourth wife is the best thing that could ever happen to a man.


We learn that nine year-old Christina Taylor Green, God rest her soul, was born on the day the World Trade Center was destroyed and thousands died. Christina died by the hand of a druggy madman. After the calamity hope and renewal, this tragedy brought the American people together.


I’m a born again non-Christian. I believe Jesus is my savior and redeemer. How do you reconcile that? My faith is based on personal experience, not religion. A sign of the time, on Good Friday 1975, this non-Christian, by the way, not anti-Christian, arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life.  


In the Bible, Jesus tells us “in earth as it is in heaven,” but first comes the kingdom of God, this distinguishing aspect of earth, heaven, and God has been made clear by the cutting edge of science. Science has now found that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space is false dogma. Nothing can exist without consciousness.  As conscious beings, we are more than matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality, the observer interacting with matter, and having fundamental existence, science now fits our existence into the overall tapestry of reality.


Faith was never meant to be blind faith. Those willing to observe greater truths than their religions bring them will find hidden wonders in what they already believe.


We are more than Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, Jews, Christians, Muslims. There are natural laws we cannot overcome. We are all God’s children. Believing this, I’ve experienced miracles, not the least of which was being led to the Constitution. After studying the Constitution, and using it, my life changed drastically for the better.


The Constitution tells us that President Obama is a servant of the Higher Law, the background of the Constitution; and the same for Congress, the Judiciary, and the bureaucracy; and the same for the people.  President Obama reminded us in his Tucson speech that we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people.


Again from personal experience, I can say we have no idea of the power God has vested in we, the people, though the Constitution.  We can make everyone in government serve the people, and the people all we could ever hope to be.  It seems to me that President Obama, in his Tucson speech, agreed. Our President, we know, can be led astray. He has much with which to contend. Let us help him live up to his high principles and values.



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  • Whatever.
  • And this causes you to think him "Sincere"?

    Just sounds disingenuous to me.

  • I will venture to say that Obama is not leading us where he thinks. He doesn't know his own words are leading us away from his goal.
  • That is where we are divided...The wolf was donning the sheeps clothing.  This is exactly the ploy he utilized in order to get himself elected.  It was nothng more than an act.  We have seen it before.  I am proud to say that there are many that were not taken it by it when he was initially running for office.  But for anyone to be taken in by it after he has already shown and is still showing his true agenda is beyond me.  I am not about to play the politicaly correct card just to pacify the misinterpretations by an individual that I admire and respect.  Sorry, can't buy into that...
  • I will only give the man credit for having an agenda.

    And, when it suits his goals, he can speak very sincerely, despite what he really thinks and feels.

  • Yes, you are right Douglas, Obama is the worst President we've ever had. But the man was sincere in what he said about the shootings. I'm giving him credit for that. Best not to try to make it out as something it was not. Give the man credit for having compassion. Now, what we need to do is to help him learn what else he needs to do to be a good president.
  • Joseph,

    Considering what you have had to say in the past, I just cannot accept that you are being serious.

    The promptermeister put on a good show and nothing more.

    He is very good at campaigning, but he is just not to be believed, regardless of how sincerely he may be able to portray himself.

    And, Joseph, I am certain that you really know this to be true yourself. 

  • All I can say is that we will see who is right and who is wrong. I think Obama has moved to the center. I surely may be wrong. I guess it is safer to be a pesimist. Then you will never be disappointed.
  • Let us help him, creat more big government and the destruction of capitalism. Let us help him take away our freedom, let us help him deceive the kind heartened people of this nation even futher toward a very good and caring socialist government. Let us help him steal from the hard work and sacrifice of so many to give to those that feel they are deserving of the sacrifice of others. I agree with Doug on this one, and if you didn't see Obama seeking shelter from us that apose him in this speech, and use this tragedy for political gain ( as he is well studies of pasted tragedies that turned other presidencies around, then you are being foolish at this moment. and you only heard what you wanted to hear.
  • Can you chew on your tongue just a bit harder?

    It hasn't quite poked through the side of your cheek yet.

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