Please vote for me in tomorrow's Alaska Republican caucus as a write in vote. I lived in Alaska. I will be a strong leader. We will increase our domestic energy production. We will have a flat personal and corporate income tax. Reduced government regulation. Eliminate the Department of Education, reduce the size of government. Preserve social security and medicare. Reform medicaid. No life long entitlements for able-bodied persons. Create job programs. Eliminate 'Obama care' and make common sense health care reforms that keeps the government out of our lives. Clean up violent crime in the streets. Offer rehabilitation for first time drug offenders, don't fill the jails with them. Secure our borders. Enforce the immigration laws on the books. Create a 'fast track' visa program for regular immigrant workers. Have them pay taxes. No government benefits for illegal aliens, except emergency medical care. Rebuild NASA. The federal government should not be involved in anything the states or the private sector can do. We will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapos or allow any other nation or organization threaten our national security. It's time to wipe out the Taliban or accept their surrender. The Taliban harbored Al Qaeda. We need to stop trying to change the "hearts and minds" of a stone aged society. Defeat or surrender of the Taliban and then get out. We will defend our allies, but stay out of civil wars, unless there is a defined threat to our security. We will not apologize to other nations. We ware a free nation. We will not allow the founding fathers to roll over in the graves because of the "Hope and Change" ideas of President Obama.